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Executive Dashboard

User Guide

Executive Dashboard Overview 3
Naming conventions 3
Getting started 4
Welcome to Socialbakers Executive Dashboard! 4
Comparison View 5
Setting up a comparison 6
Selecting datasets 7
Selecting a time range 8
Selecting data type 9
Activate Targets 10
Metrics configuration 11
Metric tooltip 12
Display density settings 12
Dashboard View 13
Dashboard set up 13
Dashboard settings 14
Understand the graphs 15
Working with pinned views 17
List of views 17
Pinned views bar 18
Last change of the view 19
Share View with colleagues 19
Quick reporting for current View 20
Reports section 21
Quick report 21
Automated reports 22
Reports list 22
Account settings option 23
Change Account 24
User Settings 24
User management 24
Numbers & Time format 25
Facebook Insights 25
Socialbakers WishList 26
We hope you find the Socialbakers Executive Dashboard User Guide useful 27

Smarter Social Marketing


Executive Dashboard Overview

Executive Dashboard is a web-based tool providing aggregated data from multiple social media platforms.

Naming conventions
The following terms are used in this document as well as in the Executive Dashboard tool

Data source Dataset

unique URL for a social media account set of data sources from one or more platforms
e.g. that are logically bound together
(e.g. by geographical location, brand or product)

the actual View in Executive Dashboard
that each user can create and share.
It’s defined by datasets and time ranges.

Data sources and Datasets are imported and predefined during the setup phase by Socialbakers.
Both can be changed by request. Views can be created or modified by users.

There are three main sections of the tool described in detail later on:

Dashboard Comparison Reports

Note that the Reports section works with existing Views.

Smarter Social Marketing


Getting started
Executive Dashboard link

Welcome to Socialbakers Executive Dashboard!

To start using Socialbakers Executive Dashboard, you will need an email invitation from your Account Manager
or the Socialbakers support team. After clicking on it, you will be redirected to the login page where you will be asked
to either sign in with an existing User Profile or create a new one.
In case you already have a User Profile there is no need to re-register with your e-mail. You will have the option to link
your a Facebook or Twitter account as an alternative login option in your Account Settings.

Smarter Social Marketing


Comparison View
This view displays the values for a selected combination of metrics, datasets, and time ranges. Socialbakers
usually sets up the first comparisons in order to make introducing the Executive Dashboard as simple as possible.
Comparisons are then created, changed, and shared among users themselves. The data sources are inserted
and matched into datasets by Socialbakers prior to your first login.

Every user will see something like the screen below. The first column consists of a list of metrics nested under
various groups. The next four columns represent the datasets and the values for the metrics from the first column.
The screen also shows a breakdown of every platform under the Community Size metric.

All comparisons visible for a user are accessible via the button on the left hand corner. It opens a dropdown
with a list of comparisons and an option to create a new comparison. Each comparison can have different metrics
and datasets. This is useful when you want to create a comparison that covers only datasets from a particular
region or you want to track a limited number of metrics.

Let’s start with creating your own personalized comparison view.

Smarter Social Marketing


Setting up a comparison
Click on Create New Item. This gives you a chance to choose a name for your new comparison.
Once the name is set, a new comparison appears, prefilled with a basic metrics set, a predefined time range,
and the first few datasets.

The name of the comparison can be edited at any time by clicking the pencil icon next to the comparison name.
Each column represents a dataset. Columns can be added by clicking on the “plus” sign next to the existing
columns. You can have up to 40 columns on 10 pages that can be switched by clicking on the arrow to the right/left
side or by using the small navigation dots on the top.

For each column, you can select a dataset from the list of all available datasets, select a time frame, data type,
or a “Targets” option. Confirm your settings by clicking Apply. You can also remove columns that you no longer
want to see.

Smarter Social Marketing


Selecting datasets
There is a list of all datasets that you can select. If you have more than 20 datasets in your account, you may
use the search function to filter the list, or you can have them grouped in categories. Categories (Global, Region,
Country) work like a filter for the list as well.

Click on the “i” icon for information about

the data sources included in the dataset.

Smarter Social Marketing


Selecting a time range

The next step is to determine a time range. The “rolling” time range adjusts automatically based on the day
of the visit; a ”fixed” time range remains the same until changed manually. Time ranges can be changed for
all columns at once by checking the “Apply to all columns” selection.

LAST 7 DAYS - bookended by the present day

LAST MONTH - refers to time range from yesterday to that same date in the prior month

LAST 3 CALENDAR MONTHS - 3 months prior to the end of the last calendar month

WEEK, MONTH, QUARTER - “fixed” period of time or “rolling” time ranges can be selected; time range changes
at the end of each week, month or quarter.

CUSTOM TIME RANGE - user can choose any time range from the calendar

Smarter Social Marketing


Selecting data type

CURRENT DATA - shows the absolute values of the metrics within the time frame

PERIOD CHANGE - The change in the metrics’ values in this current time range, compared to the previous
time range (e.g. the difference between the number of published posts last week
and the week before).

Smarter Social Marketing


Activate Targets
Once the “Targets” box is checked, a small icon will appear next to each metric’s value as you roll over it with the pointer.

By clicking on the icon next to each value, the Targets setting becomes available. There are different target types
based on the metric type. Enter target value, reference value, or daily, weekly or monthly target.
All targets are user defined. The “meter” then shows how close or far the values are from the target:

Smarter Social Marketing


Metrics configuration
In case you want to change the set of metrics or their grouping, you can modify them in your metrics settings.

You have the following options:

Rename the group of metrics (1) by clicking on it. You can delete the name and create your own.

Change the order of metrics within the group or the order of the groups (2).

Hide those metrics that are not relevant and show only those that are (3). Simply drag and drop them
to the desired position. You can quickly remove them by clicking the cross next to them.

Once you apply the settings,

all columns will reload and
1 3 you will see your new setup.
The last step in creating
or changing the comparison
is to save all of your changes
by clicking the “Save
Comparison” button at
the top of the page. You will
be asked to select whether
you want to save the current
comparison or save it as
a new comparison.

Smarter Social Marketing


Metric tooltip
Each metric has an explanation, which you can read by clicking the “?” next to it:

Display density settings

In case you have a large number of metrics displayed in one comparison, you may find it useful to change the height
of the rows. There are 3 options: Comfortable, Cozy, or Compact.

Smarter Social Marketing


Dashboard View
This view becomes handy when you want to track the evolution of different metrics in a visually attractive
and easy-to-read way. It consists of various graphs, each representing one or more metrics.

Dashboard set up

3 2

At the beginning you may have a dashboard created during the setup of your account. In case you don’t have any,
you will be asked to choose a name for your first dashboard that will be filled by a predefined list of graphs.

The name of the dashboard can be edited at any time by clicking the pencil icon next to the dashboard name.

In the Comparison view, different time ranges can be defined for each column. In Dashboard view, you have
to define one time range (2) for all graphs. It allows you to choose the same options as in the Comparison. In case
you would like to switch between dashboards, the dashboard picker is in the same place as in Comparison view (1).

Smarter Social Marketing


Dashboard settings
These settings (3) have two parts:

defines what graphs and platforms should be shown
for the dashboard. You can activate or hide them
by checking/unchecking the listed options.

have two options

1. Assign colors to the datasets. Clicking on a color

square next to the dataset name can change
the default color.

2. Define the active dataset. Use the “Add dataset”

button to select which datasets you want to track
in Dashboard view or remove a dataset by clicking
on an icon that appears when you hover your cursor
over its name.

Smarter Social Marketing


Understand the graphs

Each graph has a tool tip describing what it displays (1). Some of the charts have an option to filter data based on
different parameters. On the screen below you can see a platform filter (2). It allows you to filter the data from different
social media platforms or display the sum of them. Some graphs have an option to filter data by the selected metric.
You can use this option for the Social Health Index, Facebook Insights, and Socialbakers Builder “Label” charts.

In case there are too many points in the graph andit becomes unreadable, you may find the time aggregation (3) handy.

1 2 3

Most of the graphs are followed by a legend that shows dataset names. You can pair the dataset name with
the color in the graph. That legend also becomes useful when you don’t need to see all dataset series visibly.
Click on the dataset to switch visibility settings for the dataset in the graph.

By hovering your cursor over the graph’s points, you can see each point’s exact values:

Smarter Social Marketing


When you don’t need the exact values, only the visualization, you can export the graph to PDF or PNG formats.

If there is no data (e.g. in case the permission for Facebook Insights wasn’t given) a “No data for this chart”
message will appear.

Smarter Social Marketing


Working with pinned views

You may notice that every time you open a new view it’s pinned to the bar at the top of the view. This feature allows
you to work with various views, as it would function similarly to browser tabs. You can pin your favorites, and define
the most used views to quickly switch between them.

There are a couple of things that may help you to work with pinned views.

List of views
Every time you click on a view in the list, it is opened and pinned at the end of the top bar.

You can pin a view without opening it by using the checkbox just before it. Unpin it by unselecting the checkbox.

The list is divided to pinned views (1) at the top, and the unpinned views (2) are located below.

Use the search function to filter the list.

Rename views by clicking on the pencil icon (3) next to the name.

Delete views by clicking on the trash icon (4).


Smarter Social Marketing


Pinned views bar

The current active view is highlighted

Click on any view to open it

Hovering your cursor over a view tab displays the controls

Change the order of views by dragging & dropping by using the icon (1) or remove (unpin) a view by clicking
the cross icon (2)

1 2

Pinning more than 7 views displays arrows for sliding the bar (3)

Smarter Social Marketing


Last change of the view

Every time a user saves the changes he has made, the user’s name and the time of change is recorded and
displayed to other users. Only a simplified time of the last change visible (e.g. “Edited less than a minute ago”).
Should you want to know the exact time and identify of the user who made the last change, hover your cursor
over the simplified information.

Share view with colleagues

By default, a new view is only visible to the user that created it. In order to share the view with other users from
the same account, select the “Share” button and set up permissions for each user:

can only see the view but can’t save any changes they makes

can make and save changes on the view

Search for the user and select them from the list. Set permission and select the “Add” button. You can do that
for more users and confirm the list is final with the “Apply” button. Each selected user is then notified via e-mail.

Smarter Social Marketing


Quick reporting for current view

Both views can be exported in different formats. You can export the view as you see it by selecting the “Export”
button in either the Dashboard or Comparison views. When you do so, you will get the export for the data you
see on-screen. The snapshot of your active metrics’ data, time ranges, and the graphs you currently see will
immediately be downloaded as a file in your browser right away.

There are three formats available for Comparison (PDF, CSV, XLSX) and one format for Dashboard (PDF)
view exports. For more advanced quick reports, visit the Reports section.

Smarter Social Marketing


Report section
The main page offers options for Quick and Automated reports, an archive of all reports generated, and a list
of currently active automated reports.

Quick report
This report is generated instantly, and automatically downloaded as a file or it can be sent to any e-mail address.
First, select your report type and the view you want to report on. Then select your time range, data aggregation
and format. Note that these options depend on the report type. Lastly, you have the option of sending the quick
report via e-mail (by default the quick report is downloaded in your browser). You can add more recipients by clicking
on “Add e-mail.”

This is the same report you can get directly from the Comparison view. It takes the datasets and time ranges
from whichever Comparison you choose.


Provides the data for datasets defined in the Comparison you chose; however, the user can select a time range
from which the data will be taken, as well as data aggregation (daily, weekly or monthly values).
The data evolution report is available in CSV or XLSX format.


This is the same report you can get directly from the Dashboard view. It creates a report base on the Dashboard,
and a time range you choose.

Smarter Social Marketing


Automated reports
These reports are sent regularly to a specified e-mail address. Automated reports have the same options for types
and formats as quick reports. The only new option is to select a frequency of how often you receive the report.

Reporting frequency

Weekly – the user selects which day of the week the report should be sent
Monthly – the user selects which day of the month the report should be sent
Quarterly – the report is sent after the end of every quarter

Reports list
The reports list is where you can find all previously created reports.
It can be switched between Archive and Automated Reports.

shows the list of quick reports generated from Comparison and Dashboard, as well as reports created in the
Reports section. You can download all these reports again from here.

shows a list of your currently active automated reports, which can be modified or cancelled from here.

Smarter Social Marketing


Account settings option

In the account settings you can:






Smarter Social Marketing


Change Account
Some users can be members of different accounts. In that case, the “Change Account” option is displayed.
This allows the user to quickly switch between accounts.

User Settings
The user can set or change their name, surname, or e-mail, and can see their role (User or Admin).

In the Socialbakers Account section, you are able to manage identities you use to login to the Socialbakers Platform.

User management
This option is available only for users with an Admin role. Admins have the rights to manage all other users
in the account, create new users, and remove users.

Admins can create a new user by filling in their name, surname, e-mail, and role. Once these settings are saved,
an invitation is sent to that e-mail address, and they will be asked to authorize their account using Facebook,
Twitter, or e-mail, or to register if they haven’t already done so.

There are two other options next to the main title. You can filter the list of users via search, or you can download
a list of all users in the account with some additional information.

The list consists of a name, surname, e-mail address, last access, number of views shared, and the status
of their invitation to the account.

Smarter Social Marketing


Numbers & Time format

Users can set the preferred thousand and decimal separators for numbers and also set the time and date format.
These settings are used for the whole application, including Dashboard, Comparison and Reports.

Facebook Insights
This allows the user to give Socialbakers rights to show the Facebook Insights of those pages the user manages
on Facebook. Facebook Insights data are automatically shared across the account with other users.

The user can see which Facebook pages they manage, and which of them are tracked in the Executive Dashboard.

By clicking Authorize Facebook Insights, the user is prompted to log in with the Facebook account that manage
Pages and/or authorize the permissions of the Facebook Application paired with Executive Dashboard.

Smarter Social Marketing


Socialbakers WishList
We want to continue to push our products forward to satisfy the evolving needs of our clients. Should you like
to contribute to our product roadmap, submit your suggestions to the WishList!

The WishList can be accessed via account settings dropdown or at

Requires Socialbakers Account login

A place for posting suggestions for product features

Shows a list of the suggestions and allows browsing of other Users’ suggestions

If the suggestion is picked up by the development team, the user can check on its progress via our developers’
comments and stay informed of any updates via notifications.

Smarter Social Marketing

We hope you find the Socialbakers Executive
Dashboard User Guide useful.

Should you require further assistance or a better understanding

of any of these features, please contact
and we will be happy to work with you to answer your questions.


Should you have an issue with the product itself,

please contact
and they will work with you to solve your issues.

Contact us for more information at

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