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Reasons for anger and confusion between subordinates:

1. Sentences were not clear and concise.
2. Compound sentences were frequently used.
3. Negative sentences were more used.

Rephrased sentences are as follow.

a. After you clock in, proceed to your workstation and start working as
soon as work period starts.
b. Follow the designated break times or coffee break, which has
separate place.
c. Social gatherings are allowed, only during the designated work
d. You will terminate work, only 10 minutes prior to the end of the
work period. Use these 10 minutes to clean work area and
equipment and put it in place.
e. You will be in the queue at the exit, only after the work period ends.

Dean Harrison Edwards of Midwestern University was dumbfounded from his

friends with whom he normally socialised and he thought that they were very
cooperative and supportive at every efforts, steps and decisions. The simple
reason was that he was boycotted by them and his thinking was completely
wrong about them.

He had overlooked their efforts and concerns with pay hike,

residency dissent and enlistment separations. He didn't try to counsel his staff
before continuing with issuance of the request. This made his subordinates
felt mortified and irrelevant prompting the current conditions. Calling the
scholar visiting faculty for the guest lecture was an example of discrimination.

Aside from all these, the employees felt extremely offending with the dean's
letter, demanding them to have the meeting resources. They were
experienced and being in the college for long could have conveyed the address
arrangement on claim. It was felt from dean's letter as though the resources
were not conveying their work up to the check and keeping in mind the end
goal to remunerate the meeting resources are being called for address session.
The dean was appeared inclined towards the visiting faculties indicating
replacement of the current members with the new ones.

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