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Effects of electron confinement on thermionic emission current in a modulation doped

Amro Anwar, Bahram Nabet, James Culp, and Fransisco Castro

Citation: 85, (1999); doi: 10.1063/1.369627

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Published by the American Institute of Physics

Effects of electron confinement on thermionic emission current

in a modulation doped heterostructure
Amro Anwar, Bahram Nabet,a) James Culp, and Fransisco Castro
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Drexel University, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania 19104
~Received 5 August 1998; accepted for publication 3 December 1998!
We discuss mechanisms responsible for the reduction of electron thermionic emission current from
a Schottky contact to a modulation doped semiconductor compared to a bulk semiconductor. The
effects discussed include metal to semiconductor barrier height enhancement due to proposed
electron–electron cloud interaction, confined potential of the reduced dimensional systems, and the
reduced dimensional nature of the density of states in the semiconductor. These effects describe the
observed lowering of the dark current, and hence noise, of a modulation doped heterojunction based
photodetector compared to a conventional bulk device. © 1999 American Institute of Physics.

I. INTRODUCTION Fig. 1, to directly contact carriers at the heterointerface lat-

erally. This device is thus a heterojunction metal–
The rectifying Schottky contact is a basic building block
semiconductor–metal ~HMSM!. The effect of the built-in
of a wide variety of semiconductor devices including diodes
field of the Schottky contacts in the lateral direction will
and transistors. Although current transport mechanisms in a
change both the energy band diagrams and the carrier con-
Schottky metal contact to a semiconductor are still actively
centration distributions shown in Fig. 2, nevertheless, the
researched, it is generally accepted that the energy barrier
electrons remain confined by the strong field at the hetero-
height from the metal to the semiconductor is determined by
interface to its proximity on the GaAs side, the tail of elec-
Fermi-level pinning and, particularly in compounds, be-
tron distribution will extend beyond the two-dimensional
comes independent of the metal work function.1–3 In this
electron gas ~2DEG! into the bulk of the GaAs.
article we propose that when lateral Schottky metal contact is
Details of device fabrication are reported elsewhere.4 It
made to a modulation doped semiconductor, the barrier
has been shown that the proposed device has about an order
height is affected by the confinement of electrons caused by
of magnitude less dark current than a conventional MSM
the electric field due to the heterointerface. Since this con-
device and up to a factor of four more dc photocurrent. This
finement can be controlled by various means such as by
device does retain other advantages of MSM devices by be-
variation of doping or the width of the layer thicknesses, it
ing monolithically integrable with HEMT technology, and
becomes possible to design contacts with increased barrier
hence optoelectronic integrated circuits ~OEICs! and micro-
heights despite Fermi-level pinning. Most relevant to the
wave monolithic integrated circuits ~MMICs!. The current–
present work is that the increase of barrier height decreases
voltage ~I–V! behavior of two devices with identical struc-
the reverse saturation current, and hence the dark current and
ture and geometry, but for the two AlGaAs doping levels of
noise, of a Schottky photodiode.
Fig. 2, is shown in Fig. 3. It is seen that the light response
does not change appreciably but the dark current is strongly
II. DEVICE STRUCTURE affected. Most importantly the dark current decreases for the
The structure employed for this study is shown in Fig. 1 sample with higher doping concentration of AlGaAs. This is
and is that of a typical high electron mobility transistor contrary to what is observed in a HEMT device where the
~HEMT! where an n-type doped 500 Å thick layer of increase in channel charge due to increased doping of
Al0.24Ga0.76As is grown by molecular beam epitaxy ~MBE! AlGaAs would proportionally increase current conduction.
on top of GaAs following a thin ~100 Å! spacer layer. The Similar behavior is observed when the AlGaAs layer is
energy band diagram of this structure in the direction of thinned; the current in the HMSM device increases while the
growth is shown in Fig. 2 for two doping concentrations N d opposite would occur in a device with ohmic contacts. Since
of the wide-gap material, N d 5331017 cm23 and 6 current conduction is dominated by the reverse biased
31017 cm23. The charge concentration due to the transfer of Schottky contact, in what follows we propose possible
electrons from AlGaAs to GaAs is also shown in Fig. 2 using mechanism by which confinement of the carriers at the het-
the ATLAS™ device simulation software for a gateless erointerface can affect the potential barrier height, and hence
HEMT device with the same structure. A major distinction, thermionic emission current, of the metal electrons.
however, between this and a HEMT structure is that here the III. EFFECT OF CONFINED ELECTRON CLOUD
contacts are Schottky metal and are deposited, as shown in For a Schottky contact the quasisaturation reverse bias
current is described by the Richardson and Dushman equa-
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0021-8979/99/85(5)/2663/4/$15.00 2663 © 1999 American Institute of Physics

2664 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 85, No. 5, 1 March 1999 Anwar et al.

FIG. 1. Structure of the heterojunction metal–semiconductor-metal device.

FIG. 3. The dark, and dc light current–voltage relationships of the hetero-
junction device for the two AlGaAs doping concentrations N d1 53

31017, N d2 5631017.
q f Bn qD f im
J5A * T 2 exp 2 exp ~ A/cm2! , ~1!
k BT k BT
where f Bn is the Schottky barrier height, A * is the Richard- many-body electron–electron interactions treated by Hartree,
son constant, D f im is the barrier lowering due to the image and Hartree–Fock equations. It is also distinct from inclusion
force, and other symbols have their usual meaning. Equation of higher order terms used to describe electron–electron in-
~1! shows the significance of the Schottky barrier height in teraction in scattering theory. The difference with both treat-
determining the value of the dark current. Barrier lowering ments is that here the interaction is between emitted elec-
mechanisms, such as image force lowering, are generally trons and an electronic cloud separated by a depletion
used to describe bias dependence of the dark current. A distance, not an interaction of electrons within the same
modulation doped structure such as the HMSM device of group that can effectively cancel out.
Fig. 1, however, has the distinctive feature that the thermi- Since the carrier concentration varies in the vertical ~z!
onic emission of electrons from the metal side is to a channel direction, the depth, the effect of the electron cloud on the
that is heavily populated by electrons which are uncompen- barrier becomes z dependent, requiring a two-dimensional
sated and are spatially separated from the donor ions in the approach. In the present development we calculate this effect
AlGaAs layer. In fact as seen in Fig. 2, for the two doping at an arbitrary z point in the confined 2DEG or beyond, thus
N d of AlGaAs, even beyond the near vicinity of the interface reducing the problem to a one-dimensional formalism.
~about 85 Å on the GaAs side! where a high density 2DEG Thus at any such point, we can consider thermionic
exists, the free electron concentration is still at least an order emission along the lateral ~x! direction into an electron cloud
of magnitude larger than the 1013/cm3 nonintentional doping n(z,x)/cm3, where x extends to the anode at L, as shown in
background. We propose here that the reduction of the dark Fig. 1. For simplicity, n(x) may be assumed to be zero in the
current is partially due to barrier enhancement caused by the depletion region of width d of the metal–semiconductor con-
repulsive Coulombic interaction between the electrons emit- tact and constant beyond that point, extension of this ap-
ted from the metal, and the uncompensated electrons in the proach to a nonzero carrier profile is straightforward. Fur-
GaAs side. This type of electronic interaction is unlike ther, we assume an abrupt transition between the depleted
region and the modulated part of the channel.
Under these conditions, the lateral electric field Ee at the
edge of the depletion region due to these carriers in the elec-
tron cloud can be calculated from the Poisson equation as
qn ~ L2d !
Ee 5 , ~2!
where « s is the static dielectric constant at the semiconduc-
tor. This electric field exerts a repulsive force on the elec-
trons that are emitted from the metal to the semiconductor.
The effect of this force can be determined in the same man-
ner as the effect of semiconductor band bending and the
image force on the barrier height as follows.
Without electron–electron cloud interaction, the electro-
static potential c (x) is given by1
c ~ x ! 5 f Bn2 2Em x, ~3!
FIG. 2. Conduction band diagram, and charge distribution in the direction of 16p « s x
growth, for the first 1000 Å in the GaAs side for two AlGaAs doping
concentrations N d1 5331017, N d2 5631017; effect of lateral Schottky field where Em is the maximum electric field due to band bending
is neglected. in the depletion region. Equation ~3! shows that the metal–
J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 85, No. 5, 1 March 1999 Anwar et al. 2665

semiconductor barrier height f Bn is lowered by the second thickness of the n-AlGaAs layer or its doping. This means
term due to image force, and the third term due to depletion that despite the pinning of the Fermi level, the barrier height
region electric field. If the electric field due to the electron can be controlled within a range of tens of meV in a modu-
cloud Ee is included as a boundary condition, then c (x) is lation doped structure.
derived, following similar steps, as


c ~ x ! 5 f Bn2 2 ~ Em 2Ee ! x, ~4! ELECTRON GAS
16p « s x
Another possible mechanism of barrier height enhance-
where the negative sign indicates the repulsive nature of this ment in a modulation doped structure is due to the reduced
field. This shows an enhancement in the Schottky barrier due dimensional nature of the 2DEG. If electron motion is re-
to the electron cloud compared to the case of bulk semicon- stricted to the triangular quantum well at the AlGaAs/GaAs
ductor, by a factor of D f e2e 5Ee x m , where x m is the point interface, the first available energy state is above the conduc-
of maximum potential, the value of which can be evaluated tion band by the amount of the first confined state E 0 . Based
by differentiating Eq. ~4!. The effective barrier height is then on this boundary condition, a model of thermionic emission
c (x m ). from a 2DEG to a metal can be developed following the
For a conservative estimate of the channel length same steps as in the case of a bulk, three-dimensional ~3D!
(L2d)'1 mm, x m will be about 50 Å. And for an average semiconductor.9 Considering the energy independent density
typical value of n51016/cm3 a barrier enhancement D f e2e of states N(E)54 p m * /h 2 of a two-dimensional system and
of 70 meV can be achieved. In the actual two-dimensional accounting for only one subband, the current can be found to
structure this barrier enhancement is a function of the posi- be

tion of the point of electron emission, because of the varia-
tion of n with depth z. Thus different barrier values will exist q ~ f Bn! E0
I 2D5WA 2D
* T 3/2 exp 2 exp 2 ~ A! ~6!
along the metal emission surface. In the Z direction this bar- k BT k BT
rier enhancement will extend from the GaAs side of the het-
where A 2D* 5q(8 p k 3B m * ) 1/2/h 2 @ A/(cm K2/3) # replaces the
erointerface along the confined states in the 2DEG to the
3D Richardson constant.
bulk of the GaAs side, with its peak in the 2DEG due to the
Comparison of ideal current conduction between a 3D
high concentration of carriers in this region. The thermionic
and 2D system, as shown in Eq. ~6!, and metal to bulk con-
emission current can then be evaluated by integration of
tact of Eq. ~1! points to several important differences. First, it

I5W E0
A * T 2 exp 2
q ~ f Bn2D f im
k BT D is observed that in the 2D system the barrier height has been
increased by the value of the first confined state as indicated
by the term exp(2E0 /kBT), i.e., the effective increase in the

3exp 2 S qD f e2e
k BT D
dz ~ A! , ~5!
band gap due to the first confined state increases the barrier
height. Second, the prefractor of the exponential term in Eq.
~6! depends on the 2D density of states function which is
where W is the length of the contact. Based on the above, if smaller than that of the bulk if the edge of the conduction
the carrier concentration in the channel is increased the bar- band is at E c . 10 In addition to device dimension, the prefac-
rier height will also increase according to Eq. ~4! and hence tor is based on terms due to the integration of carriers with
current will reduce according to Eq. ~5!. This, as mentioned velocity components confined to a plane, rather than a vol-
previously, is qualitatively consistent with the data of Fig. 3 ume, as is the case for a 3D system. Numerically, the expo-
which is opposite to what is observed in a HEMT device nential term shows a current reduction by a factor of about
with ohmic contacts. 12, based on a calculated value of E 0 565 meV. Regarding
A similar technique for modulating the Schottky barrier the prefactor term the constants are A 2D * 52.6
height has been proposed5,6 where a thin p 1 layer was grown 31024 (A/cm K2/3) and A * 58.6 A/cm2 K2, for 2D and 3D
on an n-type semiconductor before deposition of the metal cases, respectively ~i.e., the two have different units!. In ad-
contact. This layer tailors the doping profile in the depletion dition, recalling that the quantum well width is assumed to
region thus enhancing the barrier height. That mechanism be zero for the 2D case, a direct comparison of the prefactor
has been utilized in Ref. 7 to enhance the Schottky barrier terms becomes inappropriate. Nevertheless, the magnitude of
height and lower the dark current in Schottky photodiodes. the exponential prefactor term in Eq. ~5! scales with channel
The doping profile in the referred studies yields an electric thickness and its value for a 150 Å thick channel if assumed
field of the same direction as Ee due to the negatively ionized to be 3D is the same as that of a 2D one. Of course in the
space charges. It has also been shown8 that incorporation of device that is presented here, total current conduction needs
a thin ~few atomic layers! doped layer at the interface of a to be calculated by incorporating various parasitic paths of
heterojunction can alter the band gap discontinuity due to the current transport as well as the effect of holes in conduction,
dipole created at the heterointerface. The major difference hence experimental results are meant to qualitatively support
between the process described in this article and the refer- the proposed physical processes.
enced studies in terms of application, however, is that here A similar argument based on the effect of reduced di-
the amount of electron concentration, and hence the barrier, mensionality has been proposed in Ref. 11 to explain barrier
can be modulated by gating the structure or by changing the height enhancement in a Schottky contact to InGaAs 2DEG.
2666 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 85, No. 5, 1 March 1999 Anwar et al.

In that study an increase of 120–200 meV compared to the they have different temperature dependencies. Experimental
barrier height of Schottky contact to bulk InGaAs was mea- results are shown to qualitatively agree with theoretical ex-
sured, while the calculated barrier enhancement due to E 0 pectation, particularly it is experimentally shown that the
was expected to be around 60 meV. We suggest that this modulation doped photodetector devices examined in this
extra amount is due to electron–electron cloud interaction communication have much lower dark current, and hence
D f e2e . Furthermore, it may be noted that the process of noise, than conventional bulk ~3D! devices.
repulsion by the electron cloud that is described here has
similarities to low temperature conductivity in zero-
dimensional systems such as in quantum dots, and single ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
electron transistors, wherein conductivity is controlled by the The authors are deeply indebted to the late Professor
Coulombic repulsion ~blockade! of these droplets of Allen Rothwarf for discussions and suggestions. ATLAS™
charge.12 device simulation software was generously provided by Sil-
vaco, Inc. Device fabrication and measurement were per-
V. CONCLUSIONS formed with the help of NSF Grant No. DUE 6950350.
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