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Cumulative torpedo axial action.

Torpedo type TCR and TKOT (Fig. 4.4, Tab. 4.3) consists of a sealed enclosure and explosive with a
special charge hollow lined with a metal funnel. The manufacturer supplies equipped with torpedoes
without means of initiation in the complex with components that give it torpedoes the descent into the
well on a logging cable. To facilitate the lowering into the well on a torpedo load set to be connected to it
via a thin-walled adapter. The final charging torpedoes - the installation of means of initiation - produced
just before the descent into the well. If necessary, the torpedo alone or in cluster heads can be lowered
into the well on the tubes with the device Vuktyl explosion of torpedoes, allowing the barrel to conduct
washing and reliably deliver the torpedo to the destroyed object.

Shaped charges are different from torpedo shaped charge perforating less (30 - 350), the angle of the
metal funnel cone, significant size and a higher blasting (blunt) effect. Initiation of the explosive charge
carried explosive cartridge type or PG elektrovzryvatelem B-473A (maximum allowable pressure of 100
MPa, a temperature of 150 0 C).
Technical characteristics of the torpedo type TCR

-600/120 200- Т120- Т120- -1 0- Т60- Т38- Т38-
800/1 800/1 1000/ 1000/20 1500/ 800/ 1500/
20 50 200 0 230 150 230

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Maximum 190 200 122 122 72 72 61 38 38
outer diameter
The maximum 60 80 80 100 80 100 150 80 150
pressure, MPa
The maximum 120 120 150 200 150 200 230 150 230
The diameter 162 162 111 111 66 66 55 35 35
of the
charge, mm
Explosive 8.2 8.2 3.6 3.6 0.9 0.9 0.6 0.12 0.16
Weight, kg
The average 1.7 1.7 1.5 1.6 1.5 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.7
density of the 4.3 4.3 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.3
torpedo, g /

loaded with
torpedo 754 745 562 562 400 400 398 336 361
length, mm: 1825 1825 1550 1550 1085 1085 1090 1321 1346

without crane
loaded with
torpedo 28 31 8.5 10.3 2.1 2.6 1.8 0.7 0.8
Weight, kg: 47 50 28 30 8.7 9.3 8.6 3.2 3.3


loaded with
When using explosive cartridges PG type screwed into the socket torpedo fighter with a pre-installed in the
groove zarezbovuyu compacted rubber gasket. The explosive cartridge installed in the sleeve to wire it.

The torpedo TKO120-1 (Figure 4.4 a) thick-walled enclosure loaded, can withstand hydrostatic pressure in the
well, protecting the explosive charge of his actions.

Fig.4.4 Cumulative torpedo axial action

a - TKO120-1 (right version of the initiating explosive cartridge type GHG) emissions;

b and c - respectively TKOT70 and TKO200 (right version of the initiating fuse B-473A);

1 - the case; 2 - explosive charge; 3 - cumulative funnel; 4 - an additional charge of explosives; 5 - a

lining; 6 - Action; 7 - the plug; 8 - an explosive cartridge type GHG;

9 - wire; 10 - masking tape; 11 - In the fuse-473A; 12 - adapter; 13 - the goods

Among the types of torpedoes and TCR TKOT torpedoes loaded with the body correspond to the
maximum (2.5 - 3 gauge) the depth of the channel punched in the metal and low explosive action on the
borehole wall. The types of torpedoes and TKOT TKO70-1 (Fig. 4.4 b) thin-walled enclosure unloaded.
Its primary role - to isolate the explosive charge of the wellbore fluid. The numbers in the designation of
the torpedo (tab. 4.3) determine the diameter in millimeters of hydrostatic pressure in atmospheres and
temperature in 0C.

JSC "VNIPIvzryvgeofizika" - the country's only developer, manufacturer and supplier of cumulative
torpedoes, cluster heads and devices to work with them during the descent into the well on drill pipes,
including a new generation of torpedoes TKOT 95
Torpedo cumulative axial action (tandem) TKOT next generation type-2 reliable and safe initiation of 80
- 120 MPa and 140 -160 ° C, with increased by not less than 50% efficiency of action compared with
serial TCR. Torpedo 150 and 120 mm are tested in wells to a depth of 4335 m torpedo TKOT 120-2
tested in extreme conditions - 100 MPa ultra-deep well from the bottom at a depth of 6142 m.

Table 4.4: Torpedoes and auxiliary devices, produced by JSC "VNIPIvzryvgeofizika"

Torpedoes TKO and CAT auxiliaries

COTE 38-1-1500 / 160; 170; 230 CC 102 for three
TKOT 38-1 CC 150 for three TKOT 60-1 CC 180
ТКОТ 38-8001/1502 for three TKOT 70-1 CC 260 for three TKOT 120-
ТКОТ 38-1-1000/160

ТКОТ 60-800/150

ТКОТ 60-1-1000/160; 170 ТКОТ 60-1-1500/160;


GC 260/360 for three MSW 120-1 or three TKOT

ТКО 70-1-800/150, ТКОТ 70-1-1400/150; 160, 95-2 or three TKOT 120-2, 150-2 or three TKOT
ТКОТ 95-2-1000/150; 160
GC 280/450 for three MSW 200-1 or 3 - 7 pcs.
TKO 120-1 or TKOT 95-2 or TKOT 120-2 or 150-
ТКОТ 95-2-1400/150; 160 ТКО 120-1-600/120, 2 TKOT

ТКОТ 120-2-900/150; 160

ZTS 14 - contactor circuit for safe use of TCRs and

ТКОТ 120-2-1300/150; 160 ТКОТ 150-2-800/150; TKOT on cable, including the Civil Code
Vuktyl 146 and 146A Vuktyl

Vuktyl HM 146-1 from 40-1 (a new generation to

replace Vuktyl 146)

Vuktyl 178 - to work with the HA 260 and HA or

ТКОТ 150-2-1200/150; 160 HA 260/360 280/450 with only three TCR TKOT
120-1 or 95-2, or TKOT 120-2 or 150-2 TKOT
The hull design uses only aluminum alloy and cast iron that allows to apply torpedo large diameter (95 to
150 mm) at pressures up to 100 - 140 MPa at a shell thickness of 15 mm. The pieces of the torpedo hull
easily drilled and washed to the surface, without clogging the wellbore. An additional charge at the lower
end of the torpedo triggered after the main and, being in direct contact with a sacrificial metal, provides a
high crushing action, increasing the power of a new generation of torpedoes in comparison with serial

The device is used Vuktyl initiator adiabatic action without initiating explosives and direct contact of the
piston with a secondary explosive, which ensures a high degree of safety when handling torpedoes

Descent torpedoes TKO, TKOT and cluster heads in the drill pipe with the device Vuktyl 146 ensures the
delivery of products directly to the metal to be destroyed. To clean the bottom of the metal pieces can be
used, magnetic, mechanical, hydraulic, and other implosive catcher.

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