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This page contains IELTS FAQ and IELTS test information. Below are over 100
questions answered about the IELTS test, results, listening, reading, writing and Recent IELTS Exam Questions
speaking. If you want to find information about the IELTS Test, look below.
Current IELTS exam topics and questions:

IELTS Test Information Recent exam questions

1. What does IELTS mean? Answer

IELTS stands for: International English Language Testing System.
Post Your IELTS Results
2. How many skills are tested in the IELTS test? Answer
Share your IELTS test results
There are 4 skills tested: listening, reading, writing and speaking.
3. Which is best, IDP or British Council? Answer
Post Your Test Results
See this page for tips and advice about where to take your test: IDP or BC?
4. What is IELTS UKVI? Answer
See this page for information on IELTS UKVI:
Search this website … SEARCH
5. Does the IELTS test accept American English? Answer
Yes, it does. It is an international test of English. In the speaking test, most Recent Lessons
examiners speak with an English or Australian accent. For spelling, you
must choose either US or UK spelling – you can’t mix them. November 16, 2018

6. Which skills do I take on the same day? Answer 50% Discount IELTS Lessons: Ends Tomorrow
Listening, reading and writing are all taken on the same day. The speaking November 15, 2018

test can be taken either before, after or on the same day as the other skills. Answers for Future Libraries Listening Exercise
November 13, 2018
7. Is there a break between the reading and writing test? Answer
No, there is no break between the listening, reading and writing test. They Andrew’s Tips for IELTS Speaking Band Score 9
November 12, 2018
are all taken together and take a total of 2 hours and 40 minutes. So, make
Listening Practice: Future of Libraries
sure you eat and drink well before you take your test November 12, 2018
8. Can I use a pen in my IELTS Test? Answer
You can use a pen or pencil for your IELTS writing test. However, for your November 9, 2018

listening and reading test, you must use a pencil (don’t forget to take an
eraser with you).
9. How many times can I take my IELTS test? Answer IELTS Extra Information

You can take it as many times as you want. There is no limit. IELTS Book List
10. Can I wear a watch in my IELTS test? Answer
No, you can’t. You can’t wear a watch in any of the IELTS tests, even the IELTS Band Scores

speaking test. There will be a clock on the wall so you can check the time.
Useful Websites for IELTS 11/16/2018
IELTS Test Information FAQ Page 2 of 14

11. What happens if I am colour blind? Answer

You should contact your IELTS test center before the exam to let them
know. They will adapt any colour pages or illustrations for you in the test.
12. Can I write using capital letters? Answer
Like Page
Yes, you can. Click on this link to learn more: Capital letters in IELTS
2 friends like this
13. General Training IELTS - what are the differences?
The GT IELTS test is only different in reading and writing. All students take
the same speaking and listening test. However, GT students take a different
reading test and a different writing test. See below in the relevant sections
for more information.
14. Is the IELTS test done using a computer or paper? Answer
Some countries and test centers now offer a computer based IELTS test for
listening, reading and writing. You can ask your local test center if it is
available in your country. However, most countries and most test center
use the traditional paper based test. The speaking test is always face to
face with an examiner.

Test Results Information

1. How is IELTS scored? Where can I find out about band scores? Answer
See this page: IELTS Band Scored Explained
2. How long does it take for my test results to arrive? Answer
Your results will be posted to you 13 days after you have taken your test. It
is possible to get your results by sms or online at some test centers.
Contact them to find out. However, there are times when results are
delayed longer than 13 days – see question number 5 below.
3. How long are my IELTS results valid? Answer
Your IELTS results are valid for 2 years.
4. Can I get my IELTS test remarked? Answers
Yes, you can. In 2014, it costs around 100 usd to get your test remarked. It
is the same price for all 4 skills or just one. You should contact your local
IELTS test center to get the form for remarking.If your results change and
your band score goes up, you will get your money refunded. You have 6
weeks after taking your test to get your test remarked. Your test will be
remarked by a different examiner. It takes about 6 to 8 weeks for the
results of your remark to arrive. Alternatively, you could take your test
5. If I take IELTS twice, which result can I use? Answers
You can use the test in which you scored the highest as long as the result is
still valid (which means as long as it is not more than two years old).
6. My IELTS results have not arrived and it is longer than 13 days late? Why has
this happened? Answer
Read this page to learn why your IELTS results have been withheld.

IELTS Listening Test Information

1. How many sections are there? Answer
There are 4 sections in the IELTS listening test. Section 1 and 2 are based
on social situations while sections 3 and 4 are academic.
2. Does everyone take the same test or are there different listening tests?
Answer 11/16/2018
IELTS Test Information FAQ Page 3 of 14

There is only one listening test for everyone.

3. How many questions are there? Answer
There are a total of 40 questions in the listening test. 10 questions in each
4. How long is the listening test? Answer
The IELTS listening test lasts for 40 minutes. You listen to the recording
and answer the questions for 30 minutes. After that you have 10 minutes to
transfer your answers to the answer sheet.
5. How many times will I be able to listen to the recording? Answer
You only get a chance to listen once to the recording. So make sure you
prepare the questions well and that you concentrate.
6. What is the listening answer sheet? Answer
You will have time to transfer your answers to the answer sheet when you
have finished listening. You will have an extra 10 minutes to transfer your
answer to the answer sheet. You should practice using the answer sheet at
home before you take the test.
7. How can I find my score for listening? Answer
Here is a list of points for band scores 6-8 (visit the listening band scores
page for all scores)
• band score 6 = 23 correct answers out of 40
• band score 7 = 30 correct answers out of 40
• band score 8 = 35 correct answers out of 40
8. Do I lose a point if my answer is wrong? Answer
No, you don’t lose a point for a wrong answer. So, never leave an empty
space on your answer sheet – always have a guess.
9. Do the answers come in order? Answer
It depends on the type of question. For some questions the answers are in
order, for other types they are not. Read through my blog to find out.
10. Will I have time to read the questions before I listen? Answer
Yes, you will be given some time to look over the questions before the
recording begins. Use this time wisely. Read the questions, underline key
words and think of any possible paraphrases you might hear. They will tell
you how many questions to read through “you will now hear questions
4-10….” – this for this information to make sure how many questions you
must read through before the recording starts.
11. Can I write on the listening question paper? Answer
Yes, you can. You can make notes, underline words and write on any part
of the question paper. Only your answer sheet will be marked. In fact, it is
very useful to make notes on your question paper and can help you locate
12. Can I have extra paper for making notes? Answer
No, you should use the question paper to write on while you listen.
13. Are capital letters important? Answer
No. Capital letters are not important. They won’t affect your score. See this
page: Capital Letters in IELTS Answers
14. Should I use a pen or pencil? Answer
For your listening and reading test, you must use a pencil. so don’t forget to
take an eraser with you. However, for writing you can choose either pen or
15. In multiple choice questions, can I write words or do the answers need to be
letters?? Answer 11/16/2018
IELTS Test Information FAQ Page 4 of 14

It is very important that if the instructions ask you to choose a letter, then
your answer must be a letter not words. Read the instructions very carefully
so you don’t lose points.
16. How can I improve my multiple choice listening? Answer
Watch this video lesson, by clicking on the link, to get tips and practice for
multiple choice questions in listening
17. What accents will there be in the listening test? Answer
IELTS is an international English language test so you might hear a variety
of different accents in the recording. You should practice listening to
different accents before your test.
18. Is spelling important? Answer
Yes, it is. If the answer is spelled incorrectly, it will be marked wrong.
19. How can I improve my listening? Answer
You can improve by doing IELTS listening practice exercises: IELTS
Listening Page. And you can develop by listening to a range of accents and
topics. If you visit my “Useful Websites” page, you will see links to BBC
news and other useful sites for listening. But remember that these sites will
improve your listening ability but you will still need to work on listening
skills for your IELTS test in order to listening for specific information and
answers to questions.
20. How can I improve section 4 of the listening test? Answer
1) Section 4 is a lecture so that means it will be structured. The information
will follow a normal pattern which you must try to follow. The speaker will
move from point to point. Check your questions to see if they are a new
point or examples etc. See the order of information in the questions. 2) You
must build speed at preparing the questions for section 4. You must be able
to read and prepare all questions in the time given. This is skill you must
practice. Immediately underline key words which will help you follow the
information coming. You should practice this skill again and again to
improve. Always underline or circle the words which will help you locate
your place in the listening. 3) Always keep your eye on more than one
question at once. If you are listening for question 34, then you must also
have your eye on question 35. When I say “keep your eye on” , I mean
keep your mind open for the key words in the next question(s). 4) Some
key words will be repeated but that doesn’t mean other key words will be.
You must learn to identify which are useful key words and which are not.
Any word that can’t be paraphrased will be useful to help you find your
place in the talk. So, academic words, names, dates etc are all useful and
can help you. 5) Listen for signposts. These are words which indicate when
the speaker is repeating information, when the speaker is moving on to
another point in the talk or just giving examples and details. Signposts are
similar to linking devices “Another point to consider is…” or “if we look at
the aspect of …”. Pay attention to these words.
21. What does “two words and/or number” mean? Answer
It means you can write two words with a number (for example “26 local
men”) or you can just have a number. You can also have one word with a
number. But you can’t have more than two words with a number. This is
explained very clearly in the 25 essential tips video for listening:
22. Should I use “the” or “a” with my answer? Answer 11/16/2018
IELTS Test Information FAQ Page 5 of 14

If you are completing a sentence then you must make sure the sentence is
grammatically correct when you fill in the answer. That means you might
need to use articles (a / the). However, if you are only writing notes, forms
or completing a table, diagram or flowchart, you won’t need to think about
23. How can I write the time? 9am or 9.00am? Answer
IELTS accept all forms of written time: 9AM, 9am, 9.00AM & 9.00am.
24. How can I write a date? 25th march or 25 march? Answer
IELTS accept both. We never write the word “of”
25. If I write Northroad instead of North Road, is the answer correct? Answer
No, it is wrong. If the answer contains two separate words, then they must
be written separately. This is testing your spelling of compound nouns.
26. Can I use brackets for my answers, for example, school(s)? Answer
Brackets should not be used in the test. See this page to learn about
brackets in listening: IELTS Listening Using Brackets

Click here: IELTS Listening Exercises & Tips

Reading and Listening

1. If I use all capital letters in listening, do I need to do the same for reading?
No. For each part of the test, you decide if you want to use capital letters or
lower case. This means you can use all capitals for listening and lower case
for reading.

IELTS Reading Test Information

1. How long is the IELTS reading test? Answer
The reading test is 1 hour in length and it comes directly after your listening
test. There is no extra time given to transfer your answers to the answer
2. How many reading passages are there? Answer
There are three reading passages for the academic paper and the general
training paper.
3. Does everyone take the same reading test? Answer
No, there are two different tests for IELTS reading. One is the academic
paper and one is the general training paper. Before your test you will
decide which IELTS test you will take and this will affect both your reading
and writing papers. If you don’t know which one you are taking, please
follow the link to the IELTS British Council page for information.
4. What kind of reading passages are there for the academic paper? Answer
Each passage in the academic reading paper is long. The passages are
usually taken from books, magazine and newspapers (they are authentic
passages). They can often contain complicated language, academic
vocabulary and sometimes diagrams, maps or some kind of illustration.
5. What kind of passages are there for the general training paper? Answer
The GT reading paper has three passages, each one getting more difficult.
The first one is relevant to everyday English life and could be factual
information about a school course or some kind of service, such as a hotel. 11/16/2018
IELTS Test Information FAQ Page 6 of 14

The second one focuses on work issues, such as training courses at work,
resources at work, application procedures or about pay schemes. The last
reading passage is longer and is the most difficult. This is based on a topic
of general interest.
6. How many questions are there? Answer
There are 40 questions in total for your reading test.
7. How are the scores calculated? Answer
You get one point for each correct answer. You do not lose points for an
incorrect answer. The academic and general training papers have different
scoring. Please visit the reading band scores page for a list of the scores.
8. Do I lose a point if my answer is wrong? Answer
No, you don’t lose a point for a wrong answer. So, never leave an empty
space on your answer sheet – always have a guess.
9. Do I have time to transfer my answers at the end of the reading test?
No, there is no extra time for transferring answers. You must write your
answers directly on to your answer sheet during the 1 hour.
10. How long should I spend on each passage? Answer
It is recommended that you spend 20 minutes on each passage. I agree
with this completely. Make sure you keep your eyes on the clock to make
sure you manage your time effectively. Don’t leave yourself too little time
for passage 3.
11. What types of questions will I get in IELTS reading? Answer
There are many different types of questions and you must practice all of
them. Here’s a link to a page with a list of IELTS reading question types and
tips on how to deal with them. It is an essential page to read in your
preparation for IELTS reading.
12. Can I write on the reading question paper? Answer
Yes, you can. You can make notes, underline words and write on any part
of the question paper. Only your answer sheet will be marked. In fact, it is
very useful to make notes on your question paper and can help you locate
13. Can I write all my answers in capital letters on my reading answer sheet?
Yes, you can. Sometimes this is a good idea because usually your writing
will be easier to read.
14. Can I use a highlighter pen? Answer
No, you can’t. So, get used to using a pencil to highlight ideas and words in
reading passages before your test.
15. Should I use a pen or pencil? Answer
For your reading and listening test, you must use a pencil. so don’t forget to
take an eraser with you. However, for writing you can choose either pen or
16. Is spelling important? Answer
Yes, it is. If the answer is spelled incorrectly, it will be marked wrong. So
pay attention to your spelling of long academic words.
17. Can I write T instead of True for the True False Not Given questions?
Yes, it’s possible to write a letter instead of the word True or you can write
Y instead of the word Yes.
18. How can I improve my reading skills? Answer 11/16/2018
IELTS Test Information FAQ Page 7 of 14

Here are some tips for improving your reading skills for IELTS. (1) develop
skills of each type of question in reading – focus on just one type of
question each day to improve your technique. Follow the link to get
information and tips on question types. (2) develop your speed reading
skills – the passages are long and time is limited so you need to build your
speed. (3) develop your ability to scan – IELTS reading is not about
understanding everything, it’s about locating answers. (4) read academic
articles on various topics – read the bbc news, the new scientist, the
economist etc. Here’s a link to a page with useful websites for IELTS.
(5) practice – use my practice lessons to improve your techniques and skills
(6) practice tests – do practice tests to develop your concentration, test
your timing and to know your band score. You should take your practice
tests from the IELTS Cambridge books 1-10 because they are real past
exam papers.
19. Do all answers come in order? Answer
No, only some of the question types have answers which follow the order of
information in the passage. You need to learn which ones do and don’t.
Here is a link to read information and tips about the question types in IELTS
20. How can I improve my score for matching headings? Answer
There are a number of issues with matching headings. Firstly, you need to
identify the main point of the paragraph or section. The main point could be
the first sentence, in the middle or at the end of the paragraph. This is
testing your ability to see the difference between a main point and
supporting points. Secondly, spend time looking more closely at the
headings. Think of what they mean, paraphrase the words and spot
headings which seem to be similar to each other. Thirdly, you don’t need to
approach the headings in order. I recommend you start with a heading
which is distinctly different in content to the others – it will be quicker and
easier to find. Fourthly, don’t waste time, if you can’t match the heading,
then move on to the next heading. There are often more headings than you
actually need. Lastly, don’t just try to match key words, try to match
meaning. If the heading says “A description of …”, then you need to look
for a paragraph which contains adjectives and descriptive language rather
than looking for the word “description”. So, don’t just match key words, try
to predict the type of language you might find in that paragraph. Follow the
link to practice Matching Headings Questions.

IELTS Writing Test Information

1. How many parts to the writing test are there? Answer
There are two parts. Writing task 1 is a report for the academic test and a
letter for the General Training test. Writing task 2 is an essay for both tests.
2. How long is the IELTS writing test? Answer
It takes a total of 1 hour. You should spend 20 minutes on writing task 1
and 40 minutes on writing task 2.
3. How many words should I write for task 1 and task 2? Answer
You must write over 150 words for task 1 and over 250 words for task 2.
See this page: Length of essay advice.
4. What is the difference between the General Training paper and the Academic
Paper? Answer 11/16/2018
IELTS Test Information FAQ Page 8 of 14

The general training paper is mainly for people who want to migrate to a
foreign country. For this paper, students need to write a letter for task 1
and an essay for task 2.
The academic paper is mostly for people who want to enter college or
university or for doctors and nurses. Most people take this paper. For this
paper, students need to write an academic report for task 1 (based on a bar
chart or other types of graphs) and an essay for writing task 2. To read
more about the differences, see this page:
5. Can I have extra paper for planning and making notes? Answer
You should make notes and plan on the question paper before you start
writing. You are not usually given extra paper for planning.
6. Should I do writing task 1 or writing task 2 first? Answer
It is recommended that you spend the first 20 minutes writing task 1.
However, if you choose to start with writing task 2, it is your choice. Do
what works best for you.
7. Should I leave a space at the start of a paragraph? Answer
No, it is not necessary to do that. It is better to leave one empty line
between your paragraphs to help the examiner identify the paragraphs.
8. UK spelling or US spelling?
You can use either UK spelling or US spelling, but you can’t mix them. You
need to choose which one you will use.

IELTS Writing Task 1

1. How many types of task 1 are there?
There are many types for the academic IELTS paper. Here are the main
types: diagrams, maps, building plans, bar charts, line graphs, pie charts
and tables. Follow the link to see sample charts for IELTS academic paper.
It is also possible to get more than one type in your task 1 test. However
for the GT paper, you only need to write a letter.
2. How much is writing task 1 worth?
It is worth only one third of your marks for IELTS writing. Task 2 is worth
twice as much. To learn how writing is calculated, see this page: IELTS
Writing Scoring.
3. What's the difference between the academic paper and the general training
paper in task 1?
In the general training paper you have to write a letter whereas in the
academic paper you must write a report based on a chart.
4. Is the general training task 1 marked the same way as the academic task
No, there is a difference between the way one of the four criteria is
marked. Task Achievement, which accounts for 25% of your marks, is
assessed differently in the general paper and academic paper. Follow this
link to see the difference between band scores 5 to 8.
5. Can I take more than 20 minutes to write my task 1?
You must manage your own time in the writing test. However, it is highly
recommended that you don’t take more than 20 minutes to write task 1.
6. How can I organise the information in my task 1?
Always organise your information into the following paragraphs for task 1:
1. Introduction
2. Overview (key features) 11/16/2018
IELTS Test Information FAQ Page 9 of 14

3. Body Paragraph A (accurate detail in a logical order)

4. Body Paragraph B (accurate detail in a logical order)
Task 1 is like a formula that you apply to all task 1 types. The more you get
used to the formula, the quicker it will be to write your task 1 report. Also,
the more you practice and develop a technique for each kind of task 1, the
quicker you will write.
7. Do I need to compare and contrast data in each body paragraph?
No, you don’t. The instructions say to compare and contrast where
relevant. It is not always appropriate to compare and contrast everything.
In fact, it can sometimes make your report very confusing to read. You
must decide if the data should be reported only or compared and
contrasted when you look at the chart and plan your writing.
8. How can I write the introduction?
The introduction is quite formulaic and can be learned. You look at the
information given by IELTS and paraphrase it. You also need to add the
dates, countries etc. It is usually short and no more than two sentences.
Here is an example introduction: “The graph illustrates the number of
people travelling abroad from the UK over a ten year period from 2000 to
2010.” You can also add information about the units: “Units are measured
in …..”
9. Should I write a conclusion?
No, you don’t need a conclusion for writing task 1. Watch this video to
learn about the difference between an overview and conclusion in writing
task 1.
10. How can I score my own writing task 1?
It’s not easy to grade your own writing. However, following the
requirements for each band score will help you understand your score.
Here’a a link to understand the difference between band score 5 and 8 for
each of the 4 assessment criteria in writing task 1:
writing-task-1-band-scores/. Here are also some more tips:
1. If you can’t find an IELTS teacher to mark your writing, get an English
native speaker to check your vocabulary and grammar mistakes. If you
have frequent errors, then you know you will get band score 5 or few errors
you will get band 7 in each criteria for vocab and grammar. Of course there
are other criteria involved for a total band score, but at least you will know
your level for two out of four criteria.
2. Practice writing charts that have models attached then compare your
writing to the model.
3. Learn and understand all the marking criteria on the link I provided
11. Will the examiner check my spelling?
Yes, the examiner will pay attention to your spelling. This is part of the
criterion of vocabulary. If you have a lot of spelling mistakes, you will get a
lower score in that criterion.
12. Should I put only two key features in my overview?
It depends on the chart, some charts have more than two key features so
you will need include all of them in the overview. There is no fixed rule
about how many key features to have. Take a look at this bar chart report,
you will see more than two key features mentioned..

IELTS Writing Task 2 11/16/2018
IELTS Test Information FAQ Page 10 of 14

1. What is IELTS Writing Task 2?

For writing task 2, you must write an essay which is over 250 words and
you have 40 mins to do this. IELTS will provide you with the essay
2. How long does writing task 2 take?
It is recommended to take 40 mins to plan and write your essay.
3. Can I spend more than 40 mins on my essay?
You can decide the length of time to spend on your essay but I wouldn’t
recommend spending more than 40 mins on it.
4. Should I write task 1 or task 2 first?
It is your choice. You can decide which one to do first. Most students do
task 1 first and I would recommend that. However, it is your choice.
5. What is the difference between the General Training writing task 2 and the
academic task 2?
There is little difference. Both the GT writing task 2 and the academic are
essays which have similar topics, the same format and techniques. The only
difference is that the GT essay question is slightly easier than the academic
6. How much is writing task 2 worth?
It is worth double the marks of writing task 1. So, make sure you give
yourself the full 40 minutes to write your essay.
7. What kind of essays are there in writing task 2?
There are a number of different essay types: opinion essays, discussion
essays, advantage /disadvantage essays, solution essays and direct
question essays. Some teachers give these essay types different names. My
100 IELTS essay questions page has essay questions divided by type of
essay at the bottom of the page.
8. How is writing task 2 scored?
It is marked by an examiner who will assess you on 4 criteria: Task
Response, Coherence and Cohesion, Vocabulary and Grammar. Each criteria
is equal and worth 25% of your task 2 marks. Here is a link to learn more
about the assessment criteria
9. Do I need to give my opinion in the essay?
Only give your opinion if the instructions ask for your opinion. For example,
Do you agree or disagree? this is clearly asking for your opinion. Don’t give
your opinion if it doesn’t ask for it. Read the instructions carefully. Here’s a
lesson to help you learn when you should and shouldn’t give your opinion in
IELTS writing task 2. Also here’s a link to a video tutorial about how to give
your opinion in an IELTS essay.
10. How long should my essay be?
You must write over 250 words but there is no upper limit. For more advice,
please watch this free video lesson on how many words to write.
11. What happens if I write under 250 words?
You will receive a penalty from IELTS if you are under the word count. This
will affect your band score for the criterion of Task Response. Here’s a link
to learn more about the penalty for writing task 2.
12. How many paragraphs should I have?
You can have either 4 or 5. You must have an introduction and conclusion.
You can have either two or three body paragraphs.
13. Do I need a conclusion? 11/16/2018
IELTS Test Information FAQ Page 11 of 14

Yes, you do. It is vital that you conclude your essay. If you think you are
running out of time, then jump to your conclusion. Follow this link to learn
the best linkers to use for your conclusion paragraph.
14. What kinds of topics will I get in writing task 2?
There are common topics which appear frequently in the test. Follow this
link to see a list of common topics for writing task 2.
15. Should I write the title of the essay on my answer sheet?
No, you shouldn’t. The examiner has the essay title so you do not need to
repeat it on your paper. Your first sentence should be the beginning of your
16. Is spelling important?
Yes, the examiner will check your spelling. It is part of the criterion of
17. Is punctuation important?
Yes, it is. This is part of the grammar marking criterion. Try to avoid using ;
or : because they are not necessary. Just use commas and full stops.
18. What's the difference between an IELTS essay and a normal essay
There are quite a lot of differences. Firstly, you’ve got a time limit of only
40 minutes. Secondly, you’ve got a specific word count of over 250 words.
Thirdly, IELTS is testing your English grammar and vocabulary – you have
to demonstrate particular skills and ability to get a particular band score.
Fourthly, there is a particular essay structure and use of linking devices that
is recommended to follow. Lastly, you need to get used to the different
types of essay questions and how to address the tasks fully to get more
marks. So quite a lot of differences really.
19. What's the difference between an opinion essay and an argumentative
There’s no difference. Teachers give essays different names. Some teachers
call them opinion essays and some teachers call them argumentative
essays. They are both essays in which you need to give your opinion
because the task states “To what extend do you agree?” or something
similar, directly asking what you think.
20. Can I use a pen or a pencil for writing?
For IELTS writing, you can choose whether to use a pen or pencil – it’s your
21. Can I get extra writing paper if I run out of space on my answer sheet?
Yes, you can. Put your hand up and the exam supervisor will come to you.
You can then ask for more writing paper.
22. Can I get the official writing paper to practice with?
Yes, you can. Here’s a link to the official IELTS answer sheet for writing
task 1 and 2. You should practice writing on it before you test to estimate
the number of lines you need to fill in order to complete the word
requirement. Watch this video lesson to get tips about using the answer

IELTS Speaking Test Information

1. How many parts are there to the IELTS speaking test?
There are 3 parts. There is an interview, a talk and a discussion with the
2. How long does the speaking test take? 11/16/2018
IELTS Test Information FAQ Page 12 of 14

It takes a total of 11 to 14 minutes. Part 1 is 4-5 mins, part 2 is 3-4 mins

and part 3 is 4-5 mins.
3. Is the speaking test face to face with an examiner or by computer?
Your speaking test will be face to face with an IELTS examiner. There is no
option to do your IELTS test by computer.
4. How will the speaking test be marked?
You will be marked on fluency, vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation.
Each one accounts for 25% of your marks. Learn learn more about the
speaking criteria, follow the link.
5. What kinds of topics will be asked in the speaking test?
There are many different topics for each part of the speaking test. Follow
the link to get a list of common topics and questions for part 1, part 2 and
part 3.
6. How many questions will I be asked?
You will be asked 12 questions in part 1 (these are based on 3 different
topics) and in part 3, you will be asked 5 or more questions – it depends on
the length of your answers. Try to aim for long, detailed answers in part 3.
7. Why do I need to expand my answers in my speaking test?
To get band score 6 and above for the criterion of fluency, you must show
the examiner that you are willing to speak at length. This means you are
happy to give longer answers.
8. Do I need to talk for 2 minutes in part 2?
In part 2, you must talk for between 1 and 2 minutes. I recommended you
aim for between 1.5 to 2 mins which will show a good level of fluency and
the ability to speak at length. However, if you are not a confident speaker,
don’t try to push it too far and just aim for slightly over 1 minute.
9. What happens if I continue talking past 2 mins in speaking part 2?
The examiner will control the time very strictly in your test. The examiner
will stop you when you reach 2 minutes and then he/she will move on to
part 3.
10. Can I choose my topic to talk about in part 2?
No, the examiner will give you a topic card which contains a list of prompts.
11. Can I ask the examiner to change the topic is part 2 if I can't talk about it?
No, you can’t change the topic. You must try to talk on the topic you are
12. Do I need to follow the prompts on the cue card in speaking part 2?
No, you don’t have to, it’s not compulsory. However, I recommend that you
do follow the prompts because they offer a good structure for your talk.
This is part of the criterion of fluency.
13. What's the difference between part 1 and part 3 in the IELTS speaking test?
Part 1 is like an interview. The examiner will ask you short answer
questions on common topics relating to your life or your country. In part 3,
it is more similar to a discussion. The examiner will ask you about world
issues or broader, more complex questions. In part 3, your answers should
be longer and more detailed.
14. Should I give examples in my answers?
Yes, it is very useful to do that, particularly in part 3 when you need to give
longer, more detailed answers.
15. What can I do if I don't understand the question?
In speaking part 1, you can ask the examiner to repeat the question but the
examiner can’t explain it or help you. In part 2, the examiner will give you a 11/16/2018
IELTS Test Information FAQ Page 13 of 14

topic and you can’t change it. In part 3, you can ask the examiner to
explain the question, just say ” I’m sorry could you explain that, please?
16. Will I get a lower score if I ask the examiner to repeat the question?
No, it will not affect your score. However, only do this two or three times
and no more.
17. What can I do if I don't have any ideas for the answer in part 3?
It sometimes happens that you are asked a question for which you have no
ideas. Here’s a typical example “How do you think space exploration
benefits mankind?” If you get a question but you have no ideas for the
answer, you can say “To be honest, I’ve never really thought about it
before. I guess there are benefits to space exploration but I can’t say what
they are.” This answer is still good. You are still using a range of good
18. Does it matter if I have an accent when I talk?
No, as long as the examiner can understand clearly. If your accent prevents
the examiner from understanding you, it will lower your score drastically.
19. Why did the examiner interrupt my answer?
It is possible for the examiner to interrupt your answer and not let you
finish. There are three main reasons why this might happen. Firstly, there is
a time limit and the examiner must move on to the next question. Secondly,
the examiner is satisfied with the language in your answer and wants to
move quickly to a new question which tests another part of your English.
Thirdly, your answer has gone off topic and the examiner wants to start a
new question. So, if the examiner interrupts your answer, don’t worry about
it. Just focus on the next question and answer confidently.
20. Can I ask the examiner for his or her opinion?
No, this is a language test, the examiner wants to hear your English and
your opinions.
21. Where can I get a practice speaking test from?
Follow this link and you will be able to do a practice speaking test on video
and then get a link to model answers.
22. Should I correct my mistakes when I'm speaking in the test?
It is ok to correct some mistakes but make sure it doesn’t affect your
fluency. Every time you stop speaking to correct a mistake, it will affect
your fluency score. So, mostly just ignore your mistakes and keep talking.
23. How should I greet the examiner?
When you walk into the speaking exam room, the examiner will greet you
and do an ID check. Follow this link to learn all about the questions for the
ID check and how to greet the examiner: Greeting & ID Check in IELTS
Speaking. After the ID check, the examiner will start the recording device
and your speaking test begins.
24. What should I wear for my speaking test?
You can wear whatever you want. This is not a formal interview, it is only
an informal speaking test. Wear clothes that you are most comfortable in.
Also take an extra layer in case it is cold.
25. What happens if my answer includes the answer to the next question on
the examiner's list?
The examiner has quite a long list of possible questions and they choose
which questions to ask and which not to ask. So if you answer includes the
answer to the next question on the examiner’s list, he or she will skip that 11/16/2018
IELTS Test Information FAQ Page 14 of 14

question and move on to the question after that. So never worry about
adding extra information to your answer – it won’t affect the next question.
26. Can I use body language in my speaking test?
The examiner is only interested in hearing your English language. It is your
choice if you want to use body language or not. Most people find it natural
to use body language while talking so feel free to use it. It is important that
you are relaxed and talk naturally during your test.

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◾ IELTS Writing Task 1
◾ IELTS Writing Task 2
◾ IELTS Speaking
◾ Vocabulary for IELTS
◾ IELTS Test Information (FAQ)

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