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ISSN : $52.

6834 139
Berkala Penelitian Hayati
PBI Komisariat



Alfiah Hayati
Laboratorium Biologi Reproduksi, FMIPA
Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya


The research was conducted to evaluate the effect of amphetamine as

psychostimulan drug on ultrastructure sprmatogenic cells of male rats (Ranus norvegicus
L). tlttrastructure spennatogenic cells described from six male rats of Wisnr stuin, They
were divided in to 2 groups (control and treafinent groups) Four mgkg/days ampheta
mine were given sub-cutan injection. In control to injrction with physiologic saline.The
Iast of the treatrnent the rat were killed after lN days the amphetamiae injection. The
testis were released into fixative solution. Ultt:astructure morphologic analysis of the
testis were evaluae of quatitatife to assess the effect of amphetamine on spennatogenic
cells. Observation of spermatogenic cells (Spermatogonia, Spermatocyte, nd Spetmatyd
cells) were done under the electrone microscope. The result of this experimeat showed
different morphologically from the amphetemine- teadted group and their respective
control. In the treattnent grouPs, Spermatogonia, Spermatocyte, and Spetmatyd cells less
endoplasmic reticulum than normal spermatogenic cells (control). More vacuolisation
in membrane line of Spermatogonium cells, and in cytoplasm of Spermatocyte, and
Spermatid cells than normal spermatogenic cells (control).

Key words : anphetamine, spermatogenic, vacuolisation

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