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Independent Sample t-test

Independent sample t test was carried out the difference of impulsivity and risk perception in

Table 4.5
Independent sample t test comparing variables impulsivity and risk perception in male and
female (N= 253)

Variable Male Female 95% CI

(n=184) (n=69)

M SD M SD t (251) p LL UL Cohen’s d

Impulsivity 2.22 .45 2.26 .39 -6.20 .536 -.16 .08 .09

Risk perception 2.24 .79 1.99 .87 2.13 .034 .19 .47 .29

CI= Confidence Interval, LL= Lower Limits, UP= Upper Limits, Gender (male=1, female=2)
The homogeneity of the variance was assumed. The results of independent sample t test showed that
there was non-significant difference of impulsivity in male and female.
The homogeneity of the variance was assumed. The results of independent sample t test
showed that there was significant difference of risk perception in male and female. Male had high risk
perception than female. Male perceive risks batter than female. Cohen’s d value showed small effect
ANOVA was carried to find difference of the impulsivity and risk perception in convicts of
four crimes murder, drugs, secret open and kidnapping.

Table 4.6

Independent measure ANOVA comparing different crimes with impulsivity and risk

perception (N= 240)

Variables murder Drugs Secret open kidnapping

n= 152 n= 54 n= 12 n= 22
M SD M SD M SD M SD F (3, 236 )p Partial η²

Impulsivity 2.21 .45 2.33 .35 2 .32 2.23 .53 2.15 .09 .03

Risk perception 2.21 .84 2.04 .79 2.33 82 2.30 .83 .88 .45 .01

The assumption homogeneity was assumed. So the results of one way ANOVA showed that

there was non-significance difference of impulsivity on crime. Eta squared value was .03

which showed very small effect.

As the assumption homogeneity was assumed. So the results of one way ANOVA

showed that there was non-significance difference of risk perception on crime. Eta squared

value was .01 which showed minor effect.

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