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Also by Bill Holmes:

.50 Caliber Rifle Construction Manual: With Easy-to-Follow Full-Scale Drawings

Home Workshop .50 Caliber Sniper Rifle (video)
Home Workshop Guns for Defense and Resistance, Vol. I: The Submachine Gun
Home Workshop Guns for Defense and Resistance, Vol. II: The Handgun
Home Workshop Guns for Defense and Resistance, Vol. Ill: The .22 Machine Pistol
Home Workshop Guns for Defense and Resistance, Vol. IV: The 9mm Machine Pistol
Home Workshop Guns for Defense and Resistance, Vol. V: The AR-15/M16
Home Workshop Prototype Firearms: How to Design, Build, and Sell Your Own Small Arms
Home Workshop Weaponry: A Video Guide to Building Your Own Guns (video)

I respectfully dedicate this book to the following persons and

organizations whose help gave me comfort and encouragement
during the long period I spent writing it:
Anheuser-Busch, Seagrams, Post Wineries, Mom's Place,
Debra Willis, the Honorable Wayne P. Morris,
and Sen. George Crawford. Thanks again.

A Master Gunmaker's Guide to Building Bolt-Action Rifles

by Bill Holmes

Copyright © 2003 by Bill Holmes

ISBN 13:978-1-58160-420-7
Printed in the United States of America

Published by Paladin Press, a division of

Paladin Enterprises, Inc.
Gunbarrel Tech Center
7077 Winchester Circle
Boulder, Colorado 80301 USA

Direct inquiries and/or orders to the above address.

scanned by Glas

All rights reserved. Except for use in a review, no

portion of this book may be reproduced in any form
without the express written permission of the publisher.

Neither the author nor the publisher assumes

any responsibility for the use or misuse of
information contained in this book.

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Introduction 1
Chapter 1: Tools and Equipment 7
Chapter 2: Materials 13
Chapter 3: Design 17
Chapter 4: Receiver Manufacture 21
Chapter 5: Bolt Manufacture 31
Chapter 6: Trigger Assemblies 41
Chapter 7: Safeties 47
Chapter 8: Bolt Stop and Ejector 55
Chapter 9: Magazines, Trigger Guards, and Floorplates . . .59
Chapter 10: Modification of Existing Actions 75
Chapter 11: Barrel Fitting, Chambering, and Shaping 83
Chapter 12: Iron Sights and Quarter Ribs 95
Chapter 13: Muzzle Brakes 101
Chapter 14: Stocks 105
Chapter 15: Checkering 115
Chapter 16: Buttplates 133
Chapter 17: Heat Treatment 141
Chapter 18: Finishing and Coloring 143
Chapter 19: Adjusting and Test-Firing 147

Although at the time this book was published, it was perfectly legal for an
individual to manufacture a firearm for personal
use, experimental purposes, or research and
development, the laws may have changed since
then. It is the reader's obligation to carefully
research all pertinent laws before attempting any
Technical data presented here, particularly
data on the construction, use, adjustment, and
alteration of firearms, inevitably reflect the
author's individual beliefs and experiences with
particular firearms, equipment, and components
under specific circumstances that the reader
cannot duplicate exactly. Therefore, be advised
that since neither the publisher of this book nor
I have any control over the materials or
workmanship used in the manufacture of this
firearm by others, we can assume no
responsibility whatever for the safety or
reliability of such. Build it at your own risk. The
information presented here is for academic
study only.


Around 50 years ago a top gunsmith by the name of Roy Dunlap wrote a first-
class book titled Gunsmithing. Since then that
book has been the standard text for most
beginning gunsmiths, with a number of
experienced ones learning from it as well.
I got my first copy of the book in 1950, if I
remember correctly. And, although I was already
doing most of what was covered in the book, I
learned ways to improve the quality of my work.
Over the years I have owned at least a dozen
copies of that book. Somehow I always wound up
loaning them out, and as usually happens with
This .416 Rigby on a P14 Enfield action has a Bastogne loaned articles, I didn't get them back.
walnut stock, a drop magazine with hinged floorplate, a
In the time since that book was written, many
eoek on the opening bolt with a new handle, new trigger
and safety, quarter rib, and muzzle brake. innovations and modifications have become
desirable when building a custom rifle. While some
of these modifications have been described in gun
magazines, most are never mentioned. The purpose
of this book is to show how to manufacture or
modify a custom-made bolt-action rifle.
There are many who call themselves
"gunmakers," but very few have actually made a
gun. Most buy parts wherever available and
simply assemble them, usually threading and
chambering commercial barrel blanks and
fitting them to existing actions. They then
"make" stocks by fitting a machine-inletted and
-shaped stock. Although this sometimes results
in a fine rifle, it hardly qualifies someone to call
himself a gunmaker.

A Master Gunmaker's Guide to Building Bolt-Action Rifles

Likewise, the mechanic who obtains a cannot be responsible for any problems
military action, forges the bolt handle lower to experienced. I will repeat this caveat because I
permit the use of a scope, puts on a commercial want everyone to understand it.
trigger and safety, fits a preturned barrel and For instance, if you acquire the specified
machine-made stock, and convinces himself material to build the bolt and receiver, take
that he has built a "custom" rifle is only kidding them upon completion to a reputable heat-
himself. The only thing custom-made about treater for the prescribed treatment (even
such a gun might possibly be in the choice of though the small parts can be heat-treated in
recoil pad or buttplate. the shop), handle other parts in the same
If what I have written here sounds somewhat manner, and adhere to the general dimensions
arrogant, I'm sorry. However I would point out and design provided, the finished firearm will
that over the past 50 years I have built, in their likely function in the manner desired.
entirety, numerous rifles, shotguns, and pistols. On the other hand, the know-it-all who
The rifles ranged from .17-caliber to .50-caliber already knows all about such things, even
Browning Machine Gun (BMG) and just about though he has no practical experience, picks up
every caliber in between. And although some of whatever pieces of round stock of sufficient
these were mediocre, some were pretty good— diameter he comes across. With no knowledge
not because I say they were good (which would whatever of the composition of the steel, he
prove nothing) but because others said they proceeds to fabricate the parts while making
were. This is the deciding factor: when other "improvements" on the design and changing the
people say they are good. indicated dimensions. He skips the heat
Please note that the instructions given here treatment altogether. He can expect trouble and
do not necessarily represent the only way to build may even lose some body parts in the process.
or modify a rifle; they are simply a way to This is the kind of person who makes this
accomplish the end result. Undoubtedly there are disclaimer necessary.
many others who have better methods of doing Many people have written to me through
these things than I do. Most of what I have done the years asking the best way to learn the
was developed independently, with no one to gunsmithing trade. I probably don't know the
copy. So, to those of you who have a better way, best way. One way is to enroll in one of the
let it be known so that others may learn from it. gunsmith schools now in existence. Chances
It should also be noted that I am almost 73 are you won't be an expert when you graduate,
years old, my fingers are bent from arthritis to a but you will have a good start. Another way is
point where I can hardly hold a pen or pencil, to work for someone who actually is an expert
and my hands shake due to Parkinson's disease. and learn from him. Still another way is to
I have also been accused of being senile, as well simply buy yourself the necessary equipment
as almost blind, so my drawings are somewhat and start doing it. Don't practice on other
ragged and some of my photographs blurred people's prize guns while learning, however.
because of my failure to attach my camera to Work only on your own stuff until you gain
the tripod. One of the good things about experience and proficiency.
diminishing vision is that my work starts looking After spending most of my lifetime in the
better to me. trade, I no longer work on other people's guns.
I must also point out that certain I get my enjoyment from designing and
components described in the book (e.g., building prototypes. Many, many times I have
receivers, bolts, sears, triggers) require quality built parts to my own designs only to find that
materials and precise heat treatment. Since they didn't work the way I envisioned. I had to
neither the publisher of this book nor I have any go back and redesign them and make the parts
control over works performed by others, we all over again. It was time consuming, but I

usually learned from it. Usually I have to build me. You must decide for yourself how you want
three or four guns of any one design, since I to go about achieving the results you seek.
always find ways to improve on it by the time I used a professional photographer to
the one is finished. But when the final design is illustrate the finished parts and guns. Most of
achieved and working the way it was intended, the other photos, especially the ones showing
and equally important, other people like it, it fabrication sequences, were shot while building
becomes worthwhile. the parts. Some of these photos turned out
The designs and methods shown in this book better than others; the inferior ones were mostly
are intended for use in a small shop, using due to my own ineptness. I am usually unaware
single-point tools. The large-production shop that the photos are inferior until after the film is
will have CNC machines, capable of turning out processed. By that time it is too late to reshoot
more parts in a day than I could hope to in a since the operation has already been finished.
month. As I said, there are other ways to obtain So, on occasion, I am forced to include
the results that I have outlined here. The one I substandard photos even though I dislike doing
include arc simple ways that have worked for so. I apologize to the reader for this.

This .338 Winchester Magnum on a Mauser action has a Claro walnut stock, blind magazine, new trigger and safety,
new trigger guard, and featherweight barrel with open sights.

This 12-gauge single-shot trap gun has a similar basic action as the rifles shown. It has very little recoil.

This 7.62mm sniper-type rifle uses the same basic action as described in the text. It has a 4-shot magazine, muzzle
brake, and folding bipod.

A Master Gunmaker's Guide to Building Bolt-Action Rifles

At the top is the 7.62x39mm rifle shown in the drawings. It has an English walnut stock, a quarter rib, a hinged-
floorplate magazine, an M70 type trigger and safety, and 24 lines per ineh (lpi) eheekering. The lower rifle in .250/3000
ealiber has similar features.

This .300 Winehester Magnum on a Mauser aetion, French walnut stock, quarter rib. M70-type trigger and safety,
muzzle brake, skeleton buttplate. and 24-lines per ineh eheekering.


This .50 Browning Automatic Rifle is basically the same action design, except nearly double in size.

The metal parts of the actions portrayed in this book. A long Magnum-length action, above, contrasted with the
short action, below.


Tools and

Shortly after one of my other books was published I began receiving

letters from readers complaining that they
couldn't afford to buy the lathes, milling
machines, and other equipment advocated. When
I suggested that some work might be farmed out,
one correspondent called me asinine because, he
wrote, the machinist doing the work might
recognize it as gun parts and report him to the
police. Still, he said, even though it would take
him at least a year to accumulate enough money
to buy even a small drill press, he wanted to
design and build guns. I wrote back, saying that I
didn't think my suggestion of hiring work done
was any more asinine than his thinking he could
do the work without tools and equipment.
At the risk of sounding like a smart aleck, I
must say that building complete guns can't be done
This 12 x 40-inch lathe is adequate for most gun work. without the right equipment. If you can't afford it,
you should take up some other hobby or vocation.
Keep in mind, though, that a good lathe and
milling machine, properly taken care of, should
last the average gunsmith a lifetime. By being
properly taken care of, I mean the machines must
be kept level, cleaned at the end of the workday,
and lubricated regularly. Oil is one of the cheapest
things you can buy as far as preventive
maintenance goes.
If possible, the lathe should have at least a 12-
inch swing with as large a hole as possible through
the spindle. Most quality lathes now come with a 1

A Master Gunmaker's Guide to Building Bolt-Action Rifles

1/8- to 1 1/2-inch spindle bore. This is adequate and drill machines would be just the thing for
for most gun work, but there will be times when gun work. Since I had reservations about this, I
you will wish it was bigger. Some time ago I wrote the suppliers of one of the more widely
turned several .50-caliber BMG barrels to a advertised brands and asked them to let me use
smaller contour and threaded and chambered one for a video and book I was about to do. They
them for installation on a rifle of my own design. didn't even bother to answer me, so I went with
How I wished for the .311 bore on a lathe that I the equipment I had on hand. Later a friend of
had sold some time ago. As it was, I had to swap mine purchased one of these machines and
ends with the barrels several times before they allowed me to try it out. In short order it
were completed. If barrel work is contemplated, became apparent why the manufacturers had
a length of at least 40 inches between centers is ignored me. This little machine cost more than
desirable because it is sometimes handy to work $2,000 by the time the freight was paid, and
out on the end of the barrel with the other end several other parts or accessories had to be
caught in the chuck. Small lathes are available purchased to obtain the versatility advertised.
for considerably less money, but they are The lathe chuck had to be removed before the
severely limited in the work that can be mill could be used. Further, high-priced Morse
performed on them. Taper collets were required, and a special
The milling machine can be of whatever size planetary-type pulley was required to reduce the
suits you, provided it has the capacity to handle speed for threading, which was done by some
the work you want to do. My own milling machine sort of off-breed threading attachment that I
is a 3-horsepower job with a 10 x 54-inch table. didn't bother to try to figure out.
The long table is essential because I use it to This three-in-one machine is even less
machine octagonal rifle barrels and long shotgun desirable when you figure that you can purchase
ribs. This machine weighs around 3,400 pounds, a small 9 x 20-inch lathe—complete with quick-
which makes for solid, vibration-free operation. change gears, two chucks, a steady rest, and tool
Those who contemplate doing only action work post—and a table-model milling machine with a
don't need more than 10 inches of table travel, so 2-horsepower motor, R8 spindle, and a table
a much smaller machine is adequate. Of course, I capacity quite a bit larger than that of the three-
would have preferred a Bridgeport, an Excello, a in-one machine for slightly less money. This
Lagun, or similar make, but I expect this one to seems a better value by far, provided such small
last me for the rest of my working life. I bought a machines are your only alternative.
belt-driven machine with a two-speed motor No drill press is needed if you have a mill,
instead of the more popular variable-speed-hcad which can be used to locate and drill holes with
machine. I did this, not because the former is more precision than any drill press ever made. It
slightly cheaper but because variable-speed should be noted, however, that if ownership of a
mechanisms have been a source of trouble to me milling machine is out of the question, milling
in the past. Several other people I know have attachments are available that can be mounted
experienced similar problems. on the lathe carriage. One of these, together
I bought a 6-inch swivel base "Kurt"-type vise, with a good drill press, will allow many milling
a set of collets, and a longitudinal power feed at and drilling operations to be done. Do not try to
the same time I bought the mill. If I decide to do use a drill press as a milling machine or to use
repetitive work I will add a digital readout. For end mills in a hand drill.
one-of-a-kind parts I don't need it. A right-angle Several years ago a friend of mine asked to
head, arbor, and support, which allows horizontal borrow a 3/16-inch-diameter end mill to use, he
milling, will also be added if needed. said, to cut a slot in the breech block of an
Several people have expressed the opinion autoloading to convert it to full automatic, as
that one of these three-in-one type lathe, mill, described in a now defunct Arizona-based

Tools and Equipment

magazine. Knowing that he had no mill, I asked

him how he intended to use it. He informed me
that he intended to use it in 3/8-inch hand drill,
as the magazine recommended. When I told him
that such a procedure was not only impractical
but downright dangerous, he suggested to me
that an established magazine obviously knew
more about such things than I did since it
represented experts in their field. Who could
argue with such logic?
I gave him the cutter, and he went his way,
only to return a few hours later with a bandaged
hand and the stub of the broken end mill. It
seemed that the unsupported end mill had a
mind of its own. Instead of cutting the slot he
envisioned, it simply skated off the part he
wanted to cut; walked across the back of his
hand, chewing it up in the process; and broke
when it came in contact with his vise. The
magazine is no longer in business.
While a metal-cutting band saw is not an
absolute necessity, even a small one like mine
will save a lot of hard work. Not many shop
operations are more tiring than trying to cut a
thick piece of tough alloy steel with a hand
hacksaw. The little 4 x 6 saw I have owned for
several years is slow, but it works as long as the
blade is sharp. Let it begin to get dull or lose its
set, and it jumps off the drive wheel. Buy a
bigger one if you can afford it.
A good heavy-duty bench vise is one of the
most important tools you can own. If you expect This 14 x 60-inch lathe has a 3-inch hole through the
to use it much, get the biggest one you can find. headstock spindle. This is an ideal size for all gun work.
Make sure it is made of steel; the cheap cast-iron
jobs break. My own vise, which was owned by
my father before I was born, weighs a couple of well as many other uses. It is also nice, but not
hundred pounds and is of all-steel construction. essential, to have a lathe tool post grinder. One
I have used it as an anvil, a press, and a sheet- of the little high-speed hand grinders is handy
metal brake, as well as to swage heavy sheet for polishing feed ramps and other small,
metal. I have hooked 6-foot lengths of pipe over internal grinding jobs.
the handle for added leverage and put my entire A gas welding outfit is useful for silver
weight on the end. (Such is required for some of soldering, heat-treating small parts, and certain
the operations I have needed to do.) A cheap, cutting jobs. Gas welding has more or less given
junk vise would have been in pieces if subjected way to tungsten inert gas (TIG) welding, which,
to treatment like this. when done by a capable operator, results in
A bench grinder is a necessity both for almost flawless welds, penetrates well, and
sharpening tools and rough-shaping parts, as spreads heat less than most other processes. In

A Master Gunmaker's Guide to Building Bolt-Action Rifles

my own case, my hands shake and my eyesight are also required. It is more economical to buy
is so poor that I find it necessary to farm out any high-speed drills instead of cheaper carbon-steel
welding jobs I need done. Fortunately about 200 drills because they will last much longer. I use
yards from my shop there resides the best mostly carbide end mills and lathe tools, even
welder I have ever seen. He did aircraft welding though they are more expensive than high-speed
for years before going into business for himself. cutters, because they last several times as long
He now takes care of any welding jobs I have. and permit higher cutting speeds.
You will also need measuring equipment, Please don't blame me for the fact that most
including micrometers, calipers, dial indicators, of the equipment described here is essential to do
a machinist's square, and an ordinary 12-inch the work described. Likewise, I am not
rule, as well as files, screwdrivers, chisels responsible for the fact that the equipment costs
hammers, a hacksaw, and maybe a hand drill. considerable sums of money. Without it you won't
Drills, milling cutters, and lathe cutting tools be able to do much, and that isn't my fault either.

Smaller machines, such as this 8 x 32-inch table, can be used for most operations but not for long-barrel work.

Tools and Equipment

This shop contains a bare minimum of equipment needed A long table mill is necessary if barrel work such as this is
to actually manufacture a firearm. contemplated. The table shown here is a 10 x 54-ineh model.

Older machines are sometimes found at bargain prices. This machine is equipped to do stick, metal inert gas
The 12 x 60-inch table machine shown here was (MIG), and TIG welding.
purchased for #600.

A Master Gunmaker's Guide to Building Bolt-Action Rifles

A welding outfit is used for brazing, silver soldering, and A heavy steel vise, sueh as this one, is essential for
heat-treating small parts, as well as bending operations. swaging and forming parts.

A metal-eutting band saw, even a small one sueh as this, will save a lot of hard work.



Since we are dealing with guns using high-intensity, high-pressure

cartridges, the materials must be selected more
carefully than when used for low-powered,
blowback-type weapons. It is possible, even
desirable, to use salvaged materials (e.g.,
automobile leaf springs, shock absorbers, shafts)
for small parts, but it is advisable to obtain quality
materials of known composition from reputable,
knowledgeable suppliers.
Since I have used, and had good results with,
such chrome molybdenum alloys as SAE 4140,
4340, and 4350 in most of my own fabrications,
these are what I recommend. Although I am sure
there are other types that are equally desirable,
these are the ones I have used in the past and will
continue to use in the future.
Unfortunately such material stocked and sold
by metal supply houses and large machine shops
is expensive. Usually the supply houses don't even
want to talk about selling in any quantities under
a full-length bar, which can be anywhere from 12
to 20 feet long. Also, if the suppliers have to cut it
into shorter lengths for shipping, they add a hefty
"saw charge." Occasionally you can find a
machine shop that will sell a short piece, but the
shop will usually add a saw charge too. Recently I
needed a 2-foot-long, 2-ineh-diameter piece of
4140 for the manufacture of two .50-caliber rifles.
A local machine shop condescended to sell me the
material but also added a saw charge, which made

A Master Gunmaker's Guide to Building Bolt-Action Rifles

it cost $70. Since I had to have it, I went ahead Around 1950 I started buying chamber
and bought it, but I cried all the way home. reamers from Fuller Manufacturing Company. My
You must take the round-bar stock wherever dealings were always entirely satisfactory, so I
you can find it and pay the price. But when it never looked anywhere else. Sometime later
comes to round seamless tubing and flat bar Clymer took over and maintained the same high
stock, my favorite source of supply is the quality and honest dealing I had come to expect,
following: so I continued to obtain reamers from it. Today
the company offers a wide variety of reamers,
Wicks Aircraft Supply choke tools, and other equipment. The address is:
410 Pine Street
Highland, IL 62249 Glymer Manufacturing Gompany
1645 W. Hamlin Road
These people will sell you whatever length of Rochester Hills, MI 48309
material you desire, with no mention of a saw
charge or minimum length. In fact, when I asked There are times when it is uneconomical to
the gracious lady who takes phone orders if the buy reamers in a certain caliber. One such
firm minded my listing it as a source of supply occasion might be if you expect to use it only
in books and videos, even though it might result once or you can't afford the purchase price. In
in a number of short-length "nuisance" orders, such cases you might consider renting. There is
she said that Wicks welcomed such orders one firm that I know of that rents reamers and
because it helped get rid of the short-length head space gauges:
material on hand. It's a pity there aren't more
companies like that. If you do order from Wicks, Whiterock Tool and Die
however, order enough to make it worthwhile 6400 N. Brighton Ave.
for the company to ship it. Wicks deserves Kansas Gity, MO 64119
consideration too.
There are times when it is advantageous to The proprietor of this establishment, Keith
have round stock with an existing hole through Rice, has reamers in virtually every caliber that
the center, especially for fabricating receivers. Glymer makes. The 30-day rental period should
Thick-walled seamless tubing is ideal for this be long enough to finish any barrel job, and the
because it can be acquired in the same rental price is reasonable.
composition as the solid stock. One source of Presently there are a number of barrel
supply that I have had experience with is the blanks available, ranging from the lower priced
following: blanks sold by Gun Parts Inc. through medium-
priced blanks from E.R. Shaw and Wilson, and
Kilsby-Roberts slightly higher priced ones from Douglas and
P.O. Box 9500 Shilen to the higher priced cut-rifled blanks
Brea, GA 92622 from such makers as Kreiger and Obermeyer.
The old adage that you get what you pay for
The above address is the corporate doesn't always apply here, since there have been
headquarters. The company maintains branch times when the very cheapest barrels have
offices and warehouses in locations all across the grouped as well, or better than, the higher-
United States and Great Britain as well. Don't be priced ones. I knew a rather unscrupulous fellow
surprised if the company insists on selling a full- for a number of years who obtained the very
length stick, though. Kilsby-Roberts is not as cheapest barrel blanks available and fitted them
sensitive to the small operator's needs as Wicks to whatever action his customer supplied. It
is. It will also hit you with a hefty saw charge. didn't matter which barrel the customer asked


for, this was what he got. Surprisingly, or maybe found in automotive supply houses and
not, almost all his customers were satisfied with hardware stores. Checkering tools, polishing
what they received. In the couple of instances equipment, and bluing salts, as well as other
when they complained, he cheerfully replaced required items, are available from gunsmith
the offending barrels with others from the same supply houses such as these two:
source, and they went away happy. Such a
practice is, of course, equal to stealing and Jantz Supply
should not be condoned, but it demonstrates 309 West Main
that price doesn't always ensure quality. Davis, OK 73030-0584
Stock wood is also available from numerous
sources. Much of the better wood comes from
California; some comes from other countries. Brownells Inc.
What I consider the hardest and strongest is 200 South Front St.
Bastogne (Belgian) walnut, with English and Montezuma, IA 50171
French kinds running a close second. Here
again, there are certain unscrupulous Although small, noncritical parts can be
individuals who will attempt to pass off inferior heat-treated in the shop, such larger
wood as top quality. For years I obtained stock components as bolts and receivers must receive
blanks from Jack Burres in California. Jack was heat treatment from firms with the knowledge
a conscientious fellow who usually sent me a and equipment to do it correctly. The only one I
slightly better grade of wood than I'd ordered. have had experience with that was absolutely
He always told me that if I wasn't satisfied with satisfactory is the following:
what he sent to send it back for refund or
replacement, but I never sent back a single Hinderliter Heat Treating
piece. Some time ago Jack retired and sold his P.O. Box 480
remaining stock of wood to Edward Hargrove, Tulsa, OK 74159-4830
who can be reached at the following address:
These people know what they are doing and
Edward Hargrove do it correctly, unlike several pseudo-experts I
P.O. Box 599 have had experience with.
Cotulla, TX 78014 Please understand that my recommendation
of the above-listed firms and individuals is not
Mr. Hargrove serves as county attorney of intended as a slight or condemnation of others.
LaSalle County and, as I understand it, plans Doubtless, there are others who offer
to retire in the near future and devote his satisfactory products and services. Those listed
time to supplying quality stock blanks. From are the ones I have dealt with repeatedly and
my dealings with him it is obvious that satisfactorily.
customer satisfaction is also his goal. Most of Also, the addresses shown were correct at
the stock wood I purchase in the future will the time this went to press. If they have
come from him. changed, please don't blame me or the
Springs, screws, drill rod, etc., can usually be publisher.



As far as I am concerned, the best bolt-action rifles ever made were the 98
Mauser and the pre-1964 M70 Winchester. Most
efforts to "improve" them have left much to be
desired, and today most so-called improved
actions are designed more to lower production
cost than to actually improve quality.
Manufacturers have conned some gun
magazine writers into believing that plastic stocks,
castings, and sheet metal stampings are an
improvement over wood and machined steel. Make
no mistake: the reason for this is cost, not quality,
as many consumers are beginning to realize.
The action design shown in this book, which I
had hoped would actually be an improvement over
existing actions, is no better than most of the
others. The only improvement I could possibly
claim is that it is simpler and easier to fabricate in
a small shop, while retaining my preference for
fabrication all from machined steel.
The three-lug bolt might be considered
slightly stronger than a design with two opposed
lugs, since there is more locking surface and the
feed ramp is between the lugs and not cut away
as with the two-lug action. Only 60 degrees of
bolt lift is required to open the bolt, in contrast
to 90 degrees with the two-lug bolt. This 60-
degree lift allows more clearance between a
scope body and the bolt handle. The bolt lift is
somewhat stiffer because of the increased angle
of the cocking cam; this can be offset by using a

A Master Gunmaker's Guide to Building Bolt-Action Rifles

longer bolt handle. The extraetor position falls without creep or overtravel. Here again, this one
just where one bolt lug is positioned when requires more time and effort to make than some
unloeked: this requires the extractor to be of the others, but the end result is worth it.
contained in the bolt lug. Properly done, this I have used a simple, coil-spring-loaded bolt
won't weaken the lug to a great extent; stop in this design, which only requires
however, it won't improve it any either. depressing the release with a thumb to release
The best excuse for using a three-lug bolt the bolt. Two ejector designs are shown. The one
lies in the fact that the receiver lug slots are I consider the better of the two is a blade type
short and can be cut far easier than the full- operating from the same hinge point and using
length raceways in a two-lug receiver. the same spring as the ejector. The other is the
There are those who will try to tell you that same spring-loaded-button type encased in the
the bolt sleeve should be solid at the back end, bolt face as used in numerous commercial rifles.
which supposedly protects the shooter from The spring pressure exerted against the
escaping gas in the event of a pierced primer. cartridge head can be felt when opening and
This assembly also requires some sort of closing the bolt, which is disconcerting to some
protruding cocking indicator to let the shooter users. There have been numerous eases of rust
know when the piece is cocked, since the end of and debris (e.g., metal shavings) binding these
the cocking piece or firing pin cannot be seen. ejectors and keeping them from retracting
But if adequate gas vents are incorporated into completely, which prevents closing the bolt on a
the bolt design, as they invariably have been for chambered round. If this happens while on a
the past hundred years, such a danger hardly hunting trip—as it has in the past—the results
exists, and the sometimes bulky bolt shrouds or can be disappointing to say the least.
sleeves are therefore unnecessary. The designs I have included a one-piece magazine/trigger
included in this book, then, are similar to the 98 guard assembly with a hinged floorplate in this
Mauser and M70 Winchester, as are most of the design. I have also included a blind magazine
more popular custom rifles. type in which there is no metal box, only a stock
The safety, as shown, while not a direct copy cavity in the wood, which is sometimes
of the M70 Winchester safety, is quite similar. desirable when building a lightweight rifle. The
Such a safety is much harder to make in the hinged floorplate, as shown in the first design, is
small shop than other types of safety. But it slightly heavier but is useful to unload the
looks nice and allows working cartridges magazine quickly or to clear a jam in the event
through the action with the firing pin locked in of an overlength cartridge's hanging up in the
the cocked position. This is not possible with magazine.
certain other types that require disengaging the The actions depicted here are short actions.
safety before the action can be opened. I wanted rifles that were different from most
Retracting the safety to the rear position locks others. So I built the one just long enough to
the bolt closed, as well as engaging the safety. handle the 7.62x39mm Russian cartridge, which
I have included a design for a sliding is similar ballistically to the .30-30. The other
button-tang safety for those who prefer it. was designed around the .250/000 Savage
Many shooters like this one because it is easy cartridge. Either of these is adequate for most
to reach with the thumb by both right- and left- hunting purposes in the hands of competent
handed shooters. marksmen. Both are lightweight, short, rifles of
The trigger shown is also of similar design to moderate recoil. Either action can be adapted to
the M70. In my opinion this is one of the safest, other larger, more powerful calibers if desired by
most foolproof systems in existence, which also increasing the dimensions to accommodate the
provides a smooth, light, single-stage trigger pull cartridge to be used.




Before the receivers shown can be fabricated a broach must be made up to cut
the bolt raceways. Tool steel, composed of material
that includes tungsten, chromium, vanadium,
molybdenum, and a fairly high carbon content,
should be used for this. Needless to say, such
material is expensive but necessary because the
finished broach should have a hardness of Rockwell
G65 to 68 without being brittle. This material is
available from various supply companies as 18-4-2
or 18-4-3, as well as other designations.
To build such a broach in a small shop, the
material is mounted in the lathe and turned to the
largest required diameter for its entire length. A
pilot is turned on one end to a diameter that is a
slip-fitted through the smaller inside receiver
diameter. The location of each set of teeth is
determined and, using a lathe tool, ground to the
Extra tools needed to form the interior of the receiver: contour required to form the radius and face
(top) drill of the smallest bolt diameter, (second from angle; each set of teeth is cut to the same depth as
top) drill slightly smaller than reamer diameter, (third
the pilot diameter.
from top) reamer the size of the largest bolt diameter,
(bottom) broach to cut lug raceways. Each set of teeth is turned to the required
diameter, with each set slightly larger than the
previous one. Although most books on the subject
recommend that each set of teeth cut only .002 to
.003 inch, the length of the raceways is short, so I
made each set of teeth .010 inch larger than the
set in front of it. This causes each tooth to cut
approximately .005 inch. This may seem
excessive to some, but it allows a shorter overall
length, which reduces the chance of warping

A Master Gunmaker's Guide to Building Bolt-Action Rifles

during heat treatment. A clearance angle of 1/2 but only for a short time after the heat treatment
to 1 degree is formed just behind the face of is completed—usually 30 minutes or so. After
each set of teeth as they are turned to the this period, elasticity fades and any attempt to
required diameter. straighten the steel will probably break it.
With the blank formed as to diameter, it is The receiver blank is chucked in the lathe,
set up in the milling machine and three the ends squared, and the center drilled. It is
longitudinal grooves cut, 120 degrees apart, now turned to the desired diameter. A hole,
around the circumference of the blank. The slightly smaller than the minor diameter of the
sides of the lands must be straight and bolt, is drilled entirely through the length of the
perpendicular to the bottom of the grooves. The blank. The forward end is then bored to the
bottom of the grooves must have the same minor thread diameter with the bottom, which
radius and diameter as the pilot. By using a will form the receiver lugs, cut square or
small 3/16-inch end mill and rotating the blank perpendicular to the bored portion. The blank is
slightly while making several light cuts, you can next reversed in the lathe chuck and bored from
shape the radius to a point where very little file the rear end using a drill somewhat smaller than
finishing is required. the finished diameter. This is followed by
If a tool and cutter grinder is available, the another drill .010- to .015-inch smaller than
broach should be made slightly oversized and when finished and is reamed to size. If a new,
finish-ground after heat treatment. If, as in my sharp reamer is exactly centered and in line
case, no such grinder is available, all cutting with the bore, and is used with an abundant
edges should be cut to the finished size and amount of cutting oil, very few tool marks will
polished smooth. be evident. It should be bored or lapped to a
If at all possible, the finished broach should slick, smooth finish.
be taken or sent to a heat-treatment facility that The broach, built earlier as described, is
specializes in treating material of this type. This pushed through the receiver blank from the rear
does not mean that you should turn it over to end. This will cut and form the bolt raceways.
some punk with a small oven, who thinks he is a Obviously, the simplest and easiest way to push
metallurgist. Choose someone who not only talks the broach through is with a hydraulic or
a good game, but also follows through on it. Since mechanical press. Most machine shops and auto
the material used here is hardened at 2,200 to body shops have such presses and will perform
2,500 °F and drawn (tempered) at 1,000 to this operation for a nominal fee. It is also
1,050°F, it is obviously not a job for an amateur. possible (as a last resort) to drive the broach
In my case I am lucky enough to live close to through with a heavy hammer.
a large manufacturer of top-quality cutting tools, Quite a bit of the excess material to be
and, even luckier, several people who work there removed in the operation just described can be
are friends of mine, including several members of done by marking the location of each slot on the
top management. They not only gave me the outside circumference and clamping the
material to make my broach, they heat-treated it receiver to the side of the tool post. A 3/8-inch
for me after it was finished. To date, I have built end mill is mounted in the lathe chuck and used
seven actions in which this broach was used to to cut a semicircular slot where the broach cut
cut the bolt raceways. It remains as sharp as it will pass through. The receiver is fed into the
was before the first use and has no cracked or cutter with the lathe carriage. The receiver is
chipped teeth or other deformations. This is rotated 120 degrees and the procedure repeated
ample proof that the company's heat treatment twice more, causing all three slots to be cut.
was correct and proper. It should also be pointed The spacing of these slots can be determined
out that most tool steels used for this purpose by wrapping masking tape around the outside of
can be straightened in the event that they warp, the receiver and marking the exact length of the

Receiver Manufacture

distance around it. The tape is removed, be made at one end of the slot and continued to
extended lengthwise, and measured. This its full length without changing the cutter. If a
dimension is divided into three parts and standard flat-ended cutter is used, however, a
marked on the tape, which is again wrapped hole must first be drilled with a twist drill and
around the receiver. An index mark is made on finished with the milling cutter.
the tool post and used to align the division The magazine opening is formed using the
marks on the tape. This will space the slots cut same 1/4-inch ball cutter. The slot is cut full
by the end mill accurately enough to coincide length and to a width just slightly wider than the
with the broach used to finish the slots. largest diameter of the cartridge used. Once this
Following this, the receiver is once again is done the feed lips are formed, using the same
chucked in the lathe and threaded inside to cutter, by extending the width as shown in the
match the barrel threads. The diameter and drawings. Note that the dimensions given are for
thread pitch can be whatever the builder the .762x39mm cartridge. When larger
decides. I favor a diameter of .9125 (0-inch cartridges are used, the dimensions must be
threaded at 16 threads per inch [tpi] for smaller increased accordingly.
diameter cases, such as a .308, .250/300, etc.). A short length of 1/2-inch-square material is
For larger diameter "Magnum" cartridges, such cut with a radius on one side to fit against the
as .338, .375, and similar, I like a diameter of 1 receiver and a 1/4-inch slot cut down the center.
inch, threaded at 16 tpi. There are several This is welded to the bottom rear of the receiver
schools of thought concerning barrel threading just behind the magazine opening.
and fitting, but I prefer a snug-fitting barrel- The part is turned upright in the milling
receiver union, with some effort required to machine, and the excess material is cut away to
screw the two together. I believe that this affords form a loading and ejection port, rear tang, and
a stiffer assembly than the loose, sloppy bolt handle slot. It will be necessary to rotate
threading used by some others, with which the the receiver 90 degrees with the right side up to
receiver can be wiggled in every direction right do a portion of this. It is true that with more
up until the final tightening. material left above the ejection port, the stiffer
A centcrline is established along the bottom the action will be, and it will also be more
of the receiver. This should also center on one of difficult to load. The configuration shown allows
the bolt lug raceways, which must also be located easy loading of the magazine.
on the exact bottom side. This lets the cartridge The receiver is turned with the left side up,
feed from the magazine through the bolt-lug slot, and a dovetail slot is cut for the bolt slot.
requiring only a minimal of metal to accomplish Although most people already know this, it is well
it. The magazine opening, sear slot, and front to point out that dovetail slots should first be cut
and rear screw holes are located and cut using to depth and almost to width with a standard end
this centerline as a reference point. mill before finishing with the dovetail cutter. The
Since the action screws will be 1/4 inch in milling machine quill lock must be secured, as
diameter with 28 tpi, the screw holes are drilled well as the table clamps: cutters have a nasty
with a .2187- (7/32-) inch drill and threaded habit of trying to dig deeper as the cut is made,
using a 1/4x28 tap. which can easily spoil the work.
The sear opening is cut using a 1/4-inch end The part is now put aside until the bolt and
mill. If available, a ball or radius cutter should other action parts are fabricated, then they will
be used to cut this slot because a plunge cut can all be fitted together.

A Master Gunmaker's Guide to Building Bolt-Action Rifles

Receiver Manufacture

A Master Gunmaker's Guide to Building Bolt-Action Rifles

Receiver Manufacture

A Master Gunmaker's Guide to Building Bolt-Action Rifles

Receiver Manufacture

This broach, made from tool steel, is used to eut lug The receiver body is turned to the outside diameter.
raceways at the forward end of the receiver.

Surplus material can be removed from lug slots by The end of the receiver is turned flat and square.
clamping the receiver to the tool post and using the end
mill in lathe chuck, as explained in the text.

A Master Gunmaker's Guide to Building Bolt-Action Rifles

The receiver is threaded inside to accept the barrel. The left side of the receiver.

The right side of the receiver.



The bolt is made by cutting a section of round stock to length and squaring
the ends in the lathe. A small hole for the firing
pin is drilled in one end to a depth of 3/4 inch.
This should have a diameter of .076 inch, which is
made using a number 48 drill. Start the hole with
a center drill and feed the small drill in very
slowly using plenty of lubricant, withdrawing and
cleaning it frequently. If chips are allowed to load
up in the drill flutes, the drill will likely break off
in the hole. If that happens, it is easier to discard
the part and start over than to spend the time
required to remove the broken drill.
This same end is counterbored to a diameter
just larger than the cartridge head and to the
depth shown in the drawing.
The top bolt is for the prototype rifle. The seeond down The part is reversed in the lathe chuck and
is for an Enfield. The third is for another prototype. The bored, first with a 1/4-inch drill to the depth
bottom is for a Mauser. All were either built or modified shown. This should intersect and line up with the
in my shop. smaller hole previously drilled from the other end.
This is followed with a 1/2-inch drill to a slightly
lesser depth, which provides clearance for the
main spring and enlarged firing pin flange. I
suggest that new, sharp drills be used here. It is
imperative that this hole, consisting of three
different diameters, be straight and exactly
centered. Even slightly dull drills have a tendency
to wander off center, so don't take chances. Drills
don't cost all that much.
The end is bored out to a diameter of .600 and
.500 inch deep. A section .750-inch deep just

A Master Gunmaker's Guide to Building Bolt-Action Rifles

forward of this is threaded .587 inch by 16 tpi to location is also marked at this time. The guide
mate with the threaded portion of the bolt sleeve. pin slot is cut with an 1/8-inch end mill.
A section .500-inch wide must remain at full A bolt handle is turned from 3/4-inch round
diameter at the front end of the bolt body. This stock. If possible, this should be made from the
will form the locking lugs. Just behind this, a same material as the bolt, but almost any steel
section .525- to .530-inch wide is turned to a available will do for this. The handle can be
just slightly smaller than the smallest inside shaped as shown or to whatever suits you. The
diameter of the receiver. This will allow upper end, which will form the root of the bolt
clearance for the receiver lugs. The rear side of handle, must be left oversized and flats
the bolt lug portion must be cut exactly square machined on two opposing sides as well as the
and perpendicular to the bolt body. concave portion, which fits against the bolt
Location of the three locking lugs is laid out body. Relief cuts are made on the top and both
around the circumference of the bolt body. This sides to facilitate a deep weld joint, and the
is best done using a dividing head or indexing handle is clamped in position on the bolt's right
fixture. Lacking either of these, it is possible to side and welded in place. TIG welding is best for
do this by wrapping a layer of masking tape this because it penetrates well with less heat
around the bolt and marking the exact distance, spread than other types. Properly done, this
just as was described for the receiver lug weld will be undetectable when dressed to size
location. This measurement is divided in three and polished.
equal parts, which locates the center of each lug The bolt sleeve is turned from round stock to
at 120 degrees apart. Then, with the bolt the contour shown, drilled to accept the firing
secured in the milling machine, a cut is taken pin, and threaded to match the bolt thread. It is
on each side of the lugs center line to the depth cut to length and, when threaded in place, the
of the smaller relief section. This is repeated to exact bottom centerline marked. A .250-inch-
outline the other two lugs. By rotating the bolt wide slot is cut along the centerline to clear the
slightly and taking repeated cuts to the same cocking piece and the sides relieved to mate
depth, most of the surplus material between with the receiver tang.
each bolt lug can be removed. What remains is A safety lever is made up as described in
removed and shaped with a small file and Chapter 7 on safeties and the bolt sleeve drilled
finished with abrasive cloth. to accept it. The curved portion that clears the
The bolt should now fit into the receiver cocking piece can be formed exactly by taping
and rotate to the locked position. If it doesn't, the safety lever in place in the forward position,
whatever material preventing it from doing so securing the threaded end in the lathe chuck,
must be located and removed. This is fairly and boring it with a 1/2-inch end mill mounted
easy to do by coating the bolt head with some in the tailstock drill chuck.
sort of marking compound and trying it in the The retaining pin hole is drilled with the
receiver. Smoking it with a candle will leave a safety lever in place in the bolt sleeve. If the drill
black coating on the metal, as will a thin coat is run through this hole with the safety in its
of quick-drying spray paint. Bright spots in this forward position and again with the lever in the
coating, when the bolt is tried and removed, rearmost position, the location of the retaining
indicate places where the binding occurs and groove will be marked at both ends and can be
should be relieved. cut with a small triangular file.
When the bolt opens and closes smoothly, a The plunger hole is drilled in the position
hole is drilled near the left rear of the receiver shown and the plunger and spring fitted. The
as shown, and the slot for the guide pin is position of the three plunger detents are marked
marked through this hole with the bolt forward with a drill from the front side. These are finished
but in the unlocked position. The bolt-handle with a slightly larger drill and triangular file.

Bolt Manufacture

The cocking piece is made from 4140, or is made through the sear slot on the one side
similar, 1-inch round stock. Start by drilling a with the bolt in its closed position and another
hole for the firing pin with a 7/32-inch drill and on the opposite side with the bolt unlocked.
thread it with a 1/4 inch x 28 tpi tap. One end is This will mark the cocking cam location, which
bored with a 1/2-inch end mill to a 3/4-inch can be roughed in with a small end mill and
depth. The opposite end is turned to a .500-inch finished with a file and abrasive cloth.
diameter by .350-inch long. Next, a section .250- A cut is made in the upper right-hand bolt
inch wide is located on the exact center and, lug and an extractor made as shown. The hinge
using a fixture to rotate the part, the remaining pin hole should be drilled with the extractor in
material is cut away. This will leave a series of place to ensure proper alignment. A small 1/8-
small flats, which is dressed to the same contour inch diameter spring is used here.
as the already turnedl/2-inch round portion. Two types of ejector are shown. The spring-
The end that engages the sear is cut and shaped loaded type, which is contained in the bolt face,
with a nose angle as shown. is simply inserted in the hole in the bolt face
The firing pin is turned from 1/2-inch round and pinned in place. The other, a leaf type, is
stock. This too should be quality material. I made as shown and hinged to the receiver. This
have in many cases used the piston shaft from one requires a slot in the bolt face to let the end
automobile shock absorbers for this with good of it contact the cartridge head.
results. Certain types of drill rod can be used The parts can now be assembled, but final
but may prove to be brittle. fitting may be required after the other parts are
With the bolt in place in the receiver, a mark made and in place.

These are bolts for the prototype rifles. The one at the top is finished.

A Master Gunmaker's Guide to Building Bolt-Action Rifles

Bolt Manufacture

A Master Gunmaker's Guide to Building Bolt-Action Rifles

Excess material from the weld is removed in the lathe, The same procedure is done on the rear side. A concave
leaving a flat, square shoulder. curve in the front side is shaped using a small drum sander.

The bolt body is turned to size. The bolt body is bored for firing mechanism.

Bolt Manufacture

An end view of the bolt head showing the firing pin hole.
Locking lugs are located and cut at the forward end of the
bolt. In practice, this should be done before the bolt

The bolt used in the sniper rifle is the same basic bolt described here. It differs mostly by using a flat bolt handle.

A Master Gunmaker's Guide to Building Bolt-Action Rifles

The bolt used in the rifle. The spoon-type, flat handle is Bolt handle, turned from round stoek. This one is made to
rough shaped, ready to weld in place. be welded to the bottom of the original bolt-handle stub.
Those to be welded to the side of the bolt should be longer
and contoured to fit the body closely.

The handle is clamped in place on the bolt body and is

ready to be welded in place.

A military bolt body and new bolt handle are held in place
for welding by clamping both to a flat plate.

Bolt Manufacture

An .03 Springfield bolt with new handle in place. This bolt was made in wartime. Those made in peacetime were mostly
smooth bodied, without the step surrounding the safety lug.



My own opinion, which is shared by many, is that the firing system used on the
M70 Winchester is one of the best ever designed.
Rugged and dependable, with a safe, light, crisp pull
easily obtainable, this type of trigger mechanism is
far superior to the stamped sheet metal and
aluminum assemblies used on many rifles.
Although not an exact copy, the designs used
on my rifles are similar to the design referred to
for the very reasons just described. While quite a
bit of work is involved in building the same, the
end result is worth it.
I should also mention that I have built these
triggers not only for rifles of my own design and
manufacture, but for several bolt-action trap guns
and for both .30- and .50-caliber sniper-type rifles.
If there was ever a problem with even one of
these, I never knew it.
It is a fairly simple procedure to cut both trigger
and sear from suitable flat stock. These can be
sawed to shape with either a hand hacksaw or
metal-cutting bandsaw, but the easiest and most
Trigger template in plaee on a pieee of truek leaf spring.
precise way is to form them with the milling
machine. A 1/4-inch carbide end mill is used for
most of the outline, but the front curve of the trigger
is formed with a 1-inch or 1 1/4-inch end mill.
In practice, the front face of the trigger is
rough-shaped with the small end mill, and the
curved portion finished with the larger cutter. The
back side of the curve can be rough-shaped
freehand, using the small end mill and the

A Muster Gunmaker's Guide to Building Bolt-Action Rifles

remainder cut to on the back side can using a it in the cocked position. It is a good idea to
disc sander, crown on the trigger face. leave these parts slightly oversize and remove
The sear is cut the same way, by forming the metal from the sear face and trigger notch, using
outline with the small cutter, then clamping it files and stones until they mate correctly.
upright in the mill vise, and cutting the straight, With only a slight redesign this trigger
flat surfaces with a 3/8-inch end mill. assembly can be used on Mauser, Springfield, or
Flat spring material, as taken from leaf Enfield actions. A mounting plate 1/4-inch-thiek
springs used on older automobiles and light by 1/2-inch-wide, with a 1/4-ineh-wide-slot
trucks, is the prime source of material for these down the center must be welded or silver-
parts. It is too hard to machine as it comes, but soldered to the receiver tang on both the Mauser
it can be softened by heating it and allowing it to and Springfield to provide mounting points, and
cool slowly. Actually it isn't necessary to the sear slot in the receiver tang must be
completely anneal it as is done by heating it to a lengthened.
high temperature, usually a bright cherry red, The Enfield can be used without the
and cooling slowly. Heating to just a hint of a red additional mounting plate, provided the existing
color and cooling will usually soften it to a point slot is milled deeper and the curved section just
where it is workable. Suspending it over a bluing in front of the rear stock bolt is machined flat.
tank burner for 30 minutes or so will usually The existing sear slot must be lengthened at the
accomplish this. front. The reason for this is to allow the portion
Location of the holes is crucial. Both the of the sear that extends upward through the
sear and trigger should be put in place in the receiver tang to be lengthened to a point where
action and the hole locations marked through the cocking piece keeps it pushed down or
the pivot pin holes. A hole is drilled and tapped depressed when in the forward (fired) position.
vertically through the rear arm of the trigger to If this is not done, the relief cuts in the bottom
accept a 6x40 adjusting screw, which limits of the cocking piece can let the sear move
overtravel and serves as a spring guide. A .187- upward until the trigger engages before the firing
inch diameter spring pocket is drilled from the mechanism is cocked, thus binding the action.
top side at the forward end of the sear to house Note that the exact shape of these parts is of
a sear return spring. little importance as long as the sear contacts the
Final fitting is done by installing both parts, cocking piece at the end of the cocking motion
with springs in place, in their respective and the trigger notch engages the sear at the
positions. The sear should move upward to same time. It is also important that the lower
block the cocking piece as soon as opening the sear face be almost directly under the pivot pin.
bolt cams it to the rear. The notch, or groove, at If not, it will try to cam the trigger leg downward
the front of the trigger must snap upward and and out of engagement, which will require a
engage the lower front edge of the sear, holding heavier spring to counteract.

Trigger Assemblies

A Master Gunmaker's Guide to Building Bolt-Action Rifles

Trigger cut to profile and ready for forming to finished The pattern is eemented to metal for tracing the outline.
shape. Also shown are the finished sear and the mounting plate in
place on the receiver.

Mounting plate for trigger and sear, silver-soldered to the Drawing temper of the sear. Heating on a large plate
bottom of the reeeiver. ensures even distribution of heat.

Trigger Assemblies

Finished triggers and sears in place on rifles. These are the actions shown in the drawings.

Trigger assembly in plaee on the prototype. Trigger assembly installed on a Springfield.



The side-swinging, three-position safeties shown here have long been

considered as among the very best by those who
really know and use guns. These safeties are also
time-consuming and difficult to build in the small
shop. A good CNC mill permits rapid production
of them, but in a small shop, where only single-
point tools are available, it takes time. However,
the end result makes it worthwhile.
The safety lever, the part that extends from
the right side and swings back and forth, should
be made from tough enough to withstand the
friction of its movement against the cocking piece
without wearing away. The rear edge of the
extended shaft of this part must cam the cocking
piece far enough to the rear to disengage it from
contact with the sear each time the safety is
engaged. Low carbon steel (e.g., 1018) would wear
rapidly in such a situation. A tough alloy (e.g.,
4140, ) should be used for this.
The shaft proper is formed by clamping the
material in the mill vise and cutting away
The safety shaft is formed using the inside of a counter-
bore that originally used a 1/4-ineh drill as a guide. material with a small end mill, leaving an upright
slightly over 1/4-inch square and slightly longer
than the finished shaft will be. Counterbores are
available that use a 1/4-inch drill as a center
guide. Using one of these, without the drill in
place, it is positioned directly over the upright
and fed downward. If the drill guide is well
lubricated and fed slowly, this will result in a
smooth 1/4-inch-diameter shaft. Note from
A Muster Gunmaker's Guide to Building Bolt-Action Rifles

Illustration K that a smaller .100- to .125-inch installed in the receiver and fully closed, the
projection is required at the very tip end. This location of the slot that locks the bolt closed can
will support the lower end of the shaft in the be marked by running the .087-inch drill in
bolt sleeve, allowing the larger diameter shaft to until it contacts the bolt and drilling slightly into
rotate. This can be formed by using an open- it. This hole should then be deepened and
center milling cutter that has a center hole of enlarged slightly.
the desired diameter. The mill table must not be Three detents must be made around the
moved in the horizontal plane while this is circumference of the upper shaft. These are
done. The table can be lowered to allow located by drilling slightly with the .087-inch
changing cutters and raised again, but both drill from the front end of the bolt sleeve. One is
diameters must remain concentric. marked with the safety completely forward,
The remainder of the lever can be shaped as another with it positioned halfway to the rear,
desired and the outer surface checkered, and the third with the lever completely to the
grooved, or left plain. The contour shown rear. When these are enlarged slightly, the
permits full forward and aft movement and looks spring-loaded plunger will hold them in position.
fairly decent. The longitudinal grooving, cut A small hole of .065-inch diameter is drilled
with a metal checkering file, provides a nonslip through the side of the bolt sleeve. This is to
surface. It can be shaped to your own desires. contain a retaining pin to hold the safety lever
A hole must be drilled from the top of the in place. It is best to drill this hole with the
bolt sleeve to allow a snug fit of the safety safety lever installed and hope that about half of
shaft. Almost half of the shaft diameter must it intersects the lever. If the drill is run through
protrude inside the hole for the cocking it with the safety in both the front and rear
piece. This requires that a close-fitting plug positions, each end of the retaining groove will
must be inserted in the bolt sleeve hole to be marked, and the remainder can be cut with a
support the drill. small triangular file.
Otherwise, it would wander to the The safety is assembled by installing the
unsupported side and likely break. The spring and plunger in the hole and, while
smaller diameter hole for the lower end pushing against the plunger with the shaft,
support is drilled first. This one should go all pushing it in the hole. The retaining pin is
the way through the bolt sleeve. The larger installed, which keeps the safety in place. The
hole is then drilled to the required depth, and firing pin spring is put in place around the firing
the plug is removed. pin, the firing pin is pushed through the bolt
A concave cut must be made in the side of sleeve, and the cocking piece is screwed on.
the safety shaft to clear the cocking piece when Ideally, with the bolt in the closed position and
the safety is in its forward (ready to fire, or off) the trigger and sear installed, pulling the safety
position. This can be accurately done by to the rear will cam the cocking piece slightly to
assembling the lever in position and taping it the rear, completely out of engagement with the
securely, using several layers of electrician's sear. If it doesn't do this, a small amount of
tape. The threaded end is caught in the lathe metal must be removed, either from the cocking
chuck, and the material to be removed is bored piece or the sear, until this happens. Correctly
out, using an end mill in the tailstock chuck. A done, the trigger can be pulled with the safety
relief cut must be made at the rear end of the engaged, and when the safety is released, the
bolt sleeve to allow the safety to swing fully to firing mechanism will remain locked in the safe
the rear. Also, a hole must be drilled lengthwise position. If the firing pin moves forward after the
to contain the safety detent and spring. This is safety is released, this is a dangerous condition
drilled with an .087-inch drill and enlarged and must be corrected.
partway with a .156-inch drill. With the bolt If undue effort is required to engage the


safety, a small bevel should be stoned or filed on Enfield. A close-fitting collar is bored and
the right side of the cocking piece or the edge of welded in place over the bolt sleeve. After the
the safety shaft until it will move rearward with relief cuts are made to clear the receiver tang,
only a small amount of resistance the hole is drilled and the safety is installed, as
The three detents that the spring plunger described for the fabricated rifle.
contacts should have a slight groove cut between The Mauser and Springfield will require
each one with the forward two some .050-inch slightly more work since extra metal must be
deeper than the rearmost one. This is so that welded both to the right side and top. The
when the safety is moved to its rearmost position, remainder of the process is done as
the spring plunger will be cammed into the slot previously described.
cut in the rear of the bolt and lock it shut. It is possible to manufacture new bolt
Safeties of this same type can be made up sleeves for existing actions. In fact, several
and fitted to such existing actions as the Mauser, companies do just that. But, I am told, they use
Springfield, and Enfield, as well as others. In CNC machines, which turn out one of these
most cases it will be necessary to build up the parts in short order, whereas, with the single-
bolt sleeve somewhat to provide enough room point tools usually found in the small shop such
for the safety shaft. This is quite simple on the practice takes most of a day.

A Master Gunrnakers Guide to Building Bolt-Action Rifles

The safety lever, rough-finished, is next separated from The bolt sleeve is turned from round stock.
the steel bar and finished with a sanding wheel and drum

The safety lever in place on the bolt sleeve is taped in the The finished safety and bolt sleeve in place on the rifle.
forward (unlocked) position, allowing the relief on the
shaft to be bored in the lathe. A 1/2-inch end mill should
be used for this.

A Master Gunmaker's Guide to Building Bolt-Action Rifles

Top view of the safety in the unlocked position.

The safety in place on the prototype rifle.

The safety and modified holt sleeve on a Mauser.


Side view of the finished safety.

Bottom view of the finished safety. The safety, shown with bolt sleeve.

The cocking piece, bolt sleeve, firing pin, and spring make up the striker assembly.
A Master Gunmaker's Guide to Building Bolt-Action Rifles

The bolt stop rides in dovetail on the right'side.

The bolt stop shown on the finished rifle.


Bolt Stop
and Ejector

This chapter shows two ways to install the ejector. The first is a blade
type, hinged at the rear and spring-loaded to cause
it to pop up into the bolt face when the bolt is
retracted. It contacts the cartridge head and
causes the fired case to be thrown from the
ejection/loading port. This style has no contact
with the cartridge case until the bolt is almost
completely retracted.
Since this part is exposed to wear from friction
on the upper side and battering on the forward
end, it should be made from better material than
common sheet metal. A thin strip of some sort of
tough, wear-resistant alloy should be used here. A
thin strip of the material used for the action parts,
such as the 4140 or the leaf-spring material, can
be cut from the larger block and used for this. A
hole is drilled and counterbored for the screw
head at the rear end, and the forward end must be
offset as shown in the drawing. This end must fit
closely, without binding, in the receiver slot. The
front end should protrude from the bolt face .250
inch when the bolt is completely drawn to the
rear. The spring recess should be cut in line with
the spring pocket in the receiver.
The bolt stop must fit the receiver dovetail
closely. The projection on the inside surface that
contacts and stops the bolt should be angled
forward slightly at the upper front face, giving it a
slight hook. If angled in the other direction, it
could cam its way out of engagement if the bolt is

A Master Gunmakers Guide to Building Bolt-Action Rifles

withdrawn quickly and slammed to the rear. The "Hell, I don't know," I replied. "Cultivate it
spring pocket must be in line with the sear hinge and sell the fruit?"
pin, which holds the spring in place. The top I'm not kidding," he said. "The head space
edge of the bolt stop should be rounded slightly has grown so much I can't close the bolt on a
to enhance its appearance and the upper surface shell."
checkered, matted, or cut with lengthwise I suggested he bring it by, and, sure enough,
grooves to provide a nonslip surface. the bolt would no longer close on a loaded
Another type of ejector can be installed round. I tried everything I could think of (he
simply by drilling a small hole for a spring- even wanted to deepen the chamber) and finally
loaded plunger just inside the rim of the bolt removed the ejector. The bolt would once again
face. This is held in place by a cross pin. close on the cartridge. Further examination
Without pressure against it, the plunger revealed a minute amount of shaved brass at the
(henceforth called the ejector) should extend bottom of the ejector hole. When this was
from the bolt face, with the front face even with removed and the ejector replaced, his growing
the bolt body rim. When pressed inward against head space stopped. The rifle was restored to
the spring, it should stop flush with, or just working order.
below, the surface of the bolt face. A flat slot on I have heard of, and experienced, this
one side of the ejector gives clearance for the happening on several occasions since. If it
cross pin. happened to your only rifle while you were on
This type is simple to make, but it has an expensive hunting trip, your hunt would be
drawbacks. First, it causes pressure between the ruined. Keep this in mind when choosing.
bolt face and cartridge head as the bolt is closed Very little modification is needed on
and rotated shut. Second, it is trying to eject the military bolt stops. The Mauser can have the
empty case before the bolt is open, and just as little flange at the upper front checkered or
soon as the case neck clears the rear of the grooved, which won't really help it any. Enfields
receiver ring it is (probably) ejected. Other can have the bolt stop spring cut off just behind
times it can be forced out of the bolt face and the pivot and a thin strip silver-soldered to the
may fall back in the action. Third, if any sort of rear side of the pivot to maintain spring
dirt or debris works its way into the spring tension. The little round button is discarded,
pocket, it will keep the ejector from bottoming, and (usually) the excess material at the rear of
and the bolt won't close on a cartridge. the receiver bridge is cut away and reshaped.
I first learned of this shortly after the 700 The Springfield should have the upper edge of
series of Remington rifles was put on the market. the bolt stop cut away until the bolt can be
A friend of mine bought one of these in 7mm removed without opening the bolt stop far
Magnum caliber and was quite proud of it initially. enough to require cutting a relief cut in the
Then, one day he called me and asked what to do stock. The only reason for this is to maintain a
with a rifle that had its head space growing. straight top line on the stock.

Bolt Stop and Ejector


Guards, and
Custom magazine/trigger guard assemblies that incorporate hinged floorplates
have become a desirable, almost mandatory feature
of today's custom rifle. The magazine box proper is
tailored to accommodate the specific cartridge used,
including depth, length, and width. The hinged
floorplate, which may or may not be useful in
loading or unloading the gun, is most desirable as an
aid in clearing a jam, which could result from an
overlong or otherwise nonstandard cartridge. Of
course, this is unlikely to happen if a magazine box
of adequate length and width for the subject
cartridge is used, but it is possible.
Several specialized manufacturers make and
market such custom magazine assemblies, but
they are expensive. Most cost as much, or more
than, a complete factory-made rifle. These are
only made to fit certain rifles or actions, leaving
others to be fabricated in the shop. Besides, if you
A hinged floorplate, shown here on my number-one
rifle, is a desirable feature. intend to claim that you built the gun, you should
actually build all of the component parts yourself.
If you obtain parts from other makers and simply
fit and assemble them, you are just another
mechanic . . . not a gun maker.
Actually, there are several ways to build such
an assembly in a small shop. Assuming that an
existing magazine assembly with the correct
internal dimensions is used—as on Mauser,
Springfield, and similar actions—modification can
be done simply by extending the front side of the
trigger guard bow enough to accept a latch that

A Master Gunmaker's Guide to Building Bolt-Action Rifles

will secure the floorplate and making a never happened (to my knowledge) with one of
replacement floorplate. my guns, I have been told about its happening
To accomplish this, the front side of the with others and was assured that it wasn't a
trigger guard is slotted as shown, using a 1/4-inch pleasant experience.
inch end mill and a spacer made to fit inside this The floorplate is made from flat stock of at
slot. Two small filler blocks, one for each side, least .450-inch thickness. This too should be
are cut from flat stock and shaped to fit against made of heat-treatable material, such as 4140 or
the front trigger guard edge. These are relieved similar. While this part does not actually require
along the surfaces to be welded to ensure deep any heat treatment, the spur that is engaged by
penetration of the weld seam. The filler blocks the latch and the hinge area will resist wear
are clamped in place against both the spacer and better than if low carbon steel of the 1018 class
the trigger guard and welded using the TIG is used.
process. These are then shaped to the desired The part is formed by first clamping the
contour and dressed flush with the sides of the material in the milling machine and then cutting
existing guard. If done by a skilled welder, no away the excess material from the upper
evidence of the weld joint will remain. surface, leaving a projection at the front end
A floorplate latch is made from flat stock, as that forms the hinge block. This should be at
shown in Illustration V. This should be made of least high and left slightly wider than the
heat-treatable material and hardened after required thickness to permit final hand-fitting. A
completion. It is desirable that this part fit the slot to accept the follower spring is machined
slot closely, without unsightly gaps to mar the lengthwise along the centerline, with an
appearance of the finished product. The hinge undercut tab on each side at the forward end to
pin hole is drilled through both sides of the hold the spring in place. The little slitting saws,
guard and the latch simultaneously, with the as used with the Dremel-type hand grinders, can
latch secured in position. This can be done be used to form the undercut. It is possible to
easily by temporarily cementing the part in achieve the same purpose by grinding a flange at
place using superglue or similar adhesive. After the end of a four-flute milling cutter, which
drilling, the parts can be separated by heating to forms a narrow saw-type cutter. Copying the slot
350 to 400 degrees, which will cause the glue in an existing floorplate is advisable.
joint to release. A hinge pin is made from a drill A 4-inch-wide slot is cut in the front tang to
rod, or similar item, of the same diameter as the accept the floorplate hinge. If a relief, or
drilled hole, preferably with one end slightly lightening, cut is present on the upper side, a
larger then the drilled hole. This will ensure that filler block should be shaped to fit and silver-
it remains securely in place after installation. A soldered in place before this cut is made. This
fairly stiff 1/4-inch-diameter coil spring is will eliminate, or at least limit, the side play that
installed in the spring pocket as shown. This will be present if it is not done.
exerts pressure on the latch, holding it in the The front hinge block is now fitted into the
closed position. This spring should have enough slot, which has been filed square at the forward
stiffness to require considerable effort to release end, while at the same time fitting the "straddle"
the latch. This will assist in holding the rear end of the floorplate into, and around, the
floorplate shut during firing since recoil can jar trigger guard. A close fit is desirable here and is
the floorplate open, causing cartridges obtained by milling and carefully filing the parts
remaining in the magazine to be dumped on the until such a fit is obtained.
ground at the shooter's feet. This could cause a The hinge pin hole is now drilled. Again, this
considerable amount of excitement if it should be done with the parts clamped together
happened while the shooter was facing a and drilled through in one operation. A close-
charging wounded animal. Although this has fitting pin is made from drill rod or similar

Magazines, Trigger Guards, and Floorplates

material, preferably with one end a couple of forms the forward end and both sides of the box.
thousandths of an inch oversize, which will hold A filler plate, cut from 12-gauge (.1046-inch)
it in place when assembled. Don't try to make material, is welded in place between the rear ends
this pin (or any other pin for that matter) from of the sides, forming the completed box.
soft material, such as nails or coat hanger wire, Although the front tang can be made from
because it will bend or wear quickly. 1/4-inch flat stock, slightly thicker material (such
In the event your weld joints don't work out as 5/16- [.312-] inch) should be used if available.
the way they should, or if a complete new The extra depth allows a deeper weld joint and
magazine assembly is required, an entirely new more material around the hinge pin, making for a
trigger guard bow can be machined from solid slightly stiffer assembly. It will look better if
stock and welded to the lower rear of the made the same width as the trigger guard.
magazine box. This can be made from 5/8-inch The parts can be aligned for welding by first
flat stock in most instances. However, the clamping the magazine box in its exact location
original 98 Mauser trigger guards are slightly on the bottom of the receiver. The distance
wider than this. If intended for use with a pre- between the rear of the box and the screw hole
inletted or existing stock, slightly thicker in the receiver rear tang is measured and the
material should be used. dimension transferred to the trigger guard,
The outline of both the inside and outside whereupon the screw hole is drilled and
shapes, or contours, should be scribed or counterbored for the screw head.
otherwise marked so that they remain visible on Locating and drilling the front screw hole is
the surface of the material used and the excess done in the same manner. Both the front end of
cut away with the milling machine. The inside the trigger guard and the rear of the front tang
should be cut first. If a 1- or 1 1/8-inch-diameter are cut to length and beveled to accept a fairly
end mill is available, the inside opening can be deep weld, extending all the way around them.
cut to exact size, thus requiring only a small Both parts are located in place by blocking them
amount of finishing. Even so, the inside opening up to the desired heights and installing the
should be roughed out with a smaller cutter of guard screws. Both joints are then welded, using
1/2- or 5/8-inch diameter and finished with the the TIG process. The welds must be built up
larger one. If it is necessary to form the entire enough above the surface to allow dressing them
opening with the smaller cutters, a certain back flush with the surface, after which no trace
amount of finishing with files or small-diameter of the welding should show.
grinding wheels will be required. The floorplate hinge slot is now cut in the
The outside contour can be formed by front tang, and the floorplate is fitted in the
milling away the surplus material, as close to the same fashion described earlier when an existing
marked outline as you are comfortable with, and assembly was used.
finishing with a sanding wheel. The slot for the A short trigger guard, for use with blind
floorplate latch is machined in the same way, magazines or single shots, is made in the same
and to the same dimensions, as the built-up manner as that previously described, except
guard previously described. A slot to clear the that the latch slot is omitted and the front tang
trigger is cut from the top side, and a wider is lengthened and drilled for a retaining screw.
lightening cut is made to reduce weight. The It is recommended that the outside contours
screw hole is not drilled until the magazine box of both the trigger guard and the floorplate be
is finished. formed using a stiff-backed sanding wheel and
A new magazine box, whether a replacement hand-finished using files and progressively finer
for an existing action or for an entirely new grits of abrasive cloth or paper. Properly done,
action, is made by folding a 16-gauge (.0598-inch) this results in sharper, flatter surfaces, which
sheet metal blank around a form block, which enhance the finished appearance.

A Master Gunmaker's Guide to Building Bolt-Action Rifles

Magazines, Trigger Guards, and Floorplates

A Master Gunmaker's Guide to Building Bolt-Action Rifles

Magazines, Trigger Guards, and Floorplates

Slot is cut after welding.

Shaped to match outside
contour of the trigger guard.
1.600" fe»j J,

oo" 1
7 ^ -200

V^ -500" U

*l k .250"




A Master Gunmaker's Guide to Building Bolt-Action Rifles

Custom trigger guard/magazine assemblies made entirely The modification of an existing assembly is begun by slotting
in my shop. At top is a .416 Rigby using an Enfield Action; the forward end of the guard bow to accept the latch.
at bottom is my number-one 7.62x39.

A slot is cut in the front tang for the floorplate hinge. A spacer is cut to fit the trigger bow slot.

Magazines, Trigger Guards, and Floorplates

The spacer in position. Filler blocks, or "fillets," are made to weld to the guard bow.

Filler block in place with a spacer in position. Filler blocks clamped in place ready for welding. Note the
beveled edges, which permit a deeper weld.

A Master GunmakerJs Guide to Building Bolt-Action Rifles

Welding completed, ready for shaping and finishing. Rough shaped, ready for final polishing and finishing.

Bottom view, showing hinge and latch cuts.

A new guard is made by marking inside and outside outlines To form the inside contour, a 1 1/8-inch end mill is used.
on steel plate. Enough material has been removed with a
small end mill to allow a larger mill to be used to finish.

Magazines, Trigger Guards, and Floorplates

The inside eontour eut to finished size. The outside is shaped using a small end mill.

The outside contour partially cut. It will be cut the rest of The latch slot is eut in the same manner as previously
the way with a saw and finish-shaped with sander. shown.

A Master Gunmaker's Guide to Building Bolt-Action Rifles

The guard cut to finished shape. The lower guard is A top view showing a blind magazine guard at left. An
intended for use with a concealed magazine. integral guard with latch cut at right.

This shows trigger slot and lightening euts. The bolt hole A blank to form the magazine body is cut from 16-gauge
should not be drilled until all parts are completed. material.

Magazines, Trigger Guards, and Floorplates

The form block, with sheet metal blank in place, is The upper side is folded flat, using block and hammer.
clamped in the vise.

The assembly is turned over, and the operation is The magazine box, formed to shape. Welding a block in
repeated. the open end will complete the box.

A Master Gunmakers Guide to Building Bolt-Action Rifles

Component parts ready for welding.

Welded and finished assembly with floorplate in place. Completed assembly with floorplate (right).

Magazines, Trigger Guards, and Floorplates

Assembly with floorplate in place. The floorplate is made by first machining away surplus
material while leaving the projecting hinge block in place.

The completed floorplate showing the hinge bloek at left, the slot for spring, and cuts for latch and straddle at right.

Hinge pin holes are drilled with parts clamped together, ensuring alignment.

A Master Gunmaker's Guide to Building Bolt-Action Rifles

Side view of finished assemblies. At the top is a Mauser From left: bottom views of Mauser 98, Springfield with new
98; the other two are Springfields. trigger bow, and Springfield with modified original bow.

Finished magazine assembly in place, with ease-colored finish.


of Existing

Most of the modern bolt-action sporting rifles, including the ones

featured in this book, are close relatives to several
military rifles of pre-World War I and II vintage. In
fact, most evolved in various shapes, forms, and
sizes by incorporating features from these rifles
into the designs of the ones manufactured now.
Therefore, it should be considered that any so-
called improvements built into these later guns
might very well improve the older ones if added.
In fact, many of the older gunsmiths have been
doing this for years.
I was told by a recent gunsmith school
graduate that the school now condemns the use of
military actions in the building of custom rifles
because they are considered unsafe. Instead, the
instructors advocate purchasing one of the more
modern actions or barreled actions and building
the rifle around it. This usually involves removing
Top: A 1917 Enfield with a new magazine and hinged
floorplate, new trigger, safety, and holt handle. Note the and discarding the stock and barrel, which seems
quarter rih and reeoil lug under the harrel. quite wasteful. It also ignores the fact that these
military actions have stood the tests of time and
battle and that they are composed of machined
steel while the more modern actions may contain
mostly castings, stampings, and flimsy alloy parts,
all in an attempt to cut manufacturing costs. Note
that in some cases the modifications described
may also be adapted to the (modern) actions.
Of all the military bolt actions three stand
above the rest: the P14 and P17 Enfield, the
Springfield 03, and the Mauser 98, along with its

A Master Gunmaker's Guide to Building Bolt-Action Rifles

variations. Of the three, the Enfield is the first material can be cut off wit a saw. Others are
choice to build a rifle chambered for the long almost as hard as glass. These can be milled away
cartridges of the Magnum variety. It also using carbide cutters. With the rear sight
requires the most work to turn into a thing of removed on the Eddystone and Winchester, a
beauty and joy forever. If the work is well done, large oblong cavity is visible in the top of the
however, the end result is worth it. receiver bridge. (The Remington has a solid
Much has been written about which Enfields bridge.) It has been said that this cavity was done
are safest, which are more desirable, and which to save weight. With all the other extra material
are most apt to blow up. The P14 Enfield was present on this action, I doubt that this was the
designed in England to handle a .276 Magnum reason. Whatever the reason, the unsightly gash
cartridge for military use—hence, the huge should be filled, and it must be if scope mounting
action. When it became apparent that World is intended. The easiest way to fill it is to make a
War I was about to begin, the designers decided close-fitting plug and weld it in place.
that there wouldn't be time to change calibers, Many people think the rear-bridge contour
so the rifle was barreled for the .303 British should be a true radius, the same radius as the
cartridge and the magazine was modified to receiver ring. I think they still look fat when
make the shorter cartridges feed. Several U.S. done this way and should be ground to the same
companies (New England Westinghouse, better shape and relationship to the receiver ring as
known as the Eddystone; Winchester; and the Mauser.
Remington) were contracted to build the The bridge can be shortened. The clip
modified Enfield. Then, when the United States guides should be ground away completely, and
got into the war and there were only two plants the lines are blended into the forward portion
to build Springfields, Enfield production was of the receiver using a fairly sharp curve.
taken over and the rifle was chambered for the Starting at the rear of the bridge proper, cut
.30/06 cartridge. the left side of the rear of the receiver straight
The firing pin was enlarged significantly, and down, where it will join the tang with a short
the magazine was altered to feed. Apparently the radius. This will remove all the portion of the
rifle was never used in combat, but rather receiver ring lying behind the bolt stop pivot,
chiefly as a training rifle. down to the receiver tang. The portion of the
Drawing on my 50-some years of experience bolt-stop spring extending behind the bolt-stop
in remodeling such rifles, I found that the should be cut off, and a thin strip of metal is
"Eddystones" built before the war and in P14 silver-soldered to the rear of the bolt-stop pivot
configuration were the smoothest and best for the spring to bear against. The safety is
finished, even though others condemned them removed and discarded, and both sides of the
as unsafe. Though I have seen pictures of the tang are cut to the same shape.
same, I never actually saw a blown-up action. The bolt handle is one of the ugliest ever put
The Winchesters are adequate but rougher. The on a rifle (would you believe it was once copied
Remington has a solid receiver bridge, whereas by a maker of .22 rifles?). The unsightly bends
the others have an oblong cut under the rear in the handle were put there to clear the rear
sight, which must be filled. sight. Now that the sight has been removed,
The receiver, with metal removed and there is no further reason for it. The handle can
the remainder reshaped some, turns out to be heated and the bends straightened out. This
be considerably lighter in weight and will leave it too long, so the knob should be cut
features contours as pleasing to the eye as off and reversed, jamming the hollow portion
most of the others. over the shank and welding it in place. All
The first step is to remove the rear sight ears. excess material in the handle should be ground
Some receivers are soft enough that most of the away, giving it a more graceful shape. But since

Modification of Existing Actions

welding is required anyway, a far more graceful- A new hinged-floorplate magazine assembly,
appearing handle can be turned as described in as described in Chapter 9, can be used with this
Chapter 5 and welded in place. action simply by changing the dimensions as
The clumsy cock-on opening feature so required. This will add greatly to the appearance
beloved by the British can be best eliminated by and usefulness of the rifle since the odd-shaped
building out the cocking cam on the bolt enough trigger guard and the wide frame around the
to cock the striker on the upstroke of the bolt. magazine are eliminated.
This was the system used by Remington when it Whatever caliber you choose, some metal
made a sporter from the Enfield and called it a removal is probably necessary to make the
Model 30S, which later evolved into the Model cartridges feed properly. This is mostly required
720. A first-class welding job is called for here on the feed ramp just in front of the magazine
and should be done by the heli-arc process. The opening and at the rear sides of the receiver lips.
cam proper can be ground to the angle and Well-executed and finished, this action is the
shape of a Mauser or Springfield, and the inside equal to any in existence. Springfield actions
weld can be smoothed up in the lathe. The require far less work to be presentable. These
outside can be ground or filed back to the were actually the basis for the Model 54
outside contour of the bolt. When finished, the Winchester, which later evolved into the Model
surface of the cam must be hardened. This can 70 by using several of the modifications
usually be done by heating the immediate area described here.
around the cam to a cherry red and quenching it The actions on Springfield rifles with serial
in oil. It is then drawn to a straw color. numbers below 800,000 were made using a
When the preceding operations are finished, simple case-hardening treatment and are said
the entire bolt and extractor should be polished to be unsafe with modern ammunition. All
to the highest degree possible. As issued, most sorts of stories exist about how the actions
bolts work hard, and a good part of the trouble is have simply blown apart when fired. Back
caused by a rough bolt and extractor. The rest is before I knew about this, I fired several
caused by the extractor rubbing against the bolt thousand rounds of military ammunition that
lug race and causing friction. Peening the ends had been liberated by some of my older
of the extractor collar pulls the extractor in relatives who had access to it in the army.
toward the bolt body and eliminates much of This ammo was fired in one of the low-
this, making it a slick, smooth-working action. numbered rifles, but I found nothing unsafe
An M70-type trigger, as shown for the about it. I have known of several cases where
prototype rifle, can be installed without the others have used these same "unsafe" rifles
addition of a mounting block. The inside for years without any problems. A number of
bottom rear of the lower tang must be cut out at "blowups" were later attributed to firing 8mm
the rear almost to the bolt hole, and the sear cartridges in the undersized .30/06 barrels.
slot is lengthened. This was also determined to be the cause of
The side-swing safety that is included in the "blowups" of M1895 Winchesters in .30/06
prototype design can be installed by welding a caliber. Rifles made at Springfield with serial
slab on the right side of the bolt sleeve to numbers between 800,000 and 1,275,767
contain the safety shaft. This is best done by were given what was known as a "double heat
making up a round collar, which will just slip treatment," as were those made by Rock
over the bolt sleeve, and welding it in place at Island Arsenal with serial numbers between
the front, rear, and lower edges of the cocking- 285,507 (rifles below this number were also
piece opening. It can then be milled flat on the unsafe) and 319,921. These were considered
sides and top, and completed as described for safe and dependable.
the prototype. Up until around the start of World War II the

A Master Gunmaker's Guide to Building Bolt-Action Rifles

firm of R.F. Sedgley had available low-numbered are weld-on bolt handles if you don't want to
Springfield actions that they claimed to have make your own.
"re-heat-treated." My first "custom" rifle was It has been written that the two-piece firing
built on one of these actions, for which I paid pin is unsafe because it could break at the joint
$25. I didn't have any trouble with it, but, then and allow the gun to fire accidentally. Here
again, I didn't have any trouble with the original again, I have only heard about this. Although I
either. Rifles from Springfield with numbers have rebuilt and remodeled several hundred of
above 1,275,767 and from Rock Island above these rifles over the years, I have never seen it
319,121 were made from nickel steel and were happen. It is possible to adapt an Enfield firing
considered the strongest of the lot. pin if you are uncomfortable with the original,
The later rifles, designated 03A3 and 03A4 but I have never found it necessary or desirable.
(which were intended as sniper rifles), were Although the knurled knob on the end of the
made by Smith Corona and Remington. They cocking piece is handy to cock and uncock the
were usually somewhat rough on the outside striker, cutting the knob off enhances the
and had several stamped parts. Although plenty appearance of the rifle. Because this removes
strong enough, these are not as desirable as the most of the threads between the cocking piece
original actions. and firing pin, and could allow them to separate,
The Springfield receiver is about as good as it should be secured by welding around the rear
is possible to get it without alteration. The bolt end of the firing pin and cocking piece, or
stop and ejector housing can be reshaped to a drilling a hole through the side and cross-
bullet-like profile, which some consider pinning them together.
desirable. The rear tang can be reshaped and The side-swing M70-type safety can be added
narrowed to resemble that of a Mauser. This by welding a slab of metal to the right side of the
allows a slimmer, more rounded upper grip line bolt sleeve to contain the safety shaft and the
on the stock. Except for a good polishing, this locking pin and spring. The top is ground off,
should take care of it. removing the original safety shaft housing, and
If the M70-type trigger is desired, it is rounded off to blend in with the side you added.
necessary to make up a hangar, or mounting The original trigger guard and magazine
block, and silver-solder it in place, as shown assembly is easily the best looking such
Chapter 6. assembly ever put on a military rifle. With the
Even if no scope is to be used, a new bolt addition of a hinged floorplate it is at least equal
handle enhances the looks of the rifle. In certain to any seen on factory-made sporting rifles. I
instances 03A4 sniper rifle bolts have been refer here to the original milled jobs. The
substituted for the original. These were made stamped ones, as included on the A3 and A4,
with production in mind, and most are quite aren't worth carrying home.
rough, with varying steps in the diameter along Because of the quality of the original, it is only
the bolt body. The handle is too short and necessary to make up a new floorplate and hinge
poorly shaped. It is far better to modify the it in an opening cut in the front tang. This hinge
original bolt, which has a smooth body, and if it should mate closely, without a visible gap, when
is stamped "N S" (which indicates nickel steel), closed. Two small strips are welded at the front of
it is one of the very best. While the original the guard to hold the floorplate latch. The
handle can be heated and forged lower to clear a assembly is shaped to the contour shown. (This
scope (using a set of bolt-bending blocks to hold operation is described in detail in Chapter 9.)
it in a vise and protect the lugs from the heat), The Model 98-type Mauser is considered by
the most attractive bolt handle is turned to most to be the best of the military and sporter
shape and welded in place. The bolt-bending actions ever built. Obviously, since the Mauser
blocks are available from gunsmith houses, as came along first, most of the others copied

Modification of Existing Actions

something, however minor, from its design. As with the Springfield, the magazine
Ironically, while this action is considered the assembly, if in good condition and free from pits,
strongest and best, it is the only one I have ever should have the hinged floorplate added. Most of
seen actually blown up. But this was caused by these also have lock screws to lock the guard
an idiot who thought he was a reloading expert screws and keep them from backing out (as if
and knew more about the reloading subject than one ever did). These should be welded shut and
any reloading manual. To him, powder was dressed flush. The trigger guard is somewhat
powder, whatever the designation. If a maximum larger than it needs to be. If you are happy with
load was listed, some more was better. this, the front can be built up as described
Overlength cases, due to a lack of trimming, previously and reshaped. A new trigger guard
meant nothing to him. It was too time- can be made as described before and, with the
consuming. The end result was the upper part of old guard cut off, welded in place at the rear of
the receiver ring being blown off, wrecking a the magazine.
perfectly good action. It takes quite a lot of time and work to make
About the only modification needed on the these modifications, but the end result, if well
receiver is to remove the clip charger guide and done, is an action that is equal to, if not better
grind the front of the bridge to the same contour than, any on the market today. These actions
as the rest of it. This makes it possible to use the are safe to use with factory-loaded ammunition,
same scope bases as on the FN and other as well as reasonably loaded hand loads. This
commercial actions. should make it all worthwhile.
As with the Springfield, this trigger assembly
must have a mounting block silver-soldered to
the bottom of the tang. This is drilled for pivot
pins to hinge the trigger and sear. (Such triggers
are described fully in Chapter 6.)
The bolt handle sticks straight out on most
of the earlier actions and is bent down on the
later ones. These can be forged low enough to
clear a scope, as described for the Springfield.
The resulting handle will be too short to look
good. The original handle should be cut off and a
new handle welded in place.
If a simple jig is made, as shown in the
pictures and drawing, it is a simple matter to
clamp both the bolt body and handle in place
where they can be joined together by the heli-
arc welding process. The welds on the front and
rear sides can be cut smooth by turning in the
lathe, and the outer side can be formed with a
small grinding wheel and drum sander.
The side-swing safety is installed just like on
the others, by building the right side out to a
point where the safety shaft can be mounted in
place, together with the locking pin and spring.
The top safety shaft housing should be ground The oval slot in the reeeiver ring should be filled by
off and blended into the sides, leaving a smooth, welding a close-fitting plug in plaee and dressing smooth.
rounded contour. Remington aetions do not have this slot.

A Master Gunmaker's Guide to Building Bolt-Action Rifles

The cocking cam on the Enfield bolt must be built up by An Enfield bolt with a new handle, bolt sleeve, and safety,
welding, as shown, ground and filed to shape, and well and altered to cock on opening.

An Enfield bolt-stop and ejector housing altered as described in the text.

Modification of Existing Actions

From top: Prototype bolt, Enfield bolt, A Springfield 03 action, altered as deseribed in the text.
and Mauser bolt, built as deseribed.

The same aetion shown above right in myrtle wood stoek. This is the last rifle I ever built. It was for a friend of mine,
now deceased, who was almost 7 feet tall and weighed some 300 pounds, hence the long grip.

A Master Gunmaker's Guide to Building Bolt-Action Rifles

A 98 Mauser bolt, altered as described. A Mauser with all alterations described in the text. This is
a .338 Winchester Magnum with a Bastogne walnut stock.
This is the hardest piece of walnut I ever worked with.

Trigger assembly mounting block silver-soldered in place This simple jig makes locating and welding bolt handles in
on a Mauser receiver. place easy.


Barrel Fitting,
and Shaping

While it is possible to bore, ram, and rifle barrels from a solid-steel billet, or
blank, the cost of the tooling and equipment
necessary to accomplish this in the small shop
makes it impractical as long as barrel blanks with
finished bores remain available.
At present there are a number of barrel
makers practicing their trade and producing barrel
blanks with finished interiors in just about any
configuration desired. Though I have always liked
the idea of being able to truthfully say that I built
every part of my guns in their entirety, I could
Equipment needed for octagon or fluted barrel work (from never justify the expense it would take to build
left): tailstoek, supports (clamps), and indexing bar.
only a small number of barrels per year. So, when
people ask if I made the barrel I am forced to
admit that I used a purchased pre-rifled blank.
Most applications require only a round, light
sporter contour barrel. Since these are available
already turned to shape, and come in several sizes
and weights, it makes sense to procure them with
the outside finish turned to the contour that
comes closest to your requirements . . . especially
since these cost only a few dollars more than an
unturned blank.
There are, however, instances where it is
necessary to procure barrel blanks in the
straight-cylinder configuration. This is required
when such features as an extra recoil lug is made
on the barrel of a rifle with heavy recoil, or an
integral front sling swivel machined on the
barrel, or an integral front sight ramp, among

A Master Gunmaker's Guide to Building Bolt-Action Rifles

other reasons. Octagon barrels require a larger instances, with a burnishing reamer, which
diameter blank, in certain cases, than a round exerted only a scraping and polishing action
barrel of similar dimensions. and left the chamber extrasmooth.
Whatever the outside contour is to be, the Now, in the past few years, more and more
barrel installation should begin by turning the people in the gun trade have begun to advocate
barrel shank to its required diameter and using only a finish reamer to cut the entire
cutting threads on it. Some gunsmiths chuck the chamber. If this method is used, the chamber
muzzle end of the barrel in the lathe and place should first be roughed-out with drills to remove
the tailstock center in the breech end while all excess material possible. The chamber is
threading and chambering it. This requires use roughed in a series of steps with a change of drill
of a steady, or center, rest to support the breech size at each step. To allow for any slight run-out
end during the chambering operation. Others of the drills, the drilling should be kept at least
shove most of the barrel length into the lathe .050-inch undersize at all points.
headstock and secure it with the chuck. The Regardless of which method is used, the
tailstock is used in the same manner as above process is similar in either ease. With the lathe
for threading and chambering. Personally, I running at its slowest speed, the well-lubricated
favor the idea of inserting the barrel through the reamer is fed into the chamber end using slight
headstock spindle and securing the breech end pressure from the tailstock. It must be
in a four-jaw stock, or an adjustable three- or withdrawn frequently, have the accumulated
six-jaw chuck, allowing something over an inch chips removed, and be relubricated. Do not
to protrude from the chuck. Using a dial neglect this. Chips accumulate in the reamer
indicator, the bore is centered, and the flutes with amazing rapidity and, if not removed,
threading and chambering can be done without can score the chamber or seize and break flutes
having to use the steady rest. off the reamer before it is realized that anything
There are gunsmiths who make a practice of is wrong. Abundant lubrication is required.
cutting barrel threads somewhat undersized, Unless you are absolutely certain that the
allowing the action to screw on the barrel with tailstock center is in perfect alignment with the
quite a bit of slack and wobble. Their theory is center of the bore, the tailstock center should
that when drawn up tight, all contact will be on not be used to center the drive end of the
the front side of the threads, which results in reamer. Just a few thousandths of an inch off
better alignment . . . or something. I like the will cause the reamer to cut an oversize
idea of a snug thread fit, whereby the action chamber. Clymer, the reamer manufacturer,
screws on without any looseness or wobble and makes and markets a floating reamer drive that
some effort is required to turn it for the last will correct any small misalignment. Acquire
couple of threads. It should also be tightened one of these if possible.
home quite firmly and forcefully. Some means must be used to keep the
With the threading completed, the reamer from revolving with the barrel. A tap
chamber should now be cut. For the past wrench works well for this, provided the
hundred years or more it was the common and handles are short enough to clear the lathe bed
recommended practice among barrel fitters to in ease you didn't pay attention to what I said
cut a chamber almost to depth using a about chip accumulation and lubrication and
roughing reamer. This left the chamber slightly the reamer seizes. If this happens and you
undersize and was followed with the finish turn loose of the handle quickly enough, the
reamer, which cut the chamber to its finished reamer can turn with the barrel until the lathe
dimensions. This removed only a small can be stopped.
amount of metal, thereby reducing wear on the The final, or finished, chamber depth (often
finish reamer. This was followed, in many referred to as headspace) can be determined

Barrel Fitting, Chambering, and Shaping

by measuring the distanee from the front edge barrel makers as unthreaded, unehambered
of the receiver to the bolt face using a depth blanks with outside contours ranging from light,
mike. This measurement will be equal to the featherweight barrels through several
distance between the barrel shoulder and the increasingly larger, heavier weights to the fully
cartridge head, which will usually extend unturned blank of some 1 and 1/4 inches at both
slightly from the chamber. It is a good idea to ends. Quite a bit of work can be avoided if one
stop slightly short of the finished depth and cut of these standard contours can be used as it
the last few thousandths by hand, measuring comes from the manufacturer since it can take
frequently and trying it with the action several hours of lathe work to turn a barrel from
screwed in place until the bolt will just close on the basic full-sized blank to the contour desired.
the "go" headspace gauge. Even if a special profile, requiring special
Although not necessary when using a new shaping or forming, is required it is possible to
action, such as described herein, it is sometimes avoid a good bit of work by obtaining a slightly
a good idea to square the end of the receiver, larger blank and removing whatever material is
especially when using military actions and the required to meet your specifications.
like. This will require making up a mandrel that The most common profile for round barrels
will extend through the receiver and mount in includes a short cylindrical section, slightly
the lathe chuck. The forward end of this smaller in diameter than the receiver ring,
mandrel must be threaded to match the receiver located just forward of the thread shank. Just
thread and relieved to allow a light cut to be ahead of this is usually a short, tapered section
taken from the front face of the receiver, that extends forward a short distanee to the
thereby truing and squaring it. smaller diameter of the long-tapered barrel,
In many instances it is desirable to lap the which extends in a shallow straight taped to the
bolt lugs to the receiver lugs. This is muzzle end. This section usually has a slight
accomplished mainly by applying a thin coating concave in the taper and has been referred to by
of some sort of abrasive compound to the others as the forcing cone. Just why this is I
contacting surfaces of the lugs. With the bolt in have never understood because I can't see how
its locked position in the receiver ,it is worked it "forces" anything. But smarter men than I
by opening and closing it from the locked to have decreed it. The long portion extending
unlocked position while keeping a slight forward from this taper extends with a shallow
rearward pressure on it. This should be straight taper to the muzzle. If such items as
continued a number of times or until you get integral front or rear sight bases, barrel swivel
tired of doing it. All traces of the lapping base, or recoil lugs are to be incorporated, a full-
compound should be removed when finished. diameter blank should be used with appropriate
For the enlightenment of those who have no lumps, or sections, left if sufficient diameter to
knowledge of barrel work, it should be noted form the item required and excess material
here that barrel work in a large production shop removed with the milling machine and files.
is a different procedure than that practiced by Octagon barrels, which many people refer to
the small shop operator. Large shops cut the incorrectly as hex barrels (they have only six
chamber and form the exterior of the barrel in flats as opposed to the eight present on the real
machines especially adapted to the work at thing), require some extra equipment—most
hand, using pressure-lubricated reamers and important, a milling machine with enough table
cutting tools throughout the operation. travel to expose the entire length of the barrel to
The exterior shape of the barrel can be of the milling cutter. The machine table must also
just about any configuration desired by the be long enough to mount some sort of indexing
owner, but the most common is the tapered fixture at one end of the table and a tailstock
round barrel. These are available from most that will locate and support the barrel at the

A Master Gunrnaker's Guide to Building Bolt-Action Rifles

other end. The standard 42-inch table that pump should be used to pump plentiful amounts
comes standard on the average vertical mill of lubricant on the work. You may find through
simply isn't long enough. experimentation that faster cutter speeds are
When I began machining octagon barrels, I more desirable. But these large-diameter shell
bought a new machine with a 10x54-inch table. mills, which are necessary to form the
I shelled out several thousand dollars for it. previously mentioned "forcing cone" (that in
Although it worked out just the way it was turn changes the round shank at the chamber
supposed to, I found a better deal later on. A few end to the octagon shape), are expensive and
weeks later I purchased another considerably last much longer when run slowly.
older machine with the same length table. This Remove as much excess material as possible
mill was a combination vertical and horizontal by lathe turning, or obtain a barrel blank just
mill in excellent condition. It was also extremely large enough to finish to the octagon
well equipped. I bought it for less than one- dimensions. The blank is then mounted on the
eighth of what the new machine cost. The mill table and secured as described. With the
company I got it from decided to put all new cutter revolving slowly, the barrel blank is fed
equipment in its shop and didn't have room for into it some .040 to .050 (forty to fifty
it. So look around; you may find a bargain too. thousandths) of an inch and the power feed and
Some means must be provided to precisely coolant pump engaged, making a full-length cut.
index the barrel blank in eight different identical The blank is then turned 180 degrees, and an
positions at 45-degrce intervals around the identical cut is made on the exact opposite side
barrel. This can be with a dividing head, a rotary from the first. It is then rotated another 45
table in a vertical position, an indexing spacer, degrees and another cut made; then another
or a fixture made for the purpose. 180, then 45, then 180, until the entire rotation
After several weeks of experimentation I is made and all eight sides started. This
made up an octagon fixture that could be sequence is repeated with a deeper cut on each
mounted in the mill vise with one end bored to rotation until the finished dimensions are
fit over the breech end of the barrel blank. This reached. There are those who will try to cut
fixture was machined to the octagon form using each flat to its finished depth or rotate it only
a heavy dividing head and tailstock. I then 45 degrees between cuts. This invites warpage
bolted the swivel base mill vise in place at the and may set up stresses that will affect the
extreme end of the mill table and the tailstock at accuracy of the barrel. It takes a little bit longer
the other end. The tailstock requires a false base to do it as described, but the end result makes
to permit off-setting it for the taper to be cut. it worthwhile. Too much work has gone into
This, together with the swivel-based vise, allows this project to take a chance on ruining it by
the blank to be offset at the muzzle end, which taking shortcuts.
permits any desired taper to be cut. Fluted barrels can be executed by turning
I made up three supports, which arc bolted the round barrel to its finished dimensions and
to the mill table and fit over three sides of the mounting it on the mill table, as described
barrel, clamping it in place and dampening earlier. In this case a 2-inch or larger diameter
vibration. The barrel is quite rigid and vibration- convex cutter of the desired width is mounted in
free when clamped and held this way, more so the mill head, and the cuts are made in the
than when mounted only between centers. same way the octagon barrel was done.
When using the vertical mill, as shown in the Caution should be observed when cutting
accompanying photographs, all cutting is done flutes. I know of at least two instances where
from the side. A shell mill of 3 or more inches in self-proclaimed experts cut such flutes too deep
diameter is mounted in the mill spindle and and the barrels split or cracked down the
turned at the slowest speed possible. A coolant bottom of at least one flute. This happened to

Barrel Fitting, Chambering, and Shaping

one such genius of my acquaintance, who the flats required to form the eight sides. These
bragged long and loud about his own intelligence should blend smoothly into the round section
and ability. He took a .50-caliber rifle of his own without showing a ridge, or step, where the
manufacture all the way to Turkey to transition occurs.
demonstrate it to several foreign governments. As previously stated, much labor can be
He bragged to everyone who would listen about avoided by obtaining barrel blanks that are
how rich he would be when he secured the already shaped to dimensions close to those
contract he was sure he would get. After a few desired. For instance, if a barrel is required with
shots during his demonstration the barrel blew a muzzle diameter of .600 (six hundred
out through a flute that was cut too deep. Both thousandths) inch by 24 inches long, several
gun and demonstration were ruined, and our barrel makers will supply one with just these
hero came home sadder but (I hope) wiser and dimensions. If a slightly smaller diameter is
closed his business shortly thereafter. required, that size can be turned from it. If a
The half-octagon barrel (where the barrel is larger barrel is wanted, blanks are available to
octagon shaped at the breech end and remains accommodate these.
forward until somewhere near the halfway length, Turning barrels to size in the small shop can
where it blends smoothly into a round cross be done in several ways, but probably the
section that continues to the muzzle) makes a simplest and easiest is to turn the rear
most attractive barrel when properly done. cylindrical section and "forcing cone" to size.
This process is begun by turning the round Then, with the barrel placed between centers,
front section to the desired finished diameter. the tailstock is offset to produce the desired
These barrels look best when kept fairly slim. taper, which blends into the forcing cone taper.
The rear part is likewise turned using the same Several light cuts are usually required to reduce
taper but left oversized enough to allow cutting the diameter to the desired size.

A Master Gunmaker's Guide to Building Bolt-Action Rifles

Barrel Fitting, Chambering, and Shaping

A Master Gunmaker's Guide to Building Bolt-Action Rifles

Mounted in place on mill table, with bar mounted in vise, Side view of the barrel support.
clamps in place to dampen vibration, and tailstock
supporting the muzzle end.

End view of the barrel support. Tailstock (note the false base needed to allow offset, which
will establish desired taper).

Barrel Fitting, Chambering, and Shaping

Indexing bar is formed using dividing head and tailstock. The barrel is attached to an indexing bar, the bar is
elamped, and the clamps and tailstock are in place.

A large-diameter shell mill is used to maehine flats. Turn Close-up of the indexing bar clamped in mill vise. The bar
at the slowest speed possible for longer tool life. must rest squarely against the vise bottom with the front
flange against the vise jaw.
A Master Gunmaker's Guide to Building Bolt-Action Rifles

Straight-tapered barrels with a large cross section can be Full-length view of straight-tapered barrel during
machined using smaller-diameter end mills running at a machining. This one is 30 inches long.
higher speed. Side cuts, as shown, result in a smoother
finish than endmill cuts and also require less polishing.

A round featherweight barrel with muzzle brake attached.

The .250/3000 barrel described in the text with rear sight in place.

Barrel Fitting, Chambering, and Shaping

The cost of a new milling machine is prohibitive to many Threading the barrel shank.
people, but sometimes an older machine in good condition
can be found at a fraction of the cost of a new one. This
one can do anything the new one can and costs far less.

Crowning the muzzle. Barrel shank threaded for prototype rifle.

The same barrel fitted to the action.


Iron Sights and

Quarter Ribs

For some reason a number of hunters and shooters will purchase a new rifle
and the first thing they do with it is proceed to
remove the iron sights. Some of them, if asked,
will tell you that the rifle looks better with a "slick
barrel." Still others tell us that the iron sights tend
to snag on the inside lining of a gun case and on
limbs or brush when carried through the woods.
Several manufacturers take note of these facts and
offer, as an option, rifles without metallic sights.
Perhaps the term metallic is a misnomer since at
least one manufacturer is at present equipping
such rifles with plastic sights. These, combined
with the cheap plastic stocks, magazine
floorplates, and trigger guards also present, lend
credence to the term "Mattel toy," which is used
with quite a bit of sarcasm to describe such rifles.
Certain manufacturers have sucked greedy gun
writers into brainwashing the gullible public into
Quarter rib with a single standing leaf on a .338 Mauser.
believing that such questionable practices are
actual improvements, whereas the only
"improvement" is in the manufacturers' profits.
Most of the older, more experienced hunters
and shooters still like the idea of an auxiliary
sighting system in case something happens to the
scope they must depend on with a "slick barrel."
Some of these have experienced the thrill of
shelling out large sums of money and traveling
several miles for a hunting trip, only to discover
their scope has been wrecked somewhere along

A Muster Gunmaker's Guide to Building Bolt-Action Rifles

the line. Without auxiliary sights to fall back on, make sure that everything (i.e., milling machine
their trip is ruined. quill, cutter, and mill vise) are tight and secure
A further advantage to having a front sight in before this cut is made. Dovetail cutters have a
place, even though it may snag when withdrawing tendency to eat deeper into the bottom of the
it from the gun case, is that if you lean the gun slot if not completely secure. I have seen
against a tree or wall the sight will likely keep it autoloading pistol slides ruined because of this.
from slipping and falling over. This alone makes Another, considerably easier, method is to
the sight worthwhile, even if you never use it. make up a separate sight ramp that can be
There are those of us who actually believe that silver-soldered to the barrel. This will be cut
the lines of a custom rifle are improved with the from 3/8- (.3750-) inch material with the profile
addition of a machined-steel front sight and formed to the desired shape. The bottom side
quarter rib, even though it is a time-consuming must have a concave, or radiused, cut to match
process to make and mount them. the barrel diameter. This is formed using a ball
It is possible to make a solid front sight ramp cutter of appropriate radius or diameter. These
that is integral with the barrel. This requires ball mills, especially when they become slightly
quite a bit of extra work since it is necessary to dull, tend to leave a small raised strip down the
start with a full-diameter "basic" barrel blank center of the cut. This can be removed with a
and turn it to the profile desired. A section at light pass with a 1/8-inch-diameter end mill or a
the muzzle end is left unturned, or it can be round file.
turned to the side profile desired for the sight The ramp, with finished side profile, can
ramp. With the barrel in place on the action, a now be clamped on the exact top center of the
top centerline is established and marked, and all barrel and silver-soldered in place. A neater,
the surplus material on each side of the top better-looking job results if a cut is made down
strip, which will form the ramp, is milled away. each side of the ramp using the side of the ball
The barrel is mounted on the milling table with cutter. This reduce the top width to .250-inch
the breech end held in an indexing fixture or a while forming a radiused flare with a slight ledge
dividing head. The muzzle end is held by the around the bottom. A sturdy sight blade can be
tailstock center. It is rotated, a little at a time, formed by reducing the top width to .100-inch
and repeated cuts are made until the barrel to a depth of .250 inch. This is done instead of
taper is formed forward to the muzzle. Several cutting the dovetail and installing a sight blade
little flats will be left around the circumference as described above.
after the milling cuts are made, which requires a Still another type that appeals to many is the
good bit of careful filing to make it match the band ramp. This one uses the same approximate
round contour of the rest of the barrel. size and shape as the others but has a band at
A dovetail slot must be cut, either crosswise the front that encircles the barrel and adds "a
to accept the readily available dovetailed sight touch of class," as some put it, to the rifle. The
blades or lengthwise to accept the type that very best, and most time-consuming, method of
push in from the front. If you arc not familiar doing this is to drill and ream a hole just slightly
with cutting dovetails, a bit of advice is offered: smaller than the barrel diameter down the
the cutter used should be slightly undersize, as length of a chunk of mild steel of sufficient
sold by gunsmith suppliers. This requires two depth and width to accept it and have enough
passes with the mill but allows a tight fit if the material on the top side to form the ramp. The
sight dovetail is undersized. A primary cut sides are milled off, leaving a narrow strip along
should be made to the bottom of the finished cut the center to form the ramp. Material
with a straight end mill, which will remove the surrounding the hole is cut away, leaving a band
bulk of the material. The dovetail cutter is then .750 inch long at the forward end. The outside of
used to finish the slot. Take particular care to the band must be cut to a constant thickness

Iron Sights and Quarter Ribs

surrounding the barrel hole, either by mounting epitome of rear sight bases. If poorly executed or
it on a mandrel and rotating it to repeated short fitted they look like the junk they are and
cuts in the milling machine or shaping it with a degrade the rest of the gun. It is better to leave it
grinder and disc sander. Either method requires off altogether if this is the ease. A design that
some file work to finish. looks as if it belongs on the rifle butts up against
Another slightly less complicated method the front edge of the receiver and comes up just
consists of making a ramp as first described. It is above the top of the forward 6 inches, or more,
clamped vertically in the mill vise. Using a 9/16- in a flat-level plane on top, which is parallel to
inch end mill, the bottom, or concave, side is the bore. The bottom side fits the contour of the
cut deeper by .065 inch and lengthwise by .750 barrel closely for its entire length.
inch, ending in a square shoulder, at the forward Ideal for use here is 1/2-inch square key
end of the ramp. If round tubing is available in stock. A template to match the contour of the
9/16- (.6875-) inch outside diameter and .065- barrel is cut from stiff cardboard and trimmed
inch wall thickness, you need a piece .750 inch until it matches the barrel profile closely. This
long, which is placed on a close-fitting arbor and profile is marked on one side of the key stock
the ramp clamped to it. It is welded down the and machined flat to this contour. Ball cutters
sides and around the front. When the welds are in varying diameters are used to machine the
dressed flush and smooth, it should closely concave surface required for a close fit to the
resemble the one-piece solid one. barrel. The rear end, which mates with the
The internal diameter of the band must be cylindrical rear portion of the barrel, can be cut
varied to suit the barrel diameter. The band fairly close with a 1 1/8-inch cutter. The curved
thickness should be a constant .065 inch in taper part can be cut with one of 7/8-inch
thickness. The internal diameter must be a tight diameter, and the straight tapered portion can
fit on the barrel. It can be enlarged slightly by be cut with a 3/4-inch cutter. The rib must be
driving it back on a slightly tapered mandrel. repositioned in the vise several times to make
Peening the band with a smooth-faced hammer the cuts parallel to the outer edges. When the
expands it somewhat. entire length is cut out to match the barrel
A dovetail is cut crosswise in either of these, diameter fairly close, it should be cheeked for
and a hole drilled and tapped for a 1/8-inch set fit and high spots removed until it lies flush on
screw down through the center of the dovetail. the barrel. Spotting compound applied to the
This screw will lock the ramp in place. barrel will reveal such high spots when the rib
The upper surfaces of these ramps can be is put in place and slight pressure is applied
matted, checkered, or grooved with close using G clamps.
parallel lines by using metal checkering files. When satisfied that the fit won't get any
Barrel band sling swivels can be made using better, the front end is shaped to the contour
either of these same methods. shown or whatever else suits you. A hole is
A base to accept varying sizes of open sights drilled an inch from the rear end and another 2
is made from 11-inch-wide by 3/8-inch-thick flat inches back from the front, using a number 28
stock, with its length some 3/4-inch longer than drill. These should be on the centerline of the
the sight to be used. The bottom side is ramp. It is clamped in position, and the holes
machined to closely fit the barrel using an drilled into the barrel just enough to mark their
appropriate ball cutter. The ends are rounded location. The holes are drilled some .200 inch
slightly for appearance's sake, and the dovetail is deeper with a number 31 drill, and tapped for 6
cut to the width of whatever sight you choose. It x 48 screws. Take care not to drill into the bore.
is clamped in the desired position atop the A company with a reputation for building high-
barrel and silver-soldered in place. quality rifles sent one to a gun magazine several
A well-made, close-fitting quarter rib is the years ago for testing and evaluation. After a few

A Master Gunmaker's Guide to Building Bolt-Action Rifles

shots were fired the rib flew off, and it was run up snug. Heat is again applied until the
revealed that the hole for the single screw solder melts, at which point the screws are
holding the quarter rib in place was drilled tightened as much as possible, drawing both
through into the bore. Of course, the magazine surfaces together.
reported the incident, complete with pictures, There should be no visible crack, or open
which didn't help the company's reputation any. seam, along the joint when the solder that
The top side of the quarter rib is now flowed out of the heated joint is cleaned up. If
machined to the desired height, and the dovetail there is, you have three choices: live with it,
is cut. The two screw holes must be remove the rib and forget it, or do it over.
counterbored for the fillister-head screws. The If it does suit you, the rear screw head is
front screw hole should be counterbored deep peened slightly to expand the head enough to
enough for the screw head to go slightly deeper completely fill the counterbore, and the screw
than the surface. It is underneath the rear sight head is dressed flat with the surface. Properly
and doesn't show. But the rear screw head done, the screw head should be invisible when
should protrude enough above the surface to matted or checkered over. With two screws and
allow the screwdriver slot to be removed. the sweated joint, this should result in a strong
The bottom side of the rib and the installation that will remain in place.
corresponding surface of the barrel are tinned Needless to say I'm sure, the flat sides of
with a lead-free solder, such as Force 44, that these parts should be draw-filed and polished by
has a fairly high tensile strength and is not hand to keep the sides flat and the corners sharp.
affected by caustic bluing. When cool, the rib is The top surfaces should be dulled to prevent
put in place on the barrel, and the screws are light reflection by matting or checkering.

Iron Sights and Quarter Ribs

A Master Gunmaker's Guide to Building Bolt-Action Rifles

Quarter rib on .416 Rigby. This one is both serewed and Quarter rib on prototype rifle.
soldered in place, so it will not come off as a result of recoil.

Rear sight mounted in the ramp on the other prototype rifle.

This quarter rib is not for everyone. Found on most high-grade British rifles, it adds class to most custom rifles.

The prototype rifle shown with ramp front sight and matching open rear sight contained in ramp.


Muzzle Brakes

I first became acquainted with muzzle brakes just after World War II. Even
though they were touted as a new discovery at the
time, I later found that some had been around for
years, even then. As I remember, one of the first I
ever saw was called a "Pendleton De Kicker."
There were also a "Rex" and a "Saturn." And
George Leonard Herter sold one that, according to
his advertising, would do everything except
answer back when you talked to it. I don't
remember the exact date or even the year, but I
do know that just shortly after the DGM began
delivery of 03A3 rifles to members of the National
Rifle Association for the sum of $14.50 I started
building muzzle brakes.
As with most items made or marketed by more
than one person, muzzle brakes are referred to by
more than one name. Some refer to them as a
muzzle break, as opposed to muzzle brake. Since
The brake body is turned to size.
a brake is intended to stop or slow something
down, and break means to tear apart or wreck
something, it would seem apparent that the term
muzzle brake should be favored. We certainly
hope nothing "brakes" in the process.
For almost two years I made my living mostly
by remodeling these 03A3 "Springfields," as they
were still called. The .308 Norma Magnum
cartridge came along about this time, followed
shortly thereafter by the .300 Winchester
Magnum. At least two-thirds of the rifles I worked
on were rechambered to one of these calibers. In

A Master Gunmaker's Guide to Building Bolt-Action Rifles

the process I drilled and tapped the rifles for short section of quality round stock to the length
scope mounting, made and installed new bolt desired and boring a hole slightly smaller than
handles, installed new safeties to clear a scope, the bullet diameter through it lengthwise. This
added a muzzle brake, and polished and blued hole is enlarged to the desired diameter to a short
the finished product. Restocking was left to distance behind the forward end, ending with a
others because I didn't have time to do it. square shoulder at the end. A 1/2-inch end mill
But later when the supply of these rifles chucked in the lathe tailstock is ideal for this.
dwindled away, so did the demand for muzzle The inside is bored at the extreme rear to a
brakes. They were largely forgotten, and I went diameter that is compatible with the barrel and
on to other things. threaded with a pitch of 24 or 28 tpi. The outer
Then, like a bad penny, a few years ago end should be bored smooth to the bottom of
muzzle brakes were back, rediscovered as the threads for a distance of 1/4 inch. This will
something new and wonderful. Gunsmiths from mate with a close-fitting shoulder just behind
all over the country suddenly discovered or the barrel thread and assist in keeping it in line
invented their own versions, and muzzle brakes and parallel to the bore.
were in demand once more. The barrel is mounted in the lathe if it will
There is one big difference in the market fit through the headstock spindle and the bore
though. Back in earlier times muzzle brakes can be centered fine. Otherwise it must be
were usually installed only on rifles with heavy removed from the action and placed between
recoil. Today such are even seen on .22 rimfire centers. The muzzle end is turned to the correct
rifles. I have heard of instances where they were diameter and threaded to accept the brake. Note
installed on air rifles—and even on paint guns. the smooth shoulder just at the rear of the
Personally, I don't see any purpose for one thread, which mates with the brake interior. A
except for the Magnum calibers with close fit is important here.
uncomfortable recoil: .50 BMG rifles; combat-, With the brake threaded in place as tight as
or riot, type shotguns; and large calibers possible, the outside is turned to the desired
shooting heavy bullets. diameter, and the muzzle end is finished to the
My own design is no better than some, contour wanted. The exit hole for the bullet
probably no worse than others. It differs from should be bored to just slightly above (.005 to .010
some in that it incorporates an enlarged inch) the bullet diameter and polished smooth.
expansion chamber with a flat wall at the Beginning just forward of the threaded joint
forward end for the gasses to push against. The a series of holes are drilled in six straight rows,
gas exit holes are drilled at right angles to the spaced at equal distances around the
bore and in parallel rows spaced equal distances circumference of the barrel. Each line should
around the body of the brake. consist of at least four holes of .187 to .250 inch
Some makers do not understand that the in diameter. If possible, these should be drilled
1/2-inch-diametcr, or larger, expansion chamber, using the milling machine. This will assist in
which ends in a flat surface with an exit hole keeping them on center and equally spaced.
just larger than the bullet diameter, has Test-firing should show a notable reduction
anything to do with recoil reduction. Bore the in recoil.
inside diameter just larger than the bullet for Some makers think that the exterior of the
the entire length of the brake. Then drill brake should be a continuation of the barrel
intersecting gas ports that angle slightly forward, diameter. Others, including me, opt for a
which supposedly deflects the loud muzzle blast diameter slightly larger than the barrel at the
away from the shooter and adds to the push thread joint with a rounded corner at the edge. It
against the shooter's shoulder. is a matter of taste. When finished, the brake
Brake construction is begun by cutting a should be colored to match the barrel and action.

Muzzle Brakes

The inside is bored to size, reamed, and threaded. A muzzle brake used on sniper rifle is efficient and quiet.

This experimental brake was installed on a featherweight The muzzle brake installed and ready for porting.
.30/06. It is quieter than most and very efficient.

Finished muzzle brake as used on a .416 Rigby. Muzzle brake installed on a .338.

A Master Gunmaker's Guide to Building Bolt-Action Rifles

This .50 Browning Machine Gun muzzle brake was Using a muzzle brake on this 12-gauge shotgun did not
efficient—but very loud. increase the noise level.

This .870 Remington 12-gauge with brake installed is no louder than before, and the lack of recoil makes it pleasant
to shoot.



Now that the metal work is finished and the parts ready for final polishing
before bluing, it is time to make the stock. To far
too many "stockmakers" making the stock
consists of fitting a semifinished blank to the
metal parts, finish sanding the exterior, and giving
it a finish. In this case, since you have built all the
metal parts to an original design for which no
semifinished stock exists, you must actually
"make" the stock, starting with a rough sawn to
profile blank and progressing from there.
When I first started making stocks World War
II had just begun. No semifinished stocks were
available for the duration of the war, so said E.G.
Bishop and Stoeger Arms Company, both principal
suppliers of such items before the war. In fact, it
wasn't easy to even find a walnut plank or the like
suitable for making a stock. I found a supply
Fancy-figured wood of good quality will add to the value
of the finished rifle, if the work is well executed. though and made stocks from the block all
through the war and beyond. By the time the
semifinished jobs were available again, I was so set
in the way of making stocks completely that I
simply kept on. Very few stocks that I ever had
anything to do with came from the semifinished
blanks. Now, though, there are several sources of
the semifinished ones available that will make up
into a finished stock, which will equal many
block-stocking efforts. However, you must stick
fairly close to the producer's design because little
extra wood is left for redesigning.
Whatever the drawbacks of either method, in

A Master Gunmaker's Guide to Building Bolt-Action Rifles

this case the stock is going to require complete present, it is quite likely to break. Likewise, no
inletting and shaping from the block, which is burl figure should be present in this area.
appropriately called block stocking. It is desirable that the grain in the fore-end
For those with little or no experience in run slightly uphill because the fore-end will have
stock making there is an alternative. The little or no tendency to warp away from the
inletting can be roughed out slightly oversize in barrel. If the wood is properly dried, it will have
a cheap piece of wood and the barrel and action less tendency to warp than a wet one, but, even
glass bedded into it. The outside is then shaped so, it may warp some. Except for burl walnut,
to the best of your ability and finish-sanded. which can warp in several directions at the same
This will be used as a pattern that can be sent to time, it should be a fairly simple matter to
one of several companies that machine such determine the direction the stock should most
blanks to order. Included should be the best likely take in its warping process, since the
piece of wood you can afford. The company will wood will almost always warp toward the bark.
return to you a semifinished blank that will Burl walnut, with its tendency to check and
require little work to complete the stock. In fact, erratic warpage patterns, should be confined to
a large percentage of the custom stock makers the buttstock with the grain at the toe of the
working today use this same method, strictly as stock running parallel to the bottom stock line
a labor-saving device. as closely as possible. This is desirable to
Whatever method you choose, if you feel prevent the toe of the stock from cracking or
capable of finishing the stock as it should be, use breaking off, as may happen if the grain slopes
the best piece of wood available and affordable. downward toward the front at this point.
Too much labor is expended in making the stock It is helpful to draw and cut out a full-sized
to be wasted on a cheap, plain piece of wood. cardboard pattern of the stock profile that is
Several kinds of wood are suitable for gun pleasing to you. The most attractive stock will
stocks, including maple, myrtle cherry, have the bottom line of the fore-end run in a
mesquite, and several types of walnut. Walnut straight line from the fore-end tip back to the
comes in American (black), claro, and several rear end of the magazine, where it will begin a
different names for the wood from the thin- parabolic curve that increases toward the
shelled trees that grow mostly in California. bottom of the curve, running from the end of the
English, French, Bastogne, and Circassian are trigger guard to the forward edge of the grip. The
some of the names applied to these blanks, even grip cap should sit at slightly more than a right
though it not unknown for more than one type angle (approximately 100 degrees), and the
to be cut from the same tree. Of all the kinds front edge should measure from 3 1/4 to 3 1/2
available, I prefer the thin-shelled walnut— inches from the center of the trigger to the front
regardless of the name attached. This wood is edge of the grip cap.
usually harder and denser than the other types, The top and bottom lines of the buttstock
and holds finer checkering and requires less should be straight with a nearly level comb line
finish than the softer woods. Assuming your running forward from the buttplate to the comb
stock blank includes enough wood to allow some nose, which should drop in a fairly sharp curve to
leeway in positioning the stock in relation to the form the point of the comb. The stock will usually
grain, the stock should be laid out so that the look best if the center of the grip is in a direct
grain through the grip runs parallel to the action vertical line to the point of the comb. The bottom
upper tang, and follows an angle that allows the line of the buttstock should extend in a straight
grain through the buttstock to run parallel to the line from the lower edge, or toe, of the buttplate to
lower line of the buttstock all the way to the just above the rear edge of the grip cap. If
action mortise. No cross-grain or any grain that projected forward this line should intersect the
slopes out in the grip area should be allowed. If bottom side of the stock just at the rear of the grip.


One side of the blank should be dressed flat, about 1/4 inch. After the barrel and receiver
as well as the top line of the stock. 1 usually do and barrel are inlet satisfactorily, it will be let
this with a large-diameter shell mill mounted in in to the proper depth.
the milling machine. It is a simple matter to You are now ready to inlet the barrel and
obtain absolutely flat and square surfaces using receiver. Before beginning, however, you should
this method. It is also a common practice to saw make up a pair of guide pins. These will screw
the stock to profile using a band saw. However, into the action screw holes and serve to keep
straighter lines are probable if a skill-type power the assembly in a straight line as it is inletted
saw is used. The grip and comb curves can't be down into the wood. These are simply a couple
cut using such a saw but are easily formed using of steel rods some 3 inches long and 1/4 inch in
the milling machine, a power sanding drum, or diameter, threaded on one end with 28 tpi. The
even a wood rasp. For the inexperienced easiest way to obtain these is to buy a couple of
gunsmith, it is a good idea to leave an extra bolts of this size and saw the heads off.
quarter inch of wood on the bottom of the fore- With the magazine assembly in place and
end back to the grip. This will provide extra the guide screws installed, the assembly is
wood so that if mistakes or slips are made in the pushed in place on top of the stock. The recoil
barrel and receiver inletting, the top can be lug can be located and marked simply by
dressed off and the inletting deepened and scribing around it. With the metal removed, it is
refitted to (one hopes) allow any slips or a simple matter to cut the mortise to depth in
oversized cuts to be obliterated. the milling machine and squaring the ends with
A centerline should be scribed along both a small chisel. It must fit closely. This cut will
the top and bottom of the stock parallel to the allow the receiver to almost hit the wood, as well
flat side of the blank. All inletting and shaping as allowing undersized cutting of both the barrel
cuts will be laid out centered on these lines. and action to be marked on the stock. Wood
Actual inletting is begun by laying out the inside these lines is most easily and quickly
outline of the magazine box on the bottom of removed using a ball cutter in the milling
the stock. Most of the wood to be removed can machine. Of course, it can be done with chisels,
be cut out with a small end mill in the milling but this is much slower. The assembly is again
maehine or by drilling intersecting holes around put in place and now should go considerably
the perimeter of the outline drawn on the stock. deeper into the wood. The outline is again
The cavity thus formed is finished by removing marked and wood removed just to the inside
just enough material (using files, rasps, and perimeter of the outline. It will require a bit of
chisels) to allow the box to slip in place. The chisel work to cut the square corners at the
front and rear of the opening should fit snug front of the receiver.
against the box, especially on calibers with This process is repeated until the assembly
heavy recoil, but the sides should have just a fits in place almost to half depth. The inletting
small amount of clearance. If such clearance is can be cut to full depth using various sizes of
not provided and the stock wood shrinks, the milling cutters, but the sides should be finished
stock may very well split. using sharp chisels and perhaps a barrel rasp.
With the magazine bottoming on the All surfaces that contact the wood should be
upper side of the front tang and trigger guard, coated with some sort of spotting compound
the outline of these are scribed or drawn (lipstick works well for this) and the assembly
around. Wood is removed to allow the entire pressed into the stock. High spots, which
assembly to fit into the stock. The action prevent the assembly from going in to full depth,
screw holes are drilled through the tang are indicated by marks from the spotting
holes. Note that, at this point, the magazine compound. Shave off all the colored spots,
assembly still is not in deeply enough by spread the lipstick over the surface, and install it

A Master Gunmaker's Guide to Building Bolt-Action Rifles

again. Continue to shave, spot, and shave until spacers between them. However, this is your
the assembly makes eontaet with the bottom of project, so use whatever suits you.
the inletting. The assembly should now fit The actual shaping can now begin. Quite a
closely into the wood without any unsightly gaps bit of the surplus wood can be removed with the
or chipped places. milling machine. The fore-end should have
It is a good idea to induce a little bit of straight sides, at both top and bottom and on
upward pressure from the fore-end front end the sides. The thickest part will be some 1/2
against the barrel. This is done by relieving the inch forward of the rear end of the magazine
barrel channel from a point just forward of the and taper forward to the fore-end tip.
receiver to within an inch of the fore-end tip. It should be slightly pear-shaped in cross
The top edge of the barrel channel should be left section and almost flat on the bottom. An almost
alone for appearance's sake. It is possible to flat scalloped cut at both ends of the magazine
obtain the same result by gluing a short, thin and on both sides will cause the stock to appear
strip of wood in place just behind the fore-end slimmer without sacrificing strength.
tip. Either method will result in a single-point The grip should be just slightly wider at the
bearing of the forearm against the barrel, which grip cap than at the small of the grip, with
should dampen vibration and sometimes straight sides blending into the stock lines. Much
increase accuracy. has been written about the advantages of a
A slot to accommodate the trigger must be "Wundhammer swell," where a slight swell, or
cut, as well as clearance for the bolt stop and bulge, is left on the palm side of the grip. This was
ejector. It is a simple matter to measure the named after its originator, a stock and furniture
location of these relative to the action and maker named Louis Wundhammer, and touted
transfer them to the stock. early on by writers who mostly never saw one. I
The guide screws are removed from the have never found any advantage to this swell.
action, and the proper action screws are If a cheekpiece is used, it should be no wider
installed. With the screws tight the receiver and at the top than the comb thickness. The bottom
magazine should almost, but not quite, touch. A rear edge should be of ample thickness to
gap of approximately .050 inch should remain. actually support the cheek and taper forward to
In the event that your inletting job has gaps, blend into the grip. It should also be nearly flat.
gashes, or cracks that make it look shoddy, A dished, or concave, cheekpiece may feel
black dye can be added to glass bedding material comfortable, but when the gun is fired and this
and be used to fill the gaps or, preferably, bed form-fitting cheekpiece recoils back into the
the entire barrel/action assembly since it is shooter's face, it loses its comfort. The
likely that if flaws exist on the surface they are cheekpiece needs to be no bigger than the area
also present underneath. The result won't be that contacts the cheek. The little flat line cut
noticeable and is a means of camouflaging flaws. around the outside perimeter and called by
The black-dyed material should only be used several names (e.g., sculptured, ghosted) can be
where it contacts metal. started with a single-line checkering tool and
The bottom line of the forearm back through finished to depth with the stoned smooth corner
the magazine should be cut in a straight line to of a flat file.
the rear of the magazine, preferably machined With the stock shaped to suit you, sanding is
off with the milling machine. The grip cap and now in order. Ordinary sandpaper is a waste of
buttplate are secured in place. These can be of time and money. Garnet paper of preferably 50
any material you choose. I am somewhat grit is used first, followed by progressively finer
conservative and favor the Neidner-type steel grits until you reach 150 grit. From then on the
grip caps and buttplates over those made of black paper known as "wet or dry" should be
plastic or other materials. I detest colored used, finishing with a final sanding with 400 grit.


Do not try to simply wrap the sandpaper around applied and then sanded back to the wood. This
your fingers. Use flat and curved blocks with the will only partially fill the pores, and the process
paper wrapped around them. Sharp edges such must be repeated until the grain is filled, leaving
as the cheekpiece perimeter should be kept the surface smooth and level. Another six or
sharp and flat. All sanding must be done with more coats are applied without sanding between
the grain; sanding across the grain results in coats. These are allowed to dry thoroughly. The
scratches, which are hard to remove. finish is then rubbed down with rubbing
When you decide the wood is as smooth as compound, and a coat of hard automobile wax is
you can get it, it should be dampened all over applied, allowed to dry, and polished with a soft
with water and dried over a hot surface. This cloth. This will result in a hard, tough, high-gloss
will raise the grain, causing the stock to look finish, which will show off fancy grain far better
like it has grown whiskers. Then, using the 400- than a dull finish would.
grit paper, sand the wood smooth again. This If checkering is intended the checkering
process is repeated until the surface remains pattern should be laid out, on the stock, after the
smooth after drying. If this is not done, these first filler coats, and no more finish applied inside
same whiskers may show up again after the the perimeter of the pattern. The checkering can
finish is applied. be cut with less effort, and the cutters will last
A number of stock finishes are available, any longer if this procedure is followed.
of which are satisfactory. One called Tru-Oil is Such magazines as Guns and the custom-
available more or less universally and will do a rifle section of the Gun Digest usually contain
beautiful job if applied properly. pictures of some of the finest custom rifles in
It has been said that three coats are the world and can give valuable insight into
sufficient. Actually the first three coats should be what a stock should look like.

A Master Gunmaker's Guide to Building Bolt-Action Rifles

Grain layout is important. The top stock has excellent layout; the lower would have been better if the grain was parallel
to the bottom stock line.

Straight lines are easier to cut by using a power saw, as The comb nose curve is formed with a ball cutter.


The barreled action in position on stock blank. Screw hole positions are located and marked.

Most of the action inletting can be done with a ball cutter. Barrel channel can be inletted just slightly undersize by
using a smaller ball cutter.

A Master Gunmaker's Guide to Building Bolt-Action Rifles

Magazine and trigger guard are inlet with mill and finished with files and chisels. Screw holes are marked through
openings in tangs.

Quite a bit of the outside shaping ean be done with a The stock inletting is finished. After buttplate and grip
milling machine using various cutters. installation, it will be ready for shaping and sanding.

The cheekpiece should be no longer than required to support the cheek with full contact.

Stock lines should be kept as straight as possible.

Finished stock: note that all straight lines are actually straight and the grip meets the stock line in a graceful curve.

A Master Gunmaker's Guide to Building Bolt-Action Rifles

Finished stock: note that all straight lines are actually straight and the grip meets the stock line in a graceful curve.

Bottom view of stock showing the scallop, or fillet, just above the trigger guard, which allows a trimmer stock.

The finished rifle, as described in the text and shown in the drawings.



Years ago, the practice of cutting two sets of parallel lines closely spaced and
crossing each other at an angle was usually called
checking. In recent years common usage has
evolved the term into checkering. Since this is a
modern book, written some 50 years later, the
term checkering will be the standard.
Good checkering can add to both the looks
and the value of a custom- or shop-made stock.
(It should—it usually took me at least 40 hours to
do a checkering pattern.) By the same token, a
poorly executed job can make an otherwise good
stock look like a piece of junk. As I have related in
the past, when I was young I once reluctantly
showed one of my own early efforts to one of this
country's premier stock makers, whose first
comment was, "That would be a pretty good stock,
kid, if you hadn't fucked up the checkering." But
A checkering cradle of sorts. These cradles are available
cheap. Start with one of these and then, after deciding he took pity on me; he gave me some good tools
what you need, build one to suit you. and showed me how to use them and how to lay
out a pattern. It wasn't long before my checkering
had improved quite a bit.
In my area there is a local gunsmith who does
an excellent job of finishing and fitting a stock, but
he puts on checkering as an afterthought. He tries
to hold the stock in one hand and cut the
checkering with an electric checkering tool.
Frankly, this makes an otherwise attractive stock
look terrible. But he works cheap, and most of his
customers don't know the difference, so he gets
away with it.

A Master Gunmaker's Guide to Building Bolt-Action Rifles

What I have been building up to and trying will cut a two-line border around the pattern,
to say is, if you don't have the expertise to do a which will hide the slips and run-overs that are
good job, it is better to leave the checkering off, bound to occur while you are learning. A small
at least until you gain some experience. 60-degree "V" chisel is nice to have to form
For those who would like to learn, I suggest sharp curves and finish the very short lines
you practice first on an old factory stock that formed at the very end of some point patterns,
only had the eheckering started and the lines which are hard to cut with the regular cutters.
barely spaced when it came from the factory. Little, short single-line tools that are intended to
Try going over one of these with a single-line "V" serve the same purpose are also available.
tool several times in both directions. Deepen Several brands of ready-made tools have
them until the diamonds are pointed up; then been on the market for the last several years, so
deepen and recut the border. This practice gives you don't have to make your own. Of these, I
you valuable experience, and you won't ruin a prefer the Dem Bart brand, which is available
good stock if you mess it up. It's possible that with single-, two-, and three-line cutters, as well
you may do a good job on your first attempt, as border-cutting tools, and features
and the factory stock will look better than ever. interchangeable cutters that are replaceable in
Next, you should obtain a cheap stock that the same tool handle. Any practical line spacing
has no checkering and try to lay out and execute is available from 16 to 32 lines per inch, as well
a checkering job on it. A discarded military stock as skip-line cutters for French checkering.
will do for this. If possible you should examine These are also useful in laying out ribbons
the checkering on a first-class custom stock—the through fancy checkering jobs.
entire stock for that matter—just to see what you Such ready-made tools are satisfactory
should strive for. Don't use factory stocks as enough that I quit trying to make my own
examples. Very few of these have eheckering that immediately after using some. When I first tried
is better than mediocre. checkering, I tried to make spacers from
If you decide to take up checkering umbrella ribs, as recommended by Clyde Baker
seriously, you will need several tools. One of the in a gunsmithing book, and to use a small three-
most important is a cradle for holding the stock. cornered file to deepen the lines. It looked about
Some people can do a fair job while holding the like it would have if it had been cut with a
stock on their knees. I've done it myself. But the pocket knife. How I wish ready-made tools had
stock should be rotated as the cutter goes been available then.
around curves to enable the cutter to be held One more item should be made up before
perpendicular to the work at all times. A more you start: a pattern made from plastic or
elaborate cradle can be built in time, but for the cardboard for laying out the diamonds. Most
first few jobs a simple cradle as sold by gunsmith people feel that the most attractive proportion
supply houses will suffice It consists simply of a for the diamonds is 3 to 1, which means it is
2 x 4 board with a bracket at each end to three times as long as it is wide. Diamonds
support the stock and is intended to be bolted to shorter than this look crude and should be
a bench or held in a vise. avoided. Longer diamonds may look good to
Also required are a few checkering tools. You some people but are hard to cut and are likely to
can get by, barely, with just two: a single-line chip out on softer wood.
"V" cutter and a two- or three-line cutter. The While you are at it, make another half-
"V" cutter is used to lay out the checkering diamond long enough for the flat end to reach
pattern and to deepen and point up the spaced across both the receiver and trigger guard. This
lines that are cut with the two- or three-line one can be helpful in locating both sides of the
cutter. These two are the bare minimum; I pattern in identical positions on both sides of
suggest that you also obtain a bordering tool that the stock.


Several straight-edged, thin plastic strips in removing the mistakes that, if not repeated in
various widths are handy to have when this operation, will be undetectable. If this is
projecting straight lines around long, curved required on one edge or side of the patterns, it
surfaces. And a couple that will just fit inside the should be duplicated on the other side in order
trigger guard and magazine tang openings are for both to match.
helpful when centering the pattern on both the Next to be arrived at is the spacing of the
forearm and grip. A few templates for curved lines that make up the pattern. Beginners will do
patterns, such as a fleur de lis, are also useful. well to start with 16- or 18-line spacing. You
Choosing a checkering pattern is purely a should wait to tackle narrower spacing until you
matter of personal taste. There are almost as become more experienced. Cheap soft wood,
many patterns in existence as there are people such as that found in military stocks and the
doing checkering. While many patterns are lower-priced grades of the semifinished stocks,
similar, few are identical. Mostly patterns run in usually won't break off if spaced too closely.
curved and scroll outline and straight-line Actually, the 16-line checkering gives a
patterns. While the straight-line pattern, or maximum high-friction grip and is
point pattern as it is commonly known, may recommended for use on target stocks and the
appear the simplest to apply, with its lines like even though it is somewhat crude in
forming its outline into the same diamond shape appearance, regardless of the quality of wood
as the small single diamonds that make up the used. On the other hand, about 50 percent of
pattern, in reality it can easily become the most the expensive high-grade look of the stock is due
difficult to execute. The tiny individual to the presence of fine checkering. If you are
diamonds must be cut and deepened without using a highly figured, dense chunk of wood and
run-overs clear up to the very tips of the pattern feel comfortable doing it, 24-to-32-line
points. The straight lines that make up the checkering, when well done, certainly adds to
outline can easily be checked for straightness, the appearance of the gun. Take comfort in the
while a curved or irregular-shaped edge pattern fact that if you mess it up, you can always sand
can only be cheeked by observation. So, it off and start over. I assume that you are aware
regardless of which type you prefer, you should that the term line as used in 16-line or 20-line
begin your first effort with an irregular-shaped means that the finished checkering will have
border design. If you absolutely must have a that many lines in an inch of the finished work.
point pattern, at least use a design where a The first and high important step is to lay
larger diamond forms the outline at the top and out the design to be applied. The stock should
bottom of the pattern. This will avoid the sharp be mounted in the checkering cradle and the
points that require the extremely short lines pattern laid out using a soft pencil. Hard pencils
mentioned before. leave marks in the wood that are hard to
It has been stated elsewhere that if slips, remove later.
nicks, and run-overs are present, a two- or Pick a pattern that blends in with the
three-line border can be cut around the outer contours of your particular stock. Try for one
edge, effectively camouflaging the errors. It that is not too complicated for your early efforts.
certainly won't add to the appearance of the The well-experienced artist can run patterns
stock to cut borders such as this around curved completely over the top of the grip and across
patterns. And it will be obvious to anyone with and around the forearm and have them match
any knowledge of checkering just what the on both sides of the stock, but for the beginner
reason for such a border is. On the other hand, such work is almost impossible. Straight lines
if such nicks or run-overs occur in a straight- tend to wander off on the curves and spread out
line pattern, another line or two can be cut and as they go around. Then, when they approach
the checkering extended to the edge, effectively the edge, they tend to crowd together. This is

A Master Gunmaker's Guide to Building Bolt-Action Rifles

caused by not keeping the spacing tool of the fore-end 1/2 inch away from and parallel
perpendicular to the surface of the stock as it to the centerline. Another straight line is drawn
goes around. When the beginner attempts such, on each side about 1/4 inch below the top line of
the faults get worse with every line cut, and the the stock. The half-diamond is again put in
continuous pattern that was supposed to wrap place, and the master lines are drawn.
around the stock in straight lines wanders off to Now you can start the actual checkering.
who knows where and looks far worse than it Place one of teeth of the spacing tool in one of
would if never started. Get plenty of practice the master lines and work it back and forth until
before attempting this. the line is cut the entire distance between the
For the beginner the pattern should consist border lines. Don't try to cut the lines to full
of two grip panels, one on each side, with an depth on this first pass; you are simply spacing
open, smooth area along the top center of the the lines inside the pattern. Gut each line to its
grip and the forearm. It should be a two-piece full length right up to the lightly cut border and
pattern with an open area along the bottom and stop. If the tool jumps the track, due mainly to
the end contours matching those of the grip. hard or soft spots in the wood, stop and
Both sides of the pattern should match. Gut straighten it up with the "V" tool before
a paper pattern and lay it on the stock, trimming proceeding. If you don't, it will be copied and
it until it looks right. You can then draw around likely get worse with each succeeding line.
the pattern lightly with a pencil. This will fairly When both master lines have been paralleled
well establish the locations of the front, bottom, on each side with spacing lines to the outside
and upper and rear lines of the grip pattern. Lay edges of the pattern, you can start using the "V"
the half-diamond on the pattern and mark on tool to deepen the lines and point up the
the template the points where it intersects the diamonds. Go over each line carefully several
upper and lower tangs. Mark on the stock the times in both directions until the diamonds are
point where the template intersects the rear all brought to sharp points. When using cutters
line. Turn the stock over and again draw the such as the Dem Bart, the spacing tools can be
outline around the pattern. Measure up from the used to partly deepen the lines, especially by
bottom line along the rear to the mark on the using the three-line cutter, and will aid in
first side and mark this side at the same point. keeping the diamonds uniform.
Place the point of the half diamond even with The outline, or border, should be cut to
this mark and adjust this up and down at the the same depth as the checkering and should
front until the tang marks line up with the tangs. do away with most shallow nicks in the
This should locate the master lines in the same outline. If deeper nicks or run-overs are still
place on both sides. Mark along these lines present, the bordering tool should be used to
lightly. Then, using a flexible straight edge, mark cut a two-line border.
them in firmly and cut them lightly, as well as When satisfied that you can't improve on it,
around the border, with the single-line tool. the checkering should be brushed out thoroughly
The fore-end pattern is done the same way. with a toothbrush to remove any dust present
Draw two lines of the same length on the bottom and given a single thin coat of Tru-Oil.


A Master Gunmaker's Guide to Building Bolt-Action Rifles


A Master Gunmaker's Guide to Building Bolt-Action Rifles


A Master Gunmaker's Guide to Building Bolt-Action Rifles


The stock is in place and ready to checker.

There is no such thing as too many tools. These are only a few of the ones I have collected over the years.

A Master Gunmaker's Guide to Building Bolt-Action Rifles

From left: a veining or "V" tool, useful for cutting short Cradle and stock in position to allow easy access to the
curves; a skip line tool, used to lay out narrow ribbons and forearm. One hand rotates the stock while the other
in Freneh checkering; three-line spacer, purchased from operates the checkering tool.
Stoeger more than 50 years ago; and a short cutter, handy
to cut the short lines at the ends and corners of patterns.

The minimum number of tools required to checker a A 24-line per inch point pattern can be most attractive. In
stock. At top is a wood block with a wood screw through ease of run-overs, another line can be added. This is not
it. The edge is ground and polished to a sharp surface. possible with curved borders.
Straight lines can be drawn on the top fore-end outline
using this.


Lines must be straight and parallel throughout the pattern. Diamonds must also be the same size throughout.

The fleur-de-lis pattern looks good, but it should not be attempted until simpler patterns have been mastered. Lines
should maintain the same direction after passing around the fleur.

A Master Gunmaker's Guide to Building Bolt-Action Rifles

An additional fleur, down the center of the grip, allows a break in the "over the top" pattern, making it easier to
maintain straight lines.

A 24-line per inch point pattern on a big .416 Rigby. This Top view, showing continuous pattern. Master lines are
pattern runs over the grip in one continuous pattern. laid out using the centerline of the grip. Care must be
taken to hold the tool perpendicular to the work to keep
lines from spreading.


Right side of fleur pattern. Note that lines are still parallel after interruption. Lines must not be allowed to spread,
whieh eontributes to this.

Full-length view of stock showing both grip and forearm checkering. Note that both match closely.

Right side of .416 Rigby stock. This one has a narrow border around the pointed portion of the checkering. It was not
put there to hide run-overs.

A Master Gunmaker's Guide to Building Bolt-Action Rifles

Another "over the top" pattern. This is the .250-3000 rifle described in the text. Note the M70-type safety.

Bottom view of fleur-de-lis pattern. Angled lines at the rear eenter form the master lines, which wrap completely
around the bottom of forearm.

Side view of same pattern. Note the crossbolts, which help prevent splitting on rifles of heavy recoil.


A .416 forearm showing a diamond ribbon included inside the pattern. This breaks up the long lines that would be
required otherwise. The center diamond is formed first, with side panels added.

Another view shows how the large diamond wraps around the forearm. Lines must meet at ribbon edges and continue
in the same directions as though no break existed.

Point pattern as applied to the prototype rifle in this book.

A Master Gunmaker's Guide to Building Bolt-Action Rifles

Full-length view of the same stoek. Pattern wraps eompletely around the bottom of the forearm.

Bottom view of a point pattern. Master lines start on rear of the eenterline. This pattern is not for a beginner.

Full-length view of forearm pattern shown above.



Several years ago, even cheap guns came with metal buttplates. Although
these were usually made of steel, eventually they
evolved into aluminum, which was lighter in
weight, they said. Buttplates also became lighter
in color when the anodizing or paint wore off.
Gradually most buttplates were replaced with
plastic. Much has been said about the advantages
of using plastic, but the biggest advantage is in the
cost of manufacture. Rubber buttplates and recoil
pads now come as standard equipment on some of
the higher-priced rifles.
Whether you buy it or make it, a top-quality,
one-of-a-kind rifle—such as we are building
here—should have a slightly curved steel buttplate
for the stock to look and feel right. On rifles with
severe recoil, a rubber recoil pad can be used, but
if so, it should be one with solid walls and should
not have any off-colored stripes or spacers
running through it. The color should match that of
the grip cap, which should match that of the fore-
end tip, if one is used.
Up until a few years ago there was a well-
finished and -shaped checkered steel buttplate
(known as a Neidner steel buttplate) available
from several sources. A matching grip cap was also
available. These appeared to be stampings and
were lightweight and nicely finished and sold at a
very reasonable price. Herter's Inc. sold a similar
steel buttplate and grip cap that were fairly
attractive and finished, but they were ruined (for a

A Master Gunmaker's Guide to Building Bolt-Action Rifles

real conservative like me) by having a cheap- polished to a slight convex shape is used, with
looking little shield stamped in the middle with light blows, to form the rounded heel contour
checkering around it. The shield ruined it for and the slight curve between the screw holes.
many of us. There was a way to salvage it, The lower screw is installed, and the exact
however. We milled the inside away, leaving a contour is formed using light hammer blows. If
steel ribbon some 5/16-inch-wide around the care is used, very little deformation or very few
outside plus room for four screw holes. This dings from the hammer will be present. A brass
made what is known as a skeleton buttplate, hammer would be useful here. The outer surface
which was mostly standard on high-grade double and edges are finished smooth with a drum or
shotguns (e.g., Parker) and on many deluxe disc sander and polished as described for the
sporting rifles. other metal parts. It can be colored by bluing or
Suddenly these were no longer available. case-hardening, or left bright.
Herter's went out of business, and the Neidner Skeleton buttplates and grip caps are made in
was apparently discontinued. When the existing the same fashion, with the inside machined out
supply was exhausted, there were no more. A similar to the patterns shown here. A slight
few custom gunsmiths offered versions of these amount of draft around the inside edges makes
at a considerably higher (but well worth it) fitting easier. These are installed by removing
price. It was either buy these or make your own. wood around the outer edges until the plate or cap
I chose the latter course. fits over the inner wood portion closely with the
It should be noted that the Neidner caps and surface flush with the wood. The exposed wood
plates again became available a few years later. portion can be finished smooth or checkered.
However, instead of the lightweight stamped Grip caps can be made by forming a slight
items as made in the past, they were now dish to the interior and mounted with a center
investment castings that are thicker, heavier, screw. If a skeleton type is required, a screw is
and nowhere near as well finished. I continued used at the front and rear. These can also be
to make my own. made from hardwood, preferably ebony if used
For large-production runs of these, it would with a black steel buttplate. Other wood can be
be wise to make up a set of dies that could be dyed or stained black if desired.
stamped and formed quickly. But for the home Both buttplates and grip caps similar to
shop, which would require only a dozen or so per these, and of several other designs, are available
year, this would be impractical. The method I from gunsmith supply houses.
used was time-consuming, but the end result was Leather-covered recoil pads are sometimes
the same. I say "was" because, as I have stated desirable. These are often found on the very
before, I am no longer able to do any gun work. best British guns, among others. Well done,
A form block is made up in the same shape without wrinkles or seams, they will add class to
and contour as the butt end of your proposed the gun. Sloppily done, they look horrible.
stock. This should be made from extrahard In practice, the pad is shaped to fit flush
wood, such as cherry, oak, and ash. Black with the buttstock. Just slightly (the thickness of
walnut can be used, but it won't last as long. It the leather) smaller if possible. The screw holes
should be long enough to allow mounting solidly are drilled to fit over 1/4-inch locating pins
in the vise. made from dowel rod, which is installed in
A sheet-metal blank of the size and shape corresponding holes in the end of the stock.
required is cut from 14-gauge material, and the A wood block of an inch or more in
screw holes are drilled and countersunk. The thickness is shaped to the same size and
blank is put in place on the form block, and the contour as the recoil pad and located against it
upper screw is installed. A light ball-peen with the same size pins.
hammer with the flat (peen) end ground and Extrathin leather (goatskin works well for


this) is soaked in water until pliable and works well for this. The pad is secured to the
stretched over both the pad and block. When stock, with the locating dowels in place, using a
stretched and molded to fit over the pad without thin coat of epoxy cement, which must not be
wrinkles, the area overlapping the wood block is allowed to bleed out around the edges.
fastened to it using small nails or tacks. Please consider that my own conservative
When thoroughly dry, the nails and wood tastes were acquired through many years of
block are removed, and the leather cover is observation of what others considered the very
cemented to the edges of the pad base. When best. If such does not appeal to you, then by all
the cement has dried, the leather is carefully means, change whatever part you don't like to
trimmed flush with the pad face. An X-acto knife suit yourself.

A Master Gunmaker's Guide to Building Bolt-Action Rifles


End view of form block. Buttplate blank is cut from sheet metal. Shown is cardboard
pattern, flat blank and formed blank, ready for polishing.

The face of the hammer should be slightly rounded and The form block is shaped to the desired contour using
polished smooth. dense hard wood. Walnut was used here.

A Master Gunmaker's Guide to Building Bolt-Action Rifles

The final forming is done using light hammer blows. Shown here is a finished skeleton buttplate (left) with a
finished solid plate, whieh has a case-hardened finish.

A blank for a skeleton buttplate is made by removing The blank is held in place against the form block by an
inside material. upper screw.


The heel (upper end) of the plate is formed with only the When the forming is almost completed, the lower screw is
upper serew in place. It is shown here partially formed. installed.

Dowels must be used to locate the leather-covered pad, The pad in place on the stock. It must be wrinkle free to
which must be cemented in place. be acceptable.

A Master Gunmaker's Guide to Building Bolt-Action Rifles

The left side of the stock with leather-covered pad.

Ebony grip cap in place on the stock.


Heat Treatment

Regardless of the material used, some of the component parts described here
will require heat treatment. In part, this is to
reduce any tendency to bulge, stretch, or
otherwise distort, but also to inhibit any tendency
to batter, upset, or wear excessively.
All parts of the action should be installed and
fitted until the desired functioning is achieved. The
parts should be polished almost to the desired final
finish. They will need a final polishing with the finer
grades of paper or buffing compound before bluing.
The bolt and receiver, if made from 4140 or
4340 as recommended, should first be normalized
by heating to 1,700°F and allowed to air-cool.
They are then heated to between 1,550° and
1,600°F and quenched in oil, at which point they
will be almost as hard as glass and also brittle.
After cooling, all traces of oil are removed, and
the part is again heated, this time to a temperature
of 800°F if made from 4140. This draws the temper
to a hardness of 38 on the Rockwell G scale. It now
has a tensile strength of 180,000 pounds per
square inch (psi) and a shear strength of 135,000
psi. If 4340 material is used, the same normalizing
temperature of 1,700°F is used. However, this time
the hardening temperature is slightly lower at
1,500° to 1,550°, and the draw temperature should
be 1,000°. This results in the same RG38 hardness
with a tensile strength of 178,000 and a shear
strength of 156,000 psi. This is far more than
required for a rifle action.
The bolt sleeve, cocking piece, and safety
should receive the same treatment since they are
made from the same material. Because these parts

A Master Gunmaker's Guide to Building Bolt-Action Rifles

are small enough to be heated evenly with the him to let the parts soak for a little while to ensure an
torch, they can be processed in the same way as even temperature throughout. He complied with this.
the other small parts. However, he removed a basket containing all four
The bolt and receiver especially must be parts and placed them on the side of his furnace. He
processed by a professional shop, with the picked one and quenched it in a litde container of
equipment and knowledge to do it right. I have oil, which immediately began boiling. When he
seen, and had experience with, a number of small removed it from the oil it was still glowing a dull red.
shops that obtained a small furnace and became This one was followed, one at a time, by the other
instant experts on all phases of heat treatment. three, which had cooled to a point where the process
Many of these can probably do all right on other was valueless. I waited until they had cooled some
things but can easily ruin gun parts. more and dunked them in water. They were softer
One such individual, who talks a better game than when I had taken them in.
than he practices, enticed me into letting him After this I went back to the real experts that
do my heat treating. I took several shotgun bolts I had been using before.
to him with written instructions on how it was The moral of this is to teach you that a loud
to be done. He assured me that he knew exactly mouth doesn't necessarily guarantee knowledge. Be
what I wanted and how to do it. sure your people know what they are doing before
When I returned to pick up the parts he you turn them loose on something as important as
went into a lengthy description of how he had gun parts. You may have your parts ruined.
packed the insides and pin holes with steel wool Remember one thing, though: it is always better
to prevent scale and how he had used a case- to err on the soft side when heat-treating parts. The
hardening method that I had never heard of. parts worked over by the knife maker were simply
This, he said, was far superior to the procedure I redone with no harmful effect. The bolts done by
had asked for. He then proceeded to charge me the first genius were ruined. At least, the first two
almost twice as much as the heat-treating were; I had the rest annealed and redone, which
company I had been using. made them serviceable again. But think what might
After a final polishing of the parts, the guns have happened if the first two had lasted a little
were assembled and test-fired. The first one longer (I usually fired five test rounds through each
lasted for three shots before one of the bolt lugs gun) and I had shipped these guns to customers.
broke off. The second let go on the first round. I If made from leaf-spring stock, the trigger,
quit shooting at this and took them back to the sear, and bolt stop can be heat-treated with an
shop. After disassembling them I laid one of the oxy-acetylene torch. Each part is fastened to
broken bolts on my anvil and hit it with a heavy wire as a means of handling it; heated
hammer. It shattered like glass. When I individually to a bright cherry red, which
confronted the "expert" with this, he admitted indicates a temperature of 1,450° to 1500°F; and
that he has used a process for low-carbon steel quenched. When the part is cool, all traces of
and was unaware that it would overharden the the oil are removed, and it is polished bright.
alloy steel to such brittleness. This is done so that the color can be observed
Another self-proclaimed expert, this time a knife and the part heated until a pale-blue color is
maker in a nearby town, obtained a kiln intended for seen. This will draw the temper to a hardness of
baking ceramics. He insisted that he had a state-of- near RG50, which will resist wear and is ductile
the-art operation and could take care of any heat enough to resist breakage.
treatment I needed done. On this one particular day If none better is available, low-carbon steel
I had two .50-caliber sniper-type rifles completed and can be used for these parts and case-hardened
needed the bolts and barrel extensions heat-treated through the use of a compound such as Kasenit.
rather quickly. I went to his shop and told him what I This is not recommended, however. Think back
needed. As it turned out he could do it immediately, on the amount of work that was required to
and he quickly fired up his furnace. It didn't take make these parts. It would be a waste to lose the
long to reach the required temperature, and I asked parts through carelessness or shortcuts.


and Coloring

In each of my previous books I have described at least one different method of

bluing, as well as other finishes. There is no need
for a lot of repetition here, except for the fact that I
need some extra words to fatten out this chapter!
Just kidding. The prototype rifle featured in
this book is special and deserves the very best
finish you are capable of. So a few words to help
you achieve this are not out of place.
Every part of this rifle should be finished by
hand. Curved surfaces should be round, true arcs
of circles, with no low places or flat spots. The flat
surfaces likewise should remain flat and straight.
All edges should be sharp and square with no
rounding off of corners. Screw holes should have
flat, square edges with no dishing or low spots
surrounding them.
The barrel should be examined carefully. Sight
down it lengthwise: if it has high and low spots,
they will be readily discernible to the eye. If they
are present, the barrel must be draw-filed.
The correct way to do this is to support the
barrel at each end, holding it between centers in
the lathe, or with one end held in a vise and the
other end blocked. Any way that holds it fairly
solid will work. A fine-cut flat file, commonly
known as a "mill bastard," is grasped by each end
and advanced sideways along the barrel with
steady pressure. This removes steel in fine
ribbons, much like steel wool, and leaves a

A Master Gunmaker's Guide to Building Bolt-Action Rifles

smooth finish. It also leaves the barrel covered be rough-polished with an appropriate-sized
with very small, lengthwise flats, which tempt drum sander and finished by hand.
one to remove them with buffing wheels. This The trigger guard and magazine bottom
would likely return it to the same condition it edge, including the front tang, are hand-polished
was in to start with. Remove these with lengthwise with the abrasive wrapped around a
abrasive cloth strips, in progressively finer flat block to avoid dishing the screw holes. This
grades, used in shoe-shine fashion, around the is done with the floorplate and floorplate latch
barrel, until roundness is restored. It is then in place, which results in matching flat surfaces
polished both lengthwise and crosswise, at the hinge. The remainder, or floorplate
finishing with 500-grit paper. proper, should have a rounded, slightly convex
The top surfaces of both the front sight and cross section with sharp corners and straight
quarter rib should be given a non-glare finish of lines along the edges.
some sort. The barrel and sides of the sights Action screws should fill the screw holes,
should be covered with masking tape before the flush with the surface of the tangs, with thin,
exposed surfaces are sand- or bead-blasted. narrow screwdriver slots, which are likewise
They can be matted through the use of a Dremel straight and sharp. The screw heads should be
electric engraving tool. This little rig operates at rounded slightly. An otherwise plain surface can
7,000 strokes per minute and, with a little be made more attractive by checkering the
practice, will impart a fine, even, frosted screw heads with a fine metal checkering file.
surface. The top surfaces could be checkered The only power polishing or use of buffing
with a fine metal checkering file, but this is wheels that should be permitted here is when
extremely time-consuming and won't look any using the white 555 polishing compound. This
better than the matted surface. should be used first on a hard felt wheel,
The sides should be polished lengthwise with followed by the same on a loose muslin wheel. If
abrasive cloth or paper-wrapped around a flat all scratches and imperfections have been
backing block. They should be draw-filed first if removed, this yields a mirror finish you can see
necessary. to shave in. If even slight scratches remain,
The receiver is also draw-filed if required however, they stand out like a sore thumb after
and polished in the same fashion as the barrel. the bluing is completed and will ruin an
Flat surfaces and edges, such as those otherwise near perfect job.
surrounding the ejection port, must remain With the super-deluxe metal-finishing job
sharp and flat, and the front and rear ends of the we have here, only two methods of coloring
receiver should remain flat and square. All sharp them should be considered: the caustic blue
corners should remain that way. used by most manufacturers and gun shops
The bolt is finished using the same methods. today, which would really compliment the
The stub where the handle joins the bolt should mirror finish we have imparted on the metal;
have square edges and corners, which blend and a rust blue, which may result in a slightly
into the round shaft and knob. The little duller luster in the final finish because it
concave flat on the outer side should also have sometimes requires etching before the solution
square, sharp edges. will take. This latter method takes considerably
Such small parts as the trigger, safety, bolt longer to apply.
sleeve, cocking piece, and bolt stop can be As I stated at the beginning of this chapter,
finished flat and square by placing fine "wet or both of these methods have been described in
dry" abrasive paper on a thick piece of glass and detail in my previous books, along with formulas
rubbing it back and forth (in the same direction) for mixing the solutions.
until the desired degree of finish is reached. The There was a time when this was practical,
trigger curve and inside of the trigger guard can but government agencies have restricted the

Heat Treatment

sale of various components and caused others to your own. Ready-mixed salts and solutions that
be diluted to a point where they no longer work work well and eliminate the hassle of trying to
the way they once did. If these components are make your own are available from several
even available, the price of most has escalated to sources. Buy these and follow the instructions
a point where it is no longer practical to mix that accompany them.


Adjusting and

At last, the goal is reached —the rifle is finished. One last time, you will
assemble it and finally, for the first time, shoot it.
It is wise to check for proper fit and function
as the rifle is being assembled. Mere bluing or
heat-treating of parts has been known to cause
dimensional changes.
The iron sights should be installed and bore-
sighted. This is done by clamping the barrel and
receiver in the vise and lining the bore up on
some distant object. I have a black cross painted
on a white board that is attached to a board fence
some 50 yards distant for this purpose. I center
the bore on this cross. The sights are adjusted, by
filing or moving, until they too line up centered on
the cross. The same is done when mounting a
scope. This, of course, is not exact, but it should
be close enough to zero the rifle by firing.
The bolt stop, trigger, and sear are put in place
in the receiver. Test the pivot pins for binding in
the holes in the trigger and sear before
installation. Heat treatment sometimes causes
these to grow. If binding is present, which can also
be caused by scale, run a drill or reamer through
the holes to relieve them.
Reassemble the bolt and check the firing pin
protrusion. It must be between .055 and .060
inch. Adjust this, if necessary, before proceeding.
With the bolt in place in the rifle, pull it
smartly to the rear. If the bolt stop doesn't stop it
and allows it to be pulled out of the receiver, a

A Master Gunmaker's Guide to Building Bolt-Action Rifles

stronger spring is needed or the bolt should be Make certain that there is no live round left
given a slight hook where it contacts the bolt. If in the chamber. Not long ago I test-fired the .308
any negative rake is present, it may cam its way sniper rifle pictured near the front of this book
open when pulled against, thus releasing the bolt. quite by accident. I had just assembled the
With the safety engaged, pull the trigger. If receiver to the barrel, which was held between
you hear a slight click and the firing pin snaps blocks in my vise. I had not yet installed the
forward when the safety is released, something extractor in the bolt. Although I had cut the
must be done. A small amount of metal must be chamber to a minimum length using a
removed from either the sear face or the front headspace gauge, I decided to see if the bolt
lower edge of the cocking piece. This will cause could be felt closing on a cartridge. For some
the safety to hold the cocking piece back reason, I became distracted and didn't remove
slightly, with no pressure on the sear, and let the the live round used for the trial from the
trigger snap back into engagement with the sear. chamber. Some time later I installed the
This is what holds the firing pin in the cocked extractor and firing mechanism in the bolt and
position. Be sure to check this carefully. If such slipped it in place. Then, like the damn fool that
a condition is present, the rifle may fire when I am, I pulled the trigger. Since I was standing
the safety is released. almost over the muzzle brake and was not
Check the trigger pull. It may very well have wearing ear protection, it sounded like a stick of
changed since its last installation. Readjust if dynamite . . . make that two sticks of dynamite.
needed. Not only did the rifle fire, the bullet took one
With the extractor and ejector in place, the corner off my milling machine vise. Then parts
rifle is checked for feeding and ejection. If of the bullet went through a nearly new bench
dummy rounds are available, they should be grinder, wrecking it, and some sort of shrapnel
used for this. Otherwise, the firing pin assembly from it went through my drill press motor.
should be removed while working several However, the rifle suffered no ill effects from the
rounds. This is done both with single rounds and "test-firing."
from a full magazine. No accidental discharge is The above should demonstrate that you
possible when done this way. should not take advice from me regarding gun
I make no recommendations about the safety.
method of test-firing this rifle. If the specified After test-firing the rifle the headspace
material was used, the heat treatment was should be checked, and the bolt and receiver
competently done, and the firing pin protrusion should be inspected for cracks or deformation. If
is within limits, the rifle should be safe enough. I everything checks out, fire several more rounds
simply held the ones I built out in one hand and and check it again. If everything is as before,
fired them, as with all the other firearms I have you now have a rifle you can be proud of. After
built. But I have confidence in my materials and all, you built it completely from raw materials.
workmanship. Very few rifle builders can truthfully say that.
If you have doubts—probably even if you Remember one thing above all else: as I have
don't—you should remove the stock to prevent made clear in previous volumes, neither the
marring it, tie the barreled action down, and fire publisher nor I can accept any responsibility
it from a distance using heavy string to pull the whatsoever for any problems experienced with
trigger. Use your own judgment here and don't your rifle since we have no control over the
take anything I say as a recommendation. materials or the workmanship.

MANY PEOPLE TODAY call themselves gunmakers, but
very few have actually made a gun. Most buy parts
wherever available and simply assemble them. During the
past 50 years Bill Holmes has built from scratch countless
rifles, shotguns, and pistols of amazing artistry, ranging in
caliber from .17 to .50 and just about everything in
between. In the process he mastered the art of custom-
making all the component parts himself and earned the
right to call himself a gunmaker.

The bad news is that

Bill Holmes no
longer makes
firearms, so you can't
have him turn out
one of his precision-
crafted specimens for
you. The good news
is that you can learn to make your own from this esteemed gunmaker.

This book shows you how to make (or modify) a custom bolt-action
rifle in a small shop, using single-point tools. By following the simple
instructions and mechanic's drawings, you will discover how to select
the design, materials, and tools; manufacture the bolt, trigger, safety,
and sights; fit, chamber, shape, and finish the barrel; ensure that your
heat-treating is done properly; design, checker, and finish the stock; and
everything else you need to know to be able to call yourself a gunmaker.


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