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YPJT Climb to 600 feet, turn crosswind, continue climbing to 1000 ft, level off,
track 115. (course 115, heading is 30 deg intercept, when the 2 needles are
5 degrees apart, turn to intercept 115)
Abeam lakes Alt 3500, Radio 135.25, 120.3. Transponder VFR (1200)
Pre-climb checks, climb to 2000. Track 106, Alt 3500, Time +2.
ARE shopping centre Time, turn, transmit later, pre-climb checks, climb to 3500, DAC (Mount
+ intersection Dale 11o’clock 15nm, Canning Dam 11 o’clock 5nm), Transmit.
Perth Center, YGI, Request.
Perth Center, C172, YGI, passing 2500 climbing 3500, past ARE, tracking
Brookton, request traffic.
CLEAR OFF Landing light off.
CLEAR OFF, log ETA (Brookton: long flat silos eastern edge of town)
36DME Switch frequency near Dale River/ West Dale 120.3, 135.25. 126.7, 129.35.
2min from BTON Track 230, Alt 4500, Time +2
BTON Orbit around BTON, plan diversion to WDR, after that do Time, turn,
transmit not required.
DAC Mount Dale 2o’clock 20nm, road diverging away at 10 o’clock
direction, Mount Saddleback 11 o’clock 40nm. Pre-climb checks, climb to
Reaching Hastings Plan diversion from WDR to YSEN. Draw line, fill up paper, 10 min marker,
diversion consideration.
2min from WDR Track 292, Alt 3500, time +2
WDR Time, turn, transmit not required. DAC Northern edge of Boddington Mines
11o’clock, Huntly Mine 12o’clock 20nm, Lake Banksiadale 1 o’clock, 20nm.
Pre-descend check, descend to 3500ft.
CLEAROFF CLEAROFF + 36 DME. Switch frequency 135.25 118.1. 119.1, 129.35
overhead Huntly Mines.
6min from YSEN Serpentine traffic, C172 YGI, 10nm south east, 2500 tacking 332, to
overfly, estimated time overhead XX, Serpentine.
Weather + aerodrome brief for YSEN
2min from YSEN Track 014, Alt 1500, time +2.
YSEN Time, turn, transmit Serpentine traffic, YGI departing overhead 2500,
tracking 014, Serpentine. Frequency 135.25, 118.1, 129.35, 120.9
PFL near ABBA field
Inbound After PFL, go around at 700ft, climb back to 1500. Listen to ATIS.
FRECAAAT check Fuel both, fuel quantity check, radio switch, 118.1 124.3, engine Ts and Ps
green, compass DGI aligned, ATIS copied, airframe flaps up, altimeter set,
transponder 3000.
SIXS call
FDL call
Pre-landing checks

6min from YDWG Dwellingup traffic, C172, YGI, 10nm south east, 3500ft, tracking 292, to
overfly, estimated time overhead XX, Dwellingup.
Weather + aerodrome brief for YSEN
2min from YDWG Track 332, Alt 2500, time +2.
YDWG Time, turn, transmit Dwellingup traffic, YGI departing overhead 3500 shortly
descending 2500 tracking 332, Dwellingup.
DAC Huntly mine 3 o’clock 5nm, Escarpment slanted + converging 5nm 12
o’clock. Pre-descend checks, descend to 2500.
Landing lights on.

YPJT Climb to 600 feet, turn crosswind, continue climbing to 1000 ft, level off,
track 115. (course 115, heading is 30 deg intercept, when the 2 needles are
5 degrees apart, turn to intercept 115)
Abeam lakes Alt 3500, Radio 135.25, 120.3. Transponder VFR (1200)
Pre-climb checks, climb to 2000. Track 106, Alt 3500, Time +2.
ARE shopping centre Time, turn, transmit later, pre-climb checks, climb to 3500, DAC (Mount
+ intersection Dale 11o’clock 15nm, Canning Dam 11 o’clock 5nm), Transmit.
Perth Center, YGI, Request.
Perth Center, C172, YGI, passing 2500 climbing 3500, past ARE, tracking
Brookton, request traffic.
CLEAR OFF Landing light off.
CLEAR OFF, log ETA (Brookton: long flat silos eastern edge of town)
36DME Switch frequency near Dale River/ West Dale 120.3, 135.25. 126.7, 129.35.
2min from BTON Track 230, Alt 4500, Time +2
BTON Time, turn, transmit not required.
DAC Mount Dale 2o’clock 20nm, road diverging away at 10 o’clock
direction, Mount Saddleback 11 o’clock 40nm.
Pre-climb checks, climb to 4500.
CLEAROFF CLEAROFF + Boddington Brief
Near Hastings Plan diversion from BODD to YDWG. Draw line, fill up paper, 10 min
marker, diversion consideration.
2min from BODD Track 292, Alt 3500, time +2
BODD Time, turn, transmit not required. DAC Southern edge of Boddington Mines
12o’clock, Huntly Mine 1 o’clock 20nm.
CLEAROFF CLEAROFF + plan diversion from YWDG to YSEN. Draw line, fill up paper,
10 min marker, diversion consideration.
6min from YDWG Dwellingup traffic, C172, YGI, 10nm south east, 3500ft, tracking 292, to
overfly, estimated time overhead XX, Dwellingup.
Weather + aerodrome brief for YDWG. Pre-descend check, descend 3500.
2min from YDWG Track 332, Alt 2500, time +2.
YDWG Time, turn, transmit Dwellingup traffic, YGI departing overhead 3500 shortly
descending 2500 tracking 332, Dwellingup.
DAC Huntly mine 3 o’clock 5nm, Escarpment converging 5nm 12 o’clock.
Landing lights on. Pre-descend checks, descend to 2500.
CLEAROFF CLEAROFF + 36 DME. Switch frequency 135.25 118.1. 119.1, 129.35
6min from YSEN Serpentine traffic, C172 YGI, 10nm south east, 2500 tacking 332, to
overfly, estimated time overhead XX, Serpentine.
Weather + aerodrome brief for YSEN
2min from YSEN Track 014, Alt 1500, time +2.
YSEN Time, turn, transmit Serpentine traffic, YGI departing overhead 2500,
tracking 014, Serpentine. Frequency 135.25, 118.1, 129.35, 120.9
PFL near ABBA field
Inbound After PFL, go around at 700ft, climb back to 1500. Listen to ATIS.
FRECAAAT check Fuel both, fuel quantity check, radio switch, 118.1 124.3, engine Ts and Ps
green, compass DGI aligned, ATIS copied, airframe flaps up, altimeter set,
transponder 3000.
SIXS call
FDL call
Pre-landing checks
YPJT Climb to 600ft, turn crosswind, track Armadale, level off 1000ft
TAT for ARE: Track 098, altitude 2000, time +3 to CDM
Abeam Lakes ART + pre-climb check, climb to 2000ft, look for ref point, Baro3500.
ARE intersection + Time, turn, pre-climb check, climb to 3500ft, DAC, transmit, “Perth Centre,
shopping centre YGZ, request”, “Perth Centre, C172, YGZ, overhead Armadale passing
2000, climbing 3500, tracking Canning Dam, Pingelly, request traffic”
2min from CDM TAT for CDM. CRS 116 to PIY, altitude 3500
Overhead CDM TTT to PIY, DAC Mt Dale 11o’clock, Mt Cook (3 peaks) 2o’clock.
36DME Comm1 120.3 135.25, comm2 126.7 129.35, CLEAROFF
2min from PIY TAT for PIY. CRS 010 for YCUN,
Overhead PIY TTT to YCUN, DAC Yenyening Lakes 1o’clock, Beverley town 11o’clock,
Boddinton mine 8o’clock. Pre-climb checks, climb to 5500. CLEAROFF.
Aerodrome brief, 2nd CLEAROFF
8min from ETA Comm2 127.8, 129.35
6min from ETA Cunderdin Traffic, C172, YGZ, one zero nautical miles south, 5500ft
tacking 010, to overfly, estimated time overhead XX, Cunderdin.
2min from ETA TAT for YCUN. CRS 158, altitude 5500.
Overhead YCUN TTT to YQDG, Comm2: Cunderdin Traffic, YGZ, overhead, 5500ft, tracking
one five eight, Cunderdin.
DAC York/Mt Bakewell 3o’clock, Yenyening Lakes 1o’clock.
CLEAROFF and aerodrome brief.
8min from ETA Comm2 126.7, 129.35
6min from ETA Quairading Traffic, C172, YGZ, one zero nautical miles north, 5500ft
tracking 158, to overfly, estimated time overhead XX, Quairading.
2min from ETA TAT for YQDG, CRS 266, altitude 4500
Overhead YQDG TTT to MUE, Comm2: Quairading traffic, YGZ, overhead 5500ft, tracking
two six six, Quairading.
DAC Yenyening 10o’clock, Beverley town 11o’clock, Mt Bakewell 1o’clock.
Pre-descend checks, descend to 4500ft. CLEAROFF, position fix using
Position fix using Beverley town, 2nd CLEAROFF, Pre-descend checks,
descend to 3500ft for 46DME.
36DME Comms1 135.25, 118.1. Comms2 129.35, 120.9, switch to comm1
3rd CLEAROFF, TAT for MUE, CRS 262, altitude 3500.
Overhead MUE TTT
TAT for CDM, CRS 265, altitude 1500.
Overhead CDM Look out for Forrestdale lake, track south of it. Pre-descend checks, start
descending near escarpment.

Lost Procedure Trim and heading (align DGI + compass). Draw line from last fix to current
heading. Check time from last fix, use ground speed, mark “DR”, draw area
of uncertainty (10% distance travelled). Read Ground-Map, identity large
features to confirm position. Divert/1 in 60 to go to destination.
If still unsure, turn to major line feature/town, fix using 3 features.
If still unsure, calculate endurance
If South of Perth, track West towards Coast, then follow Coast to training
If North of Perth, contact area frequency, “request navigation/position
advisory” and follow ATC instructions. If no reply climb above 3500.
1 in 60 2/35 = 3.4/60 so out by 3deg. 2/40=3/60 so 3deg. Total 6deg correction
Diversion Check time. Go to a good spot to depart from. While flying/orbiting, draw
line from position to destination. Fill in the plans. Diversion considerations.
Draw 10minute markers when ready.
YPJT Climb to 600ft, turn crosswind, track Armadale, level off 1000ft
TAT for ARE: Track 098, altitude 2000, time +3 to CDM
Abeam Lakes ART + pre-climb check, climb to 2000ft, look for ref point, AAI 3500.
ARE intersection + Time, turn, pre-climb check, climb to 3500ft DAC, transmit, “Perth Centre,
shopping centre YUH, request”, “Perth Centre, C172, YUH, overhead Armadale passing
2000, climbing 3500, tracking Canning Dam, Mount Dale, Cunderdin,
request traffic”
TAT for CDM to MUE. Track 082 to MUE
Overhead CDM TTT to MUE, DAC Helena reservoir 10oclock, road cutting diagonally
across from north west to south east, power lines bending at 2oclock.
TAT for MUE to YCUN, track 059
Overhead MUE Time, turn, talk. DAC, valley with water body 9o’clock, pine trees 11o’clock,
Mount Bakewell 12o’clock. CLEAROFF and wx + aerodrome brief
36DME Comm1 120.3, comm2 126.7 (for Brooklands and White Gum), Comms1
Melbourne Centre, YUH, request. Melbourne Centre, C172, YUH, one zero
nautical miles south west of Brooklands, 3500, tracking YCUN, request
para activity in Delta186 Parallel divert for Brooklands
Brooklands traffic, C172, YUH one zero nautical miles south west, 3500ft,
tracking 059, to overfly. Estimating time overhead XX, Brooklands
wx + aerodrome brief Brooklands Traffic, YUS, departing overhead 3500,
tracking 059, Brooklands
8mins from ETA Comms2 change to 127.8
6mins from ETA Cunderdin Traffic, C172, YUH, one zero nautical miles south west, 3500
descending 2200, estimating circuits [time], Cunderdin
5mins from ETA Fuel both, mixture rich, engine Ts and Ps green, ref height, ref heading,
clear left centre right down, descend to 2200
ETA Overfly aerodrome, determine runway in use, left orbit to threshold number,
descend on dead side “Cunderdin traffic, YUH, descending 1700 on dead
side, runway [number], Cunderdin.
Cunderdin traffic, YUH, joining midfield crosswind, runway, Cunderdin
Cunderdin traffic, YUH, turning downwind, touch and go, runway,
Cunderdin traffic, YUH, turning base, runway. Cunderdin
Cunderdin traffic, YUH, turning final, touch and go, runway, Cunderdin
Leaving aerodrome After touch and go, turn to crosswind, do Track Altitude Time, continue
climbing. Turn to downwind, climb to about 2100ft. Turn overhead, comms
Cunderdin traffic, YUH, departing overhead, passing 2100 climbing 3500,
tracking 195, Cunderdin.
Overhead aerodrome Ensure 2200ft before overhead, then do TTT, DAC, CLEAROFF.
Lost Procedure Trim and heading (align DGI + compass). Draw line from last fix to current
heading. Check time from last fix, use ground speed, mark “DR”, draw area
of uncertainty (10% distance travelled). Read Ground-Map, identity large
features to confirm position. Divert/1 in 60 to go to destination.
If still unsure, turn to major line feature/town, fix using 3 features.
If still unsure, calculate endurance
If South of Perth, track West towards Coast, then follow Coast to training
If North of Perth, contact area frequency, “request navigation/position
advisory” and follow ATC instructions. If no reply climb above 3500.
1 in 60 2/35 = 3.4/60 so out by 3deg. 2/40=3/60 so 3deg. Total 6deg correction
Diversion Check time. Go to a good spot to depart from. While flying/orbiting, draw
line from position to destination. Fill in the plans. Diversion considerations.
Draw 10minute markers when ready.
36DME Comms1 135.25, 118.1. Comms2 129.35, 120.9
Near escarpment Pre-descend check, descend to 1500, track six-south

Procedure Station Frequenc Call

36DME Climb to 3500
46DME Climb to required altitude
10-TOD Weather + aerodrome brief
TOD radio, weather (ATIS, TAF, Area forecast), set altimeter,
(3500- 2600)/500 + 2 fuel both, mixture rich, engine Ts and Ps green, ref height, ref heading,
= 4min from ETA
power set to 1900rpm, trim for 500ft per min rate of descend.
Approaching YBUN YBUN 126.7 Listen out on Frequency for other traffic in area and
(8 minutes from ETA) CTAF respond if conflict exists
10nm from YBUN YBUN 126.7 Bunbury traffic, C172, YUS one-zero nautical miles
(6mins from ETA) CTAF north of Bunbury, 4500ft, tracking 186, to overfly.
Overflying Estimating time overhead 42, Bunbury.
10nm from YBUN YBUN 126.7 “Bunbury traffic, C172, YUS one zero nautical miles
(6mins from ETA) CTAF North, 3500 descending 1600, estimating circuits 24,
Circuits Bunbury.”
Joining circuit (fly overhead, check windsock, descend to circuit
height semi-circle, join crosswind)
Bunbury Traffic, YUS joining mid-field crosswind,
runway 07, Bunbury.
Turning base / Bunbury Traffic, YUS, turning base/downwind,
crosswind runway 07, Bunbury
Turning final Bunbury Traffic, YUS turning final runway 07, touch
and go, Bunbury.
Turning final (full YBUN 126.7 Bunbury Traffic, YUS, turning final runway 07, full-
stop) CTAF stop, Bunbury
Landed and clear of Bunbury Traffic, YUS, landed and clear of runway
runway 07, Bunbury
Clear of runway, Bunbury Traffic, YUS at Charlie, taxi via Alpha to the
ready for taxi parking area, Bunbury
Taxi for Departure Bunbury traffic, C172, YUS at parking area, taxi for
departure runway 07, Bunbury.
At holding point Bunbury Traffic, YUS entering and lining up runway
07, Bunbury
Runway require Bunbury Traffic, YUS, entering and back-tracking
backtrack runway 25, Bunbury
Departing on runway (before take-off power)
Bunbury Traffic, YUS, rolling runway 07 for an
overhead departure, Bunbury
To exit aerodrome Fly upwind, turn crosswind do TAT, turn downwind continue climbing, track
overhead, do TTT, then do departure call.
Overhead departure Bunbury Traffic, YUS, departing overhead, passing
call 2100 (circuit height), climbing 3500, tracking 078,
10nm from YNRG YNRG 134.0 Narrogin Traffic, C172, YUS one zero nautical miles
(6min from ETA) CTAF west, 3500, over flying, estimate time overhead 53,
Overhead YNRG Narrogin Traffic, YUS, overhead, 3500 climbing
4500, tracking two eight eight, Narrogin.

Things to bring: whizzwheel, pizza cutter, pen, pencil, eraser, highlighter, sharpie, aerodrome charts,
VTC, VNC, PCA, medical, license.
YGB Track, altitude, time check. Record ATA + EST
LTOM Time, turn (ART,
fuel both, mixture rich, engine Ts n P2 green, ref height, ref heading, clear
turn), talk, climb to 2500, TOC, DAC. CLEAROFF
36 DME COMM1 120.3, COMM 2 120.3, CLIMB 3500
46 DME CLIMB 4500
CLEAROFF After C, look up, after L, look up, after E look up, etc.
DIVERT TO YNRG Ensure trim and heading, select point 5 minutes from current, draw track to
YNRG, check LSALT, decide flight level. Use winds from YBUN to YNRG to
calculate heading. Calculate distance, ground speed to get ETI.
Draw 10-minute markers.
Lost Procedure Trim and heading (align DGI + compass). Draw line from last fix to current
heading. Check time from last fix, use ground speed, mark “DR”, draw area
of uncertainty (10% distance travelled). Read Ground-Map, identity large
features to confirm position. Divert/1 in 60 to go to destination.
If still unsure, turn to major line feature/town, fix using 3 features.
If still unsure, calculate endurance
If South of Perth, track West towards Coast, then follow Coast to training
If North of Perth, contact area frequency, “request navigation/position
advisory” and follow ATC instructions. If no reply climb above 3500.
1 in 60 2/35 = 3.4/60 so out by 3deg. 2/40=3/60 so 3deg. Total 6deg correction
10-TOD Weather + aerodrome brief
TOD radio, weather (ATIS, TAF, Area forecast), set altimeter,
(3500- 2600)/500 + fuel both, mixture rich, engine Ts and Ps green, ref height, ref heading,
2 = 4min from ETA
power set to 1900rpm, trim for 500ft per min rate of descend.
Approaching YNRG CTAF switch to 134.0
(8 minutes from Listen out on Frequency for other traffic in area and respond if conflict exists
10nm from YNRG Narrogin traffic, C172, YUS one-zero nautical miles west, 3500 descending
(6mins from ETA) 2600, estimating circuits 34, Narrogin.
Overflying (fly overhead, check windsock, descend to circuit height 2100 right semi-
circle, fly to mid-downwind, join downwind)
Conduct circuit, Fly upwind, turn crosswind do TAT, turn downwind continue climbing, track
then exit to YSEN overhead, do TTT, then do departure call.
Narrogin Traffic, YUS, departing overhead, passing 2100 (circuit height),
climbing 2500, tracking 300, Narrogin
CLEAROFF Switch CTAF 120.3. After C, look up, after L, look up, after E look up, etc
Approaching YSEN CTAF 119.1
(ETA - 8) Listen out on Frequency for other traffic in area and respond if conflict exists
10nm from YSEN Serpentine traffic, C172, YUS one-zero nautical miles south-east, 4500ft, to
(ETA - 6) overfly. Estimating time overhead 42, Serpentine.

Overhead YSEN Serpentine Traffic, YUS, overhead 4500, tracking three four one, Narrogin.
46 DME Descend 3500
36 DME COMM1 135.25 ATIS 120.9
TOD Descend 1500
ARE Departure Procedures

RWY24/06 use circuits departure.

JDK Ground, C172, YUH, northern apron, received [ATIS], request taxi for Armadale Departure, dual.

Departure Brief:
Runway in use is 06R, at 600ft indicated I will make a right turn onto crosswind and level off at
Abeam Forestdale Lake and Champion Lakes, I will complete the departure checks and climb to
At Armadale, I track to Canning Dam and request traffic.

For Armadale, TAT, TTT. Overhead Armadale, call Perth Center

“Perth Centre, YUH, overhead Armadale, pass two thousand, climbing three thousand five hundred,
tracking Canning Dam, Mount Dale, Cunderdin, request traffic”

Canning DAM: TAT, TTT, DAC

Mount Dale: TAT, TTT, DAC, Clearoff

Turn to cross wind, level off 1000ft track towards prison, overhead prison, track 115. do TAT for ARE.
Abeam Forestdale Lake and Champions leg, do ART + pre-climb check, climb to 2000ft. At ARE, do
TTT, climb to 3500ft, comms Perth Centre “Perth Centre, YUH, overhead Armadale, pass two
thousand, climbing three thousand five hundred, tracking Canning Dam, Mount Dale, Cunderdin,
request traffic”

Do TAT for CDM, do TOC. TTT at CDM, then DAC. Then TAT for MUE, TTT, DAC, CLEAROFF.

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