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Alyssa Acedo


English 113A T/TH

30 September 2018

E1.1 Is a Relationship with Iran Worth Keeping

Iran’s land produces many riches that’s not only good for the United States but also

beneficial to the P5+1. The deal that best suits Iran to keep a good relationship with the United

States would be to renegotiate the current JCPOA because although Iran doesn’t gain much from

the deal, It’s the only way the U.S. will support Iran. Iran has many things going for them such

as their oil, centrifuges, and businesses to capitalize on which many are seeking if the JCPOA

falls apart. Daneshvar explains in the article “Those Who Put Sanctions on Iran-Now Buy its

Oil” that “the country's banking system is still facing considerable difficulties in re-establishing

ties with major international banks.” The reason behind the difficulties is that Iran is in a bind

because if the connection with the U.S. doesn’t remain, other countries fear doing business with

Iran because it jeopardizes relations with the U.S. and it jeopardizes the money within the banks

because the U.S. will not support business transactions with Iran.

Iran supplies many countries including the U.S. and China with oil sometimes up to

700,000 barrels a day according to Dow Jones Institutional News. Iran is also one of the cheapest

priced oil countries which catches many eyes and would definitely hurt the U.S. and other

counties who buy Iranian oil even when bought through a different seller so it’s not direct

transaction. Daneshvar also mentions how “the implementation of the JCPOA, those who had

imposed sanctions on Iran's oil have turned into the Islamic republic's oil customers” meaning
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those who wanted the sanctions put in place so bad have brought their business in some ways to

the same owner. Daneshvar further explains how “Many in Iran and around the world expected

that the implementation of the JCPOA would give a huge boost to the country's economy after

almost a decade of isolation from the global economy.” This is in some ways true because of the

billions freed up for Iran but then again Iran is wasting a substantial amount of money exporting

the material no longer allowed to use under the JCPOA.

Let’s not forget the billions Iran will have access to if they continue abiding by the

JCPOA. Iran will lose funding from the U.S. which will further hurt their relations with Lebanon

which Iran funds over $100 million every year for military supplies and weapons. The JCPOA

placed under Obama doesn’t cover terrorist activity but Trumps new JCPOA intends to cover

many things including terrorist activity. It is unclear if the renegotiated JCPOA will allow Iran to

further support Lebanon because Lebanon is connected to Hezbollah who is known for terrorist

attacks including bombing U.S. vehicles. The reason I’m mentioning this is because if the new

deal shuts down terrorism from Iran, is it really being shut down if they have close contact with a

full-blown terrorist group who’s not afraid to attack against the Unites States.

Iran has all these investment opportunities but the heat from the U.S. makes it almost

untouchable by other countries such as the P5+1. Iran is losing little with the JCPOA oppose to

not having the JCPOA and losing relations with everyone. It’s better suit for Iran to abide by the

JCPOA and deal with the little repercussions it brings because in the end, they will obtain more

financial freedom. After analyzing the deal and looking at the financial and relationships within

all P5+1 members, it’s very clear all countries want to continue the deal but the U.S. is kind of

the power ball in the play because many don’t want to sacrifice their tie with the Unites States.
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Works cited

Dorell, Oren. "Iran Not Seeing Benefits from Nuclear Deal." Press & Sun-Bulletin, May

15, 2016. ProQuest,

"INDIA/IRAN: US Sanctions Put Energy Ties at Risk." Oxford Analytica Daily Brief

Service, Jul 27, 2011, pp. 1-n/a. ProQuest,

Farhad Daneshvar -. "Those Who Put Sanctions on Iran - Now Buy its Oil." Trend

News.English, Jul 26, 2016. ProQuest,

"Trump's Iran Sanctions Put Oil Giants in a Bind." Dow Jones Institutional News, May

09, 2018. ProQuest,

"Trump says Iran should be 'grateful' to U.S. for benefits from nuclear deal." Xinhua

News Agency, 22 May 2017. General


id=ab58bfe2. Accessed 1 Oct. 2018.

“Here's How to Fix But Not Nix the Iran Deal” Robert Satloff The Atlantic, October


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