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Palangka Raya, 12 Februari 2018


Kepala Sekolah SMPN 2 P. Raya

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Bersama dengan surat ini saya:

Nama : Lely Munir, S. Pd

NIP : 19830630 200904 2 003

Jabatan : Guru IPA dan Prakarya

Pada hari ini tidak dapat melaksanakan kewajiban seperti biasanya dikarenakan sakit dan
hari ini berobat. Adapun untuk tugas kelas VII-9, IX-10, dan IX-3 terlampir

Demikian surat pemberitahuan ini saya buat dan harap dijadikan maklum. Terima kasih

Hormat saya,

Lely Munir, S. Pd
Tugas Prakarya untuk kelas IX-6 (07.00-08.20)

Bekerjalah secara kelompok. Gambarkan sketsa rumah Betang dan kelengkapan

penunjangnya. Berikan penjelasannya. Tugas dikumpulkan hari ini juga, terimakasih

Gambar Sketsa Rumah Betang

Tugas IPA untuk kelas VIII-10 (09.15 – 11.15)

Answer and question!

1. These vessels allow water to flow to different parts of a plant.

a. Sclerenchyma b. Xylem c. Phloem
2. These vessels conduct organic nutrients such as sugar throughout the plant.
a. Collenchyma b. Phloem c. Tracheids
3. Which of the following statements is correct about vascular tissue in plants?
a. Both xylem and phloem transport materials up and down the length of the plant
b. Xylem transports water from the roots to the shoots of the plant, and phloem transports
sucrose either up or down, depending on the plant's needs
c. Xylem transports sucrose from the roots to the shoots, and phloem transports sucrose from the
leaves to the roots
d. Xylem transports water up and down the plant, depending on its needs, while phloem carries
sucrose from the leaves to the roots for storage
4. What uses energy from the sun through photosynthesis to make sugar (glucose) and oxygen?
a. chloroplast b. cytoplasm c. centrioles
5. The process by which plants capture light energy from the sun and convert it into sugar
a. Chlorophyll b. Evergreen c. Photosynthesis
6. ________is a green pigment in chloroplasts that absorbs light energy for photosynthesis
7. Part of plant that hold plant in place is____________
8. An organ of plant that absorbs water and mineral salts for photosynthesis and other processes is
known as ___________
9. The stem transports water and nutrients to the leaves through two kinds of cells known as
_______and _________
10. Products from this help to make ice cream, chocolate milk, yogurt, whipped cream, pies, jellies
and candies. These are also used to thicken food. The plant is ...
a. Cocoa b. canola c. seeweed d. sugar beets.
11. The most expensive fibre in the world is ...
a. Satin b. silk c. velcro d. hemp
12. Cotton is a natural fibre that has been around for centuries. It is used extensively throughout
the world and is the world's most important non-edible plant. Cotton fibres come from cotton ...
a. Flowers b. seeds c. stems d. leaves
Hormat saya,

Lely Munir, S. Pd

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