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1 ) Which of the following includes the classical triad of ' enlarged upper part of uterus, soft lower part
of body and firm cervix ' during early pregnancy?
a.Hegar’s sign b.Jacquemier’s sign
c.Osiander’s sign D .Goodell’s sign

2 ) Fourth trimister in the pregnancy extend from ?

A.Post delivery upto 6 weeks B.14 to 28 weeks
C.29 to 40 weeks D. Post delivery upto 12 weeks

3 ) A 42-year-old woman is seen in the booking clinic in her first pregnancy. She is with a BMI of 24
kg/m2 . What daily dose of vitamin D should be recommended for her throughout this pregnancy?
A. 600units B. 800 units
C. 1000 units D. 1200 units

4) 25-year-old woman attends for her pregnancy dating scan. She is unsure of the date of
her last menstrual period. The following fetal measurements are obtained: Crown–rump
length 86 mm
Biparietal diameter 18 mm
Head circumference 100 mm
Femur length 12 mm
Abdominal circumference 67 mm
Which of these measurements should be used to date the pregnancy?

A.Abdominal circumference
B.Biparietal diameter
C.Crown–rump length
D.Femur length

5 ) How do we calculate the expected date of delivery for a patient who is undergoing ivf pregnancy ,
her lmp was 14/2/2023 ?
A. by nagele formula
B. by adding 280 days to day of embryo transfer
C. by adding 266 days to oocyte reterival
D. by adding 263 days to oocyte retrieval

6) A mid aged women came to OPD with a 32 weeks pregnancy. She already
had 2 first trimester abortion and she has a 3-year-old female twins who
wereborn at the end of 8 month of gestation. Which of the following is her
accurate representation?


B.G4 P3 2+I+1+1
C.G5 P3 2+1+1+1
D.G4P1 0+1+2+2

Q7 )A 39-year-old para 0 who is 12+2 by last menstrual period attends for dating scan.
She is keen to have screening for aneuploidy. T e CRL is found to be 89 mm.What
would be the best management with regard to dating the pregnancy and screening for
Down syndrome?

A.Date the pregnancy using biparietal diameter and arrange quadruple test for
Down syndrome screening.
B.Date the pregnancy using CRL, measure the nuchal translucency and use
the combinedtest to screenfor Down,Edward’s andPatau’ssyndromes.
C.Date the pregnancy using head circumference and arrange quadruple test
for Down syndrome screening.
D.Date the pregnancy using head circumference, measure nuchal
translucencyandusethe combinedtestto screenfor Down,Edward’sand

8) With regard to the routine anomaly scan in pregnancy, what threshold of nuchalfold measurement
should trigger a referral to a fetal medicine specialist?
A. 6 mm B. 7 mm
C. 8 mm D . 3 mm

9 .When is the following sign elicited ?

a. 16weeks b.20 weeks
c. 18weeks d.12 weeks

10. In embryological development testes should release testosterone for

the development. So what makes it release testosterone?
A. LH from mother B.HCG from placenta
C.Gnrh from fetal hypothalamus
D.Inhibin from corpus luteum

Q11) A multigravida 32 years old female presents at 30 weeks of pregnancy for routine examination.
She has history of type-2 Diabetes Mellitus, Hypercholesteremia and hypertension and has a 5back
years smoking history. She is Rh positive and husbands Rh status is unknown. • USG shows AF I>21 •
Modification of which of the following would most likely have helped to prevent this condition:
a. Folate supplementation B.Hypertension
C.Rh Isoimmunisation D.Diabetes

12 .orbidly adherent placenta to the myometrium is due to lack of:

A.Nitabuch fibrinoid layer B. Decidua basalis
C.Penetration of villi into the muscle bundles D.All of the above

13) A 28yr old primigravida with 20weeks of gestation presents for regular ANC. She says her
respiratory rate has increased and feels exertional breathlessness. She has no comorbidities. Her lab
investigations and usg are normal. On examination, P-90/min, BP122/84mmHg, RR-15/min, pallor +,
saturation normal, afebrile. The physiological changes occurring in respiratory system due to
pregnancy are all except:
A.Total lung capacity is reduced
C.Progesterone increases sensitivity to CO2 in respiratory center
D.Decreased tidal volume

14) Identify the anomaly based on the image below:

A.Twin-twin transfusion syndrome
B. Monochorionic diamniotic pregnancy
C. Monochorionic monoamniotic pregnancy
D. Dichorionic diamniotic pregnancy

15 ) A woman with a monochorionic diamniotic (MCDA) twin pregnancy at 25 weeks of gestation has
been diagnosed with severe twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS) and has been referred to the
regional centre. What is the recommended first-line management, assuming no contraindications to
any treatment?
A. Laser ablation of placental vessels
B. Radiofrequency ablation of placental vessels
C. Selective amnioreduction
D. Selective feticide via cord coagulation

16 ) A 28yr old woman, postpartum day 10, presents with a history of bleeding PV, and generalized
weakness. She had a standard vaginal delivery. The child is normal, and she is breastfeeding. The
discharge had reduced two days ago but suddenly increased since 1day. On examination, P-98/min,
BP-110/70mmHg, RR20/min, pallor present, saturation normal, temperature-100F. No abdominal
tenderness. PV examination shows no lesions or trauma. USG was advised. The
most common cause for such secondary hemorrhage could be –
A. Retained bits of cotyledon or membranes
B.Infection and separation of the slough
C. Endometritis and subinvolution

17)what will be themode of delivery for the following position ?

A. face to pubis delivery
B. delivery of fetal head by flexion
C. delivery of fetal head by extension

18)You are asked to review a patient in the first stage of labour as the midwife is
concerned about her progress. This is her first pregnancy.She has dilated from 4cm to
6cm in 4 hours. At your initial assessment she is 6cm dilated with membranes intact.
You review her again 2 hours later and the cervix is now 6.5cm dilated with membranes
in tact. What is the most appropriate management?
A)Advise caesarian section B)Advise amniotomy
C)Administer oxytocin D)Review after 1 hr

19) A 31 weeks pregnant women, on examination pallor present . Hb is 7gm/dl .

What should be the management ?

A. carbonyl iron tablet B.ferrous sulphate

C.inj. Iron sucrose D. blood transfusion

20 ) A female of 36 weeks gestation presents with hypertension, blurring of

vision and headache. Her blood pressure reading was 180/120 mm Hg and
174/110 mm Hg after 20 minutes. How will you manage the patient?

a.mgso4 iv, terminate the pregnancy , iv labetalol

b.One dose of steroids , iv mgso4 , iv labetalol , terminate thepregnancy
d.Admit oral antihypertensives and follow up in outpatient department.

21) A 27-year-old woman in her second pregnancy presents to the labour ward at 39 weeks’ gestation
with painful uterine contractions. Her first baby was delivered by emergency Caesarean section due to
slow progress in labour three years previously. She is very keen to have a vaginal delivery. Your junior
registrar asks you about the signs of uterine rupture. Labour Ward Management Which of the
following findings is the most common in women with uterine rupture during labour?

A.Abnormal CTG. B. Acute onset of scar tenderness.

C.Cessation of previously efficient uterine contractions. D.Haematuria.

22 ) What is the single best predictor of a successful vaginal birth after a caesarean section?
A. Gestation when in labour B. History of a previous vaginal birth
C. Maternal age D. Scar thickness measured by ultrasound

23 )A 24-year-old woman in her first pregnancy attends for induction of labour at term + 13. She had
membrane sweeps at 40 and 41 weeks. She is examined and the cervix is found to be 2 cm dilated and
2 cm long with the fetal head engaged. She does not report any contractions. What would be the
preferred method of induction of labour?
A.Amniotomy ± oxytocin (Syntocinon) B.Balloon catheter
C.Membrane sweep D.Vaginal prostaglandin
24 )A 30-year-old woman in her first pregnancy is in spontaneous labour and has been using
nitrous oxide for analgesia. Vaginal examination a few minutes ago revealed that she is now fully
dilated. She has no urge to push. What is the most appropriate plan of action?
A. Advise the woman to start active pushing B. Reassess in 1 hour
C. Reassess in 2 hours D. Reassess in 4 hours

25 )A woman delivered her first baby spontaneously 40 minutes ago and had oxytocin (Syntocinon) 10
IU intramuscularly for active management of the third stage of labour. The placenta has still not
delivered, with no signs of separation. She is not bleeding, has intravenous access in situ and is
haemodynamically stable. What would be the appropriate action?
A. Manual removal of the placenta
B. Oxytocin (Syntocinon) 20 IU in 20 ml of saline into the umbilical vein
C. Oxytocin (Syntocinon) 40 IU intravenous infusion at 125 ml/hour
D. Oxytocin (Syntocinon) 5 IU intravenously

26 )A 31-year-old woman presents in preterm labour at 34 weeks of gestation. Her labour progresses
quickly and she delivers a baby boy. Both mother and baby appear to be in good health, and the
woman requests delayed cord clamping. What time frame would be recommended for delayed cord
clamping in this situation?
A. 10–30 seconds B. 30 seconds–3 minutes
C. 4–6 minutes D. 6–10 minutes

27 ) A 29-year-old woman at 33 weeks of gestation presents with a 24-hour history of symptoms

suggestive of preterm prelabour rupture of membranes (PPROM). Which initial test should be
performed to confirm a diagnosis of PPROM?
A. Nitrazine test
B. Speculum examination of the vagina
C. Test vaginal fluid for insulin-like growth factor-binding protein-1 (IGFBP-1)
D. Ultrasound scan for assessment of amniotic fluid

28 )Following a prolonged second stage of labour, a woman is taken to theatre for a trial of forceps
delivery. Examination in theatre reveals the fetal head to be one-fifth palpable per abdomen. On
vaginal examination, the station of the fetal head is +1. How would the forceps delivery be classified?
A. High B. Unclassifiable
C. Low D. Mid

29 ) A 32-year-old woman is 9 weeks pregnant and has a 10-year-old Down's syndrome

child. What test would you recommend for the mother, so that she can know about her
chances of gettrng a Down's syndrqme baby is this present pregnancy. How will you
assure the mother about the chances of Down's syndrome in the present pregnancy?
a. Blood test b. USG
c. Chorionic villus sampling
d. Assure her there is no chance since she is less than 35 years of age

30) Double bleb signs In USG are depletive

a. Intrauterine two gestations sac

b. Amniotic sac and yolk sac
c. Ectopic pregnancy
d. Heterotopic pregnancy

31) A woman is found to have an adnexal cyst at her 20-week anomaly scan. What is the
most common type of adnexal cystic lesion diagnosed at this gestation?
A. Corpus luteum cyst B. Dermoid cyst
C. Endometrioma D. Fimbrial cyst

32 ) A women with 20 weeks pregnancy presents bleeding per vaginum . On speculum examination
, os is open but no products have come out . The diagnosis is ?
A. missed abortion b, Incomplete abortion
C.inevitable abortion D. complete abortion

33.All of the following are usg criteria of missed abortion except ?

A.Crl >7 mm with no fhr
B.Msd >25 mm with no fetal pole
C.An initial usg showing gestation sac with yolk sac and after >11 days no embryo with
heart beat seen .
D.An initial usg showing gestation sac with yolk sac and after >21 days no embryo with
heart beat seen .
Missed miscarriage

34 ) The serum BhCG of a symptomless woman with a pregnancy of unknown location

(PUL) has dropped by more than 50% after 48 hours.
What is the next step you advise?
A.Ask her to submit a urine pregnancy test after 14 days if she stays asymptomatic.
B.Discharge her home.
C.Repeat the BhCG after another 48 hours.
D.Request a cancer antigen (CA-125) blood test.

35 ) Patient age 31 year old g3p2l2 diagnosed by ectopic pregnancy in left tube
with size of the mass of 2 cm with no fhr with bhcg of 900 iu . Patient has mild
lower abdominal pain ,whatisthemanagement?
a. Serial bhcg monitoring
B.Left salphingectomy
C.Left salphingotomy
D.Inj.methotreaxate im

36 ) A twenty years old woman has been brought to casualty with BP 70/40 mm Hg, pulse rate
120/min. and a positive urine pregnancy test. She should be managed by:
a. Immediate laparotomy
b. Laparoscopy
c. Culdocentesis
d. Resuscitation and medical management

37 ) A couple had pregnancy due to failure of contraception, MTP can be performed till ?
A.20 weeks
B. 24 weeks
C.28 weeks
D. 22 weeks

38 ) A couple who have had three consecutive miscarriages have come to see you for
advice after having a thrombophilia screen. The result showed that she was positive to one of the
antiphospholipid antibodies. Which of the following is an antiphospholipid antibody?
A. Anti-B2-glycoprotein-1 antibody.
B. Anti-B1-glycoprotein-1 antibody
C. Anti-B2-glycoprotein-2 antibody.
D.Anti-B2-glycoprotein-3 antibody.
E.Anti-B3-glycoprotein-1 antibody.

39 ALL of the following statements above the following instrument are true except ?
A.Used for termination of pregnancy in
first trimester
B.Uses karman cannula to aspirate
products of conception
D.Products are aspirated at
Negative pressure of 660 mmhg

40 .all of the following can be used for termination of pregnancy in first trimister except ?
A.Mifepristone and methotrexate
B. Misoprostol and methotrexate
C. D and c
D.Intramniotic instillation of hypertonic urea

41 ) The treatment of choice for hydatiform mole with a uterine size of 28 weeks is:
a. Suction evacuation
b .Intra–amniotic saline followed by oxytocin
c. Evacuation by misoprostol and mifepristone
d. Methotrexate administration

42 ) A woman who had a previous second trimester miscarriage is currently undergoing a serial
ultrasound assessment of cervical length. With what cervical ultrasound feature would cervical
cerlage be recommended?
A. Cervical length less than 25 mm before 24 weeks of gestation
B. Cervical length less than 30 mm before 24 weeks of gestation
C. Cervical length less than 45 mm before 24 weeks of gestation
d. Funneling of the internal os before 24 weeks of gestation
43.A 28-year-old woman presents to the labour ward with a premature rupture of
membranes at 24 weeks of gestation. Abdominal examination reveals an absence of
contractions and a speculum examination reveals a 2 cm dilated posterior cervix ?
A Abdominal cerclage
B Cerclage for women with cervical • trauma
C Cervical cerclage contraindicated
D Cervical cerclage plus progesterone vaginal pessaries

44 ) An 18-year-old primigravida is seen in the antenatal clinic for booking at 8 weeks gestation. She is
known to have sickle cell disease and her partner is known to have normal haemoglobin. She has
recently arrived from Nigeria and has not taken any vitamin supplements so far. What is the most
important vitamin supplement during pregnancy?
A. Folic acid 1 mg immediately for throughout pregnancy
B. Folic acid 400 μg immediately for throughout pregnancy
C. Folic acid 5 mg immediately for throughout pregnancy
D Folic acid 5 mg immediately until 12 weeks gestation

45 A primigravida aged 26 is admitted with threatened preterm labour at 30 weeks and seeks
counselling with regards to antenatal corticosteroids. What are the three recognised fetal benefits
associated with antenatal corticosteroid administration in the case of premature delivery?
A. Reduced respiratory distress syndrome, reduced incidence of hypoglycemia, reduced neonatal
death rates
B. Reduced respiratory distress syndrome, reduced VII nerve damage, reduced incidence of
C. Reduced respiratory distress syndrome, reduce incidence of pneumothorax formation, reduced
retinal disease of prematurity
D. Reduced respiratory distress syndrome, reduced intraventricular haemorrhage reduced necrotising
enterocolitis rates

46 ) A 20-year-old woman with Type 1 diabetes presents at 32 weeks gestation in her first pregnancy
with regular painful contractions, a closed cervix and a positive fetal fibronectin test. What is the most
appropriate management plan?
A. Antenatal steroids
B. Antenatal steroids and additional insulin
C.Antenatal steroids and tocolysis with atosiban
D.Antenatal steroids, additional insulin and tocolysis with atosiban
47 .In otherwise uncomplicated preterm labour, evidence suggests
that the use of tocolysis delays delivery. By how long does it delay delivery?
• A. 24 hours B. 48 hours
C. 72 hours D. 7 days

48) A 26-year-old woman in her first pregnancy presents to the labour ward at 28 weeks and four
days gestation with abdominal pain. Maternal observations are all within normal limits. A CTG reveals
she is contracting at a rate of three times in 10 minutes, with a normal fetal heart rate. Speculum
examination shows the cervix is effaced and dilated 3 cm. The obstetric trainee wants to know the
correct dose of magnesium sulfate for neuroprotection for the baby. Which of the following
statements is the most appropriate answer?

A. 6 g intravenous bolus of magnesium sulfate over five minutes, followed by an intravenous infusion
of 1 g per hour until the birth or for 24 hours.

B. 4 g intravenous bolus of magnesium sulfate over 5 minutes, followed by an intravenous infusion of

1 g per hour until the birth or for 24 hours.

C. 4 g intravenous bolus of magnesium sulfate over 15 minutes, followed by an intravenous infusion of

1 g per hour until the birth or for 24 hours.

d. No need for magnesium sulfate

49) For which group of women is vitamin K supplementation advised in the last month of pregnancy?

A. Women taking anti-epileptic drugs

B. Women with two or more risk factors for pre-eclampsia
C. Women with a body mass index (BMI) >35
D. Women with liver disease

50 ) A Gravida 3, Para 2 (both full term normal deliveries) is diagnosed with breech presentation at
35+1 weeks of gestation and is keen to have an external cephalic version. At what gestation is
external cephalic version recommended for this mother?
A. 35 weeks B. 36 weeks
C. 37 weeks D. 38 weeks

51)A 34 yr old female G2P1L1, previous classical C section, is now having Breech presentation which
is confirmed on USG at 34 weeks and the patient insists on normal delivery. What will you do?
A.Wait for 36 weeks
B.Plan cesarean section at 37 weeks
C.Repeat USG after a week and decide
D.Do vaginal delivery

52 ) You are conducting a term twin delivery on a 22-year-old primigravida. The first twin delivered
spontaneously from a vertex presentation. The second twin, who appears to be bigger than the first,
is presenting by the breech. The membranes rupture spontaneously with the breech on the perineum,
and the body of the fetus delivers over a further two contractions to the level of the inferior scapular
angle, what is the next step ?
A. Moriceau-Smellie-Veit manoeuvre
B.zanavelli manoeuvre
C.lovesets manoeuvre
D. woods cork screw manoeuvre

53 ) a 32 year old female presents with preterm breech at 34 weeks which delivered upto head
through undilated cdervix. After coming head is stuck in the pelvis , what is your next step ?
A. zanavelli
B. dhrussens incision
C. pubic shymphysiotomy
D. decapacitation

54) identify the following maneouvre ?

A modified msv B.wigard martin

C.lovesets manouvre D.burn marshal

55Q• A woman attends the antenatal clinic for her 18–20-week scan. The sonographer has
demonstrated ‘lemon and banana’ sign and the baby is diagnosed with Arnold–Chiari syndrome. •
What is the ‘banana’ sign? •
A. Congenitally malformed thalamus. B. Deformed cerebellum. •
C. Deformed skull. • D. Malformed cerebellum.

56 ) a 10 weeks pregnant women presents to you with following usg , what is the further
plan ?
A. CVS B. amniocentesis

57q) What does the image show ?

A)intrauterine death
B)congenital heart defect
C)congenital diaphrammatic hernia
D) infanticide

58q) the following instrument is used in which

A.laparoscopic hysterctomy
B. vaginal hysterectomy
C. lscs
D. cerclage

59) A 19-year-old woman presents at 13 weeks’ gestation with vaginal bleeding and a
smellywatery discharge. She feels generally unwell and has had fevers for the last 48 h.
She initially thought she had gastroenteritis as she had reduced appetite, abdominal
pain, vomi-ted and had loose stools.All her booking bloods were normal and the 11 week
‘nuchal’ scan was reassuring. She had a previous normal vaginal delivery at 38 weeks’
gestation. She has no significant gynaecological or general medical history.
On examination the temperature is 38.1°C, pulse 96/min and blood pressure
110/68mmHg. She looks flushed and her peripheries are warm. Chest and cardiac
examin-ation are normal.She is tender over the uterus, which feels approximately 14
weeks’ size. There is no guarding or rebound. On speculum examination the cervical os
is closed but an offensive bloodstaineddischarge is seen. Bimanual examination reveals
a very tender and hot uterus that also feels‘boggy’. No adnexal masses are palpable but
bilateral adnexal tenderness is evident.
Transvaginal ultrasound report: single intrauterine gestational sac, fetus present with
crown–rump length 42.7 mm, fetal heart beat absent what is the diagnosis ?

A. missed abortion
B. septic abortion
C. complete abortion
D. unruptured ectopic pregnancy
60 Q)Which vaccine is contraindicated in pregnancy:
A. Chicken pox
B. Rabies
C. Tet toxoid
D. Hepatitis B

61 )A healthy 35 year old primigravida is referred to the antenatal clinic because the
fetus is thought to be small for dates at 38 weeks gestation. She had a dating scan at 9
weeks and a normal anomaly scan at 22 weeks.
Ultrasound scan shows a cephalic presentation, abdominal and head
circumferences below the 3rd centile with reduced amniotic fluid volume and
reduced umbilical artery end-diastolic frequencies. There are good fetal
movements and the CTG is normal. The cervix is 2cm long, posterior and
closed, how will you manage ?
a. Daily day assessment unit visits
b. Biophysical profile
c. Fetal stress test
d. Induction of labour

62) Anesthesia of choice for Pre-eclampsia patients during delivery is ?

a.Epidural +Spinal

63 ) A 25-year-old women whose antenatal period was uncomplicated is in labour. She

has a single foetusin cephalic presentation. The head is not engaged. The foetal heart
rate is 130 beats per minute. The cervical dilatation is 5 cm, the membranes are
absentand the pelvis is adequate. It is decided to performa caesarean section
immediately. Which one of the following findings is the most likely cause for this
a. Approximation of the suture lines
b.Palpation of the anterior fontanelle and the sagittalsuture
c.Palpation of the eyes, nose and mouth
d.Palpation of the frontal bones and the supraorbital ridges

64. A 23-year-old female presents to your clinic for routine examination. She smokes occasionally. She
is particularly worried about the effects of her smoking on a developing fetus in the event of an
unintended pregnancy. Which of the following statements is true regarding smoking in pregnancy?
A. Dysmorphic facies is a recognised complication
B. Maternal smoking may adversely affect testicular function in male children

C.Smoking reduces maturation of the fetal lung

D.The reduction in birth weight is related to the number of cigarettes smoked per day

65 ) what is the management when partogram lies in amber zone ?

A. lscs B. intervention as required
C. refer to higher center
d,. Watch for progress of labour

66 ) according to who labour care guide , labour progress should be monitored from and
as per who partogram labour is monitored from respectively ?
A. 4cm , 5cm B. 5cm ,4cm
C. 6 cm,5cm D. 7 cm ,4cm

67 Q ) patient was in labour for 6 hrs , failure to progress patient was posted for lscs .
Post op patient had a severe vomiting and abdominal distention , no fever . BP was
normal , absent bowel sounds , diagnosis ?
A. paralytic ileus
B.intestinal injury
C.intestinal obstruction
D.meconium peritonitis

68) Identify the procedure shown in the Image:

A. Leopold's procedure
B. MC Roberts procedure
C. Pawlik’ procedure
D. Fundal palpation

69 ) A 37-year-old primigravida attends the labour ward complaining of irregular contractions. She is
38 weeks pregnant. The ultrasound scan performed at 36 weeks showed the placenta to be posterior
and high, with a normally grown baby. She conceived by in vitro fertilization (IVF). Her admission
cardiotocography (CTG) shows a baseline rate of 145 beats per minute (bpm), variability of 10–15
bpm, accelerations, no decelerations, and she is contracting once every 10 minutes. Vaginal
examination showed the cervix to be partially effaced and dilated 2 cm with intact membranes. The
head is 5/5 palpable. All her observations are normal.

Which of the following options

would you do next?
A. Admit her to the antenatal ward.
B. Admit her to the labour ward and keep her on continuous monitoring.
C. Admit her to the labour ward and perform artificial rupture of membranes.
D. Admit her to the labour ward and book her for Caesarean section.

70 .What is the diagnosis ?

A.allisforceps B.arteryforceps
C. babcocks D. ovum forceps

71 q) A lady with 35 weeks pregnancy, presented with bleeding per vagina. Investigation
shows severe degree of placenta previa. The treatment is:

a. Immediate CS b. Blood transfusion

c. Conservative d. Medical induction of labour

72Q) A patient presents at 28 weeks with pain abdomen since 3 hrs associated with decreased
fetal movements , usg shows the following ,fhr recording shows 90 bpm , what is the management ?
A.Immediate lscs
B.immediate induction oflabour
C.Steriods for lung maturity
D.Wait and watch

73 )A pregnant woman with placenta previa started to bleed as she went into labor. Her
blood pressure was 80/50 mm Hg. A lower segment cesarean section was planned
because of acute shock. What type of anesthesia will you plan for this patient?
A. General anesthesia with IV induction by ketamine
B. Spinal anesthesia up to L4 level
C. General anesthesia with IV induction by propofol followed by maintenance with
"flurane" group of drugs.
D. Sedation and epidural analgesia

74 q) A 32 YEAR OLD had blood pressure of 150 /100 at 32 weeks of

gestation , there is headache or blurring of vision ,proteinuria of 1 + seen
. Her bp before pregnancy is 110/70 mmhg . What is the diagnosis ?
A. chronic htn B.mild preeclampsia
C. severe preeclmpsia D.gest htn

75. A primigravida is brought home by her relatives just after 1 hour of full term vaginal delivery. The
baby is doing well. On examination, the patient is hypotensive, hypoxic and has disseminated
intravascular coagulation. She was previously normal with no known cardiac condition. Which of the
following is the most likely cause?
B.Abdominal distension
due to rupture of uterus
C.Amniotic fluid embolism


76 )All of the following are components of biophysical profile except ?

A. respiratory rate
B. amniotic fluid volume


78) Identify the cause?

a.Gestational diabetes
b.Diabetes before pregnancy
C.Valproate medication
d.AEhibitor medication

79Q )A G2 P1+0+0 diabetic mother present at 32 weeks pregnancy, there is

history of full term fetal demise in last pregnancy. Her vitals are stable, sugar
is controlled on medication and fetus is stable. Which among the following

will be the most appropriate management ?

A.To induce at 39 weeks• B. To induce at 40 weeks•

C.Cesarean section at 39 weeks• D. To wait for spontaneous delivery

80 )a 29 year old primigravida with a low risk pregnancy attends the obstetric assessment unit with
generalized pruritis at 34 weeks of gestation . What is the most important investigation to establish
the diagnosis ?
a.Bile acids and lft
b. Coagulation status of mpther
c.Presenting symptom of the mother
d. Ultrasound estimation of fetal weight

PALPAble abdominally , the cervix is fully dilated , and on vaginal examination the head is in right
occiputoanterior position with minimal caput , the station is 1 cm below ischial spine , the ctg is
reassuring , which of the following is appropriate action ?
A, continue pushing for another 30 mins B.emergency cs
C.instrumental delivery in delivery room d. instrumental delivery in theatre

82 ) A female in labour is having occipito posterior position

.cervix is fully dilated
,forceps applied in occipitoposterior position direction and tried to rotate , which
type of pelvis head cannot be rotated ?
A.anthropoid pelvis B. platypelloid pelvis
C.gynecoid pelvis D.none of the above

Q83 )a 32 year old patient p1l1 presents with pelvic pain and high fever . Fever dint subside inspite of
antibiotics , what is the diagnosis ?

A. dvt B. puerperal sepsis

C. septic pelvis thrombephelitis D. physiological

84.Hormone responsible for galactopoiesis ?

A. Oxytocin

B. Estrogen
C. Progestorone
D. Prolactin

85) A patient on 4th day postpartum presented with fever more than 100 F for 24 hours, dysuria, foul
smelling lochia . what is the diagnosis ?

A. Endometritis
B. Thrombophlebitis
D. Pneumonia

86 ) A mother has been diagnosed with chicken pox .she delivered seven days ago a term infant that
appears to be healthy .the baby is a febrile.which of the following is the most appropriate step in the
management ?
A. advise the mother to continue regular baby care
B. hospitalised the infant in the isolation ward
C. administer acyclovir to the infant
D. administer varicella zoster immunoglobulin to the infant

87 ) A 25 year G1P0 old is delivering her first child. Her labour course was protracted and she
pushed for three hours .The head is seen to deliver
A. call for help
B. superpubic pressure
C. Mcroberts
D. Woods Corkscrew
88Q)Match thefollowing

Column A column B

A.second stage of
Maneuver labour roberts maneuver B.shoulder dystocia
3.brandts Andrew method C.arrested lower limb
4.ritgens D.AMTSL


89 ) The uterine artery Doppler of a primigravida with 25weeks of pregnancy with pedal ed pallor is
shown below.The female has increased possibility to develop
C.Pre eclampsa
D.Both a and c

90 ) A 28 year old eclamptic woman develop convulsions.

The first measure to be done is:
A. Give MgSO4
B. Sedation of patient
C. Immediate delivery
D. Care of airway

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