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MADS 1600


The line has an equation in the form y = mx + b,
where m and b are positive constants. The line
cross point E(3, k) and F(–5, 8). Which of the
following statements about k is true ?
A) The values of k is positive.
B) The values of k is negative.
C) The values of k could be a negative or
positive number
D) The value of k = 0


x f(x)
0 5
2 45
5 1215
For an exponential function f, the table shows
several values of x and their corresponding
values of f(x). Which of the following could
define f ?
A) f(x)=15x
B) f(x)=5(3x)
C) f(x)=53x
D) f(x)=35x
MADS 1600

y < 2x – 4
y > – 3x + 1
Which of the following shaded regions
represents all the solutions of the given system
of inequalities ?



MADS 1600


By 7 AM, of all students were in school. Half
an hour later, 100 more students arrived, raising
the attendance to of the total students. How
many students are in this school ?

A) 200
B) 220
C) 240
D) 280

To make fruit punch, grapefruit juice, orange
juice, and lemonade are mixed in with a ratio of
4:3:1 by volume, respectively. In order to make
4 liters of this drink, how much orange juice, in
liters, is needed ?

A) 1
B) 1.5
C) 2
D) 2.5
MADS 1600

A radioactive substance decays at an annual
rate of 13 percent. If the initial amount of the
substance is 325 grams, which of the following
functions f models the remaining amount of the
substance, in grams, t years later ?

A) f(t) = 325(0.13)𝑡

B) f(t) = 325(0.87)𝑡

C) f(t) = 0.87(325)𝑡
D) f(t) = 0.13(325)𝑡


The figure above shows a metal hex nut with

two regular hexagonal faces and a thickness of
1 cm. The length of each side of a hexagonal
face is 2 cm. A hole with a diameter of 2 cm is
drilled through the nut. The density of the metal
is 7.9 grams per cubic cm. What is the mass of
this nut, to the nearest gram ?
( Rounding to the nearest hundredths)
MADS 1600

In a circle with center O, central angle AOB has
a measure of radians. The area of the sector
formed by central angle AOB is what fraction of
the area of the circle ?
A) 4
B) 4
C) 8
D) 4
Which of the following is equal to –2 for some
value of m ?
A) |𝑚 − 2| − 2
B) |𝑚 − 2| + 2
C) |2 − 𝑚| − 1
D) |2 + 𝑚| + 2

Figure Not Drawn to Scale

MADS 1600

The function f and g, defined by 𝑓 (𝑥 ) = 6𝑥 2 − 24

and 𝑔(𝑥 ) = −6𝑥 2 + 24, are graphed in the xy-
plane above. The graphs above intersect at the
points (𝑐, 0) and (−𝑐, 0). What is the value of c ?

A) –2
B) 0
C) 2
D) 4

If the polynomial 𝑃(𝑥), has factors of 6, (𝑥 − 4),
and (𝑥 + 5), Which of the following must also
be a factor of 𝑃(𝑥 ) ?

A) 6𝑥 2 − 24
B) 6𝑥 2 + 30
C) 𝑥 2 − 8𝑥 + 16
D) 3𝑥 2 + 3𝑥 − 60

Oscar spent a total of $9.60 for ground beef and
coffee. The coffee cost 2 times as much per
pound as the ground beef, and he bought 3 times
as many pounds of ground beef as pounds of
coffee. How much, in dollars, did Oscar spend
on coffee ?

13. x – √𝑥 + 11 = m.
The equation has 2 real solutions and different
between of these is 3. What is the value of m ?
MADS 1600


In the figure above, O is the center of the circle

and AC is tangent to the circle at D. If triangle
ABC is equilateral, what is the ratio 𝐴𝐶 ?
The linear function f(x) has f(a) = f(a + 2) + 10.
Which is the slope of f(x) – 8 ?

The tables below give the distribution of high
temperatures in degrees Fahrenheit (°F) for
City A and City B over the same 21 days in
City A City B

Temperature Frequency Temperature Frequency

(°F) (°F)
80 3 80 6
79 14 79 3
78 2 78 2
77 1 77 4
76 1 76 6
MADS 1600

Which of the following is true about the data

shown for these 21 days ?
A) The standard deviation of temperatures in
City A is larger.
B) The standard deviation of temperatures in
City B is larger.
C) The standard deviation of temperatures in
City A is the same as that of City.
D) The standard deviation of temperatures in
these cities cannot be calculated with the data
If 4m + 5n is equal to 250 percent of 4n, what is
the value of ?

A polling agency wanted to test whether a ballot
measure would pass with greater than 50% yes
votes. The agency sampled 1,000 registered
voters selected at random, and 50.6% of the
voters favored the ballot measure. The margin
of error associated with this poll was ± 3%.
Based on the poll's results, which of the
following statements must be true ?
A) The percentage of voters who will vote yes
for the ballot measure is 50.6%.
B) The ballot measure will pass with more yes
votes than no votes, but the percentage of votes
it will receive cannot be predicted.
C) The ballot measure will pass with at least
53.6% of the vote.
MADS 1600

D) The poll's results do not provide sufficient

evidence to conclude that the ballot measure
will pass.

A high school library spends $2000 a year on
algebra workbooks for the students. The average
price for algebra workbooks bought this year was
2 dollars more than the average price last year.
Because of the price increase, the school was
forced to buy 50 fewer math workbooks. Which
of the following equations best describes the
value of p, the number of algebra workbooks that
the school bought last year ?
2000 2000
A) = 𝑝 − 50 – 2

2000 2000
B) = –2
𝑝 𝑝 + 50

2000 2000
C) 𝑝 − 50 = –2

2000 2000
D) 𝑝 + 50 = –2

x² + y² + 10x – 16y = p
The equation above defines a circle in the xy-
plane and p is a constant. If the area of the circle
is 81π, what is the value of p ?
A) 11
B) 8
C) – 8
D) –11
MADS 1600

If the volume of a cube is 27( ) where a is a
positive constant, which of the following gives
the total surface area of the cube ?

A) 27( 4 )

B) 27( 2 )

C) 9( 4 )

D) 3( 2 )


In the xy-plane above, what is the measure, in

radians, of angle AOB ?

A) 3
B) 2
D) 12
MADS 1600


Consider the circle whose center is at (0, 2) and
whose radius is 5. What is the equation of the line
that is tangent to this circle at the point (3, 6) ?
A) 𝑦 = 3𝑥 + 6
B) 𝑦 = 3𝑥 + 2
3 15
C) 𝑦 = −4𝑥 + 4
3 33
D) 𝑦 = −4𝑥 + 4

The above pie chart represents the operating

costs for Deerfield High School in 2014.The cost
for health care benefits in 2014 is $4,100,000.
What is the cost for utilities ?
MADS 1600

A) $586,113
B) $637,431
C) $759,259
D) $817,437
2 5
𝑥 − 𝑦 = −7
3 9
𝑏𝑥 − 𝑦 = 17
In the system of equations above, b is a
constant. If the system has no solution, what is
the value of b ?

A) – 3.75
B) 3.75
C) 4
D) 4.4

Claire is trying to get in shape for a town
summer walking tour. She starts her exercise by
walking on the treadmill for 20 minutes on the
first day. She adds 5 minutes each day before
the tour. At this rate how many minutes will she
be walking on the treadmill on the 20th day ?

A) 80
B) 100
C) 115
D) 120
MADS 1600


The scatterplot shows the relationship between

two variables, x and y. A line of best fit is also
shown. For how many of the data points does
the line of best fit predict a greater y-value than
the actual y-value ?
A) 11
B) 7
C) 4
D) 1

A bush fire is sighted on the other side of a

canyon at points A and B as shown in the figure
above. Find the width, in feet, of the canyon.
MADS 1600

y ≥ −3x +1200
y ≥ 15x + 300
In the xy-plane above, a point with coordinates (r, s)
lies in the solution set of the system of inequalities
above. What is the minimum possible value of s ?

The daily cost of phone services in a business
building is $.25 per hour from 9 AM through 9
PM, and $.06 per hour at any other hours of the
day. Which of the following expressions
represents the cost, in dollars, of the phone
service starting from 9 AM and lasting for 20
hours a day over 30 days ?

A) 30.11(.25) + 30(20 – 11)(.06)

B) 30.12(.25) + 30(20 – 12)(.06)
C) 30.13(.25) + 30(20 – 13)
D) 30.12(.25) + 30(.06)

For b > a, the product of 4 and (b – a) is equal
to the average of a and b. If b is 63, what is a ?

A) 42
B) 45
C) 49
D) 50
MADS 1600

A university wants to determine the dietary
preferences of the students in its freshman class.
Which of the following survey methods is most
likely to provide the most valid results ?

A) Selecting a random sample of 600 students

from the university.
B) Selecting a random sample of 300 students
from the university’s freshman class.
C) Selecting a random sample of 600 students
from the university’s freshman class.
D) Selecting a random sample of 600 students
from one of the university’s freshman dining

If a and b are positive integers and 8(24𝑎 ) = 23
, what is b in terms of a ?
A) a + 1
B) a + 2
C) 2a + 1
D) 2a + 3

A smartphone costs $15 more than five times
the cost of a basic cell phone. If the smartphone
and the basic phone together cost $615, how
much more does the smartphone cost than the
basic phone ?
MADS 1600

If 15% of 𝑥 is equal to 10% of 𝑦, which of the
following is equivalent to 𝑦 ?

A) 200% of 𝑥
B) 150% of 𝑥
C) 100% of 𝑥
D) 75% of 𝑥
If the average (arithmetic mean) of 𝑎, 𝑏 and 𝑐
is 𝑚, which of the following is the average of
𝑎, 𝑏, 𝑐 and 𝑑 ?

2𝑚 + 𝑑
A) 3
B) 2
3𝑚 + 𝑑
C) 4
𝑚 + 2𝑑
D) 2

Segment ̅̅̅̅
𝐴𝐵 is the diameter of a circle with center
O. Another point C lies on circle O. If AC = 5 and
BC = 12, what is the area of circle O ?

A) 𝜋
B) 𝜋
C) 100 𝜋
D) 50 𝜋
MADS 1600

How does the graph of f (x) = (x + 2)(x – 4)
compare with the graph of g(x) = x² ?
A) The graph of g(x) is moved to the left 1 unit
and up 9 units.
B) The graph of g(x) is moved to the right 1
unit and down 8 units.
C) The graph of g(x) is moved to the left 1 unit
and down 9 units.
D) The graph of g(x) is moved to the right 1
unit and down 9 units.
y ≤ −x² + 4x + 5
y ≥ −x + 5
In the xy-plane, if a point with coordinates (a,
b) lies in the solution set of the system of
inequalities above, what is the maximum
possible value of b ?
The effectiveness of a mineral supplement in the soil on
the growth of a particular species of plant is being
studied. A botanist planted 1,000 seeds in a greenhouse
so that the growing conditions for all seeds would be as
identical as possible. The seeds were obtained from two
500-seed packages. The seeds from one package were
planted in soil that had the supplement added, and the
seeds from the second package were planted in soil that
did not have the supplement added. How should the
experiment be changed to allow the researcher to
conclude whether the supplement has an effect on plant
growth ?
MADS 1600

A) One of the packages of seeds should be

planted outdoors rather than in a greenhouse.
B) Half of the seeds from each package
should be randomly assigned to each soil type.
C) All 1,000 seeds should receive the
D) No changes to the experiment are needed.
James wants to cover a rectangular box with
wrapping paper. The box has a square base with
an area of 25 square inches. The volume of the
box is 100 cubic feets. How many square inches
of wrapping paper will James need to exactly
cover all faces of the box, including the top and
the bottom ?
A) 130
B) 290
C) 1600
D) 4050
𝜋 𝜋
sin(2x – ) = sin(x + )
12 12

In the equation above, the angle measures are in

radians. Which of the following could be the
value of x ?
MADS 1600


In the xy-plane above, a dilation with center O

and scale factor 3 transforms triangle ABC to
triangle DEF. Which of the following
statements is NOT true ?
A) The perimeter of triangle DEF is 3 times
the perimeter of triangle ABC.
B) The measure of angle E is 3 times the
measure of angle B.
C) The length of AB is 3 the length of DE.
D) Angle A is congruent to angle D.

Line 𝑙 intersects ST between Sand T and also

passes through the origin. Which of the
following could be line 𝑙's slope ?
MADS 1600

A) – 2
B) – 1
C) 2

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