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Report Forest Fair

Trees quotation in coloured

The yr. 2011-12 is declared the International year of forest, to raise

awareness & strengthen the sustainable forest management, conservation
and development and for the benefit of present and future generation.

Keeping in mind the save, class prep & I of DPS, Ludhiana had co-
curricular activity forest fair on 21st July, 11.

In which children did lots of indoor & out door activities.

Indoor activities for Prep.

1. Forest creatures Decorative string. In this children coloured the

various animal cutouts and then stapled them on green string.

2. Elephant Mask- They also made elephant mask using chart paper &

3. They also played game I know my plants.

Indoor activities for class I

(1) Leaf collage: In this they made leaf collage & created different
animals out of it.

(2) Tree Tangrams: In this they made different trees with shapes.

Outdoor activity for preparation and I was common. In which they

save puppet show, which was presented by music and dance
teachers, which made then aware about saving forests and creatures
living in them.

They class I also went out for a nature walk in which they save
different types of leaves.

This activity was not only fun for them but it acquainted them with
so many facts about forests & its creatures.

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