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Nama : Desi Ilhami

NIM : 20170301158
QUESTION :Choose some phrases on Then, write a
conversation. The conversation must consist at least 20 sentences.

PHRASE : Is your career the career you thought you’d have when you were in high school ?


Fadel : Hello Desi.

Desi : Hello Fadel.

Fadel : How are you ?

Desi : I’m fine and you ?

Fadel : i’m fine too. Long time no see you Desi ?

Desi : Yeah, I am busy with my career now. Then what are you busy doing now ?

Fadel : My busy life is still with work. How about a your career think the high school ?

Desi : That career, i will start for the beginning i will look for data about that career,
because i want to dream of a career exploring the world.

Fadel : Why do you dream of that career ?

Desi : Because i’m happy with the world.

Fadel : If you are with a career what do you feel ?

Desi : What i feel is that nature is beautiful.

Fadel : Have you started with that career ?

Desi : Not yet, i want to see others about nature.

Fadel : Why ?

Desi : Because careers about nature must we see first what is nature.

Fadel : With a natural career, dont’t you feel tired?

Desi : Why am i tired ?

Fadel : Yeah, explore the nature by climbing mountain and walking to nature.

Desi : I always feel my fatigue will disappear if i see nature is so beautiful.

Fadel : So, I will support about the career you want, hopefully it will be achieved huh ?

Desi : Thanks for your support with the career that i want. I hope you also succeed with
your work, Fadel.

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