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Care of a Newborn

Tracie Kirkland, DNP, RN, ANP-BC,


Newborn reflexes
•  Roo-ng
•  Sucking
•  Palmar
•  Stepping
•  Moro
•  Plantar

Later reflexes
•  Landau
•  Neck righ-ng
•  Parachute
Newborn Screening
•  Purpose
•  Timeline
•  Screening tests
•  Gene-c tes-ng
•  Follow up
•  Pa-ent educa-on
Brachial Plexus Palsy
•  Brachial plexus injury secondary to
•  Involves C5 and C6 (Erb
•  Lower cervical nerve roots C7, C8,
and T1
•  Klumpke palsy
•  Dx studies
•  Differen-al diagnosis
•  Management
Disturbances in Head Growth
Microcephaly Macrocephaly

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