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Week 1
Preliminary Activity

What is your motivation in choosing teaching as your future career?

One of the reasons for becoming a teacher is to contribute to your community in a

meaningful way. Teaching is one of the most direct ways to make an impact, and if you
are driven by the desire to help those around you, being a teacher is an invaluable

My motivation in choosing teaching as my future career is my parents, they are both

undergraduate specially my mother it so sad to see that they are not able to read and
write by their own, they couldn’t find an easy job no matter how hard they work its
difficult for them to progress if you don’t have enough knowledge. When we returned to
the province I lived with a teacher and I saw how much she loved his work and children,
even bond paper, coloring materials for activity she’s the one who provide it just for her
students also in every Christmas party together with his husband they spent there own
money for children to be happy, Im inspired thats why I tell my self that I will do the
same . Bisides I love to learn and my students teach me something new every day. To
teach you must know, so if you enjoy learning new things or researching, you’ll love
creating new lesson plans for your classroom. Your flexibility and ability to make lessons
fun and accessible to your students are the hallmarks of a good teacher. You’ll also
pass along to your students this passion and curiosity, and you never know what
insights and perspectives they’ll provide in return.

Becoming a teacher means you’ll be molding future generations through the

curriculum you set and bits of personal wisdom you impart. You’ll have the ability and
power to teach life lessons as well as core subjects. There’s a good chance that you
may be spending more waking hours with these children than their own parents. This
means you’ll be the one to help teach them social skills, time management, conflict
resolution, how to cope with stressors and how to focus on a task.
Main Activity

My Analysis

Why is it interesting to become a teacher?

This is best job in the world because the role of teachers is to mold the future
generation by influencing students views and understanding that will leads to productive
life, this would be priceless joys seeing the progress of my students " studyante ko yan"
by that I’m so glad being part of his/her success, also the intangible rewards are some
of the best part of this job that’s why every single day is different and interesting, each
day that I will work with my students I have potential to make a lasting impression that
can make a real difference in the lives of children. At the same time teaching is fun
however you’ll never stop learning if you’re a teacher but it will keeps me young when
I’m elementary teacher I will being surrounded of young and energetic kids that it would
be hard to get through a day of teaching without laughing.

My Reflections/ Insights

Now that you’re in your final year of studying to become a teacher, what goals do you
have as a student teacher?

Be the best teacher that I can be by being lifelong learners I will make sure that I
prepared, have mastery of subject, to show how I care for my students by boosting their
self-esteem and never damage it as well be liked and being respected as teacher
always be patient, fair and kind as well as a good person and great teacher to be a role
model, I will teaching also students moral in all subject always make them inspired
likewise centered. Although
no face-to-face student teaching but it doesn't mean to not fix and make time for
yourself. All people need time for themselves which really important to take care myself
to give quality education besides I will make myself presentable and practice as
professional teacher.

How do you see yourself in the near future?

I see my self executing my goal, doing lesson plan, checking papers, thinking of
creative visual aids, materials need present to my students and I have been used game
based for them to excite in every activities besides of having face to face we have
online classes to have interaction as well as a teacher I keep my lines of communication
My Portfolio

Express in any form, (photographs, illustrations, songs, rhymes, acronyms and the
like) your goal as a future teacher.

Verse 1

When I was at school,

I think about every rule,
If being teacher is cool
And the future is pure

And while I'm studying

I remember my teacher sayin'
What would you do for the future
And help the next generation

Pre chorus

And now I have decided

To become a teacher Someday


This is my way to lead the next generation in right way

This is my way to learn and be a teacher someday
Because every child and every teenager
Need a teacher and to be their second mother

This is my way to lead the next generation someday

This is my way to learn and be a teacher in a right way
Because the change will start in me
And me will be the start of change

WEEK 2 : September 13–17, 2021

Teacher’s Philosophy
Preliminary Activity

What is philosophy?

Philosophy is the study of broad and fundamental issues such as existence, reason,
knowledge, values, the mind, and language. These kinds of issues are frequently posed
as problems to be investigated or handled. The term "philosophy" literally means "love
of wisdom." Philosophy, in its widest sense, is an activity in which individuals strive to
know fundamental truths about themselves, the world in which they live, and their
relationships to the world and to one another.

Why is it important for a person to have a philosophy in life?

It is important for a person because philosophy can be truly enriching and

rewarding, and it is excellent preparation for lifelong learning and a more enhanced
intellectual, political, and social existence. It can help you live a better life by helping you
understand yourself as a thinking, acting being. A personal philosophy reflects who you
are and what you believe in. Consider great humanitarians. Mother Teresa, Gandhi, and
Martin Luther King all lived by doctrines. These beliefs provided them with meaning and
purpose. Everything they did was inspired by these principles. Too many of us settle for
lives devoid of meaning and thus incomplete.

Main Activity
My Reflections/ Insights

Explain in your own words what each philosophy said?

The goal of education, according to Perennialists, is to ensure that students understand

the great ideas of Western civilization. These concepts have the potential to solve
problems in any time period. The main focus is on having to teach ideas that are
eternal, on seeking enduring truths that are constant and therefore do not change.
Essentialists believe that there is a common core of knowledge that must be passed
down to students in a systematic and disciplined manner. The emphasis in this
conservative viewpoint is on intellectual and moral standards that should be taught in

Education, according to progressivists, should focus on the whole child rather than on
the content or the teacher. This educational philosophy emphasizes the importance of
students testing ideas through active experimentation. Learning is rooted in the
questions that learners have as a result of their experiences in the world. It is active
rather than passive.

Social reconstructionism is a philosophy that focuses the resolution of social issues and
the pursuit of a better society and global democracy. Reconstructionist educators
emphasize social reform as the goal of education in their curricula.

Eclecticism is a conceptual approach that would not adhere to a specified scenario or

system of beliefs rigidly, but instead draws on various theories, styles, or ideas to gain
complementary insights into a subject, or applies conflicting ideas in specific cases.

The Summerhill theory holds that whenever a child has seen enough enjoyable, he will
start to work and experience difficulties, and I believe that this theory has been validated
by our students' ability to do a good job even when it involves a lot of undesirable

As far as I can tell, Existentialism denies the existence of any objective, definitive
source of facts in metaphysics, epistemology, and ethics. Individuals must instead
decide for themselves what is "true" or "false," "right" or "wrong," "beautiful" or "ugly."
According to the existentialist, there is no universal form of human nature; we all have
the freedom to develop as we see fit.

Which among the seven philosophies you believe the most or might likely you will follow
most when you’re already a teacher?

It’s the progressivist, because for me when I become an educator I rather to focus on
my pupils to give them knowledge and wisdom

Post Activity
My Portfolio

A. Using any graphic organizer, compare and contrast the different philosophies in

Rubrics for Grading Graphic Organizer

Organization 30 %
Completeness 30 %
Understanding of topic 40 %

TOTAL 100 %





FS 1 WEEK 3 September 20-24, 2021

Preliminary Activity

I’m sure you have a favorite teacher. Describe your favorite teacher and mention his/her
characteristics that you like most.

I would describe the best teacher I ever had as a compassionate individual with
boundless enthusiasm and energy for life. A person who looked forward to going to work
every day, who saw the wonder in every student, who was knowledgeable in subject
matter with the ability to translate it to young minds that student will listen to her also
because of his personality it seemed instinctively know what each student needed, even
financially she gave what his/her student needs I was really inspired on this wonderful
teacher Mrs.Magdalena Arelis on of a kind person I have met.

Main Activity

My Analysis

1. Read the following personal characteristics effective teachers possess. Explain

each one of them.

● Enthusiasm

Enthusiastic teachers appear interested, confident, energetic, and friendly

yet are engaged and dramatic when teaching who maintain eye contact with
students, use varied pitch, volume, and pauses as well as insist that students
achieve success. Have a sense of humor and can laugh at themselves,
maintain a quick lesson pace beside can use movement to maintain interest
and attention.

● Warmth and Humor

The warm and humorous teachers greet his/her students by name also learn
about and comment upon students’ life outside of class, who smile frequently
convey personality; are true to themselves likewise can encourage students
to approach with any topic or problem as well as will take the time to ensure
that ALL students are successful, although keenly interested in getting to
know students, will not lower expectations or “join” students socially.

● Credibility

Credible teachers are open, honest, and equitable. Solicit student input
about lessons/course, clearly define expectations, explain the importance or
rationale for learning , which are concerned about student success, have
high expectations for success.Clearly inform students of lesson objectives,
provide extended, well-organized explanations also gives a set reasonable
but attainable expectations, consistently adhere to high expectations. Call
upon all students frequently and seldom interrupt, provide extensive,
frequent, and specific feedback, use wait time to allow students time to
respond as well as solicit and incorporate input from students as they teach.

● High Expectations for Success

According to Brophy 2008 when teachers have high expectations for

students and provide tasks that are engaging and of high interest, students
build self-esteem, increase confidence and improve academic performance.
Studies show that a teacher's expectations have a huge impact on student
achievement. The best teachers have high expectations for all of their
students. They expect a lot from each student, but those expectations are
both challenging and realistic. This doesn't mean they hold all students to the
same high standard, but instead that they know what each student is capable
of individually and strive to help each one attain their personal best

● Encouraging/Supportive

Teachers who are encouraging and supportive use positive comments about
student abilities, which are aware of and comment upon improvement also
help students work through their own problems and evaluate their own work.

● Businesslike

Teachers who are businesslike are goal-oriented, serious, and deliberate,

well-organized, establish clear academic goals and communicate them to
students. Treat the academic content seriously and respectfully besides s/he
maximize the use of academic learning time and professional educators and
maintain professionalism

● Adaptable

Teachers who are adaptable are carefully consider students ’characteristics,

attributes, preferences, and interests when planning instruction.
Systematically and carefully monitor students learning both verbal and non-
verbal like wise adjust instruction accordingly .

2. See the following qualities of an effective teacher. Explain to each one of them.

● Expert communication skills

Think that the most important quality for a teacher to possess would be knowledge, since
that is what the job is about after all: sharing knowledge. But no matter how
knowledgeable a person is, if they can’t convey what they know to others in a way that is
both understandable and engaging, the knowledge itself is useless.

● Superior listening skills

In addition to being good communicators, great teachers usually are excellent listeners.
Effective communication only happens when at least two parties are actively involved in
the process together, and the only way to know if communication is heard is by asking
(and listening to the answer). In an ideal learning environment, teachers ask important
questions and then actively, carefully, empathetically listen to what learners have to say.
When good teachers develop this patient quality in themselves, they start to become
great. Great teachers listen hard and then use what they hear to improve the

● Deep knowledge and passion for their subject matter

Passion is infectious. Love of a subject matter inspires a person to learn more, dig
deeper, and think harder about it, so passion inspires deeper knowledge. Great teachers
are those that clearly love their subjects and pass that passion and desire to learn more
from their students. When the teacher not only has the right answer to a student’s
question but can expand the discussion with vivid examples, amusing illustrative
anecdotes, and relevant facts, and when the teacher has a deep well of understanding
and expertise to draw on, then every lesson is enriched, and every student might be
● The ability to build caring relationships with students

The best teachers understand the importance of building supportive and collaborative
environments. In addition to forming caring relationships with each student, the best
teachers foster healthy and mutually respectful relationships between the students. They
know how to establish guidelines and assign roles to enlist every student’s help and
participation. In order to create successful learning environments, great teachers need to
be able to build caring relationships with their students. The best teachers are often the
ones that care the most deeply, not only about their jobs, but about every student they
serve. It’s not enough just to love the subject matter: great teachers also share a love of
students. Caring about the students is what inspires teachers to reach out, do better,
communicate more, ask, learn, refine, and improve. Great teachers understand the need
for partnerships and reach out to parents and the wider community to strengthen school /
community relationships. School leaders, teachers, parents, and students all contribute to
the learning community and this participation and collaboration provides the framework for
student and institutional achievement.

● Friendliness and approachability

Great teachers are open, welcoming, and easy to approach. Students often need
clarification of concepts and answers to questions. Sometimes a shy student may feel shy
and unable to contribute within the class setting but finds it easier to approach the teacher
privately to seek guidance and advice. Great teachers can be mentors and coaches as
well as facilitators of learning.

● Excellent preparation and organization skills

Great teachers spend endless hours outside of the classroom preparing, designing
lessons, learning more (both about their subject matter specifically and how to teach, in
general), participating in professional development, and thinking of fresh and interesting
ways to reach the students. The best teachers have excellent lesson plans, lectures, and
assignments that they continually improve. They have studied extensively and read widely
about how to teach and methods to facilitate learning. They structure their lessons, weeks
and units in a way that fosters maximum understanding and interest. They collaborate
with other teachers and attend classes to learn more about their subject matter and how
to best convey it. They are available outside of class, and they grade papers quickly,
writing personal notes to help their students understand.

● Strong work ethic

Teachers really want to be great, and they’ll stop at nothing to succeed. A great teacher
will do almost anything to help their students. They always make time and they’re always
willing to help. If something doesn’t work, they’ll work tirelessly until they find a solution. A
teacher’s work is never done but the best ones never stop trying; they never quit.

● Community-building skills
Having a positively strong community is important for everyone. Building a strong rapport
with your community peers can make a positive impact in what is going on in your
community regarding everyone's happiness. People coming together and voicing one
opinion is much stronger than one solo voice standing on its own. Skills must poses are
excellent communication, interpersonal and team-building skills, good listening skills,
research and report-writing skills, and the ability to interpret or present data, knowledge
and understanding of community and social issues, a non-judgmental and positive
attitude, creative thinking and problem-solving ability, political, social and negotiating
skills, an understanding of how public sector bodies work compassion and the ability to
empathize with people's life experiences . With excellent communication, interpersonal
and team-building skills. good listening skills. research and report-writing skills, and the
ability to interpret or present data. knowledge and understanding of community and social

3. What code of conduct do professional teachers follow? Research on this and

summarize using your own words.

Every teacher must adhere to a code of conduct that requires them to speak out
against unhealthy and harmful customs and practices in modern society. Teachers
have the responsibility to push their learners to their full potential and to develop their
personality that no teacher shall participate in or encourage any type of examination or
other school-related malpractice. Every teacher is a team member who must
contribute to the establishment of a corporate culture in the school. Any teacher must
not reveal any confidential information about the Institution or Department. Private
tuition, private employment, or any other form of business is not permitted for

My Reflections/ Insights

What among the personal and professional attributes do I possess? Expound.

I must be consistent, accurate, and passionate about teaching because it is a compelling

force that arises from a natural love for children. Passionate teachers are spontaneous in
ministering to the needs of students, especially those who are struggling to learn. As a
person taking this course, enter the teaching profession, have a passion for learning and
be willing to share this passion with students beside it and enjoy working with a specific
age group of children.

Post Activity

My Portfolio

Interview your cooperating teacher. (since you have no cooperating teacher yet, you may
interview any teacher you know) Ask about the personal and professional attributes she
believes a teacher should have.
Decode the course of your interview.- name of teacher, school where he/she is teaching,
date of interview, questions asked and answers given.

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