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Circle one age group/grade: 3-4 4-5 K 1st 2nd

Section 1. Physical Environment (this section may include pictures)

Documentation/examples (15 points)

1. Equipment (general listing of large items)

a. Child sized tables, chairs, shelves with various items pertaining to the

specific center it is intended for, sleeping matts, sofa in the center of the

circle time area for caregiver, individual placement mats around circle

time, sensory table

2. Indoors

a. Dress up clothes and shoes, baby dolls, shopping carts, many different

pattern clothes, blocks of various shapes, books in every center, pillows,

recycling basket for plastic and paper, designated lockers for children's

backpacks and spare clothing, teddy bears, (more details in center)

3. outdoors

a. Media sized play area with three different sized slides, tricycles, scooters,

helmets, wagons, cones, balls of various sports (soccer, basketball) sand

toy area with trucks, buckets,rakes,pots, pans, shovels, water hose,

sensory table, mini, garden (planted broccoli, cauliflower & cilantro I think),

round table and outside sink

4. Room arrangement (drawing of room arrangement)

6. Centers (include type of each center and materials available to children

within that center)

a. Home center- mini rectangular table with two chairs, dolls, dresses, shoes,

play shopping carts,stove,

b. Block center - blocks, wooden blocks, legos, building books, shaped

blocks (triangles,sphere, squares etc)

c. Snack table- regular rectangular table, with 6 chairs, the snack of the day

(cereal was the snack the day I observed) , small bowls, cups, utensils,

napkins and a vegetable directly from the garden of the center (those who

wanted to try it could)

d. Art Table- day of my observation table was set up for painting with rollers.

covered in a plastic table cover, paint rollers, paint tins, large pieces of

paper, next to the table there was also a paint stand with aprons, brushes

and water bowls.

e. Science Shelf- the children where each growing some kind of plant it was

displayed on the top of the shelf, snails in a mini water tank,sea shells,

child microscopes, magnifying glasses, bottles labeled as sensory bottles,

bug scoopers, outside items (pinecones, twigs, bark)

f. Reading Area- large books, mini mattress to sit on with pillows, a basket of

stuffies aka stuffed animals, white board with magnets of real pictured

people of varis job for example, doctor,construction worker etc

g. Writing Center- large easy hand holding markers, crayons, colored

pencils, glue, highlighters, a stereo with headphones that had a story

planning and book set so children can listen and follow along, a basket of

alphabet books

*D. EVALUATION (15 points)

Section 2. Curriculum ​(make appointment with teacher for interview)

Documentation/Examples (15 points)

1. Philosophy

a. The ECE Lab Program is administered with thoughtful respect for each

person's uniqueness, a shared commitment to build supportive

relationships, and guided by the principles of developmentally appropriate

practice, to provide children and adults with rich learning experiences

fostering all areas of development and education.

2. Teacher's philosophy (interview of teacher)

a. I interviewed Mrs. Stevenson she said that she believes in

developmentally appropriate practice. She sees children as active learners

who can construct their own learning. Is a big believer in Reggio Emilia.

Mrs. Stevenson as mentioned that she believes in setting a

social/emotional foundation for the kids.

2. Center/School philosophy (copy of statement)


3. Goals (What children are expected to learn)

Mrs. Stevenson said she wants the children to learn how to enter play in a social

way. Resolve conflict by being assertive but not aggressive, be self-regulating, problem

solvers and creative. Also, be socially

and emotionally expressive.

4. Program goals (should be found in parent handbook)

Goals for children

- To develop trusting, safe and nurturing relationships with adults and peers

- To develop self-regulation and sense of responsibility

- To develop a sense of the own competence

- To develop and utilize language and literacy skills

- To achieve gross and fine motor control

- To identify and solve problems

- To be active, creative learners

- To develop age appropriate developmental skills and content knowledge

- To develop a love for learning

5. Classroom goals (interview of teacher)

The same as those listed for what children are expected to learn.Mrs. Stevenson

said she wants the children to learn how to enter play in a social way. Resolve conflict
by being assertive but not aggressive, be self-regulating, problem solvers and creative.

Also, be socially

and emotionally expressive.

Per Mrs. Stevenson her classroom goals are the same as those listed for the

program .

6. Lesson Plans (A copy of at least one week's plans)


7. Individualization (interview of teacher concerning planning for individual

children's needs/learning styles/etc.)

Mrs. Stevenson said the best way she individualizes is through first knowing the

children by observing them. During the first month or so of the school year she observes

each child attentively to make sure she is understanding their likes and dislikes and the

cognitive development.

*E. EVALUATION (15 points)

Section 3. Guidance (3 specific objective observations for each)

Documentation/Examples (15 points)

1. Routines (specific objective observations of routines being carried out)

1. When children enter the classroom from playing outside or being dropped

off everyone washes their hand in a child sized sink. The process of

washing hands is referred to as bubble bubble time.

2. After everyone washes their hands, all the children sit in the area that is

like circle time and they sing a welcome song, along with singing a I hope

you feel better for those students who are not present the day of class.

1. Classroom rules (specific objective observations of posted rules as

and/or how children are reminded of rules)

1. ​For the classroom I observed the rules were not directly cited but were

verbally mentioned. For example, when children say no to the teach or student

the teacher reply, “No, thank you”.

2. Another thing children are reminded of is to raise their hand so they

don’t talk over other students and to ask for things using their words.

1. Teacher Interactions (Specific objective observations of how teacher

interacts with children during regular activities/lessons)

1. ​In play time the caregiver has set a specific table where she sits and

students who want to join her can. The teacher sat at the interaction table
and brought out a rhyming words game,that would connect two rhyming

words together with the caregivers helps. Three children sat with her and

she would say the word out loud and ask what rhymes with this word and

the children would reply.

2. ​During circle time a girl was asked by the caregiver where she went the

day before. The child replied that she had gone to the dentist, caregiver

asked what she was told by the dentist, child replied that the dentist told

her her baby teeth are going to fall out. Caregiver continued the

conversation by explaining that baby teeth fall out so our adult teeth can

come in.

1. Guidance Techniques (Specific objective observations of the teacher

utilizing guidance)

1. During the morning circle time I notice that a student was

asked to perform his job as a schedule changer. Sebastian

was asked by the caregiver to point the arrow to the correct

morning activity on the schedule magnet board so everyone

knew what they were doing. Sebastian was taking a while so

to point the arrow so the caregiver calmly said we are going

to have snack time Sebastian, and asked another student to

help Sebastian point the arrow to the snack time picture.

2. Siri, had a running nose and was asked by the caregiver to

whip her nose and wash her hands, to help her runny nose

get better faster and so no one else gets sick.

*E. EVALUATION (15 points)

*Evaluations MUST include references to SPECIFIC ideas/theories learned in

class or through text. DAP (Developmentally appropriate practice by NAEYC)

MUST be referred to in the written evaluation (include page and short quote). Use

at least 3 references per section. Both appropriate and inappropriate practices

should be noted.

For my evaluation I listed two appropriate practices I noticed along with one I didn't find

too appropriate during my observation.

Section 1-

Appropriate- pg 153. “Teachers create a learning environment that fosters children's

initiative, active exploration of materials..” ( I loved that everything in the classroom was

to the size of the children, this I find very important)

Appropriate -Pg 153. “Teachers organize the daily schedule to allow for periods of

alternating active and quiet time…”

Inappropriate - Pg 97. “The environment provides no private spaces or ​spaces are to

private because they are out of the view of adults​”.

Section 2-

Appropriate- Pg 161. “Teachers integrate and content from multiple domains and

disciplines through themes, projects, play opportunities…”

Appropriate- Pg 161. “ In planning and implementing learning experiences, teacher

draw on their knowledge of content….”

inappropriate -Pg 161 .“ Children's learning experiences do not follow a logical


Section 3-

Appropriate- Pg 158 “ Teachers model and encourage calm, patient behavior and

facilitate children's development of self regulation..”

Appropriate- Pg 159 “.. Teachers involve children, particularly older preschoolers, in

considering rules of group behaviour and responsibility”.

Not appropriate- “Teachers do no set clear limits and do not old children accountable of

acceptable behavior….”

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