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Geometry Math 1 Unit Test


1. Explain how a line segment differs from a line.

a. A line segment has endpoints​​ while a line continues forever.
b. A line segment continues forever, while a line has endpoints
c. A line segment has points and a line does not
d. They are the same thing
2. How are the slopes of parallel lines related?
a. Parallel lines have the same slope.
b. The slopes of parallel lines are negative reciprocals of each other
c. The slopes are not related
d. The slopes of parallel lines are negatives of each other
3. How are the slopes of perpendicular lines related?
a. Perpendicular lines have the same slope.
b. The slopes of perpendicular lines are negative reciprocals of each other
c. The slopes are not related
d. The slopes of perpendicular lines are negatives of each other

Are these lines in questions 4-6 below parallel, perpendicular, or neither?

4) a) ​Parallel ​5) a) Parallel

b) Perpendicular ​b) Perpendicular
c) Neither c) Neither
6) a) Parallel
b) Perpendicular
​ c) Neither

7.What is the midpoint between the points (0,4) and (3,-1)?

A) (1,2) B) (2,½) C) (⅔,⅔) D)​ (3/2,3/2)
For the lines and point below, find a perpendicular line, through the given point and give the
equation of the perpendicular line.

8. a) ​y = -½x 9. a) ​y = 2x - 3
b) y = ½ x b) y = 2x + 3
c) y = 2x c) y = 2x - 2
d) y = -2x d) y = 2x + 2

10. Give an example of where you would see parallel and perpendicular lines in daily life.
Example answers parallel: Train tracks, yellow lines on roads.
Example answers perpendicular: Traffic intersection, the letter X,

11. What is a real life example, other than the ones listed on this test, of when you would use
area or perimeter?
Carpeting your house, filling in concrete for a sidewalk, measuring out the distance of a
track or field.
Use the figure below to answer questions 12 and 13.

11. What is the area of this figure (Round to the nearest hundredth)?
A) 10 B) ​12.5​ C) 17 D) 9

12. What is the perimeter of the figure (Round to the nearest hundredth)?
A) 17.07 B) 12.07 C) 10 D) 13.47

14. One corner of a square is at the point (0,0). The square has perimeter 8 and area 4. Which
of the following could ​not​​ be coordinates of the other 3 points in the square?
A) (2,0); (0,2); (2,2)
B) (2,0); (0,-2); (2,-2)
C) (-2,0); (-2,0); (-2,-2)
D) (-2,0); (-2,0); (2,2)
Use the figure below to answer questions 15 and 16.

15. What is the area of this figure (Round to the nearest hundredth)?
A) 12 B)​ ​17 C) ​18 ​ D) 15

16. What is the perimeter of the figure (Round to the nearest hundredth)?
A) 19.21 B) 10.21 C) 17.01 D) 9

17. What is the midpoint between the points(-3,2) and (1,7)?

A) (-1,9/2)​ B) (-1,4) C) (½,3) D)​ ​(0,4)

18. Jessica owns a square field with perimeter 400 meters and she wants to turn the field into
lots of courts for her new made up sport called Kneeball. Kneeball courts have perimeter of 100
meters. What is the best shape for Kneeball courts if Jessica wants to fit the maximum amount
of courts in her field, given that there is no space between courts?
A) Square.
B) Circles
C) Rectangles
D) Trapezoids

19. How many kneeball courts can she fit in her field?
400/4 = 100. 100^2 = 10,000. 100/4 = 25. 25^2 = 625. 10,000/625 =
A) 16
B) 20
C) 15
D) 8
20. Jessica now wants to build a asphalt track around her field of Kneeball courts for families to
walk while their kids play Kneeball. She thinks that a track that is two meters in width would be
best for her field. If the track is supposed to go all the way around the edges of her field, what is
the total area of her new track?
4*(100*2)=800 meters squared for sides +16 meters squared for corners=
A) 924 m2
B) 816 m2
C) 916 m2
D) 1024 m2

21. Given the line y=4x+2, answer the following questions:

A) Label the parts of this equation (What do the 4 and the 2 represent?).
4 is the slope, 2 is the intercept

B) What do these parts do to the graph of the line?

The slope is the rate of change of the graph, the intercept is where the line
intercepts the y axis.

C) Graph this line on the coordinate grid below.

D) Graph a parallel line to this line on the coordinate grid above. Explain how you
know that these lines are parallel.
The slopes of the lines are the same

E) Write a short description explaining what this equation could represent in real life.
Example: Dave is an apple picker at a local orchard. Dave starts with 2 apples on
Monday, and every day his number of apples increases by 4.

22. For the line y=-x +3,

A) Find the equation of the ​perpendicular​ line that passes through the point (-2,3)

B) Find the equation of the ​perpendicular​ line that passes through the point (4,5)

C) Are the lines from part A and part B parallel, perpendicular, or neither? Explain
how you know.

23. For the line y=6x +2,

A) Find equation of the ​parallel​ line that passes through the point (3,5)
B) Find the equation of the ​perpendicular​ line that passes through the point (-6,-1)

C) Are the lines from part A and part B parallel, perpendicular, or neither? Explain how you

24. Jesse was recently given a new puppy and she has decided to fence in her yard for the
puppy. Jesse first graphs the shape of her yard on the plot below. If each meter of fence costs
$1.60, how much does she need to spend total in order to fence her yard? Assume each unit is
measured in meters.

25. Jesse now wants to know how much area has she given to her puppy to play in? What is the
area of her now fenced in yard?

Extra Credit:
Write a brief set of rules and goals for Jessica’s new game of Kneeball.

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