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You just came home from visiting your friend Elizabeth in England.

Now, you can’t

find your MP3 player. Write a card to Elizabeth. In your card you should

-thank her for hosting you and tell her you had a good time

-ask if you have left you MP3 player at her house.

-describe it and suggest where she should look for it.

Hello Elizabeth

Thank you for hosting me. I have had never been before in England and I had a
good time. I missed can’t find my MP3 player. It is possible, what is it in your house?Is
it possible that I left it at your house? It is a red small plastic mp3 player. Why don’t
you look for it in the kitchen?


Mark: 1/6 ( y si acaso, porque fallas en todas las frases  ) Formatted: Spanish (Spain)
Formatted: Spanish (Spain)
Writing 100 (I’m going to Spain in June! I’m so excited, but I want to lose a bit of weight and
get fit in the few months, so that I feel comfortable at the beach. How can I do it?)

Hello Gary

It is was a surprise to hear from you, because I thought you were busy having your
house fixing.

Last year, I had the same problem as I didn`t use to do any exercise. Then I asked my
uncle. I was told that if he were me, he’d take up going to a gym therefore I joined a gym and I
have got fit since then.

First, you should take upgo to a gym which has good personal trainers. Besides, you
ought to take carepay attention to your diet and, then, you could run every day.

See you soon

Los consejos son: should had better ought to if I were you why don’t you how about … hay
para elegir

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