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These are absolute indications for cesarean section except

a. breech b. placenta previa tutalis c. absolute CRD d. previous classical incision of the uterus

2.An incision that divides the rectus abdominies muscles unizentally

a. plannenstiel’s incision b. May lard’s incision c. classical incision d. Cherney’s incision

3. Complications of cesarean sections include; EXCEPT

a. excessive bleeding
b. venous thromboembolic disease
c. injured to adjacent organs (bladder bowel, uterus)
d. pneumonia

4. True about cesarean section. EXCEPT

a. Routine use of broad-spectrum prophylactic antibiotic 20-30 minutes prior to surgery
b. Penicillin for GRS chemoprophylaxis sufficient to prevent wound infection
c. The must indications for primary cesarean is failure to progress in labor
d. contraindication to cesarean delivery include uncontrolled coagulopathy ari failure to obtain maternal

5. Most common sign and symptom of uterine rapture

a. acute onset of fetal bradycardia
b. abdominal pain
c. hemodynamic instability
d. loss of the presenting part of the fetus

6. These are relative indications for cesarean sections except

a. prior law transverse hysterotomy
b. breech presentation
c. placenta previa tutalis
d. maternal request cesarean section using

7. Signs and symptoms of uterine rapture except

a. decrease urine output
b. acute onset of fetal bradycardia
c. vaginal bleeding
d. abdominal pain

8. Why would you be offered antibiotics before having a cesarean

a. To help prevent a blood cut faming
b. To help fast recovery
c. To help tone the patient’s leg
d. To reduce risks of infection

9. A 35-year-old G3P2 (2002) who is 38 weeks pregnant presents to the emergency department with
painless, bright red vaginal bleeding has now stopped. Her vital signs are stable. Past medical history is
significant for 2 prior cesarean sections. Which of the following is contraindicated in the acute
management of this patient
a. cesarean section
b. digital pelvic examination
c. intravenous IV access
d. transvaginal or transabdominal ultrasound

10. A preoperative evaluation of a patient with an uncomplicated obstetrical history and uncomplicated
and surgical status should include all the following laboratory tests except;
a. electrocardiogram of older than 40 years old
b. blood type and screen it
c. chemistry panel
d. hematocrit or hemoglobin

1. Type of forceps delivery not included in ACOG classification

a. low forceps b. outlet forceps c. high forceps d. mid forceps

2. True about low forceps

a. leading point of the fetal skull is station +2 or more but has not yet reached the pelvic floor
b. rotation is <45
c. sagittal suture is the direct anteroposterior diameter or in the right or left occiput anterior or
posterior position
d. scalp is visible at the introitus without separatory the labia

3. Prerequisites for operative vaginal delivery except

a. vertex presentation
b. fetal head must be engaged in fetus
c. station of fetal head must be >-2
d. position of the fetal head must be known

4. True about operative vaginal delivery except;

a. confirms an indication for operative delivery
b. include contraindication to operative vaginal delivery
c. be aware of the type of operative vaginal delivery you will be performing
d. discuss potential complications to the mother of fetus

5. Forceps used in aftercoming head in a vaginal breech delivery

a. Elliot forceps b. Simpsons forceps c. Tucker me lane forceps d. Piper forceps

6. Maternal indications for operative vaginal delivery except

a. women with cephalopelvic disproportion
b. women with spinal and injuries
c. maternal exhaustion
d. women with spinal cord injuries
7. Type of forceps classification when the head is engaged in the pelvic but the presenting part is above
+2 station
a. low forceps b. mid forceps c. outlet forceps d. high forceps

8. Vacuum delivery should be abandoned if

a. vacuum detaches three times
b. if there is no descent of the fetal head
c. if delivery is not affected within 30minutes
d. all of the above

9. Contraindication to operative vaginal delivery include EXCEPT;

a. placenta previa
b. absolute cephalopelvic disproportion
c. women with neuromuscular diseases
d. prematurity

10. Other indications for forceps delivery EXCEPT; prolonged second stage of labor
a. nullipara; >2 hours without regional anesthesia
b. nullipara; > 4hours with regional anesthesia
c. multipara > 1 hour without regional anesthesia
d. multipara; > 2 hours with regional anesthesia

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