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Name(s): Aurora Macek and Gabriela Ibanez

Lesson Title: Alien Creation Habitat Day 2 Grade Level: 3

S & S Statements:

Through the creation of their own alien and its habitat students will expand their imagination and
learn how the parts of a body function together to create a working whole world, how other artists have
created whole new worlds for our entertainment

Concepts and Skills: Using inspiration from alien creations in previous lesson in class, students will have to
create an environment through their imagination where their organism can function

Academic Language: habitat, herbivore, carnivore, mechanical, organic

Purpose of Lesson (Overall Lesson Objective):

To engage in thinking of new environments where their alien can function

Learning Objectives (List State Standard(s):

VA:Cr1 1.3:
a. elaborates on an imaginative idea


a. Develop a work of art based on observations of surroundings.

VaCn10 1.3- Develop a work of art based on understanding of surroundings

Given thick paper, colored pencil, marker, and scissors, students will demonstrate their knowledge about
functional anatomy, habitat, and environment through the creation of their own alien that will later be placed in
its own 3D habitat

Given examples of previously conceived aliens and their worlds created, students will demonstrate their
understanding of how animals operate in their environments through the creation of an alien and its own

Assessment Criteria:
Students will be graded on the individuality and creativity of their alien, as well as their ability to explain
their alien’s anatomy in regards of their parts to a whole, their parts with in conjunction to one another or how
they function into their environment within their habitat and their ability to demonstrate that knowledge with the
technical skills of drawing
Teaching Resources Needed to Support the Lesson:
Overhead projector or some powerpoint viewing device

Art Materials Necessary for the Lesson:

Paper, 8x10
Aliens creations from previous lesson
Colored pencil,

Teacher Directed Activities Student Activities

Introduction: Introduction:
Powerpoint presentation on how aliens can function
inside their habitat. Watch powerpoint presentation.
Be able to identify how specific parts of alien
Development: Showing students where their skies and autonomy would function inside a habitat
grounds will be in their habitat. Explaining the
importance of including foods they would eat, plants that Development:
would on their planets and outer space elements that they Draw in pencils elements of student’s habitat that
will see on their horizon line, working in conjunction they would like to include, then outline those
working the alien they had created. elements in black marker and then coloring those
Allow time for students to work on their habitat elements using color pencils and crayons. Glue
Show students how to glue their habitat to create a 3D together habitat to create 3D structure

Conclusion: Conclusion:
Show students how to insert their aliens with their 3D Glue alien into 3D environment as a pop up, as well
habitat as any other elements of the habitat they ish would
appear three dimensional

Critical Comments and Reflections:

(Problems, successes, differentiated learners, and what to think about for next lesson)

Today was a success, the children got extremely excited to do the alien habitat. The only problem is because
the kids got so excited then end up getting out of their seats a lot and distracting others.
For next time I need to one, have a louder voice and two, keep the classroom under control when the students get

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