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TENSE [fiilin aldığı ÇEKİM EKİ’ne (INFLECTIONAL MORPHEME) göre karar verdiğimiz zaman dilimi] ve
TIME [cümleden esas kast edilen zaman dilimi; yani adı geçen eylemin gerçekleşeceği esas zaman
dilimi] kavramları Türkçeye aynı çevriliyor olsa da aralarında çok önemli bir fark vardır. Örneğin,
kurduğumuz bir cümlenin TENSE’i past iken TIME’ı future olabiliyor. Buna biz OVERLAP diyoruz.

 Ben önümüzdeki hafta sonu İzmir’e taşınmaya karar verdim.

• TENSE: dili geçmiş zaman

• TIME: gelecek zaman (çünkü taşınma önümüzdeki hafta olacak)

Yukarıdaki cümlenin muhatabı “Ben önümüzdeki hafta İzmir’e taşınacağım” gibi anlar. Dolayısıyla Türkçe
söylediğimiz bir cümlenin kendisinden çok, muhatabınızın bu cümleden esas anladığı şey temel alınmalıdır.
Başka bir örnek vermek gerekirse,

 Bu camı ben kırmadım ve dolayısıyla da parayı ödemem.

Bu cümledeki “ödemem” filli tek başına alındığında GENİŞ ZAMAN ifade eder, ama muhatabımız FUTURE
anlar. Yani muhatap, cümleyi “Bu camı ben kırmadım ve dolayısıyla da parasını ödemeyeceğim” şeklinde

Benzeri bir durum İngilizcede de vardır:

 We are moving into a new flat next weekend. [We will be moving into a new flat next weekend]

 We have decided to have a party in this garden next Sunday afternoon. [We will be having a party …]

İngilizcede bir fiil SADECE 1 adet INFLECTIONAL MORPHEME [= ÇEKİM EKİ] alabilir. Oysa Türkçede
böyle bir sınırlama yoktur. Bu nedenle, Türkçede EK/YARDIMCI FİİL kullanmamıza gerek kalmıyor.
Ancak İngilizcede bizdeki tekil/çoğul eki, farklı zaman ekleri vb için YARDIMCI FİİL kullanılır.

 Arabaları yolda arıza yaptığında, bizimkiler dün sabah Bursaya doğru gid — iyor — lar — mış.
1 2 3

 Bebeğe artık kendileri baka — ma — (y)acak — lar —dı.

1 2 3 4

 My father has been waiting in the rain for nearly ten minutes for the bus to come.
3 2 1

 Sarah must not have been talking with her fiancé on the phone when her mother arrived home last night.
5 4 3 2 1 ~1~ 0 222 231 22 66


Fillin aldığı “-ing” çekim eki, her fiil ile kullanılmaz, çünkü bir fiilin “-ing” alması için progressive/
continuous olması gerekir. Yani bu fiilin/eylemin belli bir süre DEVAM ETMESİ gerekir. Dolayısıyla
başı ve sonu aynı ana denk gelen (anlık) eylemler bu çekim ekini almazlar. Bir de AKSİYON içermeyen
(STATIVE) fiiller ile “-ing” çekim eki kullanılmaz.

 My son is believing in ghosts, so he can’t sleep alone in the night.

 Tom was falling off his bike when he bumped into the lamppost.

Ancak, bazı “-ing” almayan fiillerin cümle içinde yorumlandığında, “-ing” alması mümkün olmaktadır.

 The prices of these houses are falling, so we can try buying one of them.

 Syrian soldiers have been killing civilians brutally ever since the war broke out there.

Zaten ingilizcede bir TENSE ya PROGRESSIVE (= CONTINUOUS) dır veya NON-PROGRESSIVE

(= SIMPLE) dır. Eğer içinde “-ing” barındırıyorsa, adı PROGRESSIVE (= CONTINUOUS) olarak bilinir.
Eğer fiilin sonunda “-ing” yoksa, o zaman da SIMPLE olarak bilinir.

 My father is teaching English these days. [The present CONTINUOUS/PROGRESSIVE tense]

 His father teaches English to young children only. [The present SIMPLE tense]

Eğer yardımcı fiil veya ana fiilin üçüncü hali (V 3 ) verilmişse, bu tense PERFECT olarak bilinir.

 My sister has BROKEN the radio on purpose. [The present PERFECT simple tense]

 Mike had BEEN swimming for ten minutes when it began raining. [The past PERFECT progressive tense] ~2~ 0 222 231 22 66


Şimdi de aşağıdaki cümlelerdeki TENSE’lerin adını birlikte yazmaya çalışalım.

1. We are learning English this year.

2. We usually learn English in schools.

3. We were learning English this time last year.

4. We learned English two years ago.

5. We have been learning English since last year.

6. We have learned English through teachers so far.

7. We had been learning English for two years when we left London.

8. We had learned English long before we arrived in London.

9. We will learn English next year.

10. We will be learning English this month.

11. We will have learned very good English before we go abroad next year.

12. We will have been learning English for about two years when we leave here. ~3~ 0 222 231 22 66


Dolayısıyla bir tense’e karar verirken PROGRESSIVE (= CONTINUOUS) mi NON-PROGRESSIVE (SIMPLE)

mi, bir de PERFECT mi NON-PERFECT mi buna bakmak gerekir. Genelde kurslarda, her tense için ayrı ayrı
kurallar öğretilmeye çalışır (yani şunu görsen şu tense’e git gibi anlamsız ifadeler), ancak bu sınavda işinizi
görmediği gibi başınızı ağrıtır. En isabetli olanı boşluğa PROGRESSIVE TENSE mi SIMPLE TENSE mi
gelecek mantığıyla bakıp seçenekleri ona göre elemeniz gerekir.


nowadays = bu günlerde always* her zaman

currently = bu aralar, bu günlerde usually = genellikle
right now = şu anda generally [ = in general] = genel olarak
at the moment = şu anda regularly [= on a regular basis = at regular intervals]
for the time being = şimdilik habitually = alışkanlık icabı/gereği
these days* = bu günlerde frequently = sıklıkla, sık sık
often = sıklıkla
sometimes = bazen, zaman zaman
sporadically = bazen, zaman zaman
intermittently = bazen, zaman zaman
periodically = bazen, zaman zaman
from time to time = bazen, zaman zaman
occasionally [= on occasion] = bazen, zaman zaman
(every) now and then = bazen, zaman zaman
(every) now and again = bazen, zaman zaman
this week = bu hafta at times = bazen, zaman zaman
momentarily = geçici olarak never = asla
day by day = günden güne seldom = nadiren
with each day = günden güne rarely = nadiren
continually = devamlı olarak once in a while = kırk yılda bir

NOTICE: Yukarıdaki tabloda SOL SÜTUNDA İLK 6 İFADE dışında kalanlar, başka TENSE’ler ile de kullanılabilir. Bunda
çok katı olmamanız gerekir. Bu tabloda HANGİ time expression HANGİ TENSE ile kullanılırdan ziyade, hangisi
progressive hangisi non-progressive (simple) bir mantık içerir, ona bakmak gerekir.

It is a fact that Sally ---- sometimes ---- my feelings very deeply.

A) has / hurt
B) is / hurting
C) was / hurting
D) had been / hurting
E) will / be hurting

Tom ---- for a job for two weeks now, but he does not look lucky enough.

A) is looking
B) will look
C) was looking
D) had looked
E) has been looking ~4~ 0 222 231 22 66


 “Seni otoparkın önünde bekliyoruz” cümlesinin İngilizce karşılığını 4 farklı şekilde vermek mümkündür

1. We wait for you in front the parking lot.

2. We are waiting for you in front the parking lot.

3. We have been waiting for you in front the parking lot.

4. We will be waiting for you in front the parking lot.

Türkçede “bekliyoruz” fiilinin TIME olarak neyi kastettiğini bu haliyle anlamak imkânsızdır, ancak “her gün,
bugün, yarım saatten beridir veya bir saat sonra” gibi bir ZAMAN İFADESİ kullanarak ayırım yapılabilmektedir.


The PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE TENSE “have” ve “has” yardımcı fiilinden sonra fiilin 3. HALİ (V 3 )
kullanılmasıyla oluşan bir tense’tir. Bu tense’in özelliği YA eylemin geçmiş zamanda bir noktada OLMUŞ
BİTMİŞ olduğunu anlatır VEYA eylemin DAHA YENİ/HENÜZ gerçekleştiğini ve SONUCU şuan ki zamanı
etkiliyor demektir. Yani ya TECRÜBE/DENEYİM anlatır veya bir olayı SICAĞI SICAĞINA aktarır. En belirgin

 The bus has just left the station [so you are late for it]. (OLAY DAHA SICAKLIĞINI KORUYOR)

 I have swum across this river [but that was some time ago]. (YILLAR ÖNCE EDİNİLEN BİR TECRÜBE ANLATIYOR)

 We have saved about ten thousand dollars so far. (ŞU ANA KADAR BİRİKEN PARA MİKTARI VERİLİYOR)

 My parents have already eaten breakfast, so I will eat my breakfast alone. (YEMEK ÇOKTAAAAN YENMİŞ)

 This new teacher hasn’t given us any homework yet. (DAHA/HENÜZ ÖDEV VERMEDİ (HALA BEKLİYORUZ)

 We haven’t yet spoken to the police about the robbery. (DAHA/HENÜZ KONUŞMADIK.HALA BEKLİYORUZ)

Yukarıdaki örneklere dikkat edilirse, hiçbirisinde KESİN ZAMAN KULLANILMAMIŞ. Hala, henüz, çoktan, şu
ana kadar gibi yuvarlak zaman dilimleri kullanılmış. Eğer kesin zaman dilimi kullanılırsa (dün, geçen hafta, dün
akşam, 1986 vb), o zaman da THE PAST SIMPLE TENSE tercih edilir.

 My son studied / has studied French yesterday night.

 We have gone / went to London on the bus two weeks ago. ~5~ 0 222 231 22 66


ŞU ANA KADAR anlamına gelen bir zaman ifadesi TECRÜBE bildirdiği için, TECRÜBE ANLATAN tense de
THE PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE olduğu için, bu anlama gelen [SO FAR = THUS FAR = UNTIL NOW = UP
TO NOW = UP TO DATE = UP TO THE PRESENT TIME] ifadeleri bu tense ile kullanılır.

 So far, nobody has heard from the man who went to Cyprus two years ago.

 My uncle hasn’t punished any of his children by beating them until now.

 Up to date, my sister has written more than ten short stories but none has gained enough popularity.


PROGRESSIVE tense’ler kendi içinde PERFECT ve NON-PERFECT olarak ikiye ayrılır. Eğer sadece şu
anda / bugünlerde yapılan bir eylemin kendisi vurgulanıyorsa “THE PRESENT PROGRESSIVE TENSE (is
doing, are doing vb)” kullanılır, ancak eğer vurgu adı geçen eylemin NE ZAMANDAN BERİDİR olduğuna
yapılırsa, o zaman “THE PRESENT PERFECT PROGRESSIVE TENSE (has been doing, have been doing
vb)” kullanılır.

 My father is working in the garden now. [NON-PERFECT PROGRESSIVE]

 My father has been working in the garden for two hours now. [PERFECT PROGRESSIVE]

[= My father started working in the garden two hours ago, and he is still working there]

Yukarıdaki ifadeden de anlaşılacağı gibi, aslında “has been working” iki ayrı tense’in (THE PAST

 It has been raining here for the past half hour.

[= It began raining half an hour ago, and it is still raining here.] ~6~ 0 222 231 22 66


---- has done / has been doing --- During the last/past two years [FİDO]

 My father has been saving money towards a new house for the past three years.

 These workers have worked in this factory over the last ten years.

FOR versus SINCE

Zaman ifadesi olarak kullanıldığında SINCE devamında KESİN ZAMAN DİLİMİ ile kullanılırken, FOR
devamında KESİN OLMAYAN ZAMAN DİLİMİ kullanır. Örneğin 2053 yılından beri derken “since 2005” denir,
ama 2005’ten buyana geçen zaman dilimine, yani 10 yıla vurgu yapılırsa, o zaman da “for 10 years” denir.
Ancak, FOR hem PERFECT hem de NON-PERFECT tense’ler ile kullanılır ve İKİ AYRI ANLAMDA kullanılır.



-lığına, -boyunca -dır

 Sally goes for a walk in that park for one hour every single day. [ --- bir saatliğine ---]

 Sally lived in London for ten years, so she speaks good English. [---on yıl boyunca/ on yıllığına ---]

 Sally has been breastfeeding her son for nearly ten minutes. [--- yaklaşık on dakikadır --]

 Sally had been cooking dinner for ten minutes when I went home yesterday. [--- on dakikadır --] ~7~ 0 222 231 22 66



--- dığı için ---den beri

 SINCE Mary died two years ago, her son has been receiving a psychological treatment.

 SINCE Helen has been working in this factory, she has made a lot of money.

Yukarıdaki örneklerden anlaşılacağı gibi, SINCE devamında PAST SIMPLE veya PERFECT bir tense
alabilir, ancak ANA CÜMLESİ “-den beri” anlamında kullanıldığında MUTLAKA “PERFECT TENSE”
ister. Eğer SINCE’ten sonra gelen fiil OLMUŞ BİTMİŞ ve GEÇMİŞTE KALMIŞ ise, o zaman “THE PAST
SIMPLE TENSE-V 2 ” kullanılır, ama eğer bu fiil HALEN DEVAM EDEN bir eylem anlatıyorsa, o zaman
“PERFECT TENSE” kullanılır.

 Ever since my son ---- a lawyer, he has won all his cases.

A) has been
B) was

 Thousands of people have died ever since the war ----.

A) broke out
B) has broken out

Eğer “SINCE = BECAUSE” anlamında kullanılmış ise, o zaman her tense ile kullanılabilir.

 SINCE [= BECAUSE] she injured herself while she was cutting meat yesterday, Betty is in hospital now.

 My father is going to help the new tenants, SINCE [= BECAUSE] they know nobody else here. ~8~ 0 222 231 22 66


TENSE (have/has been doing) arasında kaldığınızda size verilen fiilin ASPECT’ine bakmanız gerekir.

ASPECT dediğimiz şey fiilerin DOĞASI. Fiiler ASPECT açısından 4 guruba ayrılır:

1. STATE VERBS: know, believe, have, desire, love, hate, need etc. (Sam loved John so dearly)

2. ACTIVITY VERBS: swim, walk, run etc. (Edward swam in the pool for nearly one hour)

3. ACHIEVEMENT VERBS: kiss, fall, die, reach, find etc. (Mike kissed his daughter so affectionately)

4. ACCOMPLISHMENT VERBS: save a thousand dollars, read a hundred pages (We built a house last year)

1. We ---- nearly 20 thousand Turkish Liras to buy a new house, but we still need a lot more money.

A) have saved
B) have been saving

2. I ---- about fifty pages from my new book up to now. How about you?

A) have read
B) have been reading

3. Paul ---- his parents so much, so you should take this young boy to them as soon as possible.

A) has needed
B) needs

4. Nobody ---- me that I didn’t steal the money ever since they heard about the robbery.

A) believes
B) has believed ~9~ 0 222 231 22 66



THE PAST PERFECT SIMPLE TENSE (HAD DONE) geçmişte olmuş bitmiş iki eylemi sıralamaya sokarken,
DAİMA İLK olan eylemi anlatır. ÖSYM sınavlarında bu tense şu ana kadar THE PAST SIMPLE TENSE
olmadan kullanılmamış. Yani PRESENT bir tense’ten direkt olarak THE PAST PERFECT SIMPLE TENSE’e
gidilmemiş. Özetle, sınavda cevap HAD DONE olacağı zaman dikkat edin diğer tarafta WAS veya DID

 This is the book which my father had given to me on my previous birthday.

This is the book which my father gave to me on my previous birthday.

 Mary had injured her little finger two hours ago, so she has bandaged it tightly.

Mary injured her little finger two hours ago, so she has bandaged it tightly.

Bu durumda yapmanız gereken şey, HAD DONE ile DID/WAS tense’lerini sıralarken, eylemin oluş sırasını
karıştırmamaktır. Zaten YDS sınavında en çok da buna dikkat etmeniz gerekir.

 Betty had called the firemen immediately because her son made a huge fire in the kitchen.

Betty called the firemen immediately because her son (had) made a huge fire in the kitchen.

 After everyone arrived home, we had begun eating dinner last night.

After everyone (had) arrived home, we began eating dinner last night.


THE PAST PROGRESSIVE TENSE (WAS-WERE DOING) genelde geçmişte iki farklı eylemi sıralamaya
sokarken İLK EYLEMİ anlatır. Sınavda dikkat etmeniz gereken nokta, bu tense’in aslında mantık olarak
“IS/ARE DOING” ile aynı olduğunu, ama sadece bir derece PAST’I olduğu ve sıralamada daima birinci
olduğunu unutmamanız.

 I was watching my favourite soap opera when my aunt knocked on the door last night.

 Before everyone heard about the theft, the housemaid was travelling to Ukraine already.

Ancak “was-were doing” yapısı tıpkı “is-are doing” gibi PERFECT bir mantığa sahip değildir. Yani adı geçen
eylemin NE ZAMANDAN BERİ devam ettiğini anlatmaz. Sadece geçmiş zamanda O ANDA veya O ESNADA
“NE OLDUĞUNU” anlatır.

 When we moved into our new flat, we were living in another flat as tenants for ten years.

 When we moved into our new flat, we had been living in another flat as tenants for ten years. ~ 10 ~ 0 222 231 22 66



1- will do = yapacağım
2- will be doing = yapacağım / yapıyor olacağım
3- will have done = [en geç ---- a kadar] yapmış olacağım
4- will have been doing = [---den beri] yapıyor olacağım

NOTICE: 3. ve 4. kullanımlar özel yapılarla kullanılır. Yani yan cümle BEFORE, BY (THE TIME) veya
WHEN ile başlar, çünkü bunlar gelecek zamanda BELLİ BİR NOKTA tayin eder ve EN GEÇ O ZAMANA
KADAR da bu eylem bitmiş veya başladığı gibi halen devam ediyor olacaktır.

 Hopefully, we ---- my son’s birthday next weekend.

A) will be celebrating
B) will have celebrated

 Hopefully, we ---- into our new flat before the end of this month.

A) will have been moving

B) will have moved

 The milkman ---- all the milk in his truck by this afternoon.

A) will sell
B) will have sold

 We ---- for the missing climbers for a very long time when we finally arrive at the camp.

A) will be looking
B) will have been looking ~ 11 ~ 0 222 231 22 66



Zaman Bağlacı dediğimiz bağlaçlarla iki cümle (ana cümle ve yan cümle) bağlandığında, İngilizcede
HER İKİ TARAF PARALEL TENSE ile kullanılır. Yani yan cümle PAST ise, ana cümle de PAST bir tense
olur, veya yan cümle PRESENT ise, ana cümle de PRESENT olur. Ama zaman bağlaçlarının dışında
kalanlarda bu kadar katı olunmaz. Örneğin, BECAUSE veya ALTHOUGH ile bağlanan iki cümleden biri
PRESENT iken, diğeri PAST olabilir. Yeter ki, present bir tense’ten PAT DİYE past perfect bir tense’e
geçmeyin. Esas olarak aşağıdaki gibi “9 ADET” zaman bağlacı (ve bu zaman bağlaçlarının EŞ
ANLAMLI sözcükleri) var. Kısaca bunları “ABUWIF” diye kodlayacağız.


As soon as


By the time






İngilizceyi Türkçeden ayıran en önemli özelliklerden biri de Türkçedekinin aksine, İNGİLİZCEDE YAN
CÜMLEDE DE TENSE VAR. Yani Türkçede SADECE YÜKLEM çekimlidir ve tense alır.

1. Ben evden çıktıktan sonra, -----. 3. When Sam left home, -----.

A) annem ve babam bize gelmiş A) her son was making a fire in the garden
B) sen evi temizleyeceksin B) she has fed the chickens in the coop
C) bizim eve hırsız girdi C) her husband is going crazy with her
D) eşim ev temizliğine başlar D) we cannot talk to her on this issue
E) arabama biniyorum E) she is going to repeat the whole story to you

4. ----, Sally eats her breakfast.

2. ----, kafayı yedi.
A) As soon as we woke up this morning
A) Kardeşim sınavını geçemeyince
B) Until everyone was ready at the table
B) Kardeşim sorularla boğuşurken
C) Before she waters the garden
C) Ali senin sorularına cevap vereceğim diye
D) After she had informed the police about
D) Arkadaşlarıyla çok felsefe tartışarak the robbery
E) Betül evde kimseyi bulamadığı için E) Even if one of them were telling her the
truth ~ 12 ~ 0 222 231 22 66



1-“modal verbs” tense’lerin yorumlanmış biçimidir.

• You were late to work yesterday = Dün işe geç gittin. [Yorum yok]

• You must have been late to work yesterday = Dün işe geç gitmiş olmalısın. [Yorum var (TAHMİN)]

2-“modal verbs” kişiye göre çekimlenmez.

• She will goes to the cinema with the others. [INCORRECT]

• She will go to the cinema with the others. [CORRECT]

3-“modal verbs” genelde anlam bulanıklığına neden olur; çünkü “aynı modal” birden fazla anlama

• You can drive this lorry.

Sen bu kamyonu sürebilirsin. [İZİN VERİYORUM]

Sen bu kamyonu sürebilirsin. [YETENEĞİN/EHLİYETİN VAR]

Anlam bulanıklığını gidermek için veya net anlaşılabilmek için, SEMI-MODALS kullanılır.

You are allowed to drive this lorry. [İZİN VERİYORUM]

You are able to drive this lorry. [YETENEĞİN/EHLİYETİN VAR]

You should repeat these words. [= You are supposed to repeat these words.]

[= You ought to repeat these words.]

[= You need to repeat these words.] ~ 13 ~ 0 222 231 22 66



1. “semi-modal verbs” anlam bulanıklığını giderir.

Ali MAY HATE this food. [Ali bu yemeği sevmiyor olabilir.]

• It is likely / probable / possible that Ali hates this food. [SEVMİYOR OLMASI BİR İHTİMAL]

• I agree that Ali hates this food, but he has nothing else to eat. [SEVMEDİĞİ KESİN]


• They have (got) to speak good Italian. [KONUŞMALI]

• It is very probable / almost certain / highly likely that they speak good Italian. [KONUŞUYOR OLMALI]

2. “modal verb”lerin anlamını koruyamadığı zaman dilimlerinde modal’in vermek istediği anlamı karşılar.

David can swim since last year. [INCORRECT]

• David could swim since last year. [INCORRECT]

• David could have swum since last year. [DIFFERENT MEANING = YÜZEBİLİRDİ/ YÜZMÜŞ OLABİLİR]

• David has been able to swim since last year. [David geçen yıldan beri yüzebiliyor.]

Ali must travel to work by bus for the last two weeks. [INCORRECT]

• Ali must have been travelling to work by bus for the last two weeks.[DIFFERENT MEANING]

[= Ali geçen haftadan beri işe otobüsle gidiyor olmalı.]

• Ali has had to travel to work by bus since last week. [CORRECT]

[= Ali geçen haftadan beri işe otobüsle gitmek zorunda kalıyor.]

3. İki farklı yorumu bir arada verirken ikinci yorum için kullanılır.

• You will can play the piano only after you have done enough practice.[INCORRECT]

You WILL BE ABLE TO PLAY the piano only after you have done enough practice. [CORRECT]

• Sam may must do the shopping alone tomorrow.

Sam MAY HAVE TO DO the shopping alone tomorrow.

yapmak zorunda kalabilir ~ 14 ~ 0 222 231 22 66



Pozitif Zayıf Tahmin (%50) Pozitif Güçlü Tahmin (%90)

Ali may be ill today. Ali must be ill today.

might be
could be
can be
[= Ali bugün hasta olmalı (eminim ki hastadır).]
[= Ali bugün hasta olabilir (olmaya da bilir).]

Negatif Zayıf Tahmin (%50) Negative Güçlü Tahmin (%99)

Ali may not be ill today. Ali must not be ill today.
might not be can’t be
couldn’t be
[= Ali bugün hasta olmayabilir (ola da bilir).]
[= Ali bugün hasta olamaz (eminim ki hasta değil).]


1. You ---- my aunt at the market yesterday, as she rarely does her shopping herself.

A) must have seen B) can’t have seen

2. We couldn’t hear any noise from upstairs last night. That is why they ---- at home then.

A) couldn’t have been B) must have been

3. You are not looking at me in the eye and you are blushing too. I suppose you ---- to me now.

A) must be lying B) can’t be lying

4. Your son ---- very lazy, now that his school report is horrible.

A) must be B) may be ~ 15 ~ 0 222 231 22 66



 Ali must speak good English.

• Ali iyi bir İngilizce konuşmalı. [iyi konuşmazsa sorun yaşar] (ZORUNLULUK)

• Ali iyi bir İngilizce konuşuyor olmalı. [iyi konuştuğundan eminim] (GÜÇLÜ TAHMİN)

 Ali must be speaking good English now.

• Ali şimdi iyi bir İngilizce konuşuyor olmalı. (GÜÇLÜ TAHMİN)

 Ali must have spoken good English last night.

• Ali dün gece iyi bir İngilizce konuşmuş olmalı. (GÜÇLÜ TAHMİN)

 Ali must have been speaking good English since last year.

• Ali geçen yıldan beri iyi bir İngilizce konuşuyor olmalı. (GÜÇLÜ TAHMİN)

WARNING! "must” gelecek zaman için tahmin yürütmez; gelecek zaman için güçlü tahmin anlamında
“SHOULD” ve “OUGHT” kullanılır.

***You must / should be able to pass the exam tomorrow if you do not get nervous, as you have worked
hard enough.

***This book ought to be / must be a best-seller very soon if the sales go on like this.


 Ali should wash the car. [Ali arabayı yıkamalı] {GEREKLİLİK-TAVSİYE}

 Ali should be washing the car. [Ali arabayı yıkıyor olması gerekiyor/ yıkamalı] [GEREKLİLİK-TAVSİYE]

 Ali should have washed the dirty car. [Ali arabayı yıkamalıydı (ama yıkamadı)] [GÖREV İHMALİ-SUÇLAMA]

 Ali should have been washing since early morning the dirty car.
[= Ali arabayı sabahın erken saatlerinden beri yıkıyor olması gerekiyordu/ yıkıyor olmalıydı (ama yıkamıyor)]
[GÖREV İHMALİ-SUÇLAMA] ~ 16 ~ 0 222 231 22 66



1. Why didn’t you tell us the truth in the first place? You know you ----- so.

A) must have done B) should have done

2. Paul ---- the wrong bus, or else he would have arrived here by now.

A) must have taken B) should have taken

3. You ---- on the balcony when your father came to water the plants. Now, you are in serious trouble.

A) ought not to have been smoking B) must not have been smoking

4. It was wrong of you to shout at your son so harshly this morning. You ---- so, in my opinion.

A) shouldn’t have done B) can’t have done

5. You ---- my dictionary by mistake, as you were the last person to leave the classroom yesterday.

A) should have taken B) must have taken

ATTENTION! “should” yerine kullanabildiğimiz 3 tane” semi-modal verb” bulunmaktadır.

You should brush your teeth more regularly than you are doing now.

1. You ought to brush your teeth more regularly than you are doing now.

2. You need to brush your teeth more regularly than you are doing now.

4. You are supposed to brush your teeth more regularly than you are doing now. ~ 17 ~ 0 222 231 22 66



1. Tom ---- this morning, or else he would have arrived at school earlier than all of us.

A) must have overslept B) was supposed to oversleep

2. Now that it has gone bad, you ---- this food out of fridge last night.

A) mustn’t have taken B) were not supposed to take

3. Your son ---- his homework now instead of watching this silly cartoon. You are being too lax with him.

A) must be doing B) should be doing

4. Sam ---- her essay on global warming two weeks ago, but she failed to do so.

A) was supposed to have written B) must have written

5. You ---- the bleach in the cupboard, since the baby could have reached it very easily.

A) mustn’t have placed B) shouldn’t have placed


“MUSTN’T DO = yapmamalısın” versus “DON’T HAVE TO DO = yapmana gerek yok”

1. You must use a knife. [zorunluluk var] A) You must not use a knife. [zorunluluk var]

2. You should use a knife. [gereklilik var] B) You should not use a knife. [gereklilik var]

3. You ought to use a knife. [gereklilik var] C) You ought not to use a knife. [gereklilik var]

4. You are supposed to use a knife. [gereklilik var] D) You are not supposed to use a knife. [gereklilik var]

5. You are to use a knife. [zorunluluk var] E) You are not to use a knife. [zorunluluk var]

6. You had better use a knife. [zorunluluk var] F) You had better not use a knife. [zorunluluk var]

7. You have to use a knife. [zorunluluk var] G) You don’t have to use a knife. [zorunluluk YOK]

8. You need to use a knife. [gereklilik var] H) You don’t need to use /needn’t use a knife. [gereklilik YOK]

Sol sütunda gördüğünüz 1'den 8'e kadar olan MODAL ve SEMI-MODALLARIN olumsuzu, sağ sütunda
gördüğünüz G ve H SEMI-MODAL ifadeleri ile ancak verilebilmektedir. ~ 18 ~ 0 222 231 22 66



1. You ---- the dishes by hand. You can use the dishwasher, you know.

A) don’t have to wash B) shouldn’t wash

2. You ---- this food uncovered, or it will go off in a very short time.

A) shouldn’t leave B) don’t need to leave

3. Sally ---- a new dictionary for her French homework. I can lend mine to her for the weekend.

A) mustn’t buy B) doesn’t need to buy

4. David ---- anything this morning, as he will be having an operation on his stomach.

A) mustn’t eat B) doesn’t have to eat

5. On market days, there is a bus every half an hour from the town to our village, so we ---- our own car.

A) don’t have to drive B) had better not drive

“DIDN’T HAVE/NEED TO DO = yapmana gerek kalmaDI”

“NEEDN’T HAVE DONE = yapmana gerek yokTU/yokMUŞ”


1. I was about to call an ambulance when a neighbor of ours, who is a doctor, came to help my mother,
who had just fainted, so I ---- the ambulance in the end.

A) didn’t have to call B) needn’t have called

2. You ---- all these expensive presents. You could have bought me a bunch of flowers instead.

A) didn’t need to buy B) needn’t have bought

3. Now that the meeting has been cancelled, we ---- a taxi to catch it when we missed the bus to work
this morning. It was a waste of money indeed.

A) needn’t have hired B) didn’t have to hire ~ 19 ~ 0 222 231 22 66




past present future past present future past present future past present future

1-“could do” geçmişte sahip olunan bir yetenekten söz eder ama bir zorluğun üstesinden gelmek
anlamı yoktur. Bir zorluğun üstesinden gelindiğini anlatmak için semi-modal kullanılır (was-were able
to do / managed to do)

 I could carry [= taşıyabiliyordum] a hundred kilos when I was your age but now I can’t do so. [PAST ABILITY]

 The salesman insisted on not lowering the price of the machine but I could buy it for a low price.

The salesman insisted on not lowering the price of the machine but I was able to buy / managed to buy it for
a low price. [= satın alabildim/satın almayı başardım]

 The questions on the test were too hard yesterday, but I could do all of them.

The questions on the test were too hard yesterday, but I was able to do / managed to do all of them.
[= zorluğuna rağmen yapabildim/üstesinden gelebildim]

2-“could do” present veya future için alternatif/seçenek sunar.

 You could see an optician if you can’t see far. [= göz doktoruna görünebilirsin]

Mary could travel to Rome by bus if she is scared of flying, couldn’t she? [= Romaya otobüsle gidebilir]

3-“couldn’t do” geçmiş zaman için YAPAMADI anlamını verir.

 The terrorist couldn’t detonate the bomb on time. [= bombayı zamanında patlatamadı]

 I couldn’t convince anybody that I was innocent, so I submitted my resignation. [= kimseyi ikna edemedim]

4-“could be doing” present veya future için “zayıf tahmin” ancak “couldn’t be doing” ise güçlü bir
tahmin yürütür.

 We could be having new visitors tomorrow, so let’s make some preparations for them. [misafir ağırlayabiliriz]

 The baby couldn’t be crying for food, because I just fed her with her favorite food. [= açlıktan ağlıyor olamaz] ~ 20 ~ 0 222 231 22 66



yapabilirdi yapmış olabilir yapamazdı yapmış olamaz

(ama yapmadı) (yapmamış da olabilir) (istese de) (eminim o yapmamıştır)

 You could have confessed in the police station that you had robbed the bank, but you didn’t do so.

 Pam could have donated most of her salary to this charity but we are not sure if she did so or not.

 Kathy couldn’t have committed the murder for money, since she is a rich enough person.

 The victim couldn’t have escaped from the murderer even if she had struggled with him.


1. You ---- my son at the bus-stop at that hour of the night, since he was in bed then.

A) couldn’t have seen B) could have seen

2. Mike ---- me to the police when we had a fight yesterday, but he chose not to do so in the end.

A) must have informed B) could have informed

3. Helen ---- the suitcase on her own even if she had tried doing so, as it was just too heavy.

A) couldn’t have carried B) shouldn’t have carried

4. You ---- me the truth when you gave me the remaining details of the accident, because I can see a
contradiction between some of your statements.

A) shouldn’t have told B) must not have told ~ 21 ~ 0 222 231 22 66



1-“may” ve “might” güçlü olmayan kanıtlara dayanarak zayıf bir tahmin yürütür.

My son may be jealous of your son, because yours has got more toys than mine has. [ZAYIF TAHMİN]

[Benim oğlum senin oğlunu kıskanıyor olabilir, çünkü seninkinin benimkinden daha çok oyuncağı var.]

 You might need my help with the preparations tomorrow afternoon. If so, let me know about it. [ZAYIF TAHMİN]

[Senin yarınki hazırlıklar için yardımıma ihtiyacın olabilir. Eğer öyle olursa, lütfen bana haber et.]

2-“may” ve “might” mevcut durumu kabullenir ama devamında eleştiri getirir. Bu kullanımda tahmin
değil gerçek bir durum söz konusudur.

 I may have hurt your feelings last night, but everything I said was meant to confront you about the reality.

[Dün gece seni incitmiş olabilirim (buna itirazım yok), ancak dediğim her şey seni gerçekle yüzleştirmek içindi.]

 He might be your best friend but this doesn’t give him the right to insult you like that.

[Senin en yakın arkadaşın olabilir (buna itirazım yok) ama bu, sana o şekilde hakaret etme hakkını ona vermez.]


1. Your son ---- a very big mistake by marrying someone you don't like, but you should support him if
you think everything is going even worse for him now.

A) may have made B) should have made

2. Our next-door neighbors ---- elsewhere soon, since they are looking for a cheaper flat these days.

A) must be moving B) might be moving

3. You ---- one of the best students in this school, but this shouldn’t mean you have the right to skip
your lessons.

A) may be B) must be

4. Paul ---- his arm yesterday, since I just saw a huge plaster on it and he looked as if he was in pain.

A) might have broken B) should have broken ~ 22 ~ 0 222 231 22 66



1. will do = yapacak would do = yapacakTI // (eskiden) yapardı

2. will be doing = yapacak / yapıyor olacak would be doing = yapacakTI / yapıyor olacakTI

3. will have done = yapmış olacak would have done = yapacakTI / yapmış olacakTI

4. will have been doing = (-den beri) yapıyor olacak would have been doing = yapıyor olacakTI

"would do” eskiden yapılan ama şimdi terk edilen bir alışkanlığı/adeti/geleneği anlatır. Ancak, bu
yapıda kullanılan fiil write, speak, drive, eat gibi AKSİYON İÇEREN bir fiil olmalı. Yani, believe, live,
think, be gibi STATE fiiller ile kullanılmaz. Eğer “would believe” veya “would be” görürseniz, aklınıza
sadece hayal anlamı gelsin. Aksiyonsuz fiileri “eskiden yapardım” anlamında kullanmak için SEMI-
MODAL olan “USED TO DO” kullanın.

 My son would be obedient to us when he was a young boy. Now he is being rather disobedient.

• My son used to be obedient to us when he was a young boy. Now he is being rather disobedient.

 This gullible boy would believe that the Earth was made up of chocolate when he was younger.

• This gullible boy used to believe that the Earth was made up of chocolate when he was younger.

“be used to doing” = present veya past alışkanlık anlatmak için kullanılan bir semi-modaldır. Bir
duruma alışmak için de “get used to doing” kullanılır.

 My father was used to walking for hours when he was still powerful but now he is getting used to sitting
for hours doing nothing.

[Babam gücü kuvveti henüz yerindeyken saatlerce yürümeye alışkındı, ancak şimdi de saatlerce boş
oturmaya alışıyor.]

 I hope you will get used to living alone very soon, since you have lost your dog. It won’t be that easy, though. ~ 23 ~ 0 222 231 22 66




Tom slept the bed. Tom cleaned the bed. Tom gave her a new book. The window broke yesterday.

Tom has fallen his bags. Tom has dropped his bags. Tom sent me a message. This car will not start.

Tom died his wife. Tom killed his wife. Tom has sold Mike his car. When did the film finish?

We were running the street. We were watching the street. Tom is teaching Mike French. Your English has improved a lot.

Helen is living London. Helen really loves London. Helen told us a big lie. The door opened noisily.


1. [Sam is a nurse] in this hospital. Noun Phrase (NP)

2. [Sam was rich] until last year. Adjective Phrase (Adj.P)

3. [She is in the kitchen] now. Prepositional Phrase (P.P)

4. [Sam seems happy] with her job. Adjective Phrase (Adj.P)

5. [Sam is sleeping] in her room.

6. [Sam knows the story] about your life.

7. [Sam knows what happened] two days ago. Noun Clause (NC)

8. [Sam asked me a question] about my new job.


9. [Sam asked me why I was so unhappy] when she saw me crying.


10. Sam remembers eating this food years ago.


11. Sam wanted to help her son with his homework.

NC ~ 24 ~ 0 222 231 22 66


Find the problematic sentences in terms of COMPLETENESS.

1. Mike is working for our company this year.

2. Mike is washing the car at the moment.

3. Mike eats very early in the morning.

4. Mike is going to sell my father on Tuesday morning.

5. Mike has been sitting in the sun for more than half an hour.

6. Mike is speaking with his parents about the promotion he got a couple of days ago.

7. Mike doesn’t sing anymore, because he thinks that he can’t earn much by singing.

8. Mike looks more enthusiastic about Chinese than do his friends in school.

9. My father asked me [how often I missed my classes last semester].

10. Mike is eating lunch [what his wife cooked for him].

11. Mike knew the answer [why his wife had set fire to their new flat].

12. Mike knows [why his wife had set fire to their new flat].

13. Mike told me a lie [who had stolen his car two weeks earlier].

14. Mike told [that the cake was made by his own wife].

15. Mike told us [that his car was about to crash into another on his way here yesterday].

16. Mike saw his mother a book a few hours ago.

17. Mike gave his mother a book a few hours ago.

18. Mike sent his wife a shocking message this morning.

19. Mike saw his wife the garden this morning.

20. Mike is reading his young daughter a book now.

21. Mike has written his wife several letters so far.

22. Mike hates [waiting for tickets in the queue].

23. Mike needs [to learn French] now. ~ 25 ~ 0 222 231 22 66



1. Pam painted the house with a new brush. Direct object = DO

agent patient instrument Indirect object = IO

2. Pam borrowed some money from me for a new car.

agent patient source goal

3. Pam gave him a nice present for his birthday.

agent patient (IO) patient (DO) goal

4. Pam has sent Mike a very long letter.

agent patient (IO) patient (DO)

NOTICE! “Active” çatıdaki bir cümleyi “Passive” çatıya dönüştürdüğümüzde, öğelerin “thematic” rolleri değişmez. Indirect
object “him/her” passive cümlede “he/she” olarak yazılsa bile Türkçesi “ona” diye çevrilmelidir, çünkü “passive” cümlede özne
yerine geçmiş olsa bile aslında hala “indirect object” görevindedir.

*Pam gave him a nice present for his birthday. [Pam ona doğum için güzel bir hediye verdi] [THE ACTIVE VOICE]

*He was given a nice present for his birthday. [ Ona doğum günü için güzel bir hediye verildi] [THE PASSIVE VOICE]

*Pam sent her a happy message. [Pam ona mutlu bir mesaj gönderdi] [THE ACTIVE VOICE]

*She was sent a happy message. [ Ona mutlu bir mesaj gönderildi] [THE PASSIVE VOICE] ~ 26 ~ 0 222 231 22 66




ACTIVE Mike writes a letter
PASSIVE A letter is written by Mike.
ACTIVE Mike is writing a letter
PASSIVE A letter is being written by Mike.
ACTIVE Mike wrote a letter
PASSIVE A letter was written by Mike.
ACTIVE Mike was writing a letter
PASSIVE A letter was being written by Mike.
ACTIVE Mike will write a letter
PASSIVE A letter will be written by Mike.
ACTIVE Mike has written a letter
PASSIVE A letter has been written by Mike.
ACTIVE Mike has written a letter
PASSIVE A letter had been written by Mike.
ACTIVE Mike will have written a letter
PASSIVE A letter will have been written by Mike.
ACTIVE Mike can write a letter
PASSIVE A letter can be written by Mike.
ACTIVE Mike must write a letter
PASSIVE A letter must be written by Mike. ~ 27 ~ 0 222 231 22 66


1. She ---- the answer but she is too shy to 3. Mike ---- a chance to confess his guilt but he
answer it now. refused to do so.
A) knows A) was given
B) was known B) gave
C) has known C) should be given
D) should be known D) had given

2. Beatrice ---- the book to her son before he 4. Martin ---- for robbing a woman of her money as
could fall asleep last night. soon as she was out of the bank.
A)was read
A) was arrested
B)had to read
B) had arrested
C) has read
C) has arrested
D) is being read
D) was being arrested


 This film does not interest me at all but I think you are amazed at its scenario, aren’t you?

 Are you really interested in the car we recently bought? If so, we can let you drive it.

 It is surprising that his recent book has been praised very much for its amazing plot, though I myself wouldn’t praise it at all.

 His failure to discourage the boss from dismissing the new secretary disappointed Mike so much, but I told him that the
boss wasn’t discouraged because he was disappointed with her poor performance already.

 I’m sure that you will be surprised when you see his gorgeous car.

 My students were confused by the new formulae, so I had to explain them one by one.

 I couldn’t hear the doorbell, because I was absorbed in a book at that moment.

 None of the students was concerned about failing the final exam, since they all had worked hard for it.

 This famous author was actually born into a very poor family, which seems to be known to only a few people.

 Since his skin was exposed to too much sunlight, Paul developed rashes, for which he had to use medicine. ~ 28 ~ 0 222 231 22 66


1 be absorbed in kendini kaptırmak
2 be accompanied by ile birlikte olmak, eşlik etmek
3 be accustomed to alışkın olmak
4 be acquainted with aşina olmak
5 be addicted to bağımlı olmak
6 be amazed at şaşırmak
7 be annoyed at / about kızmak
8 be annoyed with kızmak
9 be associated with ilişkili olmak
10 be astonished at şaşırmak
11 be attracted to bir şeye cezbolmak, çekilmek, yapışmak
12 be based on bir şeye dayalı olmak, dayanmak
13 be blessed with bir şey ile kutsanmak
14 be bored with sıkılmak
15 be committed to kendini adamak, söz vermek
16 be composed of oluşmak
17 be comprised of oluşmak
18 be concerned about kaygılanmak
19 be concerned with ilgili olmak, ilgilenmek
20 be confused with kafası karışmak
21 be congested with bir şey ile dolu olmak
22 be connected to / with bağlantılı olmak
23 be contented with hoşnut olmak
24 be convinced of ikna olmak
25 be coordinated with uyumlu olmak
26 be coupled with birleşmek
27 be covered in / with kaplı olmak, kapatmak
28 be crowded with dolu olmak
29 be dedicated to kendini adamak
30 be delighted at / with / by memnun olmak
31 be derived from türemek
32 be devoted to kendini adamak
33 be disappointed at / about / with hayal kırıklığına uğramak
34 be discriminated against ayrımcılık yapmak
35 be disgusted at / with tiksinmek
36 be disillusioned by hayal kırıklığına uğramak
37 be divorced from boşanmak
38 be done with bitmek, tamamlamak
39 be dressed in giyinmek
40 be engaged in meşgul olmak
41 be engaged to nişanlı olmak
42 be engrossed in bir şeye kendini kaptırmak
43 be equipped with donanmış olmak
44 be excited about heyecanlanmak
45 be exposed to maruz kalmak
46 be fascinated by büyülenmek
47 be filled with dolu olmak ~ 29 ~ 0 222 231 22 66


48 be finished with bitmek

49 be furnished with bir şey ile döşenmiş / donatılmış olmak
50 be immersed in ilgilenmek, kendini kaptırmak
51 be impressed with etkilenmek
52 be indebted to minnettar olmak
53 be indulged in düşkün olmak
54 be interested in ilgilenmek
55 be involved in karışmak, bulaşmak
56 be involved with bir şeye katılmak, iştirak etmek, üye olmak
57 be known for tanınmak, bilinmek
58 be limited to sınırlı olmak
59 be made from oluşmak
60 be made of oluşmak
61 be made out of oluşmak
62 be made of oluşmak
63 be married to evli olmak
64 be married with evli ve çocuklu olmak
65 be noted for bilinmek, ünlü olmak
66 be obliged to mecbur olmak
67 be obliged to minnettar olmak
68 be obsessed with takıntılı olmak
69 be opposed to karşı olmak, muhalif olmak
70 be packed with bir şey ile dolu olmak
71 be perplexed by şaşırmak,afallamak
72 be persuaded by ikna olmak
73 be pleased about/with memnun olmak
74 be preoccupied with meşgul olmak
75 be prepared for hazır olmak
76 be puzzled by kafası karışmak
77 be related to bağlantılı olmak
78 be relieved at rahatlamak
79 be remembered for hatırlanmak, bilinmek
80 be reputed for ünlü olmak, bilinmek
81 be restricted to sınırlı olmak
82 be satisfied with memnun olmak
83 be scared of korkmak
84 be separated from ayrı olmak, ayrılmak
85 be shocked at şaşırmak
86 be stunned at / by şaşırmak
87 be surprised at şaşırmak
88 be terrified of korkmak
89 be thrilled at / with heyecanlanmak
90 be tired from yorulmak
91 be tired of bıkmak
92 be troubled with başı belada olmak
93 be upset with / about hayal kırıklığına uğramak
94 be used to alışkın olmak
95 be worried about endişelenmek ~ 30 ~ 0 222 231 22 66



1. His father was ---- a very bad accident two days ago, so he is receiving an intensive treatment right now.
A) involved in
B) concerned with
C) tired of
D) fed up with
E) made up of

2. The teacher was ---- the method he had been using for years, so he decided to replace it with a new one.
A) exposed to
B) involved in
C) fed up with
D) blessed with
E) made from

3. Because Tom is ---- listening to the news on the radio, he can’t hear us now.
A) engaged to
B) based upon
C) addicted to
D) done with
E) absorbed in

4. The couple were ---- the food when they saw a fly swimming in the soup, so they refused to eat it.
A) satisfied with
B) exposed to
C) disgusted at
D) concerned with
E) restricted to

5. Water is ---- hydrogen and oxygen molecule, as you all may know.
A) derived from
B) made up of
C) concerned about
D) addicted to
E) engaged in ~ 31 ~ 0 222 231 22 66



1. is said to do = yaptığı söyleniyor (ACTIVE)

2. is said to be done = yapıldığı söyleniyor (PASSIVE)

3. is said to be doing = yapıyor olduğu / yaptığı söyleniyor (ACTIVE)

4. is said to have done = yapmış olduğu / yaptığı söyleniyor (ACTIVE)

5. is said to have been done = yapılmış olduğu söyleniyor (PASSIVE)

6. is said to have been doing = (-den beri / o anda) yaptığı / yapmakta olduğu söyleniyor (ACTIVE)

 They say that Sam is very happy with her new life.

 It is said that Sam is very happy with her new life.

 Sam [is said to be = olduğu söyleniyor] very happy with her new life.

 They know that Sam is working for this company now.

 It is known that Sam is working for this company now.

 Sam [is known to be working = çalıştığı biliniyor] for this company now.

 We believe that Sam is hated by all her cousins intensely.

 It is believed that Sam is hated by all her cousins intensely.

 Sam [is believed to be hated = nefret edildiğine inanılıyor] by all her cousins intensely.

 They are saying that Sam has spoken to the principal only twice so far.

 It is being said that Sam has spoken to the principal only twice so far.

 Sam [is being said to have spoken = konuştuğu söyleniyor] to the principal only twice so far.

 We suppose that you were followed by the police until last week.

 It is supposed that you were followed by the police until last week.

 You [are supposed to have been followed = takip edildiği varsayılıyor] by the police until last week. ~ 32 ~ 0 222 231 22 66



1. Michel is known ---- for her missing dog ever 5. This shop assistant ---- cheat the customers
since it got lost two weeks ago. out of their money whenever the boss is away.

A) to be searching A) is thought to be
B) that she has been searching B) is known to have
C) to have been searching C) seems to have
D) having searched D) is rumoured to
E) to have been searched E) was thought to

6. It ---- that you have not worked out the

2. Pamela was said ---- too fast before she was problem on your own. Is there any truth to it?
stopped by the traffic warden and punished for
speeding. A) is believed
B) has believed
A) to be driving
C) was believed
B) having driven
D) to have believed
C) being driven
E) that it is believed
D) that she was driving
E) that driving

7. My father, who is an English teacher, is

claimed ---- a lot of harm to his students by
3. Betty is reported ---- with a limp ever since she punishing them when they don’t do their
broke her right ankle several weeks ago. homework, but this is not true.

A) to be walking A) to do
B) having walked B) to be done
C) to have been walking C) having done
D) walking D) that he does
E) to walk E) to have been done

8. The genius student was already known ---- to

4. The young lady was thought ---- accustomed to the basketball team just because of his good
the town she had moved to, though she wasn’t marks.
A) to have chosen
A) to having got
B) to be choosing
B) having got
C) that he had chosen
C) getting
D) having chosen
D) to getting
E) to have been chosen
E) to be getting ~ 33 ~ 0 222 231 22 66



Causative (= Ettirgen) cümle yapısının 3 farklı kullanımı vardır.

1. Cümlenin öznesi olayın gerçekleşmesinden sorumlu olduğu halde, olayı kendisi yapmadığı durumlarda kullanılır.

2. Birini adımıza bir şeyi yapması için ayarlamak/kiralamak/işe almak anlamını vermek için kullanılır.

3. Öznenin başına gelen talihsizlilikleri anlatmak için kullanılır.

HAVE somebody DO something = birine bir şey yaptırmak / HAVE something DONE = bir şeyi yaptırmak

 My mother is going to hospital in order to have her blood pressure taken.

 How often do you have your carpets washed? By the way, do you have your husband wash them for you?

 My mother is going to have a new gardener trim the old trees in our garden.

 My mother has had her money stolen on the bus twice this week.

 We had our roof blown away in the huge storm last night.

GET somebody TO DO something = birine bir şey yaptırmak / GET something DONE = bir şeyi yaptırmak

 I got my car washed and the oil changed before I could start my journey to Izmir yesterday.

 I will get my son to wash the car for me because he had disobeyed his mother all day.

 How else do you think you can get Helen to clean the flat for free?

MAKE somebody DO something = birine bir şey yaptırmak

 My son made his sister open the door to the kitchen for him though he was not supposed to do so.

 We were made to file all those documents at the weekend but we were not paid for this extra work.

 Did you know that they made the manager sign the contract by means of a huge gun? ~ 34 ~ 0 222 231 22 66



CONDITIONAL TYPE-1 ile kurulan cümleler, günümüzde meydana gelme olasılığı olan eylemler için
kullanılır. Bu eylemlerin olası sebepleri ve olası sonuçları ele alınmaktadır. TYPE-1 ile kurulan cümleler,
genellikle UYARI [WARNING] amaçlıdır. TYPE-1 cümlelerinde TENSE ve TIME her zaman PRESENT

CONDITIONAL TYPE-1 ile kurulan cümlelerin yardımcı cümleleri [yani IF'e bağlı cümleler] TENSE veya
MODAL ile kurgulanabilir, ancak ana cümle [MAIN CLAUSE] genel olarak MODAL ile kurulmaktadır.

IF CLAUSE kendisine bağlı cümleye aşağıdaki AUXILIARY MODAL'ları ALAMAZ.

 If you will listen to me carefully, you can learn all the details.

would listen

may listen

might listen

had better listen

can listen, must help, should help, could help

WARNING! Yukarıda üstü çizili modallar “if” clause’dan sonra getirilmez! Bunların dışında “if”in
olduğu kısma present olmak koşuluyla modal veya semi-modal getirilebilir.

 If you can help us with this project, we will be able to make a very good job of it.

 Why don’t you let me give you a hand with this job if you have to finish it by tonight?

 If you should [happen to] learn the rest of the story, you should share it with us.

ATTENTION! TYPE-1 ile kurulan “if” li cümlenin kendisi “should do” ile kullanılmış ise, “if” cümleden
çıkartılabilir ve “should” da düşen “if”in yerine geçerek cümleyi DEVRİK KOŞUL CÜMLESİ yapabilir.

 If you should happen to learn the rest of the story, you should share it with us.

***Should you happen to learn the rest of the story, you should share it with us.

 You will have to repeat a whole year if you should fail to pass the exam.

***You will have to repeat a whole year should you fail to pass the exam. ~ 35 ~ 0 222 231 22 66




1. will do = yapacak would do = yapacakTI // (eskiden) yapardı

2. will be doing = yapacak / yapıyor olacak would be doing = yapacakTI / yapıyor olacakTI

“WOULD” mevcut bir durumun tersini hayal etmek için de kullanılır. Eğer şu anki durumun tersi hayal
ediliyorsa, o zaman TYPE-2 kullanılır. Bu yapının tipik özelliği “halen geç kalınmamış olması”dır. Sadece
şuan ki imkânlar el vermediği için HAYAL konumunda kalmıştır. Bu nedenle bu TYPE-2 conditional
cümlelerde WOULD DO ve WOULD BE DOING sık kullanılır. Ancak, would yerine “could” ve “might” da

 Because we are poor, we don’t buy expensive clothes but IF we WEREN’T poor, we WOULD BUY them.

[Fakir olduğumuz için pahalı elbiseler alamıyoruz, ama fakir olmasaydık, pahalı elbise satın alacaktık /alırdık]

1. Sally isn’t working for a high salary, so she doesn’t earn as much as we do.

If Sally were working for a high salary, she would earn as much as do.

2. He looks fitter than all of his family members, because Brian eats very healthy food.

If Brian didn’t eat very healthy food, he wouldn’t look fitter than all of his family members.


1. You are making poor progress, so you can’t get good marks unlike me.


2. Since there is no water on the Moon, human life does not exist there.


3. If you spoke a foreign language, you might like travelling abroad.


4. We wouldn’t be suffering from poverty now if my father earned as much as yours do.


ATTENTION! TYPE-2 ile kurulan “if” li cümlede, “if” cümleden çıkartıldıktan sonra cümle başına “WERE”
getirilerek bu cümle DEVRİK KOŞUL CÜMLESİ yapılabilir.

 If Sally were hardworking enough, she would earn as much as we do.

Were Sally hardworking enough, she would earn as much as we do.

 If you spoke a foreign language, you might like travelling abroad.

If you were to speak a foreign language, you might like travelling abroad.
Were you to speak a foreign language, you might like travelling abroad. ~ 36 ~ 0 222 231 22 66




1. will have done = yapmış olacak would have done = yapacakTI / yapmış olacakTI

2. will have been doing = (-den beri) yapıyor olacak would have been doing = yapıyor olacakTI

Eğer olmuş bitmiş bir olayın tersi hayal ediliyorsa, o zaman TYPE-3 kullanılır. Bu yapının tipik özelliği “artık
çooook geç kalınmış olması”dır. Bu nedenle bu TYPE-3 conditional cümlelerde WOULD HAVE DONE ve
WOULD HAVE BEEN DOING sık kullanılır. Ancak, would yerine “could” ve “might” da kullanılabilir.

 Betty missed the bus yesterday morning, thus she was late for a very important meeting.

If Betty hadn’t missed the bus yesterday morning, she would not have been late for a very important

 As I wasn’t paying attention when I was driving here last night, my car crashed into a stationary lorry.

If I had been paying attention when I was driving here last night, my car wouldn’t have crashed into a
stationary lorry.


1- Since the students were making noise half an hour ago, I couldn’t teach them well enough.


2- We were confused about the instructions in the exam, so we had a lot difficulty understanding the questions.


3- If the other students had eaten that food yesterday, they might have got food poisoning too.


4- They couldn’t have travelled across Europe last month if they couldn’t have obtained passports earlier.


ATTENTION! TYPE-3 ile kurulan “if” li cümlede, “if” cümleden çıkartıldıktan sonra, cümle başına “HAD”
getirilerek bu cümle DEVRİK KOŞUL CÜMLESİ yapılabilir.

 If Betty hadn’t missed the bus yesterday morning, she would not have been late for a very important

Had Betty not missed the bus yesterday morning, she would not have been late for a very important

 If I had been paying attention when I was driving here last night, my car wouldn’t have crashed into a
stationary lorry.

Had I been paying attention when I was driving here last night, my car wouldn’t have crashed into a
stationary lorry. ~ 37 ~ 0 222 231 22 66



1. We ---- the police much earlier if we had 6. Were you ---- the rules in the office, you
known that it was the housemaid who wouldn’t keep getting into trouble so often.
helped the burglar with the robbery.
A) obeyed
A) would be informing
B) obeying
B) must have informed
C) to obey
C) would have informed
D) must obey
D) were used to informing
E) should obey
E) could have been informed
2. If the questions had been clear enough for me 7. If I ---- in charge of this hotel, I ---- the
to do, I ---- top in the final exam. customers more gently.

A) would come A) had been / would be treated

B) could have come B) was / will be treating
C) must have come C) were / would treat
D) got used to coming D) have been / treated
E) might be coming E) hade been / have treated

3. You can’t be serious about losing weight. If 8. ---- your sister win the beauty contest, I will
you really were, you ---- all this food at the jump off this bridge and kill myself.
A) Must
A) aren’t eating
B) Should
B) wouldn’t be eating
C) Might
C) wouldn’t have eaten
D) Would
D) aren’t used to eating
E) Could
E) couldn’t be eaten
9. The party ---- so enjoyable as it was if you
4. Their house always looked dark and hadn’t attended it last night.
gloomy, so I ---- there were ghosts living
there when I was a young boy. A) might not have been
A) would think B) couldn’t be
B) would have thought C) hasn’t been
C) used to think D) wasn’t
D) could have thought E) shouldn’t have been
E) might be thought
10. None of the passengers in the plane could
have survived ---- it not been for the
5. Mike doesn’t have to take a rest every half
cleverness of the co-pilot.
an hour, because he ---- standing for hours
at a time since last year.
A) were
A) has been able to B) had
B) has been used to C) did
C) would be D) was
D) must be E) has
E) would have been ~ 38 ~ 0 222 231 22 66


IMPLIED CONDITIONALS [“if” cümlesini ima ederek veren yapılar]

1. I would have postponed the party last weekend, but my mother didn’t allow me to.

If my mother had allowed me to, I would have postponed the party last weekend.

2. Sam couldn’t eat breakfast when she left home this morning; otherwise, she wouldn’t be hungry now.

If Sam could have eaten breakfast when she left home this morning, she wouldn’t be angry now.

3. Without (= But for) my bullet-proof vest, I could have died in the shooting last night.

If I hadn’t been wearing a bullet-proof vest, I could have died in the shooting last night.

4. The bus was late, or I wouldn’t have missed the meeting last night.

If the bus hadn’t been late, I wouldn’t have missed the meeting last night

5. You wouldn’t be so popular with people without your good sense of humor.

If it weren’t for your good sense of humor, you wouldn’t be so popular with people.


1. The questions were more difficult than we 3. We ---- this car for you but its price is too
had expected, or we ----- even higher expensive for us.
A) were bought
A) would have been received
B) have bought
B) received
C) would buy
C) were received
D) were able to buy
D) could have received
E) could be bought
E) would be receiving
4. These books ---- into Turkish by the same
2. The boy on the bus was making so much person because they are both equally
noise, otherwise the driver ---- at him. good.

A) wouldn't have shouted A) must have been translated

B) wasn't shouted B) could have translated
C) didn't have to shout C) should be translating
D) hasn't shouted D) would be translated
E) wouldn't shout E) would have translated ~ 39 ~ 0 222 231 22 66



Koşul cümlelerinde SEBEP ve SONUÇ her zaman paralel olmayabiliyor. Sebep veya sonuçtan birisi
PRESENT iken diğeri PAST olabiliyor. Bu durumda TYPE-2 ve TYPE-3 bir arada kullanılır. Yani MIXED
CONDITIONAL dediğimiz koşul cümleleri kurulur.

1- You lied to your parents many times when you were a teenager, so they don’t trust your words now.

If you hadn’t lied to your parents many times when you were a teenager, they would trust your words now.

2- Since you are rich enough, you were able to donate a lot of money to the charity last week.

If you weren’t rich enough, you wouldn’t have been able to donate a lot of money to the charity last week.

3- You are a rude person by nature; therefore, you insulted all your guests at the party last night.


 You saved most of your money when you were still making a lot of it, so you have a comfortable life today.



1. If you ---- others discourage you when you 3. You ---- your slippers now because you
first attempted to learn English, you ---- don’t remember where you put them.
fluent in it today.
A) wouldn’t be found
A) had let / wouldn’t be
B) can’t find
B) let / wouldn’t have been
C) hadn’t found
C) are letting / weren’t
D) aren’t found
D) would have let / aren’t
E) weren't found
E) will let / weren't

4. If Germany ---- the second World War,

2. We ---- her now if we ---- out of battery a things ---- quite different today.
couple of hours ago, but it doesn’t look
possible now. A) had won / would be
B) won / would have been
A) would be able to ring / didn’t run
C) has won / will be
B) could ring / hadn’t run
D) were winning / is
C) can ring / haven’t run
E) had won / would have been
D) were able to ring / wouldn’t run
E) are able to ring / didn't run ~ 40 ~ 0 222 231 22 66


UNLESS versus IF

UNLESS = “IF ---- NOT” şeklinde anlaşılırsa, “unless” ve “if” koşul bağlaçlarını birbirinden ayırmak kolaylaşır.

 Unless you do more exercise [= If you do not do more exercise], you will continue to increase in weight, so
please be careful!

[=Eğer daha fazla egzersiz yapmasan, kilo almaya devam edeceksin, bu nedenle lütfen dikkatli ol!]

UYARI: “Unless”in içinde zaten OLUMSUZ anlam olduğu için, devamındaki fiili olumsuz yapmayın!!!

 You can’t enter this club unless you aren’t a member of it. [INCORRECT]

 You can’t enter this club unless you are a member of it. [CORRECT]

EVEN IF versus IF

“even” sözcük anlamı olarak “hatta / bile” anlamına gelir ve tek başına bir bağlaç değildir. Ancak, hangi
bağlacın başına gelirse gelsin, bu bağlaca TEZAT / ZITLIK anlamı verir. [even if = -se bile], [even though = -
e rağmen], [even so = buna rağmen, ancak, yine de], [even when = --dığında bile], [even after = -den sonra

 She won’t be able to discourage her father, who is an addict, from taking drugs even if Marta does her best.

 You are supposed to wash all these dishes alone even if you are unwilling to do them.

ONLY IF versus IF

“only if” = ancak ---- şartıyla gibi Türkçeye çevrilir. “If” ile çok bir farkı yoktur, ancak gramer olarak farklı
kullanılır, çünkü eğer cümle başında ONLY IF varsa, giriş cümlesi değil de ana cümle DEVRİK olur.

1-You can ONLY pass the driving test IF you do enough practice.

2-You can pass the driving test ONLY IF you do enough practice.

3-ONLY IF you do enough practice, can you pass the driving test. ~ 41 ~ 0 222 231 22 66



NOUN CLAUSE (NC) cümlede ÖZNE veya NESNE durumunda NOUN PHRASE (NP) yerine kullanılan ve içinde
VERB (fiil) barındıran yapılardır. NP nerede kullanılabiliyorsa, NC da buralarda kullanılabilir. Türkçe NC cümleleri
yan cümlenin fiiline aşağıdaki 5 “YAPIM EKİ”nden herhangi birisi getirilerek yapılır.

1. -mek / mak [[Kitap okumak] çok yararlıdır.]

2. -me / ma [[Kitap okumayı] çok severim.]
3. -dığı [[Kitap okuduğuna] sevindim.]
4. -ışı [[Kitap okuyuşuna] hayran kaldım.]
5. -ması [[Kitap okuması] çok işe yaramamış.]

İngilizcede ise yan cümlenin fiili zaten TENSE için çekimlendiğinden ve ikinci bir çekim eki alamayacağından,
Noun Clause cümleleri aşağıdaki 3 ayrı yapı ile verilir.

1. Noun Clauses beginning with “TO  INFINITIVE VERB”

 [To eat lunch with them] will be a torture for me.

 I need [to clean the house] today.

2. Noun Clauses beginning with “GERUND VERB”

 I really enjoy [swimming].

 [Reading for pleasure] is a good hobby.

3. Noun Clauses beginning with “COMPLEMENTIZERS”

 [That you can speak good French] is already known to us.

 [How you managed to collect all that evidence] was amazing.

 Can you tell me [how you want your eggs done], please?

 I wonder [who is going to speak to the manager for us about the pay rise].

 [What was going on in the room] was a mystery until the evening time.

 Do you happen to know [where the others are having a holiday now]? ~ 42 ~ 0 222 231 22 66


I know the boy. He has stolen your money.

1. I know the boy because he has stolen your money. [ADVERBIAL CLAUSE]

2. I know the boy who has stolen your money. [ADJECTIVE CLAUSE]

3. I know who has stolen your money. [NOUN CLAUSE]

 Can you tell me what the lady who phoned you last night was talking about?

 You know that you shouldn’t have read the letter that was written to me, don’t you?

 My parents are going to build a new house where we will be living next year.

COMPLEMENTIZERS used in building NOUN CLAUSES in English

1. who: kim (insan için ÖZNE sorar) / kimi, kime kimde, kimden (insan için NESNEyi sorar)

2. whom: kimi, kime kimde, kimden (sadece insan için NESNEyi sorar)

3. what: ne (insanın dışındaki ÖZNEyi sorar) / neyi, neye, neyde, neyden (insanın dışındaki NESNEyi sorar)

4. which: hangi (insan ve insanın dışındakiler için de kullanılır)

5. whose: kimin, kime ait olanı (iyelik sıfatını sorar –his-my- your vb)

6. where: nerede, nereyi, nereden / ---nın neresinde

7. when: ne zaman / ---nın kaçında

8. why: niçin

9. how : nasıl

10. whether : olup olmadığı/olmayacağı

11. if : olup olmadığı/olmayacağı

12. that: ki ~ 43 ~ 0 222 231 22 66



NC daha önce de dediğimiz gibi NP’in geldiği her yere gelebilir. Yani nasıl ki NP bir cümlenin hem öznesi hem de
nesnesi görevinde kullanılabiliyorsa, NC da bir cümlenin hem öznesi hem de nesnesi olarak kullanılabilir. 12
complementizer’dan SADECE “if” ile ÖZNE konumunda NC cümlesine BAŞLANMAZ. Bunun yerine aynı anlamı
vermek için WHETHER kullanılır.

[Who has messed up this room] is none of your business, is it? [CORRECT]

 [How often she visits the zoo in a week] is amazing. [CORRECT]

 [That your father speaks more than three languages] is unbelievable. [CORRECT]

 [Whether your sister can pass this exam or not] is doubtful. [CORRECT]

[If your sister can pass this exam or not] is doubtful. [INCORRECT]


Daha önce de ifade edildiği gibi nasıl ki NP mono-transitive (tek nesne alan fiiller) ve di-transitive (çift nesne
alan fiiller) ile veya preposition’lardan sonra kullanılıyorsa, NC da aynı şekilde kullanılabilir.

 I need [a car].  I need [to buy a car].

 Sam enjoys [Chinese food].  Sam enjoys [eating Chinese food].

 We don’t know [the story].  We don’t know [where the money is being kept now].

 Patricia asked [me] [a question].  Patricia asked [me] [who I had just gone out with].

 She told [me] [a lie] yesterday.  She told [me] [that she was in need of urgent help].

 She was worried about [the exam].  She was worried about [where her husband had been all day].

 We are interested in [this boy].  We are interested in [who this boy is]. ~ 44 ~ 0 222 231 22 66


NOTICE! Nesne durumunda preposition’dan sonra NC kullanıldığında, “if” ve “that” ile NC cümlesine
BAŞLANMAZ!!! “That” anlamını vermek için “the fact that” ve “if” anlamını vermek için de “whether” kullanılır.

 I was horribly fed up with that / the fact that we had been working all day in the humid office.

 Are you really interested in if / whether they can manage to survive on such a small amount of money?

ATTENTION! Noun Clause COMPLETE ifadelerden sonra gelmez çünkü complete bir cümlenin özne ve nesne
eksiği yoktur. Kimin ne yaptığı bellidir ve dolayısıyla da sorgulanamaz. Bu nedenle de bu ifadelerden sonra artık
NP veya NC gelmesinin de anlamı yoktur. Ancak, görünürde complete olup aslında hala akıllarda “kimin ne
yaptığı” ile ilgili soru işaretleri uyandıran bazı özel yapılardan sonra NC gelebilir.

 We can’t wait to learn the exam results [whether we can pass it or not].

 Do you know the famous pop-singer [why he has left his wife recently]?

 My guests are eating food [what my wife cooked for them].

WHO versus WHOM

“who” bir fiilin hem öznesini hem de nesnesini sorabilir, ama “whom” bir fiilin sadece nesnesini sorar.

 Who / whom did you see at the party?

 Who / whom broke the new vase that I bought for you last year?

 We really wonder whom / who the new manager is.

 They have no idea who / whom they have decided to hire in place of the old secretary.

 I can't wait to find out who / whom you are so scared of.

NOTICE! Noun Clause cümleciklerinde whom'un kullanılabilmesi için mutlaka devamında gelen yan cümleciğin
nesne kaybı olması gerekir. ~ 45 ~ 0 222 231 22 66



“what” bir fiilin hem öznesini hem de nesnesini sorabilir, ama bu özne veya nesne bir insan değildir.

 Can you tell me what [is wrong with you]?

 Do you happen to know what [they are trying to move upstairs]?

“which” ise hem insan hem de insanın dışındaki nesneler için kullanılabilir. WHAT / WHO / WHOM soru
sözcüklerinin aksine, “which” özne veya nesneyi sormaz. Aksine, özne veya nesne vardır, ama sunulan
alternatiflerden hangisi olduğu belli olmadığı için “which” bu kişinin veya şeyin HANGİSİ olduğunu sorar.
Dikkat edilmesi gereken nokta şudur ki, “which” ten sonra getirilen ismin önünde herhangi bir belirteç

 Which her book are you trying to buy for your sister’s birthday?

 I really wonder which the boy has smashed the new window.

 I'm not sure which of these cities Helen and her family are moving to next week.

Aslında “what” ve “which” ten sonra da BELİRTEÇSİZ (YALIN) İSİM gelebilir, ancak bir kelimenin kendisinde
zaten sınırlanma anlamı varsa, bu kelimenin önünde “which” yerine “what” soru sözcüğü yaygın olarak tercih

 What colour is your new sweater?  What size do you wear?

 What time is it?  What day is it today?
 What sort of books do you like most?  What kind of food do you prefer to eat?


Noun clause cümlelerinde yalnızca insanlar için kullanılabilen “whose”, özne veya nesneyi sormaktan çok, özne
veya nesnenin kime ait olduğunu sorgular. Cansızlarda veya hayvanlarda aitlik anlamını vermek için “which +
NP's” yapısı kullanılır. Ayrıca “whose” dan sonra getirilen ismin önünde aitlik bildiren “my, your, his ---“ gibi sıfatlar

 Tell me whose shoes these are, will you?

 Tell me whose your brother is in prison now.

 I really wonder whose his car has been damaged.

 I'm not sure whose tail was cut off by those naughty boys.

 I'm not sure which dog’s tail was cut off by those naughty boys. ~ 46 ~ 0 222 231 22 66



Noun clause cümlelerinde bir olayın meydana geliş sebebini sorgulayan bu soru sözcüğü “What --- for?” veya
“What for?” şeklinde de verilebilir. Eğer “for” verilmişse, artık neden/niçin anlamını vermek için “why” değil “what”

 I don't know why he has been arrested, but I'm sure he is innocent.

 I don't know why / what he has been arrested for, but I'm sure he is innocent.

 She asked me why / what I wanted to speak to her.


Noun clause cümlelerinde birinin veya bir şeyin nasıl olduğunu veya bir olayın nasıl meydana geldiğini
sorgulayan bu soru sözcüğü “what --- like” şeklinde de verilebilir. Eğer “like” verilmişse, artık nasıl anlamını
vermek için “how” değil “what” kullanılır.

 My father is not sure how he will be able to get the house painted in two days.

Do you know how she managed to rescue her car from where it was stuck?

Do you know what / how the weather is?

 Nobody is sure how / what the new manager will be like.

NOTICE! Eğer bir olayın neyle veya nasıl bir şekilde gerçekleştiği noun clause cümlesinde zaten verilmişse artık
bu cümlenin başına “how” getirmek yanlış olur. Ancak, “how --- happened to do”, “how ---- managed to do” ve
“how ---come --- “ yapıları bunun istisnasıdır, çünkü bu durumlarda eylemin nasıl gerçekleştiği değil de böyle bir
durumun olması karşısında duyulan hayret ifade edilir. Dolayısıyla, böyle durumlarda cümleye “how” ile başlamak
yanlış olmaz.

 He wasn't sure how / that the naughty boy broke the window with a huge stone.

 Do you know how / why I travel to work by car?

 I wonder how you managed to break such a huge window with this small stone.

 How come did you go to Istanbul by car? ~ 47 ~ 0 222 231 22 66


“How” soru sözcüğünün kendi başına anlamı “nasıl” iken, yanına bir zarf veya sıfat aldığında anlamı artık
“nasıl” değil, “ne kadar” olur.

 Can you please inform me about how the procedures will be? (Nasıl...)

 I didn’t know how tiring climbing could be before I tried it myself? (Ne kadar yorucu...)

 She didn't know how carelessly her husband had dealt with the broken taps. (Ne kadar özensiz...)

WARNING! Yıllardır duymaya alışkın olduğunuz “how much”, “how many”, how far”, how long” ve “how often”
kalıpları aslında “how” soru sözcüğünün yanına “much/ many/ far/ long/ often ---” gibi zarf veya sıfat gelmiş hali
olduğunu göreceksiniz. Dolayısıyla duymaya pek alışkın olmadığınız “how few”, how little” gibi yapıları
yadırgamamanız gerekir; çünkü “few” ve “little” da miktar bildiren zarflar olduklarından “how” ile kullanılmaması
için bir neden yoktur.

 Can you please tell us exactly how long you take to finish doing the house work? You are amazingly fast!

 We hadn’t been told how few people applied for the vacancy until the third session of the meeting.

 It is amazing how often she takes her children to the zoo.

 Do you have any idea how far his house is from the city centre?

 How little water is left! We have almost run out of it.


“Where”, Noun Clause cümlelerinde, birinin veya bir şeyin nerede bulunduğunu veya bir olayın nerede meydana
geldiğini sorgulayan bir soru sözcüğüdür. Eğer birinin veya bir şeyin nerede olduğu değil de, bulunduğu
yerin/mekânın neresinde kaldığı sorgulanıyorsa, “where” den sonra “preposition + place” yapısı kullanılır.

 My parents didn't ask me where I had taken their car the day before yesterday.

 She asked me where I had been concealing those photos.

 She didn't know where in the kitchen her mother could have put the plates.

 The pirates were not sure where on the island the treasure could be.

 They didn't tell me where the dead body had been buried in the garden. ~ 48 ~ 0 222 231 22 66



“When”, Noun Clause cümlelerinde bir olayın ne zaman meydana geldiğini sorgulayan bir soru sözcüğüdür.
Eğer bir olayın ne zaman olduğu değil de, bu zaman diliminin tam hangi noktasında olduğu sorgulanıyorsa (Cuma
saat kaçta, Temmuzun kaçında gibi), “when” den sonra “preposition + time expression” yapısı kullanılır.

 Do you know when the party is going to begin?

 Do you know when in July she was born?

 I hope you know when on Friday the letter was posted.


“Whether” ve “If”, Noun Clause cümlelerinde bir şeyin “olup olmadığını veya olup olmayacağını” sorgulayan soru
sözcükleridir. Aralarında anlam açısından bir fark yoktur, ama kullanımları arasında dilbilgisi açısından fark vardır.
Örneğin, “or not” hemen whether'dan sonra ya da Noun Clause cümlesinin en sonunda yer alabilir. Ama “if” ten
hemen sonra kullanılmaz; “if” ile kullanıldığı zaman da cümlenin en sonunda kullanılması gerekir.

NOTICE: “whether” veya “if” ile kullanılan Noun Clause sözcükleri “or not” ile kullanılmasa da olur. Herhangi bir
anlam değişikliğine sebep olmaz.

 I'm not sure whether / if you like going jogging or not.

 I'm not sure if / whether to spend the night with them. [NC da “if” REDUCTION’a uğramaz!!!]

 I'm not sure whether / if or not you like going jogging.

“If” Noun Clause cümlelerinde cümle başında veya bir preposition'dan sonra nesne durumunda kullanılmaz.
Bunun yerine her iki durumda da “whether” kullanılır.

 [Whether / If the teacher will fail us for copying from each other] is not certain yet.

 I'm concerned about if / whether the teacher will agree to let us use a dictionary in the exam.

WARNING: “olup olmadığı” anlamında kullanılan “if” ve “whether” in Noun Clause cümlesindeki fiil olumsuz
olmaz; çünkü zaten kendi içinde “or not” vardır.

 She wonders whether you can't / can manage to persuade them (or not).

 Tell me if you won't / will help me with the housework. ~ 49 ~ 0 222 231 22 66



Noun Clause'ların kısaltılması “Question word + to infinitive” şeklinde yapılır. Yani sadece “what to do”, “where to
go” veya “how to say” şeklinde olabilir. “what to be done”, “where to have gone”, “how to be saying” gibi yapılar
dilbisi açısından doğru ifadeler değildir.

I really don't know how I should behave towards her.

[= I really don't know how to behave towards her].

 Can you tell me where I can buy a copy of this book?

[= Can you tell me where to buy a copy of this book?

WARNING! : Noun Clause cümlesi eğer why, that veya if ile başlamış ise, “to do” yapısı ile reduction olmaz!!!

Do you know why you must do this job for them? Do you know why to do this job for them?

She knows that she has to find a better job son. She knows that to find a better job son.

We wonder if we can cope with this stress all alone. We wonder if to cope with this stress all alone. ~ 50 ~ 0 222 231 22 66



Noun Clause biçiminde kullanılan düz cümlelerin başına “that” sözcüğü getirilir. That ile başlayan bir NC herhangi
bir şeyi SORMAZ veya SORGULAMAZ. Bu tür cümleler ya AÇIKLAMA YAPAR (bir iddiayı, kanıyı, görüşü vb)
veya TAHMİN YÜRÜTÜR. Noun Clause cümle içinde nesne konumunda ise “that” sözcüğünü kullanmak isteğe

 I know (that) he visits his grandparents every other day.

 [That he murdered his wife] is obvious.

Ancak yukarıdaki örnekte de görüldüğü gibi Noun Clause cümleciğini özne konumunda kullanıyorsak “that”
sözcüğünü mutlaka kullanmamız gerekir. Bu özellik doğrudur ama pek yaygın değildir. Bunun yerine cümleye “it”
(DUMMY SUBJECT) ile başlayıp ardından Noun Clause cümleciğini getirmek daha yaygın bir kullanımdır.

 It is obvious that he murdered his wife.

 It is certain that they will come to help us.

A-Bazı sıfatlardan sonra “THAT”

Duygu ve tavır ifade eden bazı sıfatlardan sonra “that clause” kullanılabilir (necessary, essential, important,
pleased, surprised, afraid, disappointed, happy, glad, sorry, etc.)

I'm glad that you have passed the test with the highest mark.

 I'm sorry that you have just lost your dog.

 She was happy that they had sent her a few nice souvenirs from Rome.

B-Bazı isimlerden sonra “THAT”

“shame, belief, wonder, miracle, opinion, theory, pity,” gibi duygularımızı, kişisel düşünce, görüş, tutum ve
tavırlarımızı ifade eden isimlerden sonra “that-clause” kullanılır.

 It's a great shame that the little boy fell off the tree and broke his arm.

 It's my opinion that we both should go and speak to the manager about the pay rise being too small.

 It's a miracle that you weren’t killed in that horrendous accident.

C-Bazı fiillerden sonra “THAT”

“suspect, doubt, advise, assure, claim, estimate, recognize, expect, think, fear, realize, promise, feel, hope” gibi
duygularımızı, kişisel düşünce, görüş, tutum ve tavırlarımızı ifade eden bazı fiillerden sonra “that-clause” kullanılır.

I suspect that we have been misinformed about the reason for the damage done to our luggage.

 He used to claim that he could be beaten by none of us in chess. ~ 51 ~ 0 222 231 22 66



1. acknowledge: kabul etmek 37. inform: bilgilendirmek

2. admit: (1) itiraf etmek (2) kabul etmek 38. ***insist: ısrar etmek
3. ***advise: öğütlemek, tavsiye etmek 39. maintain: ileri sürmek (argue, claim)
4. allege: iddia etmek 40. mean: demek istemek
5. announce: ilan etmek 41. notice: fark etmek
6. appear: gibi görünmek 42. observe: gözlemlemek
7. argue: iddia etmek, ileri sürmek (contend) 43. ***order: emretmek
8. assert: iddia etmek (claim) 44. point out: vurgulamak (emphasize)
9. assume: farz etmek, sonuç çıkarmak 45. predict: tahmin etmek, öngörmek
10. assure: güvence/teminat vermek 46. promise: söz vermek
11. believe: inanmak 47. ***propose: önermek, teklif etmek
12. claim: iddia etmek (assert) 48. prove: ispatlamak
13. complain: şikâyet etmek 49. rule: hükme varmak
14. conclude: sonuç çıkarmak 50. ***recommend: tavsiye temek
15. confess: itiraf etmek 51. regret: pişman olmak
16. confirm: onaylamak 52. reply: cevaplamak
17. convince: ikna etmek 53. report: rapor etmek
18. decide: karar vermek 54. ***request: rica etmek
19. declare: beyan etmek, ilan etmek 55. reveal: ortaya çıkartmak
20. deduce: sonuç çıkartmak (conclude) 56. say: söylemek
21. ***demand: talep etmek 57. seem: -gibi görünmek
22. demonstrate: ispatlamak, göstermek 58. speculate: tahminde bulunmak
23. deny: inkâr etmek 59. state: ifade etmek
24. doubt: şüphelenmek 60. ***stipulate: şart koşmak
25. emphasize: vurgulamak (point out) 61. stress: vurgulamak (emphasize)
26. ensure: teminat vermek, sağlamak 62. suggest: ima etmek (imply)
27. expect: ummak 63. ***suggest: önermek, tavsiye etmek
28. fear: korkmak 64. suppose: sanmak
29. feel: inanmak, hissetmek (believe) 65. suspect: olduğuna inanmak
30. guarantee: garanti etmek 66. think: düşünmek
31. hear: duymak 67. threaten: tehdit etmek
32. hint: ima etmek (imply) 68. turn out: olduğu ortaya çıkmak
33. hope: ummak 69. ***urge: teşvik etmek
34. imply: ima etmek 70. verify: doğrulamak
35. indicate: göstermek 71. warn: uyarmak
36. infer: sonuç çıkarmak 72. wish: dilemek, istemek ~ 52 ~ 0 222 231 22 66

COPE with GRAMMAR 2016 İLKBAHAR - YDS ~ 53 ~ 0 222 231 22 66



ADJECTIVE CLAUSE (Adj C) cümle içinde geçen herhangi bir Noun Phrase’i (NP) tanımlamak için kullanılan bir
“SIFAT FİİL” dir. Noun Clause’un aksine, bulunduğu cümlede hayati bir önem taşımaz, çünkü cümleden
çıkartıldığında anlam bozulmaz. Türkçede ve İngilizcede ADJECTIVE PHRASE (SIFAT) NP’in önünde
kullanılırken, İngilizcede SIFAT FİİL (Adj C) NP’in önünde (sol tarafına) değil devamında (sağ tarafına) gelir.

 güzel araba [güzel = Adj P, araba = NP]

 a nice car [nice = Adj P, araba = NP]

 güzel görünen araba [güzel görünen = Adj C, araba = NP]

 the car that looks nice [that looks nice = Adj C, the car = NP]

Türkçede, ADJECTIVE CLAUSE (SIFAT FİİL] cümlesi aşağıdaki “7” adet ADJECTIVIZER” dan biri kullanılarak

 -an [Sokakta oynayan çocuklar çok bağırıyorlardı.]

 -ası [Kahrolası adam yine gelmişti.]
 -mez [Senin kadar utanmaz bir çocuk var mıdır?]
 -ar [Anne benim çalar saatimi gördün mü?]
 -dik [Sen artık benim sevdiğim adam değilsin.]
 -ecek [Bana yakılacak odunları getirir misin?]
 -miş [Yeni yapılmış evlerin çok pahalı olduğu söyleniyor.]

İngilizcede ise, yan cümlenin fiili zaten TENSE için çekimlendiğinden ve ikinci bir çekim eki alamayacağından
dolayı Adj C cümlesi aşağıdaki “8 adet COMPLEMENTIZER”dan biri kullanılarak yapılır.

 who [The man who is eating rice looks so funny.]

 whom [The man whom you saw in the kitchen is my new tenant.]
 which [Is this the book which you have been searching for since last week?]
 whose [The man whose children are being disloyal to him keeps complaining about them.]
 where [He is going to live in the house where his great-grand father worked as a slave.]
 when [We are supposed visit the other members next weekend, when they will be in London.]
 why [Do you happen to know the reason why nobody has turned up for our party?]
 that [This is only one of the issues that are going to be discussed in the meeting at length.] ~ 54 ~ 0 222 231 22 66


NOTICE! Aşağıda verilen complementizerlar (yani RELATIVE PRONOUNS) HUMAN (İNSAN) ve NON-HUMAN
(İNSANIN DIŞINDA KALAN) için kullanılanlar olmak üzere 2 guruba ayrılır.


who which

whom where

whose whose

that when



This is the boy ---- we are going to speak with about the recent fights in school.

A) which B) where C) who D) whose E) why

I know the nurse. She gave you an injection two hours ago.
1. I know the nurse [because she gave you an injection two hours ago]. ADVERBIAL CLAUSE

2. I know the nurse [who gave you an injection two hours ago]. ADJECTIVE CLAUSE

3. I know [who gave you an injection two hours ago]. NOUN CLAUSE

 I wonder who the man who is sitting in the back of the car is.

 The boy who was reading the book that had a strange picture on was my cousin.

 Are you interested in who has sent me the toys which are red in colour?

 Nobody told me why the neighbours who used to be very good friends were fighting last night.

 Are you one of the people who believe that this house is visited by ghosts after midnight? ~ 55 ~ 0 222 231 22 66


NOTICE! Adjective Clause’da yan cümlenin preposition’ı bazen relative pronoun’un önüne çekilir. Yani orijinal
halinde yan cümlenin sağında bulunan preposition isteğe bağlı olarak sola çekilebilir.

 I hate the nurse. You are talking about the nurse.

 I hate the nurse whom you are talking about.

 I hate the nurse about whom you are talking.

 We can’t wait to hear the exam results. We have been waiting for them since last week.

 We can’t wait to hear the exam results which we have been waiting for since last week.

 We can’t wait to hear the exam results for which we have been waiting since last week.

 This must be the pop-singer. You are so jealous of her.

 This must be the pop-singer whom you are so jealous of.

 This must be the pop-singer of whom you are so jealous.

THAT adjective clause’larda WHERE ve WHOSE dışında kalan “RELATIVE PRONOUN”ların (who,
whom,which,when ve why) yerine JOKER olarak kullanılabilir.

 Parents who / that are overly fond of their children tend to spoil them.

 The woman whom / that you employed here last week is a close relative of the manager.

 This is the new house where / that she is going to live with her children.

 One of the books whose / that pages were torn apart had to be thrown away.

NOTICE! Adjective Clause’da whose ve where’in dışında kalan relative pronoun’lara jokerlik yapabilen THAT,
preposition’dan sonra ve virgülden sonra (non-defining cümlelerde) joker olarak kullanılamaz.

 Jordan, which / that Juliet is going to run a company in, is not a safe country.

 Nobody was interested in the man about that / whom she was giving that unnecessary information.

 Everything was going well during the journey, that / which was a big relief to me.

 Are you really the person of that / whom everyone in the neighborhood is scared? ~ 56 ~ 0 222 231 22 66


NC ve Adj C cümlelerinde soru sözcüğünün önüne (in whom, for which vb) yazılan PREPOSITION nereye


 We’re fond of what Sally cooks for us.  The food of which we are fond is cooked by Sally.

We are interested in where the children are.  The house in which we are interested is very humid.

 She was worried about who had broken the radio.  The man from whom we borrowed a book is Tom.

NOTICE! Noun Clause cümlelerinde preposition devamında sadece “if” ve “that” ile başlayan cümle almazken,
Adjective Clause cümlelerinde prepositiondan sonra SADECE 3 tane pronoun ile cümle başlayabilir: “whom”,
“which” ve “whose”. Bunların dışında kalanlar Adj. C da önüne preposition almazlar.


in what by who to why for how by who with that on whose at why

for that in where about if on whose at which in where for when in whom

 The children in the garden in that / which there were a lot of tall trees were really enjoying themselves.

 They are still unclear about what / which they are supposed to do once they have arrived at the hotel.

 Is the man next to the old lady the person about who / whom everyone in this office is so curious?

 It is unbelievable you are still not sure about who / whom has caused all this damage to the car.

 The train station at when / which they have been waiting for the landlady is going to be demolished soon.

NOTICE! Adj. C’da “THAT” joker olarak kullanıldığı yerde eğer “who”, “whom”, “which”, “when”, veya “why”
pronoun’larından biri varsa ve bu pronoun iki NOUN PHRASE (NP) arasına gelmişse, burası tercihe bağlı olarak
BOŞ BIRAKILABİLİR. Yani hangisinin yerine THAT gelebiliyorsa (ki “whose” ve “where” bunların dışında kalır) iki
NP arası boş kalabilir.

 Sam is the girl [whom / who / that / Ø you were talking about a few minutes ago].

 The book [which / that / Ø my son was given for his birthday] was so boring for him.

 This is the reason [why / that / Ø nobody has been phoning us for a very long time].

 By the time [when / that / Ø we received an invitation to their wedding,] it had already been cancelled.

 The person [who / whom / that / Ø you have called] cannot be reached at the moment. Please try again later. ~ 57 ~ 0 222 231 22 66



Bir ismin devamında bu ismi/mekanı tanımlamak için Adj. C ‘larda ‘where' kullandığımız zaman devamındaki
cümle COMPLETE olur. Yani WHERE’den sonra gelen cümlenin özne veya nesne problemi yoktur.

 This is the house where [my father worked as a butler for more than twenty years].

 They are moving from the city where [there are not many opportunities for a good job].

Oysa bir ismin devamında bu ismi/mekanı tanımlamak için Adj. C ‘da ‘which' kullandığımız zaman, devamındaki
cümle INCOMPLETE olur. Yani WHICH’ten sonra gelen cümlenin özne veya nesne problemi vardır.

 The garden which [they are going to dig up for treasure] is an immense one.

 The building which [is being renovated at the moment] dates from two centuries ago.

NOTICE! 'point', 'stage', 'position', 'instance', ‘situation’ ve 'case' ile de 'where' kullanılabilir.

 Should you keep on studying like this, you will reach a point where you can easily communicate with tourists.

 Our students are in a position where they must improve their vocabulary.

 After they run this race, they will start a new stage where they will need more energy.

NOTICE! “where” yerine “that” joker olarak kullanılamadığı için, iki NP arasındaki “where” direkt olarak
düşürülmez. Ancak eğer where düşürülecekse, yan cümleden WHERE çıktıktan sonra yan cümlenin sonuna
“BURADA BİR ZAMANLAR “WHERE” VARDI” mesajını vermek için bir PREPOSITION getirilir.

This village is popular with tourists now. He was born in this village.

1. The village where he was born is popular with tourists now.

2. The village in which he was born is popular with tourists now.

3. The village which he was born in is popular with tourists now.

4. The village he was born in is popular with tourists now.

Mike was arrested at the train station. He had planted a huge bomb at the train station.

1. Mike was arrested at the train station where he had planted a huge bomb.

2. Mike was arrested at the train station at which he had planted a huge bomb.

3. Mike was arrested at the train station which he had planted a huge bomb at.

4. Mike was arrested at the train station he had planted a huge bomb at. ~ 58 ~ 0 222 231 22 66



1. The flat ---- we are going to rent soon is a very big one.

A) where
B) which

2. Susan has a strange habit of checking the safe ---- she keeps her money every day.

A) where
B) which

3. Have you ever seen the park ---- people feed ducks in?

A) where
B) which

4. A cemetery can best be described as a place ---- the dead are buried.

A) where
B) that

5. None of us liked any of the houses ---- were put on sale last weekend, did we?

A) where
B) that

6. Italy is one of the few countries ---- we have always wanted see someday.

A) that
B) where

7. This must be the room ---- you are temporarily using as a bedroom for your guests.

A) which
B) where

8. I know the small restaurant ---- you ate last night.

A) where
B) that ~ 59 ~ 0 222 231 22 66



Bir zaman dilimini tanımlamak için Adjective Clause cümlelerinde ‘when' kullandığımız zaman, devamındaki
cümle COMPLETE olur. Yani WHEN’den sonra gelen cümlenin özne veya nesne problemi yoktur.

 The year when / that / Ø he was born was a literally tragic year for his family.

 February is the month when /that / Ø many of my colleagues take skiing holidays.

 She was very happy on her birthday, which / that / when / Ø was not a big surprise to us.

NOTICE! “when” yerine “that” joker olarak kullanılabildiği için, isteğe bağlı olarak iki NP arasındaki “when” direkt
olarak düşürülür. Ayrıca, “when” yerine PREPOSITION  WHICH (in/at/during/by/until which (TIME) vb)
kullanmak mümkündür ve anlam aynı kalır.


1. One o’clock is the time ---- we usually break for lunch.

A) when
B) which

2. We are looking forward to Christmas, ---- is a widely celebrated Christian festival.

A) which
B) when

3. 28 July is the date ---- Austria declared war on Serbia.

A) that
B) in which

4. Wednesday is the day ---- my parents will return home from their short vacation in Bursa.

A) in which
B) on which

5. I don’t think I can remember the day ---- you are talking about in the diary.

A) when
B) which ~ 60 ~ 0 222 231 22 66


WHY versus WHICH

Adjective Clause cümlesi “REASON” (= SEBEP) açıklarken eğer cümle COMPLETE ise “reason” sözcüğü “WHY”
“FOR WHICH” veya “THAT” ile devam eder. Ancak “reason” dan sonra gelen cümle eğer INCOMPLETE ise
“WHICH” veya “THAT” ile devam eder. Bu arada şunu da belirtelim ki, “why” ve “which” yerine “that” joker olarak
kullanılabildiği için, istendiği takdirde iki NP arası boş bırakılabilir.


1. The reason ---- the police arrested my uncle was that he was involved in a robbery.
A) which
B) why

2. Will you tell me one of the reasons ---- you are so unhappy with your new job?
A) which
B) why

3. The reason ---- Sally gave for not coming to the meeting on time was a very stupid one.
A) why
B) which

4. I hope you know the reason for ---- your boss has dismissed you.
A) why
B) which

5. The reason ---- Julia put forward for rejecting our offer shocked all of us.
A) why
B) that ~ 61 ~ 0 222 231 22 66



Adjective Clause cümlesinde tanımlanan Noun Phrase’in(NP) devamında ona ait olan başka bir NP varsa,
ikinci NP den önce WHOSE gelir. WHOSE için dikkat edilmesi gereken 2 nokta şudur:

A) Adjective Clause’da WHOSE hem insan hem de insanın dışında kalanlar için kullanılır.
B) WHOSE devamında alacağı ismin önünde “my/this/the” gibi bir belirteç almaz. Yani yalın isim gelir.

The computer whose the keyboard was different from what I was used to caused me several problems.

[= Klavyesi benim alışkın olduğumdan farklı olan bilgisayar bana çok sorun oldu.

He was thought to be the man whose his new car had crashed into the principal’s car.

[Onun yeni arabası müdürünkine çarpan adam olduğu sanılıyordu.]

NOTICE! “whose” yerine “that” joker olarak kullanılamadığı için, isteğe bağlı olarak “whose” eğer cümleden
çıkartılacaksa whose’dan sonra NP’in önüne “a/an/the” dan birisi getirilir ve NP’in devamında da “of
whom/which” yazılır ve böylece aynı anlam verilmiş olur.

The house [whose roof is leaking] was built only last year.
Çatısı akan ev daha geçen yıl inşa edilmişti.
The house [the roof of which is leaking] was built last year.

The man [whose wife is pregnant with twins] is very excited about having twins.
Karısı ikizlere gebe olan…
The man [the wife of whom is pregnant with twins] is very excited about having twins.

Özetle söylemek gerekirse, peş peşe yazılan iki NP’den sonrası boş bırakılıp bu boşluğa ne gelecek diye
sorulursa, ikinci NP birincisine ait demektir ve bunu da “of whom” veya “of which” verecektir.

This is the boy the marks ---- are rather poor, so he has got to work much harder this semester.

A) whom B) which C) of whom D) of which E) whose

Are these the new neighbors the children ---- keep disturbing the whole neighborhood with loud music?

A) whom B) where C) of whom D) of which E) why ~ 62 ~ 0 222 231 22 66



Adjective Clause cümlelerinde bir NP den sonra WHO, WHICH, THAT gibi bir relative pronoun getirdiğimizde,
devamında gelen cümlede geçen özellik/vasıf/sıfat bu NP’in tamamı için geçerlidir; ancak eğer devamında
gelen cümle sadece bu NP’in içindeki bazı kişi/şeyleri anlatıyorsa, o zaman “some, many, each, a lot vb” gibi
bir QUANTIFIER kullanmamız gerekir. Bu dur*124mda sıfat cümlesi kaç kişi veya şey kastedilmiş ise o
kadarını bize anlatır.


a couple of (these) books are a great deal of (his) money is a lot of (his) books are
an array of (such) objects are a small amount of (the) food is lots of (the) water is
a number of (the) students are a large quantity of (this) water is plenty of (this) food is
a multitude of (the) results are

several of these books are little of the water is some of the books are / this food is
each of my parents is much of your money is any of the students is
few / a few of these books are half (of) the cake is / the cars are
every of all (of) the teachers are /the food is
many of these people are none of the cars is
both (of) my cars are enough of the food is
either of these houses is most of the food is / the books are
neither of these books is

I have got several good friends. Some of them live in the same neighbourhood as I do.

 I have got several good friends, some of WHOM live in the same neighbourhood as I do.

 I have got several good friends, some of THEM living in the same neighbourhood as I do.

My mother is going to throw away this food. All of it was cooked by her mother-in-law.

 My mother is going to throw away this food, all of WHICH was cooked by her mother-in-law.

 My mother is going to throw away this food, all of IT cooked by her mother-in-law.

You have to speak to the nasty girls. Each of them teases your daughter in school.

 You have to speak to the nasty girls, each of THEM teasing your daughter in school.

 You have to speak to the nasty girls, each of WHOM teases your daughter in school. ~ 63 ~ 0 222 231 22 66



ADJECTIVE CLAUSE cümlesinden “TENSE” çıkarttığımızda ADJECTIVE PHRASE elde etmiş oluruz. Yani

My boss is going to answer the questions. They are about the current crisis in the company.

 My boss is going to answer the questions WHICH are about the current crisis in the company.

 My boss is going to answer the questions about the current crisis in the company.

This person has insulted all the people. They are in the court room.

 This person has insulted all the people WHO are in the court room.

 This person has insulted all the people in the court room.

Our house was built by the man. He was arrested two weeks ago.

 Our house was built by the man WHO was arrested two weeks ago.

 Our house was built by the man arrested two weeks ago.

We are supposed to warn these boys. They make too much noise in the apartment in the night.

 We are supposed to warn the boys WHO make too much noise in the apartment in the night.

 We are supposed to warn the boys making too much noise in the apartment in the night.

You are not the man. He can handle all such hard problems.

 You are not the man WHO can handle all such hard problems.

 You are not the man to handle all such hard problems. ~ 64 ~ 0 222 231 22 66


The man who speaks English is Tom.

The man who is speaking English is Tom.

The man speaking English is Tom.
The man who was speaking English is Tom.

The man who spoke (= used to speak) English is Tom.

The man who has spoken English is Tom.

The man having spoken English is Tom. The man who spoke English is Tom.

The man who had spoken English is Tom.

The house that is being painted is ours.

The house being painted is ours.
The house that was being painted is ours.

The house that is painted once a year is ours.

The house that was painted last week is ours.

The house painted is ours.
The house that has been painted once so far is ours

The house that had been painted earlier is ours.

The man who will write a new story is my uncle.

The man who can write a new story is my uncle.

The man to write a new story is my uncle.
The man who must write a new story is my uncle.

The man who should write a new story is my uncle ~ 65 ~ 0 222 231 22 66



ADJECTIVE [= SIFAT] Bir eşya ya da insanın görünüm, renk, ebat ya da diğer özellikleri hakkında bilgi vermek
için kullanılan sözcüğe sıfat (= adjective) denir.

 a pretty dress  the rude man  an absorbing film

ADVERB [= ZARF] ise, fiil, sıfat veya bir başka zarfı niteleyen sözcüktür. İngilizcede zarf elde etmek için, genelde
sıfatın sonuna “–ly” son eki (=suffix) getirilir.

 slow ----slowly  sudden ---- suddenly  intelligent ---- intelligently

NOTICE! Bazı zarflar “-ly” ile kullanılmaz, çünkü bunların sıfat ve zarf hali aynıdır.

 You don’t study as hard / hardly as you used to, do you?

 She was driving the car so fast / fastly that she couldn’t avoid bumping into another car.

Sıfatların cümle içindeki kullanım yerleri [= Position of adjectives]

Sıfatların cümlede bir ismin önünde veya bağ fiillerin [= linking verbs] complement’ı olarak kullanılır.

 Sam always has a beautiful car, unlike most of us.  She is happy with her life.

 Do you think you can buy me a loaf of white bread?  Your idea sounds interesting.

NOTICE! Sıfatlar, bir sıfat tamlamasında [(a/an/the/this) adjective + noun] ismin önüne gelir ve eğer sıfattan
sonra kullanılan isim “tekil” isim ise, bu tamlamanın önüne “a”, “the”, “this” “my” gibi bir belirteç getirilmesi

 This is beautiful girl.  This is a beautiful girl.

 I don’t like silly question. I don’t like this silly question.

NOTICE! Bazı sıfatlar ismin önünde ya da sonrasında kullanılmalarına göre farklı anlamlar kazanırlar.

 the concerned mother = üzgün anne  the mother concerned = sözü edilen anne

 involved story = karmaşık hikaye  people involved in the robbery = soyguna adı karışanlar ~ 66 ~ 0 222 231 22 66


Zarfların cümle içindeki kullanım yerleri [= Position of adjectives]

Genel olarak zarfları 7 gruba bölmek mümkündür.

1. Adverbs of time = yet, still, already, now, tomorrow, etc.

2. Adverbs of degree = very, quite, rather, scarcely, almost, etc.

3. Adverbs of sentence = actually, understandably, luckily, etc.

4. Adverbs of frequency = seldom, always, never, often, etc.

5. Adverbs of place = here, downstairs, up, there, etc.

6. Adverbs of manner = slowly, tactfully, courageously, etc.

7. Focusing adverbs = merely, solely, only, even, also, especially, particularly etc.

INTRODUCTORY ADVERBS: Bazı zarflar, bütün cümleyi niteler, yani cümlenin tamına bir yorum getirir.

1. Admittedly, I could have tried harder, but I’m still pleased with my exam result.

2. Frankly, I don’t care whether you want to come to the party or not.

3. Honestly, I have no idea where your favourite gloves have gone.

4. Generally/Broadly/Strictly speaking, most men care as much about their appearance as women do.

5. Luckily, the bus came immediately and I didn’t have to wait around in the rain.

6. Personally, I think that reality television programs are extremely boring and pointless.

7. Rightly or wrongly, many teenagers resent their parents when they are not given the freedom they deserve.

8. Surprisingly, there are more ski resorts per capita in Japan than any other country in the world.

9. Understandably, people have become more nervous about aeroplane travel since the 11 September disaster.

10. Unfortunately, it had been raining heavily all day so they had to call the football game off. ~ 67 ~ 0 222 231 22 66


NOTICE! Sonu “–ly” ile biten her sözcük zarf değildir. Bazı sözcüklerin görüntüsü zarf gibi olabilir, ama yüklendiği
görev sıfattır.

 a lovely book  a lively discussion  this ugly girl  a friendly person

 the cowardly boy  elderly people  a lonely man  silly questions

Yukarıdaki sıfatları bu halleriyle zarf görevinde kullanamayız, ama bunları “in a --- way/manner” kalıbı
içinde zarf anlamını vermek mümkündür.

 Though he was known to be a brave boy, he acted in a rather cowardly way when he saw the huge dog.

 How I wish I could learn how to talk to people in such a lovely manner!

Zarflar sadece fiillerle kullanılmazlar; sıfat ve başka zarfların önünde pekiştirme görevinde kullanılabilirler.
Bu da sıfat veya zarfların derecesini arttırmak veya azaltmak amacıyla kullanılırlar.

1-Adverb + adjective

 She was extremely important for the team she was working with.
 He has been absolutely indispensable to the firm ever since he began working here.

2-Adverb + adverb

 Her beautiful voice fascinated people incredibly quickly.

 She reacted to the boy’s offer to marry him awfully offensively.

3-Irregular Adverbs

“Hardly”, zor anlamında kullanılan “hard” sıfatının, sonuna “–ly” ekini almış zarf hali değildir. “büyük bir çabayla,
canla başla” anlamını vermek için “hard” olduğu gibi “zarf” görevinde de kullanılır. Yani “hardly” sözcüğü bu
anlamı vermek için fiilden sonra kullanılmaz. “Hardly” zarfı, “scarcely, barely” ile aynı anlamda olup fiilden hemen
önce kullanılır ve anlamı da “güç bela, zar zor” demektir.

 She has been studying hardly for her English exam for the past three days.
 She has been studying intensively for her English exam for the past three days.
 She hardly (= barely) studies for her English exams, because she doesn’t have to, unlike her friends.
 I can hardly (= scarcely) remember what she said to me about you last year.

4-“Good” bir sıfattır ancak “well” kullanıldığı yere göre hem zarf hem de sıfattır. Eğer “sağlık/sıhhat yerinde”
anlamında kullanılmışsa sıfattır.

 She hasn’t been feeling well /good recently, so he needs to see a doctor before her health has deteriorated.
 She can play the piano very well / good.
 She was able to speak well / good English.
 She was able to speak English well / good. ~ 68 ~ 0 222 231 22 66


5-badly, awfully, desperately ve terribly zarfları bazı durumlarda “very much” anlamını vermek için kullanılır.
“korkunç güzel” gibi ifadeler, yabancı filmlerin öz Türkçe ile çevrilmemesinden dolayı dilimizde de yer etmeye
başlamıştır. İngilizcedeki olumsuz anlam taşıyan zarflarla pekiştirmeye çarpıcı bir örnek olarak “korkunç güzel”
tamlaması verilebilir.

 I badly need money, so will you please lend me some? (Paraya çok ihtiyacım var ---)

 She was awfully beautiful after that extensive aesthetic surgery. (Korkunç güzeldi ---)

 I desperately want to drink some coffee. (Kahve içmeye can atıyorum ---)

 She said she was terribly sorry for interrupting the meeting. (Oldukça üzgündü ---)

6-“Pretty” hem sıfat hem de zarf görevinde kullanılabilen ilginç bir sözcüktür.

 She was a pretty beautiful girl.


 This idea of yours sounds pretty good to me.


 She was a pretty woman and so I wanted to offer her to marry me.

7-“quite”, “rather”, “much” ve “very much” gibi zarflar, cümle içinde değişik yerlerde kullanılabilir.

 I quite like your ideas, but there are some that I cannot agree with at all.
 I couldn’t quite understand what she tried to imply to me.
 She very much hates watching films that contain violence.
 I don’t think you parents will like this idea much.
 She rather liked my proposal, but I don’t know why. ~ 69 ~ 0 222 231 22 66


8- Sıfat tamlaması ile kullanıldığında “a/an” belirteci “fairly” den önce (= a fairly tall girl), “quite” tan sonra
(= quite a nice boy), “rather” dan önce veya sonra da kullanılabilir.

 She was a fairly smart student but she was a bit immature.

 This is quite a big city, so let’s move there.

 This is rather a small car, so let’s buy a larger one.

 That was a rather tough journey, so we were all exhausted when we were back home.

COPULAR VERBS: Genellikle sıfatlar “be”, “become” ve “get” fiilleriyle kullanılır; ancak “look, feel, taste, smell,
sound, seem, appear, grow, stay, keep, turn, prove, go ve remain fiiileri bir eylem bildirmedikleri için hemen
devamında zarf değil sıfat ile kullanılırlar.

 She was careful / carefully about spending her money.

 You must be diligently / diligent with your work from this date forward.

 I’m sure she will become happy / happily when she sees that we have made up with each other.

 He gets rather nervously / nervous every time he meets his new girlfriend and he cannot explain why.

 She was able to get into the car very quickly / quick.

 She appeared (to be) angry / angrily with us for not informing her about the cancellation earlier.

 She seems (to be) very rude / rudely to boys and I fear this will work against her.

 She was looking for her missing keys frantically / frantic when I got home after dusk.

 She felt very energetic / energetically upon her return from the holiday to Kuşadası.

 Do you still feel tense / tensely about your best friend’s shocking resignation?

I’m sorry put this soup tastes horrible, what did you put in it?

 I must apologise for smelling so sweaty, but been down the gym.

 I don’t know how you can listen to this music, it sounds awful.

 I’m growing impatient with your constant lateness and laziness at work.

When the argument turned ugly, the two men started to insult each other.

 I’m not going to eat any of that fruit; it looks as though it’s gone bad. ~ 70 ~ 0 222 231 22 66


PRESENT PARTICIPLE (e.g. boring) ve PAST PARTICIPLE (e.g. bored) şeklinde kullanılan sıfatlar

Bazı fiillerin köküne “- ing” veya “-ed” eklerinden biri getirilerek SIFAT yapılır, ancak aralarında anlam farkı vardır.
“-ed” alan bir sıfat OLAYDAN ETKİLENEN anlamını verirken , “-ing” alan bir sıfat ise ETKİLEYEN veya SEBEP
OLAN anlamını verir.

 developed countries: gelişmiş ülkeler

 boiled potato: kaynamış patates

 damaged houses: hasarlı evler

 tiring jobs: yorucu işler

 interesting ideas : ilgi çekici düşünceler

 an exciting film: heyecan verici bir film

NOTICE! Sonu “–ing” ile biten bazı sıfatlar OLAYIN DEVAM ETMEKTE olduğunu ifade eder.

 developing countries = gelişmekte olan/halen gelişmeye devam eden ülkeler

 losing team = devam eden maçta mağlup durumunda olan takım
 boiling potato = suda kaynayan patates (ateş henüz sönmüş değildir)

SCARCELY, BARELY, HARDLY ve LITTLE, yüklemi olumlu cümlelerde kullanılmasına rağmen kastettiği anlam

 I scarcely know anything about his life. [= I know almost nothing about his life]

****Onun hayatı hakkında nerdeyse hiçbir şey bilmiyorum.

 She barely passed the driving test (= She almost failed the driving test.)

*** Sınavı zor da olsa geçti.

 Hardly anybody attended the party as it started too late. (= Almost nobody attended the party.)

*** Partiye neredeyse kimse katılmadı çünkü çok geç bir saatteydi.

Aşağıdaki ayırıma iyi dikkat ediniz!!!

 I almost passed the final exam. (Sınavı az kalsın geçiyordum; sınavı geçmeme ramak kaldı ve geçemedim.)

 I hardly passed the exam. (Sınavı güç bela geçebildim) ~ 71 ~ 0 222 231 22 66


TOO + adjective / adverb + (for somebody) + TO DO = yapamayacak kadar

“Too” ile kurulan cümleler genelde olumludur, ama cümleye kattığı anlam olumsuzdur ve Türkçe’ye “--
MEyecek/MAyacak kadar” diye çevrilir. Sıfat veya zarfın önüne getirilerek kullanılır.

 The questions in the exam were so hard that I couldn’t solve any of them.

The questions in the exam were too hard for me to solve. [Sınavdaki sorular çözeMEyeceğim kadar zordu.]

 He speaks English so fast that I cannot understand him.

 He speaks English too fast for me to understand him. [O İngilizceyi anlayaMAyacağım kadar hızlı konuşuyor.]

 This car has been so badly damaged that it cannot be repaired in a short time.

 This car has been too badly damaged to be repaired in a short time.

adjective / adverb + ENOUGH + (for somebody) + TO DO = yapacak kadar, yapmaya yetecek kadar
ENOUGH + (for somebody) + noun + to do = yapacak kadar, yapmaya yetecek kadar

“Enough” ile kurulan cümleler, hem olumlu hem de olumsuz olabilir. Sıfat ve zarflardan sonra kullanılır; ancak
isimlerle kullanılırken ismin önüne gelir.

 He speaks English so fast that I cannot understand him.

 He does n’t speak English slowly enough for me to understand. [İngilizceyi anlayabileceğim kadar yavaş konuşmuyor.]

 We have so little money that we cannot buy such a big house.

 We don’t have enough money to buy such a big house. [Bu kadar büyük bir evi satın alacak kadar paramız yok.]

NOTICE: Bazen enough veya too kullanarak aynı anlama gelebilecek cümleler de kurabiliriz.

 You are too rude a person to understand the feelings of those around you.

 You are not a polite enough person to understand the feelings of those around you.

The roads are too slippery for us to drive on today.

 The roads are not dry enough for us to drive on today. ~ 74 ~ 0 222 231 22 66


SO + adjective / adverb …. THAT = o kadar/ öylesine ....... ki ........

NOTICE: “So ....... that” iki cümleyi SEBEP-SONUÇ ilişkisi kurarak bağlamamızı sağlar.

 Mike was so nervous during the exam that he couldn’t answer any of the questions correctly.

 Mike couldn’t give proper answers to any of the questions, because he was nervous during the whole time.

The projects were made so carelessly that the boss got angry and dismissed some of the engineers.

 The projects had been made carelessly; therefore, the boss dismissed some of the engineers out of anger.

NOTICE: “So ...... that” ile kurulmuş cümleler devrik de olabilir.

 He was so hardworking a student that everyone was trying to get help from him before every exam.

 So hardworking a student was he that everyone was trying to get help from him before every exam.

 Your questions are so silly that you drive people crazy with them.

 So silly are your questions that you drive people crazy with them.

NOTICE: “So” normalde sıfat veya zarfın önünde kullanılır, ancak sıfat tamlamasında da (sıfat + isim)
kullanılabilir. Yani “so + sıfat + a/an + isim + that” şeklinde kullanmak mümkündür.

 She gave me so thick a book that I couldn’t help asking her if she was kidding me.

 My mother asked me so difficult a question that I had to think very hard to answer it.

NOTICE: Eğer “so .......... that” kalıbı ile sıfat tamlaması kurarken, verilen isim çoğul bir isim ise (plural countable)
veya sayılamayan bir isim ise (uncountable), “so” dan sonra mutlaka “much / many / few / little” gibi miktar
bildiren bir sıfat kullanılmalıdır.

so nice people so difficult questions so big cars

so a big house so cheap food so tasteless cheese

so many nice people so few difficult questions so much cheap food

so big a house so little fresh water so slow a car

NOTICE: SO, AS, HOW ve TOO ifadeleri devamında İSİM ile kullanılabilirler; ancak bu ifadelerin
devamındaki isimden önce MUCH, MANY, FEW ve LITTLE gibi bir TAMPON ifade gerekir.

so nice books so MANY nice books

too money too MUCH money ~ 75 ~ 0 222 231 22 66


SUCH + (adjective / adverb) NOUN THAT = o kadar/ öylesine ---- ki ----

NOTICE: “Such ---- that” de tıpkı “So ---- that” gibi, cümleler arasında sebep-sonuç ilişkisi kurarak onları
bağlamamızı sağlar. Ancak zarf veya sıfat’a odaklanan “so ---- that” kalıbının aksine, “such ---- that” isme

 He was such a generous person that he donated all his money to our charity.

 He has written such fascinating novels so far that he is sure to stay a best-selling author for a longer time.

 There was such shocking news for Tina to hear that day that it was possible for her to go crazy.

NOTICE: “So ---- that” kalıbında olduğu gibi “such ---- that” kalıbında “ “such” tan hemen sonra miktar bildiren bir
sıfat kullanmak mümkündür. Ancak miktar bildiren bu zarf, genelde “a/an” ile başlayan bir zarftan seçilir.

 She has got such many / a lot of tough problems that she is going to see a psychologist for them soon.

 There were such a few / few credible stories in her last book that I thought all of them had been fabricated.

NOTICE: “such ---- that” kalıbındaki “such” cümle başına getirilerek devrik cümle kurulabilir.

 Such a charming girl was she that there was no one that didn’t admire her.

 Such a little money did she have that she was almost suffering from poverty.

 Such devastating news did he hear the other night that he had a heart attack.

NOTICE: “So” ve “such” sıfat veya zarfla kullanıldığında eğer “that” ile bağlanmıyorsa, Türkçe çevirileri değişir.
Yani, sıfat veya zarfın derecesini beklediğimizden az ya da çok olduğunu vurgularken kullanılmaktadırlar.

 The film was excellent. I hadn’t expected it to be so (= very) good. (= bu kadar güzel)

 He has a new car. I didn’t know that he had such a comfortable car. (böylesine / bu kadar konforlu) ~ 76 ~ 0 222 231 22 66



“Like” preposition görevinde bir sözcük olup iki ayrı kullanıma sahiptir;

NOTICE: Bir isim grubuna örnek verir:

 I cannot read non-simplified books like (= such as) the red one on the second shelf.

 Famous people like (= such as) Madonna are so inaccessible that only a few people can see them in person.

NOTICE: Benzetme (teşbih sanatı) yapar:

 I was so tired last night after coming home that I slept like a log until noon.

 I felt like a fish out of water on the first day when I began working last month.

 You are smoking like a chmney.

NOTICE: Konuşma dilinde olduğu gibi, “like” ile “gibi” anlamını vermek için devamında fiil kullanmak gramer
olarak doğru değildir.

 Like / As you know, Linda wants to be a singer like / as her mother.

 She can speak very good English just as / like you can.

NOTICE: “such as” “örneğin” anlamında kullanılır ve bu anlamıyla” like” ile aynı görevdedir.

 I like reading books, such as (= like) novels, tales, and short stories.

 Many cities, such as (= like) Istanbul, have a lot of historical monuments.

NOTICE: “Such” ile “as” örnek verdiği isim “çoğul” olduğu bazı durumlarda ayrı yazılabilir. Ancak tekil bir isme
örnek veriyorsa bitişik değil de ayrı yazılmalıdır.

 Cities such as Istanbul have a lot of historical monuments.

 Such cities as Istanbul have a lot of historical monuments.

 I cannot marry such a person as you.

 I cannot marry a person such as you.

NOTICE: “as” prepositon olarak kullanıldığında “olarak” anlamına gelir. “regard”, “consider”, “appoint”, “work”,
“acknowledge”, “accept” ve “think” gibi fiillerle kullanıldığında “OLARAK” anlamını verir.

 She used to work as a music teacher before she became a famous singer.

 Hindus regard cows as sacred animals.

NOTICE: “as = GİBİ” anlamında kullanıldığında, benzetme sanatı yapmaz. “Like” ın aksine “gibi” anlamını vermek
için devamında mutlaka bir fiil veya yardımcı fiil ile kullanılır.

 She's beautiful as her mother used to be.

 He sings very well as professionals usually do.

 Men aren’t afraid to walk home at night as women are.

 He didn’t buy his clothes in Paris as / like I did. ~ 77 ~ 0 222 231 22 66



Sıfatlarla karşılaştırma yaparken iki nesne, iki kişi, iki grup, iki şehir gibi öğelere ihtiyacımız vardır. Çoğunlukla bir
heceli veya bazı iki heceli sıfatlara “-er” eki getirilerek, daha fazla heceli sıfatlara da “more” sözcüğü getirilerek
sıfatların karşılaştırılması yapılır.

 old – older  happy – happier  more intelligent

 thin – thinner  late – later  more definite

 tidy – tidier  deep – deeper  more reckless

NOTICE: Karşılaştırma yapılırken biri diğerinden daha üstün/aşağıda demek için “than” kullanılır.

 I am cleverer than your brother.

 You are stronger than all of your friends.

 We should take my car because it’s more comfortable than yours.

 He is more hardworking than you are.

NOTICE: Eğer belirli bir nesne veya kişi için kullanılıyorsa “comparative” yapı “THE” ile kullanılır.

 Of the two brothers, Mehmet is the taller.

 Of these two bikes, can I buy the bigger one?

 My bike is the faster than yours.

NOTICE: “Good” ve “bad”, “get” fiilinden sonra kullanılmaz. Bunun yerine “better” ve “worse” kullanılır.

 Turkey’s economy is getting bad / worse little by little.

 My father was ill two days ago, but he is getting / good better day by day.

NOTICE: “much” ve “many”, “more” biçiminde comparative olur. “little”’ın comparative biçimi “less”’dir. “few”
düzenli olduğu için “fewer” şeklinde çekimlenir.

 I earn more money than you do.  You have fewer friends than I have.

 I am thinking of my children more than you.  You have less money compared to other people.

 Your brother is definitely worse at science than you.  This house is less expensive than the others.

NOTICE: “far”, “farther” ve “further” olmak üzere iki şekilde “comparative” yapılabilir. Uzak anlamındaysa her ikisi
de kullanılabilir. Ancak bir de “more” anlamı vardır. Bu anlamda kullanılırken “farther” yerine “further”kullanılır.

 My flat is farther / further from the shops than yours.

 If you need further / farther advice, you may consult our doctors. ~ 78 ~ 0 222 231 22 66


NOTICE: COMPARATIVE halindeki sıfat veya zarfların önünde bazı PEKİŞTİREÇLER de kullanabiliriz

 far  ever  considerably

 (a) little  no  relatively

 rather  any  significantly

 a lot  some  remarkably

 much  several  increasingly / progressively

 many  (a) few  slightly

 even  a great deal  somewhat

 We need some more equipment to carry on our work in the office.

 I want to eat many more delicious apples.

 He is far less successful than his brother.

 Cars are considerably more important for people who have houses away from their workplaces.

 He has no more friends than you have.

 I don’t want to hear any more gossip about the employees here.

 It may be better to build a few more classrooms for our students.

 This is a fairly / rather taller house than is ours.

 You have to interview several / much more people than you have done so far.

 This car is much / quite bigger than all the others in the gallery.

NOTICE: Bir durumun sürekli değiştiğini belirtmek için sıfat veya zarf çift olarak kullanılabilir.

 In Turkey, the life is getting less and less easy day by day.

 It is becoming more and more significant to keep up with the latest technology.

NOTICE: İki durumun birbirine bağlı olarak değiştiğini belirtebilmek için de comparative yapıyı kullanabiliriz.

 The more you help and understand your friends, the more they will love you.

 Arkadaşlarına ne kadar çok yardım edip anlayış gösterirsen, onlar seni o kadar severler.

 The less money you make, the happier you are.

 Ne kadar az para kazanırsanız o kadar çok mutlu olursunuz. ~ 79 ~ 0 222 231 22 66


….isn’t / is AS adjective / adverb AS (hem olumlu hem de olumsuz cümlelerde kullanılır) = ...e / a kadar

….isn’t SO adjective / adverbs AS (sadece olumsuz cümlelerde kullanılır) = ...e / a kadar

NOTICE: Bu yapıda iki tarafın eşit olduğu ifade edilir. Üstün taraf yok demektir.

 Marcus is so / as successful as his brother Lucas is.

 Your son does not work so / as intensively for his exams as mine does.

NOTICE: “so / as + adj. / adv. + as to do” ve “such + adj. + noun + as to do” = ...ECEK / ...ACAK kadar

 He is as successful as to be a great English teacher.

[= İyi bir öğretmen olabilecek kadar başarılı biridir.]

 He is such a successful person as to be a great English teacher.

 He is not so / as understanding a person as to help his friends.

[Arkadaşlarına yardım edecek kadar anlayışlı biri değildir.]

NOTICE: “as / as ........... as” yapısını “just”, “nearly”, “almost”, “twice”, “half” ile niteleyebiliriz.

 These days, robots are nearly as intelligent as human beings.

 You are not a different person. You are just as rude as the others.

 Do you earn half as much money as the rest of the members do?

THE SAME AS = ...ile aynı

“the same … as” kalıbı isim ile kullanılır ve karşılaştırılan iki tarafın “aynı” özellikte olduğunu ifade eder.

 I will buy the same car as yours.

 Our fathers are different, but our mothers are the same.

 My new job is the same as that of yours.

SIMILAR TO = ...e/a benzer & DIFFERENT TO-FROM-THAN = ...den farklı

 Your appearance is similar to that of your mother.

 They are similar to each other in that both of them like going to the bars and pubs.

 He is quite different from / than / to me in that he studies hard, but I don’t. ~ 80 ~ 0 222 231 22 66



Bu “form” comparative yapıdan oldukça farklıdır. Comparative yapı iki şeyi belli bir özelliğe göre kıyaslarken,
“superlative form” bir şeyi, bir özelliğine göre bir grubun veya yerin içinde, en üst veya en alt düzeyde olup
olmadığını ifade eder. Sıfat ve zarflarda en üstünlük derecesi “–est” takısı ve “most” sözcüğüyle elde edilir.

 Historians say Hitler was worse than Mussolini. He was one of the worst dictators the world has ever seen.

 Mars is further from the Sun than Earth. Pluto is the furthest world from the Sun.

 She is the most successful teacher among her teacher friends.

 This is the least significant detail of the agreement.

 Of all the European countries, Greek has the most diverse and largest historical monuments.

 You are the tallest boy in the classroom.

 She was the most attractive of all her sisters.

 The book with a red cover is the least interesting absorbing one among those on the shelf.

***later = daha sonra, ***the latter = sıralamada ikincisi, sonraki, ***lately = son zamanlarda

***the latest = en güncel, en geç saatte gelen/giden ***the last = sıralamada en sondaki

 I arrive at work late. Mehmet arrives later than me and our boss arrives.

 The latest bus to our village has just left the station.

 Today, everybody is trying to dress in the latest fashion.

“latter” arka arkaya söylenen iki şeyden ikincisini belirtmek için kullanılan bir sıfattır. Birincisini belirtmek için ise
“former” kullanılır. Ancak “former” bir comparative değildir. “–er” eki yapısında vardır. Bir anlamı da eski demektir.

 A: What kind of books do you like? Novels or short stories?

B: I think, the latter is more exciting than the former one.

 In former times, people were hunter-gatherers.

 Our former boss was quite a strict person. ~ 81 ~ 0 222 231 22 66



1. admire admiring admired

2. amaze amazing amazed
3. amuse amusing amused
4. annoy annoying annoyed
5. astonish astonishing astonished
6. baffle baffling baffled
7. bewilder bewildering bewildered
8. bore boring bored
9. charm charming charmed
10. confuse confusing confused
11. depress depressing depressed
12. disappoint disappointing disappointed
13. discourage discouraging discouraged
14. disgust disgusting disgusted
15. disturb disturbing disturbed
16. embarrass embarrassing embarrassed
17. entertain entertaining entertained
18. excite exciting excited
19. exhaust exhausting exhausted
20. fascinate fascinating fascinated
21. frighten frightening frightened
22. frustrate frustrating frustrated
23. horrify horrifying horrified
24. interest interesting interested
25. invigorate invigorating invigorated
26. irritate irritating irritated
27. please pleasing pleased
28. puzzle puzzling puzzled
29. satisfy satisfying satisfied
30. shock shocking shocked
31. startle startling startling
32. surprise surprising surprised
33. terrify terrifying terrified
34. thrill thrilling thrilled
35. tire tiring tired
36. trouble troubling troubled
37. upset upsetting upset
38. worry worrying worried ~ 82 ~ 0 222 231 22 66



Miktar/Sayı bildiren sıfatlar veya belgisiz sıfatlar İngilizcede kullanılan adların sayılabilir veya sayılamaz
olmasına göre değişir. Bunların kimileri sadece sayılabilir adları belirtir. Kimileri sadece sayılamaz adları
belirtir, kimileri de her iki türü de belirtebilir. Bunları 3 guruba ayırmak mümkündür.


a Couple of (these) books are a great Deal of (his) money is A lot of (his) books are
an Array of (such) objects are a small Amount of (the) food is Lots of (the) water is
a Number of (the) students are a large Quantity of (this) water is Plenty of (this) food is
a Multitude of (the) results are

Several of these books are Little of the water is Some of the books are / this food is
Each of my parents is Much of your money is Any of the students is
Few / a few of these books are Half (of) the cake is / the cars are
Every of All (of) the teachers are /the food is
Many of these people are None of the cars is
Both (of) my cars are Enough of the food is
Either of these houses is Most of the food is / the books are
Neither of these books is

(A) FEW and (A) LITTLE

NOTICE! (a) little sayılamayan isimlerle kullanılırken, (a) few sayılabilen isimlerle kullanılır. “a” artikeli ile
kullanıldıklarında, niteledikleri ismin miktarının veya sayının YETERLİ olduğunu ifade ederler.

 It is good to know that I have got a few friends who I can ask for some money when I urgently need some. 

 She has been able to make few friends ever since she moved here. 

NOTICE! (a) few ve (a) little’ın önüne “so, such, too, very, quite, only, just” gibi başka zarf kullanmak
mümkündür. Ancak, “quite” HARİÇ, diğer zarflarda şuna dikkat etmeniz gerekir: az/biraz anlamını veren
zarftan sonra (only/just vb) “a few” veya “a little” kullanılır, oysa çok anlamını veren sıfattan sonra (too/very/so
vb), “little” veya “few” kullanılır. Böylece, “az ile çok” veya “çok ile az” arasında bir denge kurulmuş olur.
Ancak, cümleden “ÇOK AZ sayıda/miktarda” anlamı çıkar.

 He was given such a few presents on his birthday that he thought nobody loved him [= He was NOT given
ENOUGH presents on his that he thought nobody loved him.]

You have got too little money to buy this house [=You have NOT got ENOUGH money].

NOTICE! “few” ve “little” zamir görevinde tek başlarına kullanılabilirler.

 All of us took the exam, but few succeeded.

 Little is known today about the life of some very famous people who lived in the past centuries. ~ 83 ~ 0 222 231 22 66


NOTICE! “(a) few” “(a) little” dan sonra gelen ismin önünde bir belirteç (the/my vb) varsa “of” almaları gerekir.

 I could satisfy only a few of the attendees with my explanations during the lecture.

 He will be given a few of responsibilities so that he does not feel discriminated against in the office.

 He could eat just a little of my cake, as he thought it was too sweet.

 He has got very little of money, so we need to lend him some in a few days.

NOTICE! “Few” “Little” ile başlayan cümlelerin yüklemi mutlaka olumlu yapıda olur; çünkü kendi içlerinde
zaten olumsuzluk anlamı vardır.

 Few people don’t know / know the difference between these two subtle subjects.

 Little cannot / can be expected from her, as her progress is too slow.


NOTICE! Her ikisi de hem sayılabilen hem de sayılamayan isimlerle kullanılır ve belirsiz bir miktar/sayı
belirtirler. Genel olarak “some” olumlu cümlelerde, “any” ise olumsuz cümlelerde kullanılır.

I ate some apples but did not touch any of the oranges.

NOTICE! Soru cümlelerinde her ikisini de kullanmak mümkün; ancak aralarında anlam farkı olur. Beklenen
olumlu mu olumsuz mu olduğu belli değil ise “any” kullanılır. Eğer cevabın olumlu olması bekleniyor ise
veya olumlu cevap alma ihtimali yüksek ise “some” kullanılır.

 Have you read any / some of the books written by Agate Christie so far?

 I can smell smoke in here. Has somebody / anybody been smoking in here?

 You look very upset. Have you heard some / any bad news today?

NOTICE! Emir cümlelerinde ve rica ve ikram cümlelerinde “any” yerine some” kullanılır.

 Fetch me some / any water quickly please, will you?

 Give me any / some advice before I can go in for the interview?

NOTICE! “any” olumsuz cümlenin nesnesi ile kullanılmışsa “hiç” anlamına gelir. Ancak olumlu yapıdaki bir
cümlenin öznesi veya nesnesi durumunda kullanılmış ise, “her” veya “herhangi” anlamına gelir.

 You can come and visit me anytime you want to. [= whenever]

 Anything you say to her will only worsen the situation. (= herhangi bir şey ---)

 She wasn’t told any of the details that we had been told earlier. (= detayların hiçbiri)

NOTICE! “some” ‘as much as’ ve ‘as many as’ sözcükleri gibi “approximately, roughly, nearly, almost,
about” ile eş anlamlı olarak kullanılır. Yani some bir zarf görevinde “YAKLAŞIK” anlamında kullanılabilir.

 There were some (= almost) 20 people on board when the aircraft crashed into the sea.

 You will have to apply for some (= as many as) other 10 jobs before you can secure one in this day. ~ 84 ~ 0 222 231 22 66


NOTICE! “some” ile kullanılan isimden önce “the/ my/these/such” gibi bir belirteç var ise, devamında
“of”alması gerekir.

 You should spend only some of this money and spare the rest.

 You are expected to report some of the interview in this magazine, aren’t you?


NOTICE! “Much” sadece sayılamayan isimlerle kullanılırken,“many” ise sayılabilen çoğul isimlerle kullanılır.
Bu iki belgisiz sıfat, genelde soru cümlelerinde ve olumsuz cümlelerde kullanılırsa da, olumlu cümlelerde de

 I couldn’t eat much of the food because of the bad smell inside the room.

 He didn’t have an opportunity to visit many places this time last summer.

NOTICE! “Much of something” bir şeyin büyük bir kısmı (= a large part of) anlamına gelen bir kullanımdır.

 Much of the house (= large part of the house) was reduced to rubbles in the disastrous fire that was ignited
by the naughty boy.

 I was not able to understand much of what he explained to me.

NOTICE! “much” ve “many” zamir görevinde kullanılabilir.

 Many argue that Da Vinci is the best artist the history has produced so far.

 Not much is known about the side-effects of this new drug.

NOTICE! “much” ve “many” ile kullanılan isimden önce “the/ my/these/such” gibi belirteç var ise,
devamında “of” alması gerekir.

 Many of the suggestions they made sounded rather implausible to me

 Are you serious about getting rid of much of this furniture by Friday?

NOTICE! “many” önüne “ a great” “ a good” ve “very” gibi pekiştireçleri alabilir.

 As far as I am concerned, you have known each other for a great many years.

 You will have to deal with very many new problems soon.

 He had a good many reasons for breaking off his marriage with such a rich woman.

A good
A great
Too ~ 85 ~ 0 222 231 22 66



NOTICE! “none= not any (one / thing)” demektir. “none” hem sayılabilen hem sayılamayan isimlerle
kullanılabilir. Devamına isim alacağı zaman mutlaka bu ismin önünde “the/this/my” gibi bir belirteç olması
gerekir. Yani, NONE isimle direk muhatap olamaz.

 She has none / no idea who we could be, does she?

 None / No of my teachers was happy with the progress I was making until last week.

 He was able to recover no / none of his money, which had been stolen a couple of days before.

NOTICE! “none” zamir olarak da kullanılabilir.

 He has been searching for some books on Ottoman history, but he has found none yet.

 He poured me out a lot of milk but none was drinkable.

NOTICE! “none of” tan sonra çoğul bir isim geldiğinde yüklem tekil ya da çoğul olabilir, ancak sayılamayan
bir isim geldiği durumda ise yalnızca tekil fiil kullanılır. [None of + my books are/is]

 None of these apples is / are rotten, are they?

 None of the money he borrowed was / were earned legally.


NOTICE! Bu üç belgisiz sıfat, hem sayılabilen hem de sayılamayan isimlerle kullanılır. Genelde olumlu
cümlelerde kullanılır.

 There is a lot of room in the car, so we all can fit into it as long as nobody else is coming.

 She used to have plenty of time to spare for her hobbies.

 He has undergone a lot of strange experiences recently.

 There were always lots of volunteers any time we needed some.

NOTICE! Bu sözcükler devamında belirteçli veya belirteçsiz her türlü ismi alabilir; ancak zamir olarak
kullanıldıklarında “of” almazlar.

 There was a lot of water in the pool until a few hours ago.

 A lot of the water in the pool was used to sprinkle the grass.

 Did you say she had eaten lots of your cake that was left for me?

 Lots of people thought the concert was not worth of going to.

 Plenty of these flowers will be sent to them.

 She said there were going to be only 3 people there but there were plenty of.

 He thought it wouldn’t rain at all but it rained a lot of.

 A lot of is known about what happened to them, isn’t it? ~ 86 ~ 0 222 231 22 66



NOTICE! Sayılamayan ve sayılabilen isimlerle kullanılır ve “yeterli miktarda/sayıda” anlamına gelir.

 He must not have been given enough warnings before getting sacked.

 He told her that he was going to spend enough time with her, but it turned out that he was lying.

NOTICE! “enough” bir sıfat veya zarfı niteliyorsa, bu zarf veya sıfattan önce değil, sonra gelir. Ancak, eğer
“enough” bir ismi niteliyorsa, bu isimden önce gelir.

 She can’t have done the job properly enough to make a good impression on her parents.

 The room she said she was going to rent to me was not a large enough one.

 I don’t think you have got enough patience to put up with me anymore, have you?

 There were not enough donors for us to raise the necessary amount of money for the charity.

NOTICE! Eğer “enough” devamında gelen ismin önünde “the/these/my” gibi bir belirteç var ise, mutlaka
devamında “of” alması gerekir.

 I think I have had enough of your nasty behavior and I’m no longer prepared to tolerate it.

 We have heard enough of such silly news, so don’t repeat the story please, will you?

NOTICE! “enough” zamir olarak da kullanılabilir.

 You say we just need another 5 employees but I think this number won’t be enough.

 Enough is enough! I am leaving you forever. ~ 87 ~ 0 222 231 22 66



“ALL” ve “WHOLE” “tüm/bütün/hepsi” anlamına gelir, ancak aralarında gramer olarak kullanım farkları vardır.

NOTICE! “all” sayılabilen “plural countable” hem “singular countable” hem de “uncountable” isimlerle
kullanılabilir; ancak whole ise sadece “singular countable” isimlerle kullanılır. Yani “whole” dan sonra
çoğul veya sayılamayan cinsten bir isim gelmez.

 All (of) the books published for children are meant to give them some message.

 All (of) the book was wet due to the rain.

 All (of) the food had to be discarded as it had gone off.

 The whole / All (of) the milk was spilt by the naughty cat.

 She was able to answer whole / all (of) the questions she had been asked.

NOTICE! “all” belirteci kendinden sonra alırken, “whole” ise mutlaka kendinden önce alır.

 The all / whole village was devastated by the floods.

 It has been really quiet. I’ve only had two customers in the shop the whole day (= all day).

 I couldn’t believe my eyes when my son ate a whole / all watermelon after his dinner.

NOTICE! “all” özne veya nesne olarak “what” ile aynı görevde kullanılabilir.

 [All (= what) she is living for] is to look after her paralyzed mother.

 [All (= what) she does] is eat chocolate. (= Yaptığı tek şey çikolata yemektir.)

 [All she said] was wrong. (= Dediği her şey yanlıştı.)

UYARI: “All” ile başlayan bir cümle eğer sıfat ile bitiyorsa, anlamı “her şey” olur. Eğer “all” ile başlayan cümle
“isim” ile bitiyorsa veya “that” ile devam ediyor ise, anlamı “tek şey” olur.

NOTICE! “a whole” ve “whole + plural countable” yapılarına dikkat ediniz. “a whole” = “kocaman bir”
anlamında kullanılır. “whole cities/trees etc.” ise, “koca koca şehirler/ağaçlar vb” anlamına gelir.

 He was so hungry that he ate a whole chicken on his own.

 Whole populations of chicken were killed after the outbreak of the bird flu.

NOTICE! Vurgu amaçlı olarak “all” özne ile fiil arasına gelebilir veya kendi cümlesinin sonuna gelebilir.

 We all know that you are innocent = All of us know that you are innocent.

 You will have to cope with them all. = You will have to cope with all of them.

 She gave the chocolates to us all. = She gave the chocolates to all of us. ~ 88 ~ 0 222 231 22 66



Türkçe’de iki kişi veya şeyi ifade etmek için “her iki” sözcüğü kullanılır; ancak İngilizcede “her iki” demek için 3
ayrı sözcük vardır ve her birisi farklı bir açıdan olaya yaklaşır.


NOTICE! Devamında aldığı isim ve buna bağlı yüklem her zaman çoğuldur. 2 kişi veya şeyin ortak bir
yönünden bahseder ve bu ortak özelliğin her iki tarafta da mevcut olduğunu ifade eder.

 There are a lot of apple trees on both sides of the river.

(= Nehrin iki kenarında elma ağaçları bulunuyor. Yani iki taraf aynı anda göz önüne getiriliyor.)

NOTICE! Devamında gelen çoğul ismin önünde belirteç var ise, “of “ile kullanılmak zorunluluğu yoktur.

 I was able to persuade both (of) my parents to let me go on the school trip to the Netherlands.
 Both (of) the films were worth of watching, so I had some difficulty choosing between them.

NOTICE! Yüklemi olumsuz bir cümlede kullanılan “both” “only one” anlamına gelir.

 You can’t both be telling me the truth (= I’m sure that only one of you is telling me the truth.)
 Both of these girls won’t be coming with us. (= Only one of them will be coming with us.)

NOTICE! Vurgu amaçlı olarak özne ile fiil arasına gelebilir veya kendi cümlesinin sonuna gelebilir.

 We both think you are not suitable for this job = Both of us thin you are suitable for this job.
 They gave her two dolls and she was very happy with them both (= both of them).


NOTICE! Devamında aldığı isim tekil isimdir ve dolayısıyla da buna bağlı yüklem de tekil fiil olur. Ancak,
eğer “Either of them/these/you etc” şeklinde kullanılıyorsa “of” tan sonra gelen isim çoğul olmasına rağmen, fiil
tekil veya çoğul fiil olabilir.

 You can see apple trees on either side / sides of the river.
 Either of you is / are responsible for the mix-up, so you both are in serious trouble.
 There are two books here and you can choose both / either book.

NOTICE! Devamında gelen çoğul ismin önünde belirteç var ise, “of “ile kullanılmak zorunluluğu vardır.

 He couldn’t do either of the tests successfully and was so expelled from school in the end.
 You can eat either of these apples, as they both look delicious.

NOTICE! Anlam olarak, bir özelliğin her iki tarafta/kişide/şeyde de bulunduğunu söyler. Bu haliyle “both” ile
aynı anlama gelir.

 You can use either of these cars. (= You are free to choose whichever you like.)
 You can use both of these cars. (= You are free to choose whichever you like)

UYARI: İki seçenekten hangisini tercih ettiğimize dair sorulan bir soruya “both” ve “either” ile cevap vermek
anlamı tamamen değiştirir.

A: Would you like to drink tea or coffee?

B: Either. (= Benim için fark etmez. Çay da olur kahve de. İkisinden biri olur.)
A: Would you like to drink tea or coffee?
B: Both. (= Her ikisini de içerim. Önce çay içeyim, sonra da kahve alayım lütfen !!!) ~ 89 ~ 0 222 231 22 66



NOTICE! Devamında aldığı isim tekil isimdir ve dolayısıyla da buna bağlı yüklem de tekil fiil olur. Ancak, eğer
“Neither of them / these / you etc” şeklinde kullanılıyorsa “of” tan sonra gelen isim çoğul olmasına rağmen, fiil
tekil veya çoğul fiil olabilir.

 You can see apple trees on neither side / sides of the river.

 Neither of you has / have been helpful enough to me so far.

 There are two books here but you can choose both / neither book.

NOTICE! Devamında gelen çoğul ismin önünde belirteç var ise, “of “ile kullanılmak zorunluluğu vardır.

 He could do neither of the tests properly, so he failed both of them.

 You should eat neither of these apples, as they both are rotten.

NOTICE! Anlam olarak, bir özelliğin her iki tarafta/kişide/şeyde de bulunmadığını ifade eder. Bir başka
deyişle, bir özellik söz konusu iki tarafta da gözükmez. Kendisi anlam olarak zaten olumsuzluk dile getirdiği
için, içinde kullanıldığı cümlenin yüklemi de olumsuz olamaz.

 You can use neither of these cars. (= You are forbidden to use either of these cars.)

 You should speak to neither of these people. (= I suggest that you should stay away from both of these
people and not speak to them.)

 You shouldn’t tell neither / either of them why you are here.

NOTICE! “neither” sözcüğü en çok “none” ile karıştırılır. Oysa “none” sözcüğü en az “3” şey veya kişiden
bahsedebilirken, “neither” sadece “2” şey veya kişiden bahsedebilir. Ayrıca, “none” uncountable isimlerle de
kullanılabilir; fakat “neither” uncountable isimlerle kullanılmaz.

 She gave me a glass of water but I drank none of it / neither of it.

 None / Neither of the three brothers knew who their real parents were.


Anlam olarak “each” ve “every” “her” anlamına gelir ve sadece sayılabilen isimlerle kullanılır; ancak gramer
olarak aralarında farklar bulunmaktadır.

NOTICE! “each” sözcüğü, adedi en az “2” olan kişi veya şeylerden söz ederken kullanılırken, “every”, adedi
en az “3” olan kişi veya şeylerden söz ederken kullanılır.

 She knows each/every one of my parents.(“parents” anne baba demektir. Sadece 2 kişi kastedilir)

 There were two people waiting for me and every /each one of them had something to tell me.

NOTICE! “each” zamir olarak kullanılanbildiği için, kendinden sonra gelen ismi düşürebilir; ancak “every”
sadece sıfat olduğu ve zamir olarak kullanılamadığı için, “every” tek başına kullanılamaz.

 There were about twenty questions on the test but I couldn’t do each / every of them.

 I spoke to a few people outside the market. Each / Every said that the prices were high. ~ 90 ~ 0 222 231 22 66


NOTICE! almost, nearly, virtually ve practically sözcükleriyle “each” kullanılmaz. Bunun yerine aynı anlamı
vermek için “every” kullanılır.

 Almost each / every hospital in this city is equipped with an operating theatre.

 Nearly every / each school in Turkey has computer facilities now.

NOTICE! “all” ve “both” gibi, “each” sözcüğü de özne ve fiil arasına girebildiği gibi kendi cümleciğinin sonuna
da gelebilir. “You, they, the books” gibi çoğul zamir veya isimlerden sonra kullanılan “each” sözcüğünün,
yüklemin tekil veya çoğul olacağına karar veremez. Sadece “Each of --” diye cümleye giriş yapıldığı takdirde,
yüklem tekil fiil alacaktır !!!

 The students each have been given the same topic for the oral exam.

 Each of the students has been given the same topic for the oral exam.

NOTICE! “every” bazı deyimsel ifadelerde “reason, likelihood, opportunity, encouragement, single” gibi
sözcükleri pekiştirmede kullanılır.

 There is every / each reason to believe that he is innocent.

 There is every / each likelihood that he will be appointed to a higher position soon.

 You have got each / every opportunity to be successful.

NOTICE! Tekil sayılabilen isimlerle kullanılan “every” çoğul bir ismin önünde rakam var ise çoğul isimlerle de
kullanılabilir. Ve buradaki amaç ise, bir şeyin ne kadar sıklıkla yapıldığını ifade etmektir.

 The buses go every five minutes.

 The journey was so fatiguing that we had to stop every ten miles.

 One in every three marriages ends in divorce.

 Elections are held in Turkey every 5 years.


İngilizcede özne ve fiiller, mutlaka sayı bakımında uyumlu olmalıdır. Tekil özneler tekil bir yüklem gerektirir.
Burada bilmenizde fayda olan bir kaç ince ayrıntıyı görelim.
NOTICE! Sayılmayan isimler özne durumundayken “tekil fiil” ile kullanılır.

 The news is rather bad.

 The furniture is very expensive.

 The applause was very loud.

NOTICE! “Police” teşkilat adıdır ve dolayısıyla da özne konumundayken her zaman çoğul fiil ile kullanılır;
erkek veya kadın polis anlamına gelmez. Türkçedeki polis memuru demek için “police officer”, policeman”,
“policewoman” denilir.

 The police are / is still trying to uncover the mystery of the murder.

 The policeman was / were about the handcuff the burglar when the power went out. ~ 91 ~ 0 222 231 22 66


NOTICE! “Collective Nouns” dediğimiz “topluluk isimleri” hem tekil fiil hem de çoğul fiil alabilirler. Eğer
topluluğa bir birim olarak bakılıyorsa tekil olarak algılanır ve tekil fiil alır. Eğer topluluğa ait bireylerin birlikte bir
eylem yaptıklarından söz ediliyorsa çoğul fiil alır.

 The committee is composed of ten people.

 The committee have all presented their views.

 The family is a basic social unit.

 This family are visiting their relatives very often.

NOTICE! “özne” ve “yüklem “ ayrı olduklarında ise, yani aralarına cümle veya tamlama girdiği takdirde, ana
fiili (= yüklemi) bulup ona göre özne tekil veya çoğul olarak seçilir.
 Heavy snow, together with high winds, makes skiing conditions dangerous.

 The doctor, as well as the nurses, was ready for the operation.

 The demand for manufactured goods was increasing.

 The offices on the top floor of the tallest building in the world were empty.

NOTICE! “either . . .or’, ‘neither . . . nor’ ve not only . . . but also” daki özne yüklem uyuşması sın derece
basittir; çünkü bu 3 bağlaçta ikinci taraflara bakılarak karar verilir. Yani or, nor ve but also dan sonra gelen
isme göre tekil veya çoğul olduğuna karar verilir.
 Neither the children nor the woman is out of danger.

 Neither the woman nor the children are out of danger.

 Not only my parents but also my sister was against my marriage.

 Not only my sister but also my parents were against my marriage.

NOTICE! “Here” ve “There” ile başlayan cümlelerde özne fiilden sonra gelem isimdir ve buna göre tekil veya
çoğul olduğuna karar verilir.
 There is a reason for the result.

 There are many species in the area.

 Here is the book you ordered.

 Here are the remains of a camp site.

NOTICE! Ulusların önüne “the” gelirse ve özne olarak kumlanılırsa fiil çoğul olur. “The” olmadan kullanılırsa,
tekil fiil olur.
 The English (= İngilizler) are known to speak more correct English (= İngilizce) than all the other nations
speaking it as their native language.

 The Chinese (Çinliler) have been in a fierce competition with the western nations to dominate the world

 Chinese (Çince) is quite a tough language for me to learn. ~ 92 ~ 0 222 231 22 66


a COUPLE of...... and a / the NUMBER of.....

NOTICE! “Bir çift” anlamının yanı sıra bir kaç kişi anlamına da gelir. Aşağıdaki örnekleri inceleyiniz.

 I need a couple of eggs (=two eggs) for an omlette.

 We’re going out to a restaurant with a couple of friends (=a few friends).

NOTICE! Belirli bir isimde niceleme yaptığında the/my/these kullanılır.

 A couple of my friends are seeing me tomorrow night.

 A great number of people were roaring vigorously when the team left the hotel.

 There were only a small number of attendees at the gallery.

NOTICE! “the number of = “---nın sayısı” demektir ve yüklemi tekildir. “a number of” ise “bir sürü/grup”
anlamına gelir ve çoğullardan önce kullanıldığı için de yüklemi çoğuldur.

 A number of books have been burned down in the library.

 The number of the books burned down in the library is 100. ~ 93 ~ 0 222 231 22 66





I me my mine myself
We us our ours ourselves
You you your yours yourself/yourselves
They them their theirs themselves
He him his his himself
She her her hers herself
It it its ---- itself


Ben benİ/banA/benDE/benDEN benim benimki kendimİ/kendimE/kendimDE/kendimDEN
Biz bizİ/bizE/bizDE/bizDEN bizim bizimki kendimizİ/kendimizE/kendimizDE/kendimizDEN
Sen/Siz sizİ/sizE/sizDE/sizDEN senin/sizin seninki/sizinki kendinizİ/kendinizE/kendinizDE/kendinizDEN
Onlar onlarI/onlarA/onlarDA/onlarDAN onların onlarınki kendilerİ/kendilerinE/kendilerinDE/kendilerindenEN
O onU/onA/onDA/onDAN onun onunki kendinİ/kendisinE/kendisinDE/kendisinDEN
O onU/onA/onDA/onDAN onun onunki kendinİ/kendisinE/kendisinDE/kendisinDEN
O onU/onA/onDA/onDAN onun ---- kendinİ/kendisinE/kendisinDE/kendisinDEN

NOTICE! Yukarıdaki tabloya dikkat edildiği zaman 3.sütun “possessive adjective = iyelik sıfatı” olarak
adlandırılıyor, çünkü “benim, sizin, onların vb” ifadeler zamir olarak değil, sıfat olarak kullanılır; dolayısıyla,
devamında isim veya isim grubu alması gereken tek gruptur. Diğerleri zaten zamir olduğu için (yani ismin
yerinde kullanıldıkları için) devamında isim almaları söz konusu değildir.


This is my new book.

This is mine new book.

Is this their house?

Is this theirs house?

Are these your questions?

Are these you questions?

These cannot be his relativesi

These cannot be him relatives.

This is our car. Where is yours?

This is our car. Where is your?

Are these cats theirs?

Are these cat their? ~ 94 ~ 0 222 231 22 66


NOTICE! Türkçede, bir ismin önünde “iyelik sıfatı = possessive adjective” ve “belirteç = determiner/article”
kullanılabilir. Ancak, İngilizcede bu şekilde bir kullanım yoktur. Bunun yerine, “determiner + NOUN + of +
possessive pronoun” kullanılır. Yani İngilizce tamlamada iyelik sıfatı (= possessive adjective) yerine iyelik
zamiri (= possessive pronoun) kullanılır.
 My one friend is known to be a genius of mathematics.

 A friend of mine me / my is known to be a genius of mathematics.

 Your these opinions are nonsense.

 These opinions of yours / your / you are nonsense.

 Their those questions drove me crazy.

 Those questions of theirs / their / them drove me crazy.

NOTICE! Sizin kulağınıza “of you” veya “of them” daha tanıdık gelmesinin nedeni “some of you” ve “many of
them” gibi kullanımlardır. Ancak, dikkat edildiğinde bu kullanımda “some” veya “many” den sonra İSİM yok.
Eğer devamlarında isim gelirse o zaman “of them” / “of you” yerine “of theirs” veya “of yours” kullanılmalıdır.

 I have got many books and so I can give you some of them.

 Some books of them / theirs are thicker than are my books.

 Many of you know that this is not an easy job to do.

 Many friends of you / yours know that this is not an easy job to do.

NOTICE! Bazen vurgu amaçlı “own” sözcüğünü kullanmak mümkündür ve anlamda değişikliğe neden olmaz.
Türkçedeki “Bu benim (kendi) arabam” derken verilen anlamdadır.

 This is my (own) car, not yours or hers.

 I think you still don’t have your (own) house.

NOTICE! “of my own = kendime ait” ile “on my own= kendi kendime/ yardım almadan” arasındaki farka
dikkat ediniz, çünkü anlamca ince bir fark vardır.

 Why don’t you have an opinion of your own (= kendine ait)? You shouldn’t repeat someone else’s opinion.

 Is it true that Sally can clean the whole office on her own (= kendi başına)?

NOTICE! Bir işi kendi kendimize (başkasına ihtiyaç duymadan) yapabildiğimiz durumlarda “on --- own” yerine
“by ---self” de kullanabiliriz. Her iki yapının anlamı aynıdır, çünkü ikisinde de “başkasından yardım almadan
işin kendi başına yapıldığı” ifade edilmektedir.

 She has cleaned the whole house by herself. (on her own = kendi kendine)

 We can overcome these hard times by ourselves. (on our own = kendi kendimize) ~ 95 ~ 0 222 231 22 66


REFLEXIVE PRONOUNS (= Dönüşlülük Zamirleri)

Dönüşlülük zamirleri genelde vurgu amaçlı kullanılır. Özne veya nesneye dikkat çeker. Tek başına özne
durumunda kullanılmaz, ancak nesne görevinde kullanılır.

 I myself haven’t been abroad before. (Bu cümlede sadece vurgu yapılmış.)

Myself / I love this game so much. (Özne durumunda kullanımı yoktur.)

 I so believe that you love yourself more than anybody. (Nesne durumunda kullanımı vardır.)

Preposition’lardan sonra kullanılan “--- self”, eğer cümlenin öznesine dönmüyor, ona vurgu yapmıyor ise, bu
durumlarda “--- self” yerine “object pronouns = nesne durumundaki zamir” (us, him, them vb) kullanılır.

 Take good care of yourself. (İyi bakılacak olan kişi sensin; fiil öznesine dönüyor.)

 You should take care of him. (İyi bakılacak kişi o. Fiil öznesine dönmüyor. Hedef başkası)

 You should be ashamed of yourself. (Kendinden utanacak kişi sensin. Fiil özneye dönüyor)

Dönüşlülük zamirleri bazen kullanıldığı yerde anlam karmaşasına yol vermemek için, özne vurgulanacağı
zaman,“—self” eki özneden hemen sonra verilir. Aynı şey nesne içinde yapılabilir.

 I myself need more than this lot of money.

 Sally herself offered to help me with my homework; I didn’t ask her for help.

 I spoke to the principal himself. (Müdürün bizzat kendisiyle görüştüm; başkasıyla değil)

 I spoke to the principal myself. (Müdürle kendim konuştum. Yerime başkası konuşmadı)

Türkçede geçişli fiiler (= transitive verbs) devamında nesne görevinde “kendi” sözcüğünü alabilmektedir.
Ancak, İngilizcede “-self” kullanımı bazen gereksiz olacağı için anlatım bozukluğuna yol açmaktadır.

Kendimi bugün çok iyi hissediyorum = I feel myself very well today.

Why don’t you shave yourself? Isn’t it high time you had a shave?

 You should relax yourself for one hour now if you want to be lively during the night.
Dönüşlülük zamirleri, bazı deyimsel ifadelerde sık kullanılır.

 Help yourself to the ice-cream, please! (Dondurmaya buyrun lütfen!)

 When someone is eating, you should say to him or her “Enjoy yourself!”

 May I introduce myself before I can start speaking?

 We really enjoyed ourselves at the party last night, didn’t you? ~ 96 ~ 0 222 231 22 66



Aralarında (zıtlık, paralellik, destekleme, örnekleme, sebep sonuç vb) ilişkisi bulunan iki basit cümleyi
birleştirip birleşik (kompleks) cümle kurmak istediğimizde, EDAT (CONJUNCTION) veya BAĞLAÇ
(TRANSITION) kullanılır.

EDAT (CONJUNCTION): Kendi başına anlamı olmayan sözcükler olup Türkçedeki “ses olaylarına” (büyük ve
küçük ünlü uyumu / ünsüz benzeşmesi, sertleşmesi, yumuşaması vb) göre Türkçesi değişen sözcüklerdir.
Örneğin, ALTHOUGH “-e rağmen” veya “-a rağmen” diye değişir. Başka bir örnek verecek olursak, AFTER bir
edattır, çünkü Türkçe çevirisi “-den sonra”, “-dan sonra”, “-ten sonra”, “-tan sonra” şeklinde değişiyor.

BAĞLAÇ (TRANSITION): Kendi başına anlamı olan sözcükler olup Türkçedeki “ses olaylarından” (büyük ve
küçük ünlü uyumu / ünsüz benzeşmesi, sertleşmesi, yumuşaması vb) etkilenmediği için Türkçesi her
seferinde (edatların aksine) sabit kalır, değişmez. Örneğin, THEREFORE “bu yüzden” veya “dolayısıyla”
veya “böylece” şeklinde Türkçeye çevrilir, yani sözcük anlamı aynı kapıya çıkan farklı şekillerde tercüme
edilse de ses olaylarına göre her seferinde değişmez. Başka bir deyişle, “delisiyle”, “dülüyüsüyle,”
doluyusuyla”, “beylece”, “biylece”, “buylaca” diye değişmez.

NOTICE! Bağlaç demek basitçe “iki cümleyi bağlayan sözcük” demek değildir, çünkü hem edatlar hem de
bağlaçlar iki cümleyi birbirine bağlamak için kullanılır. EDAT (CONJUNCTION) hem cümle başında hem de
cümle ortasında kullanılabilir iken, BAĞLAÇ (TRANSITION) ise cümle başında kullanılmaz, çünkü
kendisinden önce mutlaka bir cümle olması lazım ki, ona göre diğer bir cümleye geçiş yapabilsin.

 Even though he was being rude to me last night, I knew that it was because he was drunk.

[= Dün gece bana kaba davranmasına rağmen, olup bitenlerin sarhoşluğundan kaynaklandığını biliyordum.]

 Your sister was not supposed to insult me in front of everybody even though she doesn’t like me at all.

[= Beni hiç sevmemesine rağmen, kız kardeşinin herkesin içinde bana hakaret etmemesi gerekirdi.]

 Your nose looks bigger than enough, thus you need to have it shortened if you want to look more beautiful.

[= Burnun normalinden büyük duruyor, bu yüzden daha güzel görünmek istiyorsan onu küçültmen

 The spectators have been yelling for more than one hour; however, our team hasn’t scored a goal yet.

[= Seyirciler bir saatten fazla bir süredir bağırıyor, ancak bizim takım henüz bir gol atmış değil.]

NOTICE! Yukarıdaki çeviri örneklerinden de anlayabileceğiniz gibi, çeviriye EDATın olduğu kısımdan başlanır.
Ancak eğer bize edat değil de bağlaç verilmiş ise, önce bağlacın önündeki cümleden çeviriye başlanır, sonra
da bağlaçtan sonra yazılan cümle çevrilir. ~ 97 ~ 0 222 231 22 66



 I can’t drive as fast as you can, so I’m rather jealous of you.

 As I was getting off the bus, I happened to sprain my ankle yesterday morning.

 You will be working here as a secretary, not a cleaning–lady, which is why your salary is higher.

 As you may guess, this little boy is going to come top in the exam next week.

 Sam was very much fed up with her toy cars, just as her brothers were.

 This person can’t get on with such an all-know boy as you, so forget about making friends with him.

 They couldn’t hear the scream, as those on board the ship were dancing to some loud music.

 As on Tuesday, my father will be on leave on Friday, as he will be having a minor operation then.

 Just as I was bored with my job, so were the rest of my colleagues.

 We humans have a tendency to forget things more quickly as we grow older.


 Sally promised to help Marcus but she failed to do so in the end.

 You were not supposed to invite all these people at a time, so why did you do so?

 You have got so huge a nose that it’s impossible not to recognize you in a crowd.

 So silently was she reading the paper that none of us thought Beatrice was in the next room.

 You shouldn’t treat your friends so mercilessly as you did the other day, or you will have none soon.

 They were rushing to the airport so as to catch the airplane before it flew to Rome.

 Pam may be intelligent but she is definitely not so intelligent as to do all these questions.

 Just as the boss was tired from working all day, so were the others on the team.

 Your new house is in a very convenient place, so you won’t regret living there. ~ 98 ~ 0 222 231 22 66



 You shouldn’t disturb the others, since they are busy discussing the imminent crisis.

 Since the day we moved here, we haven’t been able to rest for even one day.

 The team has been making much more progress since they were warned seriously last year.

 Pam has been swimming with us since she has been a member of this swimming club.

 Since divorcing two years ago, this couple haven’t seen each other.


Tom can’t speak French, nor can he speak Italian. [= Tom can speak neither French nor Italian.]

Sally wasn’t enthusiastic about driving, nor had she ever tried doing so.


Not only my brothers but also my sister is / are responsible for the chaos.

Not only my sister but also my brothers is / are responsible for the chaos.

 Not only do I speak French, but also I do translation professionally as well.

 Not only did Tom hate me but he also kept swearing at me.

NOT: Bu yapıda sadece 2 ayrı fiil olduğu zaman ve sadece “not only” ile giriş yapılırsa, cümle devrik olur.


 These books are very old, yet they contain a lot of vital information.

 The houses look very comfortable, yet the price of the rent is very high.

 The others haven’t seen the results yet, so they don’t know if they have passed the exam or not.


 Now that I'm an adult, I can eat and drink whatever I want!

 She's ready to start cooking, now that she's prepared all the ingredients. ~ 99 ~ 0 222 231 22 66



 My sister and brother are similar to each other in that they both hate chocolate.

 You and Mike are so different from each other in that he is fond of American movies while you love Turkish films.



1. Lung cancer may result from smoking heavily.

2. Lung cancer may stem from smoking heavily.

3. Lung cancer may arise from smoking heavily.

4. Lung cancer may emerge from smoking heavily.

5. Lung cancer may be based on smoking heavily.

6. Lung cancer may be put down to smoking heavily.

7. Lung cancer may be attributed to smoking heavily.

8. Lung cancer may be caused by smoking heavily.

9. Lung cancer may be triggered by smoking heavily.

10. Lung cancer may be induced by smoking heavily.

11. Lung cancer may be linked to smoking heavily.

12. Lung cancer may be associated with smoking heavily.

13. Lung cancer may be due to smoking heavily.


1. Smoking heavily may lead to lung cancer.

2. Smoking heavily may give rise to lung cancer.

3. Smoking heavily may give way to lung cancer.

4. Smoking heavily may contribute to lung cancer.

5. Smoking heavily may result in lung cancer.

6. Smoking heavily may trigger lung cancer.

7. Smoking heavily may cause lung cancer.

8. Smoking heavily may induce lung cancer. ~ 100 ~ 0 222 231 22 66



1. The party ended in a fiasco due to the poor organization.

2. The party ended in a fiasco owing to the poor organization.

3. The party ended in a fiasco thanks to the poor organization.

4. The party ended in a fiasco because of the poor organization.

5. The party ended in a fiasco as a result of the poor organization.

6. The party ended in a fiasco as a consequence of the poor organization.

7. The party ended in a fiasco by virtue of the poor organization.

8. The party ended in a fiasco on account of the poor organization.

9. The party ended in a fiasco on grounds of the poor organization.


1. The party was badly-organized; therefore, it was a fiasco.

2. The party was badly-organized; thus, it was a fiasco.

3. The party was badly-organized, so it was a fiasco.

4. The party was badly-organized; hence, it was a fiasco.

5. The party was badly-organized; for this reason, it was a fiasco.

6. The party was badly-organized; as a result, it was a fiasco.

7. The party was badly-organized; as a consequence, it was a fiasco.

8. The party was badly-organized. Accordingly, it was a fiasco.

9. The party was badly-organized. As such, it was a fiasco.

10. The party was badly-organized. To this end, it was a fiasco.

11. The party was badly-organized. This being the case, it was a fiasco. ~ 101 ~ 0 222 231 22 66



On the one hand (Bir yandan) ----.On the other hand (öte yandan), -----.Bu bağlacı kullanırken dikkat
etmeniz gereken şey, bir durumun veya kişinin hem ARTIsından hem de EKSİsinden bahsetmeniz gerekir. Bu
kişi veya durum hakkında yorum yapmak muhatabınıza kalmıştır. İster beğenir isterse de beğenmez.

 One the one hand, my son is very intelligent .On the other hand, he is very lazy.

 Sam can’t speak good Russian; on the other hand, she is very good at Russian grammar.

“On the contrary = aksine” ise açıktan yapılan veya üstü kapalı bir iddiayı çürütmek veya duruma açıklık
getirmek amacıyla kullanılan bir bağlaçtır. Ya iddia barındıran bir fiil ile giriş yapılır ve devamında bu
iddianın/kanının doğru olmadığı dile getirilir. Ya da olumsuz yapıda bir cümle ile giriş yapılır (ki bu cümle gizli
bir iddia içerir) ve devamında bu cümleden ne kastedildiği anlatılır.

 It is claimed that this man is generous with money. On the contrary, he is rather mean with his money.

 Mike is thought to be fond of swimming by some. On the contrary, he hates it.

 I can’t cook good food. On the contrary, I’m terrible at cooking.

 Sam didn’t find the meeting useful. On the contrary, he thought it was a complete waste of time.

“CONTRARY TO = --- nın aksine” yapısından sonra NP veya NC gelir, çünkü “to” bu yapıda preposition

 Contrary to our expectations, she failed to win the championship.

IN CONTRAST = BY CONTRAST = aksine, tersine, oysa ki

 Cats are not loyal to us; in contrast / whereas, dogs are quite faithful animals to their owners.
“In contrast TO / WITH = --- nın aksine” yapısından sonra NP veya NC gelir, çünkü “to” bu yapıda preposition
 Whereas / In contrast to/with cats, dogs are very faithful to people.


 She has a responsible job with a high salary; however, she still feels dissatisfaction.
 This hotel is the nicest hotel in Shrewsbury. Nonetheless, it is also the most expensive.
 She has a speech impediment; nevertheless, she can sing beautifully.
 They had been engaged for ten years. Still, they decided against getting married.
 He’d just recovered from serious injuries. Even so, he competed in the race.
 There were a good many spelling mistakes in her essay; all the same, it was considered to merit a passing
 She is well past 60. In spite of this, she jogs along the beach every morning.
 He may be reluctant about the change, yet he has only one vote. ~ 102 ~ 0 222 231 22 66


Bu bağlaçlardan “HOWEVER”, 3 farklı kullanıma sahiptir.

HOWEVER = nasıl (yapar)sa yapsın, nasıl (gider)sen git vb

 You can cook the eggs however you wish, as long as you make sure that the meal is ready in ten minutes.
(= Nasıl istersen öyle ---)

 However you do it, do not let the others know about the surprise until that day.

HOWEVER = Ne kadar (However + Adj / Adv = No matter + how + adj / adv) … sa olsun

 However late (= No matter how late) it is, you can call me for help. (= Ne kadar geç olursa olsun, ----)

 However quickly (= No matter how quickly) you do the job, there is no way you can make the deadline.

HOWEVER = Ancak, Fakat

 She was seriously ill. However, she didn’t see a doctor.

 The party was not very entertaining. However, some of the attendees pretended as if they were enjoying


 Ayşe works as a secretary in an office. In addition, she attends the Open University.

 We are donating $ 5 million to the disaster fund. Also, we shall send medical supplies.

 I want to rent that house. It is very large, with four rooms. Moreover, it has a wonderful sea view.

 A big car is expensive to run because it uses more petrol than the smaller models; furthermore, it’s
difficult to park.

 She has got a captivating beauty; besides, she has intelligence and charm.

 A well-balanced diet should contain other nutrients. Additionally, it should contain vitamins and proteins.

 He speaks three languages without accent. On top of that, he has left the best university in Turkey.

 He can guide his students perfectly. In addition to this, he is on very good terms with the school


 In addition to working in an office during the day, she is attending evening classes to improve her
secretarial skills.

 Besides being a food source, in the past, pigeons used to be bred and trained for carrying messages.

 Operating a modern farm requires a high degree of technological understanding apart from considerable
management skill.

 Cougar has got two other enemies in nature aside from man.

 The doctor gave him a few injections, along with / together with a few oral drugs.

 The family had to sell their house, coupled with their only car, just in order to get rid of the mortgage. ~ 103 ~ 0 222 231 22 66



 I will help you if you need any help. Likewise, I hope you will help me.

 He did not do very well in the math course; similarly, he did very miserably in chemistry.

 He didn’t attend his math classes very regularly. Likewise, he was reported for excessive absences in his
chemistry class.

 If you give up doing exercise, your muscles shrink and fat increases. In the same way, if you expend more
energy, you will lose weight.

 She hasn’t been interested in music so far. By the same token, she hasn’t ever thought singers can
genuinely appreciate the feelings in songs. ~ 104 ~ 0 222 231 22 66

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