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Lyceum of the Philippines University

Batangas City
Graduate School

Rosales, Carlo Roman G.

MPA504 SUN 8-12NN


1. To epitomize the Filipino potentialities of Jose P. Laurel from his works

and contributions in the society.
2. To demonstrate the essentiality of the said potentialities with regard to the
present system of the community.
3. To interpret the ideas the way Jose P. Laurel wants to convey.


1. Nationalism a range of political, social, and economic systems

characterised by promoting the interests of a particular nation, particularly
with the aim of gaining and maintaining self-governance, or
full sovereignty over the group's homeland.
2. Prosperity is the state of flourishing, thriving, good fortune or successful
social status. It often encompasses wealth but also includes other factors
which can be independent of wealth to varying degrees, such as
happiness and health.
3. Public service is a service which is provided by government to people
living within its jurisdiction, either directly through the public sector or by
financing provision of services.


Prosperity of the nation will follow upon the fulfilment of the people with
regard to the necessary potentialities that we must possess, namely, nationalism,
spirit, humility and true Filipino in words and in deeds.
According to Laurel, the rise and fall of nations depend essentially upon
the underlying moral strength of their citizens as well as their government. Love
of country is not shown by words but by deeds, not an occasional virtue to be
exhibited now and then. It has always been a sole duty of every citizen of nation
to serve and defend country at all times and at all costs for the fact that nation
will not acquire growth and strength unless its roots are planted deep in its own
Public service is at the verge of malpractice when there is an unused and
disused of information for the betterment of the society that a person belongs to.
On Laurel’s ideas of a more disciplined society, one must unleash the
potentialities within himself in order for a nation to suceeed.
The Filipinos today, are a free people. We should think and act as free
men not freed men. We must fully assume the grave responsibility of seeking,
devising, carrying out, and maintaining what’s best for our people.
Laurel (1931:39-40) believed that nationalism, which means “loyalty to the
history, institutions, and tradition of our country and the cherishment of
everything that is genuinely and honourably Filipino,”


The great and immediate work of Filipinos is to build a nation (Laurel

1943:15). Among the nation-molding forces, geographical unity, ethnical unity,
national language, religion, community of national interest, and common tradition,
the last one is indispensable. It is only the possession of a common imperishable
tradition that strengthens the bond of national union (Laurel 1931:31-32). The
moral and spiritual forces that a nation in order to grow strong and progressive
must nurture from within are: citizen obligations; patriotism; filial piety; veneration
of heroes; obedience to law and authority; honor; modesty, frugality, and
cleanliness; selfreliance and perseverance; hard work; truth; honesty; justice and
charity; individual and social discipline; and neighborliness and social
responsibility. The preservation of national ideals, unification of culture, and
coordination of public instruction with home and civil life of pupils and with local
industries and surroundings are geared toward the awakening of a strong sense
of national consciousness and solidarity based on a commonly inherited tradition
and civilization. A sound foreign polity must take into consideration the following
five imperatives: (1) the people must be true and loyal to their history, their
nationalism, and their homeland; (2) they must be ready to defend their
independence; (3) colonial structures and sacffoldings in the national economy
must be demolished so that the nation can reconstruct its economy to suit its own
needs; (4) rights and privileges granted to citizens of foreign countries must have
full reciprocal rights and privileges granted by their country to our citizens; and
(5) there must be the “assertion of ample freedom in the exercise of moral
judgment in international agreements or conventions.”
A nation must be moved by the force of its own dynamic moral energy.
The seeds of moral discipline must be nurtured from within, not from without. And
the frantic despair and the spiritual blackout now experienced by our nation is
due primarily to the failure to grasp this basic fact.
It is the peculiar problem of each generation to see that its ruling traits or
virtues are strengthened and developed, and that they do not degenerate
because of contamination by unwholesome modernisms or the undermining
influence of untried philosophies.

In building broken pieces of a puzzle, there is a need for every piece of it that fits with the sizes of
another for it to be whole as a picture, the same goes with building a nation, people should
showcase their potentialities for it to suffice the needs of one another and thus completes the
system of government.


1. It is the duty of each generation to so balance and synchronize the

stimulation of social and economic forces to avoid the over-development
of some factors at the expense of others equally essential to healthy
2. People must unleash the hidden potentialities within themselves for them
to be able to comply as productive citizens in a progressing environment
of the community.
3. Public officials and the citizens play a vital role in the government.
Executing of rules and must be followed mandatorily.

1. The present system of government is in need of the aforementioned

potentialities laid down by Jose P. Laurel for which they will serve as a
guide to a profound and just system of governing the people.
2. For the society to overcome different fortuitous events, which includes the
problems in the differences of ideas, we must learn to respect one another
and understand their behaviour. It has always been a two way process for
the government and the people to share the necessary requirements on
the development of the system of living that everyone is enjoying right
3. There is a need for us to strengthen the moral fiber of our youth and keep
the hearts of our citizens ever sensitive to the value of ethical principles for
us to proclaim the truth that moral discipline is the only sure road to
national greatness.


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