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Teacher. What is it that you see when you say it? What do you imagine doing?
Writing on the board? Checking papers? Giving assignments and etc.? What picture
are you painting? Because if you answer yes to these questions, we’re probably
right, because I believe so, too. I believe these when I was young and too naïve to
care about what matters. When all I wanted was to be a grown up and have money.
But beliefs isn’t always what it is, sometimes.
I didn’t grew up having the fascination to be an educator. It wasn’t my passion
to be one of those people who teach children. As a matter of fact, I found it
exhausting. Having to go back school to teach after being taught. But who needs
inborn fascination when there’s lots of amazing people who’ll give you inspirations
and influence to be someone you deserve to? That’s how I found myself pursuing to
be a teacher. Because I met a teacher who unknowingly arouse my dream to be like
her. Though, I’ve realized it countless times that it is not something easy to do, I still
As I watched the movie Beyond the Blackboard, I realize a lot. The title speaks
for itself. Being a teacher is going beyond blackboard. You aren’t expected to do the
job as it is; talks in front, give instructions, give assignments, check papers, etc.
because it doesn’t end there. It is not what it is. It’s more than that. We may fancy
teaching as school as the environment. But teaching goes beyond school. We may
think that teaching is for those professionals. But teaching doesn’t limit to those
professionals only. As a teacher, it is important to have perseverance and
determination of how much you want your students to learn. As what people always
say, being a teacher is being an instant mother to your students.
The moment Ms Bess of the movie chose to stay despite the chaotic
environment and the former teacher just gave up, you know that she was a best
teacher. She developed care for the students which was really the foundation of
everything she did to give them what they need in spite of the lack of materials. She
proved to everyone that teaching isn’t always about salary. The students doesn’t
always need a normal school with complete materials for them to learn, they need a
teacher who will do everything to make their students learn.
The movie also emphasizes that our parents plays a major role in our
development. Children tend to copy what they see in their parents. Also, good
communication always works. Our parents may not be a good role model in our eyes
but they would always want what’s best for us. Ms Bess’ teaching became more
successful because of the parents cooperation.
Teacher. What do I see when I say it? I’m seeing someone selfless who’s
willing to take risk for the students to learn. What do I imagine them doing? I imagine
them being in front of the students teaching by making them listen to him/her, and by
listening to them. What picture am I painting? I saw a picture of someone who would
everything for the betterment of their students. Because teaching is beyond the

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