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When I examine my six-year-old son what he wants to be when he grows up, I get a related answer each
time. "I want to be a policeman doctor cowboy," he says. I reply with, "Wow! You are going to be one
busy man!" I was the same way when I was little, except my answer would have been, "I want to be a
teacher actress."

I have always had a strong ambition to teach. From the time I started Nursery, I played school. I
can remember an incident in first grade when I actually put my teaching skills to use. There was a girl in
my class who was a bit slower than the rest of us. I noticed that she was having trouble with her spelling,
so I took it upon myself to teach her. I made up spelling lists for us to go over every day. I even gave her
tests! Mrs. De Guzman, the real first grade teacher, actually encouraged my endeavours.

The desire to teach has never left me. I am a natural teacher. If I have information or knowledge
that someone else doesn't have, I automatically share what I know. It's almost like a disease. I can't help
myself. I love to see "the light come on."

When I first made the decision to come back to college, I thought I would go into a two year
criminology. I was trying to run from my calling, but God kept His hand on me and let me know without
a doubt that my purpose in life is to teach. I got recruited first for tutoring, then for supplemental
instruction. I totally enjoyed being a supplemental instruction leader! My job was to sit in a class that I
had previously had, take notes, and hold study sessions for students. I thrived in this type of situation! I
knew for sure then that I could no longer run from the educational profession.

My passion is to teach. I want to teach, guide, and most of all I want to make a difference. I want to
touch not only their minds but most specially their hearts. Teaching is not an easy job. Sometimes I want
to quit. I want to leave this job. But as I see the appreciation of the students, I feel the excitement of my
everyday teaching. I truly believe that education is the key to success. Success comes in different stages.
Before a learner can be successful outside of school they must first be successful in school. Children
need to learn to have confidence in their abilities and their work. They also need to learn to have
confidence in themselves. They need to understand that they are special, and that they are wonderful
for just being themselves. As a teacher, I hope to influence children not only in their core curriculum but
also in their ability to solve problems. In my classroom, I don’t necessarily want the students to
memorize facts, instead want them to learn and retain the information on how to find the answers.
They need to know the type of information they can go to the dictionary for help, encyclopaedias,
thesaurus, and the Internet.

3 actions that I need to do to work towards your vision are: 1. ATTAIN. Never get tired to acquire and
learn something new. Life is a very fast changing world and we are a traveling around in an ever
changing world. Every day we are learning new things and new opportunities. So never stop acquiring. 2.
IMPART. Sharing is part of teaching. Teaching what you have learn is effective. Teach them very well. 3.
INSPIRE. Be inspire all the time. Be strong and courageous. Keep the passion alive in learning and
teaching. A teacher with the ability to inspire students is the type of teacher who will be long
remembered. Inspiring students is integral to ensuring their success and encouraging them to fulfil their
potential. A teacher that inspires is a role model, an influence that goes far beyond academic
achievement. A teacher with the ability to inspire students is the type of teacher who will be long
remembered. Inspiring students is integral to ensuring their success and encouraging them to fulfill their
potential. Students who are inspired by their teachers can accomplish amazing things, and that
motivation almost always stays with them. That’s because inspiration is one of the most important gifts
a teacher can provide students. A teacher that inspires is a role model, an influence that goes far beyond
academic achievement. If you want to be a great educator, you must connect with your pupils and reach
them on multiple levels, because the best teachers are committed to their students both inside and
outside the classroom. Live, Love, Teach makes us great Teachers.

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