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Teacher: Elizabeth Otim Date: 10/02/2018 Time: 50 minutes Grade Level:


Topic: Getting Ideas and Writing Story

Summary: In this lesson, 1. students will hear and discuss a story, 2. generate ideas about what
they will do when they get bigger, 3. take turns talking and listen, 4. share writing ideas in pairs,
and 5. draw and write about what they will do when they get bigger.

I. Content and Standards: VA

K. 1: Student will build oral communication skills.

· a). Listen actively and speak using agreed-upon rules for discussion.
· K. 7: The student will expand vocabulary and use of word meanings.
· a). Increase vocabulary by listening to a variety of texts read aloud.
· K.10.c.: Use letters to phonetically spell words that describe pictures or
 g). Share writing with others
II. Prerequisites: Can draw story and write what the story is about.

III. Goal:

 Writers understand that writing stores are about one thing or idea.
 Writers share and listen to each other’s stories.
 Writers understand how to communicate meaning through drawings and

IV. Essential Questions:

o What makes a good story?

o How can I show my ideas?

o Vocabulary: From the book When I get Bigger by Mercer Mayer.

o Allowance: weekly money from parents. (p.6).

o Two-wheeler: bicycle with two wheels. (p.13).

o Paper route: job delivering newspapers to neighbors. (p.13).

o Catalog: booklet that has pictures of things to buy. (p.17).

V. Instructional Objective (s):

 Students will share their ideas and thinking with a partner before drawing and
writing story.
 Students will draw, write, and add details to their story.

 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Students will create a story by planning it first, draw it, add
detail, and then write about it.

VI. Instructional Procedures:

a) Before: 15 minutes

1. Invite students to the carpet.

2. Discuss working in pairs: You have learned “Turn to Your Partner” to share

your thinking. This week, we will continue working to use “Turn to Your
Partner” as you hear and talk about stories and write stories of your own.

3. I will ask, “What will you do to make sure you and your partner both get a

chance to talk today?” (Student might say, “We’ll take turns,” “I’ll say,
“It’s your turn,” or I won’t start talking until my partner is done.”

4. As you “Turn to Your Partner,” take turns talking.

5. I will read aloud When I Get Bigger by Mercer Mayer. I will stop on (p.11)

and ask questions and have students turn and talk to partners about the
questions? “What will little Critter do when he gets bigger? Turn to your

6. Discuss story and ask, “What else will little Critter do when he get bigger?

7. What do you want to do when you get bigger? I will have a 1to 2 volunteers

to share with the class. I will explain that today, they will write stories
about what they will do when they get bigger.

8. I will show students my example of what I want to do when I gets bigger to

b. During: 35 minutes

1. I will have students discuss their ideas with a partner while supplies helper
put out pencils and crayons.

2. Call students by tables to go back to their sits and start drawing their story
about what they want to do when they get bigger.

3. Students will pick one thing they want to do when they get bigger and draw
and write about it.

4. I will ask students to work quietly on their story.

5. Students will share their stories.

c. After: 5 minute

1. Reflection: Today, you all talked with your partners about the story When I

Get Bigger and about what you will do when you get bigger, “Did you and
your partner both get a chance to talk today? What did you do to make
sure you both got a chance to talk?

2. What will you do tomorrow so you both have a chance to talk?

3. So, tomorrow partners will have another chance to talk and share ideas.
II. Materials and Equipment:

 Pencil
 Paper
 Crayon
 When I Get Bigger by Mercer Mayer

III. Assessment/Evaluation:

 Students completed their work and share with the class.

IV. Differentiation:

 Define vocabulary using hand gesture and acting it out.

V. Disabilities:

 Special education instructional assistant will be in the room to help with special
needs students.
 Will work closely with student.

VI. English Language Learners (ELLs):

 ELL instructional assistant will be in the room to help with ELLs students.
 Will work closely with student.

VII. Technology: none

VIII. Self-Assessment:

 I will ask students to put their thumb up, sideways, or down if they understand
what it means to take turns with a partner when talking or sharing ideas?

When I Get Bigger by Mercer Mayer
Being A Writer. (2014). Emeryville, CA: Developmental Studies Center.

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