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TP Task 2 – Active Learning Environments A blog is required for this task.

What is an active learning environment? What are its benefits? How does it link to the inquiry
Froebel claimed that “classroom should be a prepared environment.” (Spielgaben, 2013). The
active learning environment is a safe classroom atmosphere where the teacher provides a safely
equipment’s. For example, avoid the use of sharp materials like scissors. Furthermore, provide
enough space between the chairs and table where children can move flexibly when the translation
through the centers. ("Promoting Active," n.d.). As Parrett and Kathleen explained that active
learning environment has affective benefits like it helps children to feel safe and supported. I
personally believe, that very essential to let the child feel conditions because without confidence
he\ she will hate the class and will not participate. Moreover, safe classroom encourages children
to have high-performing when they do the activity and participate in the materials. (H, Parrett, &
M, 2018). Link to Dewey’s he draws five inquiry domains: asking questions, investigating
solutions, creating, discussing our discoveries and experiences, and reflecting. (Bruce, 2008).
Thus, if the children feel safe and happy in the classroom he\ she feel very welcome to ask teacher
or friend questions. Furthermore, motivate kids to create and discover when the children
implement the activities and interact with the equipment.
References Bruce, B. C. (2008, November 11). The inquiry cycles. Retrieved from

H, W., Parrett, & M, K. (2018). Fostering a healthy, safe, and supportive learning

environment: Retrieved from,-



Promoting active learning. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Spielgaben. (2013). Comparison among Froebel, Montessori, Reggio Emilia and

Waldorf-Steiner Methods – Part 1. Retrieved August 31, 2016, from

Choose 3 lessons to observe to answer the following questions:

What was the prior learning What was the impact of
What was the activity? to this lesson? the activity i.e. no. of ss
Before allowing children to do From this activity children
this activity my MST shows will learn how to form letter
them how to write letter \Aa\ A. In addition, it develops
capital and small. children fine and motor
skills when they use their
Form letter \A\ hands, fingers and arm to
roll the clay and form the
\A\ letter.
The prior learning to this In this activity, children will
lesson was to teach children learn how to use the word
how to use “see” in the “see” in a sentence.
sentences. Moreover, it promotes
children with linguistic and
Arrange the sentence with “see” social skill when they
word. participate with peers.
The previous lesson of this This activity promotes
activity my MST teach the children to find letter \Tt\
student the \Tt\ sound, how it when it’s mixed to other
looks like, words start with \Tt\ letters.
sound and how to write letter
Find letter \Tt\. \Tt\.
Which activity engaged most students? Why do you think this happened?
From what I observed I realized that children like finding letter \Tt\ activity the most and I
saw them feel very excited and joyful. In my opinion, I think the reason why they like this
activity because it’s challenge what I mean children fell challenge when they try to find the
letter \Tt\ when it’s mixed to other letters. Also, because it’s funny at the same time
because the letters too small they can’t see them without using a magnifying glass.

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