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Martin P. Posadas Avenue, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines 2420


Drug name Dosage Mechanism Indications Contraindicatio Side effects Nursing precaution
of action ns
Generic: Usual: Alters effects Schizophreni Hypersensitivity; CNS: NEUROLEPTIC 1. Assess mental status prior to
Chlorproma PO (Adults): of dopamine a and hypersensitivity MALIGNANT and periodically during therapy.
zine Psychoses: 10– (D2) in CNS. psychoses. to sulfites SYNDROME,
25 mg 2–4 Has Hyperexcita (injectable) or sedation,
times daily; significant ble, benzyl alcohol extrapyramidal 2. Monitor BP and pulse prior to
may ↑ every 3– anticholinergi combative, (SR capsules); reactions, TD. and frequently during the period
4 days c/ explosive cross-sensitivity EENT: Blurred of dosage adjustment. May cause
BRAND: (usual dose is alpha- behavior in with other vision, dry eyes, lens QT interval changes on ECG.
Thorazine 200 mg/day; adrenergic children. phenothiazines opacities.
up to 1 g/day) blocking Hyperactive may occur; CV: Hypotension (↑ 3. The drug may be taken with or
or 30–300 mg activity. child with angle-closure with IM, IV), without food.
1–3 times daily conduct glaucoma; bone- tachycardia.
as extended- disorder. marrow GI: Constipation, dry 4. Observe patient carefully when
release Acute mania. depression; mouth, anorexia, administering medication.
capsules. Nausea and severe liver/CV hepatitis, ileus,
CLASSIFICA vomiting. disease; priapism. 5. Monitor I&O ratios and daily
TION: IM (Adults): Intractable concurrent GU: Urinary weight.
Antiemetics, Severe hiccups. pimozide use. retention. Derm:
Antipsychoti psychoses: 25– Preoperative photosensitivity, 6. Monitor for development of
cs 50 mg initially, apprehensio pigment changes, neuroleptic malignant syndrome
may be n. Acute rashes. (fever, respiratory distress,
repeated in 1 intermittent Endo: Galactorrhea, tachycardia, seizures,
hr; ↑ to porphyria. amenorrhea. diaphoresis, hypertension or
maximum of Hemat: hypotension, pallor, tiredness,
400 mg every Off-Label AGRANULOCYTOSIS, severe muscle stiffness, loss of
3–12 hr if Use: Vascular leukopenia. bladder control. Report
needed (up to 1 headache. Metab: symptoms immediately. May also
g/day). Bipolar Hyperthermia. Misc: cause leukocytosis, elevated liver
disorder. Allergic reactions. function tests, elevated CPK.
Martin P. Posadas Avenue, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines 2420

7. Advise patient to take

medication as directed. Take
missed doses as soon as
remembered, with remaining
doses evenly spaced throughout
the day.

8. Do not increase dose or

discontinue medication without
consulting health care

9. Instruct patient to report

significant changes in
neurological status, such as
seizures, extreme lethargy,
slurred speech, disorientation or

10. Monitor kidney and liver

function of the patient.
Martin P. Posadas Avenue, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines 2420

Drug name Dosage Mechanism of Indicatio Contraindicati Side effects Nursing precaution
action ns ons
Generic Name Schizophrenia For the Hypersensitivit Body as a Whole: • Monitor diabetics for loss
aripiprazole Adult: PO 10–15 Aripiprazole's treatment y to Headache, asthenia, of glycemic control.
mg once daily, antipsychotic of aripiprazole; fever, flu-like • Monitor cardiovascular
Trade Name may increase at activity is likely schizophr dementia in symptoms, peripheral status. Assess for and
Abilify 2-wk intervals to due to a enia and elderly; QT edema, chest pain, report orthostatic
max of 30 combination of related prolongation; neck pain, neck hypotension. Take BP
Classification mg/day if antagonism at psychotic lactation. rigidity. supine then in sitting
Atypical needed D2 receptors in disorders. CNS: Anxiety, position. Report
antipsychotic Adolescent/Child the mesolimbic insomnia, systolic drop of
(at least 10 y pathway and lightheadedness, greater than 15–20
old): PO 2 mg 5HT2A somnolence, akathisia, mm Hg. Patients at
Time/frequenc daily, increase to receptors in the tremor, increased risk are
y 5 mg after 2 frontal cortex. extrapyramidal those who are
Morning days, increase to Antagonism at symptoms, dehydrated,
10 mg after 2 D2 receptors depression, hypovolemic, or
more days. Can relieves nervousness, receiving concurrent
increase up to 30 positive increased salivation, antihypertensive
mg. symptoms hostility, suicidal therapy.
while thought, manic • Monitor body temperature
antagonism at reaction, abnormal in situations likely to
5HT2A gait, confusion, elevate core
receptors cogwheel rigidity. temperature (e.g.,
relieves CV: Hypertension, exercising
negative tachycardia, strenuously, exposure
symptoms of hypotension, to extreme heat,
schizophrenia. bradycardia. Risk of receiving drugs with
stroke in elderly with anticholinergic
dementia-related activity, or being
psychosis. subject to
Martin P. Posadas Avenue, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines 2420

GI: Nausea, vomiting, dehydration).

constipation, anorexia. • Monitor for and report
Hematologic: signs of tardive
Ecchymosis, anemia. dyskinesia.
Metabolic: Weight • Monitor for and
gain, weight loss, immediately report
hyperglycemia, S&S of neuroleptic
diabetes mellitus, malignant syndrome
increased creatine (NMS) that include:
kinase. Hyperpyrexia, muscle
Musculoskeletal: rigidity, altered
Muscle cramp. mental status,
Respiratory: Rhinitis, irregular pulse or
cough. blood pressure,
Skin: Rash. tachycardia,
Special Senses: diaphoresis, and
Blurred vision. cardiac dysrhythmia.
Withhold drug if NMS
is suspected.
Lab tests: Monitor
periodically Hct and Hgb.
Monitor periodically blood
glucose. Monitor for elevated
CPK and myoglobinuria if
NMS is suspected.

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