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3. Regarding the human genome of germ cell and somatic cell

. In somatic mutation, all cell will have the mutation
. All somatic and germ cell mutation will cause disease
. Mutation can occur in both somatic cells and germ cells

7. Most important estrogen released by placenta

. Estriol
. Estrione
. Ethinyl Estradiol

14. Patient Gravida3 sent for LSCS, what instrument is used for this procedure?:

A. Straight Mayo scissors cut peritoneum

B. Curved Mayo scissors cut peritoneum

C. Non toothed Forcep to hold peritoneum

16. True about IMB

. Laparoscopy for investigation
. IMB associated with ovulation
. IMB is a feature of Cervical polyp

18. Most common type of urinary fistula in obstructed labor

. Urethrovaginal fistula
. Vesicovaginal fistula
. Ureterovaginal fistula

21. The pregnant mother in labour with fetal head palpable per abdomen. Choose most
common status of fetal head related to above pregnancy
. Engagement
. Descent
. Flexion

22. Uneventful pregnancy. Bishop scoring is 9. What is the method of induction?

a. prostin

b. ARM

c. foley's

23. A patient is under lithium medication, what is the most suitable and appropriate

25. A 25 year old nulliparous woman came to the hospital for cervical cancer screening for
the first time. Her result is that there are inflammatory changes. What to do next?
. Immediately go for colposcopy
. Follow up after 6 months
. Follow up after 3 months

30. 60 year old woman, presented with post menopausal bleeding for 3 months. What is the
appropriate investigation?
. Hysteroscopy
. Transvaginal ultrasound
. Speculum examination

1. A patient in labour is found to have the posterior fontanelle at the posterior. she has
prolonged labour. what is the most likely shape of the pelvis?
a. anthropoid
b. gynecoid
c. android

2. Down syndrome

3. PCR

4. A 32-year-old lady regularly monitors her cycle by using an ovulation kit. Which statement
is true about her ovulation?
a. opious amount of vaginal secretion
b. Mid cycle pain
c. If her period regular 28 days, her ovulation day approximately on day 14

6. 40 y/o pregnant lady went for ANC visit. Upon questioning, she had 5 previous pregnancy.
1st pregnancy had spontaneous miscarriage. 2nd pregnancy baby born alive at 32 weeks.
3rd pregnancy stillbirth at term. 4th pregnancy ectopic pregnancy. 5th pregnancy, baby
delivered alive at term. What is the correct gravida and parity for this patient?
a. Gravida 6 parity 3+2
b. Gravida 6
c. Parity 3+2

7. What is the common infectious screening test for pregnant women in Malaysia
a. Syphilis, HIV, Malaria
b. HIV, Hepatitis B, Rubella
c. Syphilis, HIV, Hepatitis B

8. Epileptic drug which has higher risk of causing congenital abnormality

a. Carbamazepine
b. Lamotrigine
c. Sodium valproate

9. 22 y/o primigravida at 28 weeks gestation was diagnosed with severe oligohydramnios,

possible complication?
a. fetal lung hypoplasia
b. placentio abruptio
c. fetal limb deformities

10. 35y/o, G2P1, just gave birth. suddenly presented with uprolling eyes, tonic clonic
movement of upper limbs. Patient is hypertension, tachycardia, tachypnea (cant remember
value). what is the best next step for patient?
a. Activate red alert and patient in left lateral (i answer this)

12. Fetus in right occipital posterior, what likely the outcome after rotation?
a. Right occipital transverse
b. Right occipital anterior (ans)
c. Direct occipital posterior
13. G2p1, 34 y/o with GDM in metformin came for IOL by week 38. Bishop score was 3 and
prostaglandin E2 was given. Which is the most common complication?
a. Uterine hyperstimulation
b. Placenta abruptio
c. Failed IOL

14. second delivery uneventfully (good)

a. 5IU
b. 10IU
c. 40IU

15. A primigravida at 34 weeks of gestation presented with BP 160/110 mmHg and fits
(seizure). Suggest treatment.
a. IV Labetalol loading dose
b. IV Labetalol and MgSO4
c. Loading dose of MgSO4 followed by maintainence dose

16. Patient underwent forceps delivery. Day 1 postpartum with complaint of vulval swelling
and pain.
a. Perineal hematoma
b. Infection at episotomy site
c. Edematous vulva

19. A 28 years old lady, G1P0, 3 months postpartum was associated with watery vaginal
discharge. What is most likely the diagnosis?
a. Lochia alba
b. Vesico vaginal fistula
c. Vesico urethral fistula

20. A 20 year old woman at 8 weeks of gestation was admitted to the gynae ward. She was
vomiting profusely and had vaginal bleeding. Ultrasound scan show honeycombed
appearance with bilateral ovarian cyst
A Ectopic pregnancy
B Complete molar
C partial molar

21. 20y/o nulliparous came to gynae clinic with complain of increased facial hair. which of the
these statement is most accurate about hirsutism
a. is synonism with virilism
b. is pathological most of cases
c. can be due to ovarian tumor

22. Vag spotting, contact bleeding, abnormal uterus

a. Dysplasia
b. Metaplasia
c. Hyperplasia

23. Abd mass 20 weeks, dysmenorrhea, dyspareunia, firm, tender, x get above
a. Endometrial CA
b. Adenomyosis
c. Degenerative fibroid
24. Lower Abdominal Pain, Foul Smelling Discharge, Fever. What are the accurate baseline
a) FBC
b) abdomen and pelvic USG
c) endocervical swab and culture sensitivity

1. Most likely complication of android pelvis.

A Increase c-section
B Moulding of fetal skull
C Occiput tranverse position of fetal head

2. 2nd trimester pregnancy, 42 y/o , U/S done to look for

. Fetal viability
. Fetal anomaly
. fetal gestational age

3. 22 year old woman went to infertility clinic for induction of ovulation. Describe the
proliferative phase of endometrium.
. Major epithelium lining of endometrium is columnar epithelium
. Fertilization normally occur at end stage of proliferative phase
. Follicles mature and gradually increase estrogen

6. A 25 years old woman, primigravida with 10 weeks of gestation presented with urinary
frequency with nausea and vomiting. The urine dipstick test was negative leucocyte and
nitrate. Which of the following is most suitable to describe her?
A increased blood flow to kidney was normal
B gravid uterus press on bladder which leads to frequency
C nausea and vomiting was normal

10. Severe polyhydramnions, what is the condition that most probably complicate her?
A umbilical cord prolapse
B placenta abruptio

11. 35 years old, with underlying ASD, primigravida, admitted to ward due to active phase in
first stage of labour. She is in pain. What is the best approach of anesthesia?
. IM Pethidine
. Epidural
. Entonox

12. Woman 32 years old, G3P2, at 40 weeks, given prostin E2, for IOL due to GDM on diet
control. After 6 hours, she complained strong contractions more than average of 1 minutes.
Whats the next management for her?
. Do VE and if the os more than 3 cm, do ARM
. Give IM pethidine
. Do CTG for fetal monitoring and uterine contraction

13. 27 year old primigravida known case of ITP went to KKIA. Which statement best
describe antenatal follow up for above condition?
. ITP in pregnancy should be followed up in combine clinic.
. Mode of delivery should be based on obstetric indication.
. Severe low platelet indicates platelet transfusion.

16. Pregnant lady currently in labour, head is ⅖ palpable, what is the current status of fetus?
. Engagement
. Descent
. Flexion

17. Patient was in the labour room for surgical IOL for prolonged pregnancy. Fetal head
engaged & ARM was done. Immediate CTG show abnormal findings.
. Delayed deceleration
. Early deceleration
. Bradycardia

22. 30 years old nulliparous presented with abdominal discomfort and urinary frequency for 3
months. On abdominal palpation, there is a 20 week of pregnancy size and firm mass
palpable. It is non-tender and mobile in all direction.
A. Mucinous cystadenoma
B. Adenomyosis
C. Endometrioma

24. A 52 year was diagnosed with endometrial cancer.Which are the most common risk
factor for endometrial cancer
A Late menopause
B Obesity
C Nulliparous

27. A 32 y/o woman with a 4 year history of infertility, severe dysmenorrhea, and increasing
pain during sexual intercourse presented to a gynecological clinic. Upon pelvic examination,
there is an adnexal mass. Nodules can also be felt at the uterosacral ligament.
. Endometrioma
. Pelvic inflammatory disease
. Adenomyosis

28. A 19 y/o presented with vaginal itchiness and greenish vaginal discharge. She is on ocp.
Speculum reveal strawberry cervix. Upt negative.
. Azithromycin 1g once only
. Metronidazole 400mg tds for 5 days
. Tinidazole 2g oncr

29. A 65 Y/O presented with a red scaly patch on the vulva area. She also have
bronchogenic CA. Which situation best describes the above conditions
. Bowen’s ds
. Bowenoid papulosis
. Erythroplasia of Queyrat

30. 37 yrs old complained no menses for 12 months associated with hot flushing and joint
pain. She is a survivor of lymphoma and completed tx 2 yrs ago. List the most important
A pelvic USG and serum estradiol
B TSH and prolactin
C FSH and serum estradiol

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