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Language and culture Dr Rocío Montoro

Unit 6: The Eighteenth Century (1688-1789)

Simon Schama’s A History of Britain: ‘Forces of Nature’

12. Did she agree with Rousseau’s ideas?

Consider the following issues: 13. Were French women allowed to be involved in politics?

1. According to Schama, ‘nature, in the last part of the eighteenth 14. Why was Payne spared from the guillotine?
century came to mean …’
15. Where was Britain showing her most obvious weaknesses?
2. Rousseau’s ideas changed the way people from the late Explain
eighteenth century view the world. Describe:
16. What did Wordsworth and Mary Wollstonecraft have in
3. How did Rousseau suggest that children should be educated? common?

4. What was the actual reality of the countryside? 17. How did Wordsworth reconcile his doubts about the Revolution?

5. There were two painful questions about the real state of the 18. The meaning of Nature changed for the later Romantics.
countryside. Which ones? Explain:

6. Thomas Bewick is defined as a radical. What turned him into a 19. What was William Pitt the Younger’s reaction to Napoleon’s
radical? threats of invasion?

7. Where was Wordsworth born? What did he have in common 20. What did Burke’s nostalgia for a ‘Merrie England’ spur?
with Bewick?

8. What was Edmund Burke’s view on the French Revolution?

9. Tom Payne published The Rights of Man in 1791. What was his
main argument?

10. How is Mary Wollstonecraft described?

11. Why did she write A Vindication of the Rights of Woman?

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