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SCENE: All action is set in Truvy's Beauty Salon in Chinquapin Parish, Louisana.

Scene I
When the first scene opens the audience sees Truvy having her hair done by Annelle.
Annelle has just finished her training at a beauty school and is hoping that Truvy will
give her a job. Truvy's assistant has left suddenly and, as she has a very busy day
ahead because Shelby Eatenton is getting married, she needs someone right away.
While Annelle's hairdo is less than perfect, Truvy is kind-hearted and sees potential in
Annelle. She offers Annelle the job, and Annelle is thrilled. Truvy is a very curious,
gregarious person, and she is intrigued by Annelle, who seems to dislike talking about
herself. Annelle is extremely shy and nervous, so Truvy doesn't push her too much.
Clairee, one of Truvy's regular customers enters, and also tries to draw Annelle out, but
she is unsuccessful as well. It is clear that Clairee and Truvy enjoy gossiping, and as
soon as Annelle leaves the room, Truvy fills Clairee in on the mystery surrounding
Shelby arrives for her appointment with Truvy, and it is apparent that this is a close-
knit group. Shelby is the daughter of another regular customer, M'Lynn. Annelle has
very little to say to Shelby, and her nervousness is only increased by intermittent bursts
of gunfire from somewhere in the neighborhood. Truvy complains to Shelby about
this, since it is her father who is causing the problem. A very stressed-out M'Lynn
enters and Annelle is told to do her hair, which terrifies her. This is a big day for the
mother of the bride, and Annelle doesn't want to make any mistakes. The tension
between Shelby and M'Lynn is evident, and it is clear that, while they love each other,
there is a battle of wills going on. Shelby wants to assert herself as it is her wedding
day, but M'Lynn has been in charge for so long that she finds is difficult to let go.
One reason for this control is that M'Lynn is concerned about Shelby's health. Due to
the stress of the day, Shelby, a diabetic, has an attack brought on by too much insulin.
During the course of this, we find out that Shelby's doctor has told her she shouldn't
have children because of her condition. Shelby is a nurse in a maternity ward, and she
loves babies, so this is particularly difficult for her.
Shelby recovers from her relatively mild attack and continues describing her wedding
to the salon patrons. There has been no gunfire since M'Lynn's arrival and we soon
find out why: M'Lynn has somehow managed to take her husband's gun, which Clairee
finds in her purse. Annelle is horrified but M'Lynn and Shelby explain that he, Drum
Eatenton, is merely trying to frighten the birds out of their trees because Shelby's
wedding reception will take place in their backyard that day. At this point the audience
learns that Ouiser Boudreaux, another neighbor, is having a fit because of the noise.
Her beloved dog is extremely upset and losing his hair, and she blames it on the
gunshots. Annelle notices a "strange lady with a strange dog" approaching, alerting the
others to her imminent arrival.
Ouiser enters like hell on wheels, enraged about the noise. She makes it very clear to
all present that she has reached the limits of her already tried patience. In her
conversation with M'Lynn we see that she is not only angry about the noise, but also
because Drum has picked all of the magnolias off the tree which grows on the border
between the Boudreaux and Eatenton property. Although legal proceedings are already
in progress to decide who actually owns the tree, Ouiser feels it is her property. Ouiser
and M'Lynn are good friends, but M'Lynn's husband is Ouiser's arch enemy. Ouiser
finally calms down when she is told there there will be no more gunshots, and her
attention is diverted to the new girl, Annelle. Instead of going about it in a tactful way,
Ouiser subjects the girl to a series of very direct questions. As a result of this, the
ladies learn that Annelle's husband has disappeared with their money and their car,
therefore she was desperate to get the job. Shelby invites her to her wedding and
Truvy gives her a place to live, and life looks a little brighter for Annelle. The scene
closes with an explosion Drum has caused in a last-ditch effort to get rid of the birds.
All the ladies are upset but a livid Ouiser orders her dog to attack Drum.

Scene II 6 months later

This scene opens with a festive atmosphere as it is Christmas. M'Lynn is alone in the
shop because Truvy and Annelle are sorting out decorations. Shelby comes in and
surprises her mother, who is very glad to see her. They chat a bit and then Shelby
springs a surprise on her mother: she is pregnant. M'Lynn is shocked and upset
because of the dangers of the pregnancy, but Shelby is thrilled. She explains that she
would rather take the risk and have a baby than spend her life childless but in relatively
good health. This is very difficult for M'Lynn, who has to realize that Shelby is an
adult now and must make her own decisions. Truvy and Annelle enter, very happy to
see Shelby, and no mention is made of the baby. A very noticeable change has come
over Annelle. She is no longer the extremely shy, nervous Annelle from the first
scene. She explains to Shelby that she first went wild when she realized her marriage
was not legal and she was rid of her criminal husband, but now she is doing very well,
going to church, doing lectures on beauty, etc. Clairee comes in with some Christmas
cookies and full of the Christmas spirit. Shortly thereafter Ouiser enters with just the
opposite attitude. She is furious that tourists arriving in town for the annual Christmas
parade are parking in her front yard and she cannot imagine why Shelby would return
for something so tacky. Shelby mentions to Ouiser that she has met an old friend of
hers, Owen Jenkins, and wants to arrange for the two of them to meet. Ouiser is very
against the idea, saying that she was already married twice and very unhappily at that,
but Shelby reveals that she has already arranged for them to meet that evening at a
party. Shelby also announces to the group that she is going to have a baby, and all are
thrilled until M'Lynn reminds them that this could be dangerous. They all realize,
though, that Shelby is fulfilling her dream, and they decide to be happy about it instead
of worrying about what the future might hold.

Scene I 1 ½ years later
Scene I opens with Shelby having her hair cut. It is 1½ years later and she has a
healthy baby boy. She is very much affected by how she looks with short hair, but
Truvy and Clairee manage to cheer her up. Clairee is in the middle of telling a funny
story about her nephew, Marshall. He has just revealed to his parents that he is gay,
and his father has thrown him out of the house. As a parent, Shelby is very concerned
about this, but Clairee explains that the father just needs a chance to cool off. During
this story, another change is very evident in Annelle. She stops working on Clairee's
hair and kneels to pray. When she has finished, Truvy sends her out of the room to get
something, and then explains that Annelle had gone to a Bible weekend with her
church group and came back extremely religious. She has moved from one extreme to
Ouiser comes in for her hair appointment and she appears to be in quite a good mood.
She is surprised at the haircut but doesn't question it. In the course of conversation it
comes out that she is actually dating Owen. After some verbal sparring, Clairee
prepares to leave and Ouiser is about to have her hair done. An exclamation from
Truvy sends everyone running. Shelby has terrible marks on her arms and she explains
that it is her dialysis. Having the baby put too much strain on her kidneys. The women
are very upset and even more so when they hear that M'Lynn is going to give Shelby a
kidney. The operation is set for the next day. Each person is aware of the seriousness
of this situation, but they all pull themselves together and promise to help each other
through it.

Scene II 1 year later

As the curtain opens we see Ouiser having her hair done by Annelle, Truvy looking out
the window, and Clairee sitting on the couch. Everything appears to be normal until
Annelle, who has married in the meantime and is obviously pregnant, asks about
M'Lynn. This is a sobering question, and it is clear that something has happened.
Soon thereafter M'Lynn comes in, apparently fine, but in the course of conversation we
learn that Shelby has died. The kidney transplant had functioned well for a while, but
then her body tried to reject it. The doctors hoped to correct it with surgery but Shelby
went into a coma and never came out of it. Outwardly M'Lynn appears calm, but when
Annelle mentions that they should be rejoicing because Shelby is now in Heaven, we
see some of her iron control crack. Later, when she refers back to a joke Shelby had
made, she almost breaks down. As she is trying to leave, Truvy asks her if she is okay,
and this opens the flood gates. M'Lynn lets out all of her grief and rage, while her
friends look on helplessly. Clairee has an idea that breaks the tension and allows
everyone to breathe again. As Truvy says, "Laughter through tears is my favorite
emotion." The play ends on a life affirming note. The pregnant Annelle tells M'Lynn
that she and her husband would like to name their baby Shelby. Knowing that Shelby
would be delighted, M'Lynn is touched and this helps her to see that life goes on, no
matter how much it hurts.
Act I, Scene I
poofy: aufgeplustert, bauschig
smushed down: plattgedrückt, "zusammengedätscht"
bottle job: kunstlich gefärbte Haare
pom-poms: Bommel, wie sie die Cheerleader tragen
Karo syrup: Zucherrohrsirup
Baby's Breath: Schleierkraut
cha-cha: chic, "cool"
Armadillo: Gürteltier
outdoorsy: an der frischen Luft aktiv
butterscotch: Bonbon mit Buttergeschmack
bird do: Vogel"mist", Guano
mangy: rändig
glutton for punishment: masochistisch veranlangt
on his last legs: pfeift aus dem letzten Loch
Act I, Scene II
poinsettia: Weihnachtsstern
break a sweat: ins Schwitzen geraten
Jezebel: biblische Anspielung, Verführerin des David
pecan tassies: Kekssorte mit Pecannüsse
deadbeat: kaputter Typ
to open a new can of worms: sich neue Schwierigkeiten einfangen
Act II, Scene I
Hope springs eternal: "Die Hoffnung stribt nie."
freak out: ausrasten
gossip: Klatsch, Tratsch
pantyhose: Nylonstrumpfhosen
at the drop of a hat: aus heiterem Himmel, ohne ersichtlichen Grund
Mardi Gras: Fasching
track lighting: Halogenbeleuchtung ( am Stahlseil)
chipper: vergnügt, "aufgeräumt"
all the rage: der letzte Schrei
barhopping: auf Kneipenbummel
born again process: spirituelle Neugeburt
goodie: Geschenk, kleines Mitbringsel
sassiest girl: flotteste Biene
Act II, Scene II
jazzes up: aufmöbeln, beleben
piss off someone: jemanden verärgern
give your eye-teeth: meine rechte Hand dafür geben (eye-tooth=Schneidezahn)
take a whack at: jemandem eins verpassen
tent revival: religiöse Veranstaltung in Form von Zeltlager
bible beater: Bibelfanatiker mit Sendungsbewußtsein
to be tickled pink: sich total freuen, hellauf begeistert sein

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