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The Seven Sacraments

Mr. Pablo Cuadra

Religion Class
 The word sacrament
comes from the Latin
word “sacramentum”
which means a sign of
the sacred.
The sacraments are:
A. Ceremonies that
point to what is
B. Sacraments are
channels of grace.
C. They communicate
the grace of God to
those who receive
What is grace?
 A. The divine life that
comes from God alone.
 B. God’s power
 C. God’s strength
 D. Grace makes us holy.
 E. Grace help us follow
God’s will in every day
 F. The very life of God.
 Catholics, Orthodox,
and Anglicans
traditions practice all
seven sacraments.
 Most other Christian
denominations only
celebrate baptism and
 CCC #131:
“The sacraments are
efficacious signs of
grace, instituted by
Christ and entrusted
to the Church, by
which divine life is
dispensed to us.”
Did you Know?
 Efficacious : means effective, something
that produces an effect.
 It also means something that is efficient
(productive) and successful.
 The sacraments effect what they signify.
The are seven Sacraments
divided in three categories.

These categories are:

Initiation, Healing, Mission
and Service.

Sacraments of Initiation:

Sacraments of
 4. Reconciliation or
 5. Sacrament of the
Sacraments of

 6. Matrimony
 7. Holy Orders
What is a sacramental mind?
 A. The mind that is
able to sense God’s
presence through our
daily experiences.
 B. The mind that is
able to experience
God despite the busy
schedule of ordinary
Examples of God’s presence in the
 Our Experiences
 Family, Friends
 Nature, Creation
 The love of others
 Good people
Justice, Truth
Catholics and the sacraments
 Catholics are Sacramental people.
 The Catholic mind recognizes that God is
at work in humanity and all of Creation.
 Catholics believe that God reaches out to
us every day.
 Catholics believe that the life of grace
begins in baptism and continues
throughout our lives.
A sacramental mind
 Catholics believe the sacraments are
channels of God’s grace.
 Grace helps us live the Christian life and
be faithful followers of Christ in this world.
 Catholics believe that conversion and
participation in the sacraments are
important steps in the process of spiritual
growth and holiness.
A sacramental mind
 Catholics are linked to the sacraments.
 From birth to death the sacraments mark
the lives of the Christian.
 Jesus left us the sacraments so that we
can be strengthened in our journey to
eternal life.
 Catholics believe that without prayer,
conversion and the sacraments the call to
Holiness is impossible.
Sacramental life
 A sacramental life is a good life marked by
love, conversion, and service to God and
one’s fellow men and women.
 The sacraments make us one with God
and help us understand and follow his
plan of salvation.
 The sacraments make us whole.

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