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 Damaris: Leydy, if you didn't have to work, what would you do?

 Leydy: That's a good question. I would help students get a better education.

 Damaris: How would you do that?

 Leydy: I would work with local schools to start reading programs.

 Damaris: That's a great idea.

 Belya: Reading is probably the most important skill for young students.

 Damaris: The office in La Paz has a reading program with some local schools.

 Leydy: We connect with students over video calls and read with them for 30

minutes a day.

 Damaris: You can do this during the workday.

 Belya: Students love it, and I can see how they improve from month to month.

 Damaris: That sounds great. I would love to volunteer for a program like that.

 Leydy: And you? What would you do if you didn't have to work?

 Damaris: I would also work with children, but with children in hospitals. Right

now, I spend one afternoon a week at the hospital in the north that's near the

office here.

 Belya: Hey, when you move here, maybe we can volunteer together.

 Leydy: Then when we move here, maybe we can volunteer together.

 Belya: It was really nice talking to you guys.

 Damaris and Leydy: Likewise.


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