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1. Circle all the pictures of people that are included in your family:
Get the question correct if the student circles family members
2. Draw a timeline using examples:

Correct if the student draws a timeline

Not correct if student draws a question mark or doesn’t draw a correct timeline
3. Circle the month in green, the date in blue, and the whole week in purple:

Correct if student circles the month in green, the date in blue, and the whole week in purple
Incorrect if student does not do those things or ?
4. Draw a picture of something that you did in the past, what you are doing in the present,
and what you will do in the future. Label them.

Correct if student draws pictures and labels them and the pictures make sense i.e. getting
dressed in the past, sitting in the present, and on a bus for the future
Incorrect if ? or student attempts to draw/label items but they don’t make sense like sleeping in
the present or being born in the future
5. Using what you know draw a picutre of school life in the past and school life now.

Correct if student uses examples of what we talked about like one-room school houses or out
Incorect if ? or student draws pictures that don’t make sense like people going to school in a
school bus in the past instead of a horse drawn carriage or a picture of students using slate
boards in school now

6. Draw your family tree.

Correct if students draw family tree and at lest tries to make connections with family members

Incorrect if ? or there are just random names

Possible 6/6 points

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