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Connect the Dots

A concept map

Directions: complete the following steps to illustrate your understanding of the material learned this
year. To do so, make a tangible and visual representation that includes all of the following

1. Identify the learning objectives found on the BIG TEST (you may also use the Common Core
standards found on pp. FM44-67 of your textbook).
Find the things we have to know and understand
2. Use the 3As to gather the information from the texts and the test questions
Attack, analyze, and annotate
3. Compile a list of these objectives. Your list should include at least 35 literary concepts,
ideas, and/or skill sets. The following literary terms and ideas are samples of
terms/concepts to get you started.
Make a list
 Drawing conclusion
 Conflict
 Suspense
 Tone
 Mood
4. Define each objective
What does “it” mean?
5. Write 8 questions using Bloom’s Question Stems that relates – synthesizes two objectives
Make questions that connect two things you need to know together
6. Make a diagram that illustrates the connection of all the objectives to form the “big picture”
7. Answer the questions posed on your diagram.
8. Use you diagram to review for your FINAL EXAM!
9. TURN in YOUR DIAGRAM at the start of your respective class on December 7, 2018.

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