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Chp 1


1. What was the main reason for the weavers to revolt against contractors in Silesia
in 1845.
2. Their wages were reduced drastically by contractors

3. Who host the congress at Vienna in 1815 ?

4. Kelmens von metternich

5. Which treaty recognized Greece as an independent nation ?

Treaty of Constantinople
6. Name the French artist who prepared a series of four prints visualizing his
dreams of a world ?

Fredric sorreiu

7. What was the main aim of the French revolutionaries ?

8. The revolutionaries declared that it was the mission and the destiny of the French
nation to liberate the people of Europe from despotism and to help other people of
Europe to become nations.
9. What was the major issue taken up by the liberals nationalists ?
10. The major issue taken up was the Freedom of press.
11. What was the main aim of the treaty of Vienna , 1815 ?
12. The Bourbon dynasty which had been deposed during the French Revolution
was restored to power.
14. (ii) A series of states were set up on the boundaries of France to prevent French
expansion in the future.
16. What was the meaning of liberalism in early nineteenth century in Europe ?
17. As an ideology and in practice liberalism became the preeminent reform
movement in Europe during the 19th century
18. What was the strong demand of the emerging middle classes in Europe during
nineteenth century ?
19. Freedom of markets.


1. How did the local people in the areas conquered by the napoleon react to French rule?
2. The reaction of local people to the Napoleon rule was mixed.
3.  In the beginning, in many places such as Holland, Switzerland, Brussels, Mainz,
Milan and Warsaw, the French armies were welcomed as the harbingers of liberty.
Increased taxation, Censorship, forced conscription into the French armies required to
conquer the rest of Europe, all seemed to outweigh the advantages of the
administrative changes.
4. Describe the events of French revolution which had influenced the people belonging
to other part of Europe ?
5. #) Calling themselves la patrie (The fatherland) and le citoyen (the citizen)
6. #) Creation of the French flag
7. #)Electing the Estates General by the active citizens, which was later renamed as the
8. How had the female figures become an allegory of the nation during 19th century in
Europe ? Analyse.
9. Nationalism required personalizing a nation. Countries were often portrayed as female
to give shape to an abstract idea. Often cultural icons such as trees or aspirational
values such as liberty and justice needed icons and preferably female figures to get the
message across. The female figure became an allegory of the nation.
10. E.g. under French Revolution, Justice is generally a blindfolded woman carrying a
pair of weighing scales
12. “cultural had played an important role in the development of nationalism in Europe
during 18th century and 19th centuries.” Support the statement with examples.
13. Describe any three steps taken by French revolutionaries to create a sense of
collective identity among the French people.
15. wajahatkincsemVirtuoso
16.  Culture played an important role in creating the idea of a nation because of the
following reasons :
17. (a) Art and poetry, stories, music helped in shaping nationalist feelings in Europe.
18. (b) Romanticism was a cultural movement which played a role in this context.
Romantic poets and artists were critical of reason and science.
19. (c) A sense of shared collective heritage was developed.
20. Describe any three economic hardship faced by Europe in the 1830s.
21. reat economic hardships were experienced in Europe.
22. 1.The ratio of the rise of population was larger than that of employment generation.
23. 2.Migration of rural population to cities led to overcrowded slums.
24. 3.Small producers in towns (especially textile producing industries) were often
derived out by the import of cheap machine-made goods from England.
25. Name the writer who wrote the book “The History of the Loss of Vietnam”.
26. Phan Boi Chau


1. Explain any five social and administrative reforms introduced by napoleons in the
regions under his control.
2. 1.napolean introduced the uniform laws ,made a common currency and abolished the
guild system in administrative field.. 2.he abolished the feudal system 3.improved
transport &communication system 4.abolished all privileges based on birth.
4. Why did Nationalism tensions emerge in the Balkans ? Explain.
5. Well, as the Balkans area was large but most of it's area was held under the Ottoman
7. By the time Ottoman Empire was getting weak and losing it's area. In that time the
people of Balkan thought of independence and they based on their previous history
says that they was independent before the foreigner came . Thus their thought rises up
to gain their long lasting independence  this also create large resistance for the
independence . This cause the  rise in tension in balkans.
8. “The first clear expression of nationalism came with the French Revolutionaries in
1789.” Examine the statement.
9. gogikarsimran09Ambitious
10. Nationalism is a feeling of people within a state territory which make them develop a
sense of collective identity and share history or descent. This feeling works as a
binding force among people to think about the state primarily and denies
11. Before 1789, France was under absolute monarchy. With French revolution, Monarch
was throne out and a sovereign body of French citizens was established. This
revolution made France the nation-state and made many political and constitutional
changes like:
12. - A new french flag was adopted to replace former royal standard.
13. - The estate general, renamed as General assembly, became an elected body.
15. - Centralized administration and uniform civil laws were made for citizens.
16. - Uniform weighing and measurement system was adopted.
17. - French became the national language of France.
18. All these changes gives a clear expression of collectivism and gave people true power
to shape the destiny of France. Thus France became a nation-state and world got a
clear expression of nationalism through the French revolution.
19. How did the “First World War” creates a new economic and political situations in I
India ? Explain with examples.
(a) The war created a new economic and political situation.(b) it led to huge increase
in defense expenditure which was financed by war loans and increasing taxes, custom
duties were raised and income tax was introduced.(c) Prices increased, doubling
between 1913-18. This hit the common people.(d) Villagers were asked to supply
soldiers and through force recruitment in rural areas.(e) During 1918-19, crops failed
in many parts of India which created shortage of food.(f) Spread of influenza
epidemic and 12 to 13 million people died.

Chp 1


1. Name the alluvial soil .
2. Khadar and bangar
3. In what categories do the soil of Maharashtra fall ?
4. Black soil
5. Which factor is mainly responsible for maximum land degradation in India ? Wrong
methods of agriculture like ploughing & deforestation r the main factors responsible
for land degradation in india
6. What are natural resources ? These natural resources are derived from the
7. Define term ‘sustainable development’.
8. Sustainable development means the development which takes place without
damaging the environment. it meets the needs of present without
compromising the needs of future generations
9. 5.0
11. What is wasteland ? Wasteland is the area which is so much used through which that
land has become barren.
What is “Regur soil’ black soil


1. How does red soil develop and in which part of India ? What makes it look red and
yellow ?
2. Red soils develop on crystalline igneous rocks in areas of low rainfall in the
eastern and southern parts of the Deccan Plateau.
These soils develop a reddish colour due to diffusion of iron in crystalline and
metamorphic rocks. It looks yellow when it occurs in a hydrated form.
3. What are the human made resources ? Why is human resource is important ?
5. Human made resources refers to those things which is the thing of nature but
humans have modified it in order to fulfill their demand.
6. human resource are importan because human can only modify resources in order to
fulfill their necessities.
7. Distinguish between renewable and non-renewable resources
8. Renewable sources are those which are replenished naturally by the environment in
a short period of time.
10. Non renewable are those which are not replenished by the environment i.e, it takes
very long time.
11. I would prefer renewable sources because they are available continuously!!
12. Why resource planning in essential ? Which are the three steps involved in it ?
13. Resource planning is a technique or skill of proper utilisation of resources. As the
resources are limited and unevenly distributed over the country their planning is
essential. Resource planning comprises three stages:
(i) Preparation of inventory of resources.
(ii) Evaluation in terms of availability for development.
(iii) Planning for exploitation of resources

14. the ways to conserve soil.Explain

Plant Trees and Ground Cover

The roots of the trees help to bind the soil together and get deeper into the soil which helps to
draw nutrients for the plants. A vegetative cover acts as a cover and thereby protect from erosion
by wind and rain as well. 

Use Terrace Farming

Terracing provides a surrounding that helps in decelerating the erosion of soil. 

Restore Wetlands

Wetlands are one of the most important ways to prevent soil erosion by absorbing rainwater or
acting as natural sponges. They also provide habitat for wild life. Wetlands help in reducing water



1. Explain the factors that help in soil formations. Parent material: 
2. This refers to the mineral material, or organic material from which the soil is formed.
Soils will carry the characteristics of its parent material such as color, texture,
structure, mineral composition and so on. For example, if soils are formed from an
area with large rocks (parent rocks) of red sandstone, the soils will also be red in color
and have the same feel as its parent material.
4. Time: 
5. Soils can take many years to form. Younger soils have some characteristics from their
parent material, but as they age, the addition of organic matter, exposure to moisture
and other environmental factors may change its features. With time, they settle and
are buried deeper below the surface, taking time to transform. Eventually they may
change from one soil type to another.
7. Climate:
8. This is probably the most important factor that can shape the formation of soils. Two
important climatic components, temperature and precipitation are key. They
determine how quickly weathering will be, and what kind of organic materials may be
available on and inside of the soils. Moisture determines the chemical and biological
reactions that will occur as the soils are formed. Warmer climate with more rainfall
means more vegetative cover and more animal action. It also means more runoff,
more percolation and more water erosion. They all help to determine the kind of soils
in an area.

Chp 2


1. Name two social movements associated with multipurpose projects.
2. Narmada Bachavo Andolan , Tehri Dam Andholan

1. Explain any three causes of water scarcity.

2. (i) Seasonal and annual variation in precipitation.
(ii) Unequal access.
(iii) Overexploitation.
3. Why have multipurpose river project come under great scrutiny and opposition ? Explain
any three reasons.
4. .
7. 1.Multipurpose projects and dams affect the natural flow of rivers and results in poor
sediment flow and excessive sedimentation at the bottom of the reservoir and triggered
10. 2. Dams causes fragmentation of rivers and block the migration routes of aquatic fauna ,
especially for spawning.
13. 3. Artificial reservoirs submerge some parts of the natural vegetation leading to the
extinction of Exotic flora and fauna and soil leading to its decomposition over a period of
15. Why are dams referred to as multipurpose project ? Explain any three reasons.
16. Why do we conserve and manage our water resources ?
17. We need to conserve water because we have scarcity of fresh water though our 3/4 th
planet is filled with water less than 1 % of fresh water is available. due to the increase in
population there is an increased demand for water. if we don't conserve water we will be
rapidly depleted of fresh water so it is necessary to conserve and manage our water
18. How do we get water back through water cycle ?
19. It's simple.the water goes to the sky in the form of vapor and when it
cools down this come back to the earth in the form of rain. thus we get
the water back through water cycle.
20. Write a short note on ‘Narmada BachaoAndolan’ ?
21. Narmada Bachao Andolan is a movement initiated by environmentalists, farmers,
tribal people and human rights activists against the construction of Sardar Sarovar
Dam on Narmada river in Gujarat. It has become a controversial issue due to the
problems in the form of displacement of local people, loss of livelihood, floods,
deforestation, etc.

Chp 1


1. Why is the decentralization favoured in democracy ?explain any three advantages..

2. It is favoured in any democracy as it has the following advantages :-
3. 1) The local people have better views on how to manage money.
4. 2) These people have better knowledge about their problems and solution to resolve
5. How is power shared among different social groups ?
6. Power is shared among different social groups
8. there are two e.g.
10. 1... in Belgium there was community govt. formed to give assistance to
Germans also
12. 2.. in india there are reserved constituencies for Sc St and OBC
13. ?


1. What is majoritism ?how has it increased the feeling of alienation among Sri Lankan
Tamils ? Explain with examples.
2. Majoritarianism’ is a concept which signifies a belief that the majority community
should be able to rule a country in whichever way it wants. In this type of rule they
disregard the wishes and needs of the minority.
The majoritarian concept has increased the strong feelings of alienation among
Sri Lankan Tamils because of the series of majoritarian measures adopted by
the democratically elected government in Sri Lanka.
A series of majoritarian measures were adopted by the democratically elected
government in Sri Lanka after its independence in 1948 to establish Sinhala

Chp 1


1. What will be the goal of landless rural poor ?
2. The biggest development which is the only motive of these labourers
is increased number of days with better wages. 
3. What is National Income ?
4. National income is the total amount of money earned within a
5. Which indicator is considered to be the most important measure of development ?
6. Per capita income


1. On the basis of which three indicators of HDI 2004 Sri Lanka has better rank than
India ?
2. Srilanka has more percapita income than India.
3. srilanka is smaller country compared to india.hence income may be more and
population is less .vice versa in case of India
5. the life expectancy in srilanka is 74yrs but in India it is 64 yrs.literacy rate in srilanka
is 90% where as india it is 74%
6. Why do people look at a mix of goal for development ? Explain.
7. It is true that for development, people look at a mix of goals, e.g. :
8. (i) If women are engaged in paid work, their dignity in the household and society
increases. So dignity is an important goal.
9. (ii) However, it is also the case that if there is respect for women there would be more
sharing of housework and greater acceptance of women working outside.
10. What are common development goals ? Give any two suitable examples of
common development goals.
11. Common development goals are those which every society should assure to
each of its individual. There are many development goals which play a significant role
in the development of the nation. Some of them are:
12. 1. Education:
13. It is the right of every individual to get a quality education. It should be free at
primary and secondary level and both boys and girls should have the equal
opportunity to get educated.
14. 2. Medical Facility:
15. Every individual of the society should be provided with basic medical
facilities. The availability of pure drinking water must be made sure so that a lot of
diseases like tuberculosis, malaria and diarrhea could be eliminated from the society.
16. Mention few examples of Environmental degradation that you may have
observed around you.

17. 1.Soil Erosion

2.Water Pollution

3.Air Pollution

4.Burning of fossil fuels

5.Hole in ozone layer

19. In what respect is the criteria used by the UNDP for measuring the
development different from used by the World Bank ?
20. As the world bank uses per capita income to measure the development. But it
does not gives the clear picture of the country.
21. That is why nowadays UNDP changed the criteria and adopted -human
development index.
22. This human development index is prepared on the basis of this criteria-
23. 1) Education facilities
24. 2) Health facilities
25. 3) Living standard
26. 4) Real per capita income
28. 4.1


1. Why is the issue of sustainability important for development ? Explain with example
that there other development goals also besides income. (a) Suppose presently a
particular country is quite developed. We would certainly like this level of
development to go up further or at least be maintained future
generations.     (b)Since the second half of the 20th century, a number of
scientists have been warning that the type and levels of development are not
sustainable.     (c) Groundwater is an example of renewable resource. But if
we use more than what is replenished by nature, then we would be overusing
this resource.     Once the non-renewable resources would be exhausted we
won't be able to use them in future. So, using the resources judiciously will
help in maintaining the sustainability of development of our eco-system.   
2. How does industrial pollution degrade the environment ? Explain any three measures
to control environmental degradation.
3. Industrial pollution leads to environmental degradation :
4. 1)AIR POLLUTION - it is caused due to presence of high proportion of undesirable
5. 2)WATER POLLUTION -it is caused when organic and inorganic untreated
industrial waste are discharged in river water.
6. 3)NOISE POLLUTION -it is due to the unwanted sounds being an irritant and source
of stress.
8. 1)overdrawing of groundwater reserves by industries needs to be regulated legally.
9. 2)smoke can be reduced by using oil or gas as fuel instead of coal in the factories.
10. 3)noise absorbing material may be used apart from personal use of earplugs
and earphones.
Ambulance Man
Posted on August 8, 2011

To be worn on both shoulders just below the shoulder badge.(Red Cross on White background)


1. Be able to answer questions from Pratham Sopan, Dwitiya and Tritiya Sopan tests for
first aid.
2. Know how to deal with bleeding major and minor.
3. Diagnose and bind a broken limb.
4. Know how to deal with choking by Heimlich’s Manoeuvre.
5. Demonstrate mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.
6. Demonstrate how to make an improvised stretcher and apply a roller bandage.
7. Demonstrate how to send a correct message, verbal written or by telephone.
8. Demonstrate two methods of carrying a casualty with one first aider and two more
methods of carrying casualty when there are two first aiders.

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