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Teaching Students’ Speaking Skill by Using

Board Games
(A Quasi Experimental Study at the Tenth Grade Students of SMAN 1 Parung)


Teachers Training and Education Faculty

Tanjungpura University

Abstract: think the best way on getting students’

attraction. One of the productive skills is
The purpose of this research was to speaking. Improving speaking skill is one of
prove that the application of board game the purposes of English education in
affected students’ speaking skill at grade 10 Indonesian school from elementary to the
of SMAN 1 Parung. Since it was the quasi- university students.
experimental research, the researcher used
pre-test, treatment, and post-test as the steps Based on the syllabus, it should be
for conducting research. With the purposive achieved in speaking skill for the tenth-grade
sampling, 40 students of X MIA 2 class as the students in the first semester dealing with
sample of research and 40 students of X MIA some functional skill such as transactional
3 class as the controlled group. The reason and interpersonal skill. The materials
why the researcher took these two sample included talking about yourself, starting a
was they had similar score. Interview and conversation, making a date, describing
monologue test included on both pre-test and things, instructing people how to do things,
post-test where it considered as the oral test. and getting to know each other.
The researcher divided five meetings for the
treatment itself which the students of According to the observation
experimental class played board games that conducted by the researcher, most of 10th
designed by the researcher. The result of the grade students of SMAN 1 Parung find their
research is the mean score of experimental worst while having speaking class. They have
class was 67.05. After using board games, the some number of problems that they face
mean score increased to 76.20. It means that during the learning process. The first one is
board games is effective towards students’ they lack of confidence and also lack of
speaking skill. grammar. This thing could be happened
because they only taught everything about
Keywords: Speaking skills, CLT, board grammar rules. As the result, they have poor
games knowledge about speaking and they are also
difficult to produce anything through their
INTRODUCTION mouth. Secondly, students do not have any
Teaching English productive skills is interest during the teaching and learning
a tricky challenge by teachers. They have to process. It is happened because the teacher

uses monotone technique in the classroom. information each other through the process
The teacher just asks the students to make a which can be said as communication.
short dialogue in pair to assess their speaking
skills. The third one is the mental of students In teaching speaking, there are some
itself. They have a big anxious feeling during aspects that the teacher must concern about.
the class since they feel afraid to be wrong. It can be used as a guidance to assess the
speaking. According to Hughes (2003), there
Based on the observation, the are some proficiency that should be achieved
researcher concludes that the teacher has to in speaking activities; accent, grammar,
be more creative and communicative to vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension.
embrace students exploring their ideas
through speaking. to gain the communicative Speaking has many purposes that give
competency, there is an appropriate method some advantages in teaching foreign
to be used. It is Communicative Language language skills. But the advantages or the
Teaching, and it is well-known as CLT. This function of speaking can be achieved if the
kind of method lets the teacher to create more teacher encourages the students by
learner-centered classroom during the giving the opportunity and spaces for
teaching and learning process. CLT has students to speak up their thought
multiple activities and one of the and ideas. As Littlewood (2002, p.93) said,
implementations of it is board games. “The development of communicative skills
can only take place if learners have
By using games, the teachers’ motivation and opportunity to express their
instruction can be meaningful and enjoyable own identity….”. It means that the learning
for all age groups. When students play games, should be learner-centered base to make it
teachers can provide the social skills because more interactive.
it gives the opportunity to the students to
interact with others player. Based on the Communicative Language Teaching
background above, the researcher would like is an approach in which the communicative
to prove that the board game method is competences are built. In CLT, English
effective towards students’ speaking skills. classroom should be more highly motivating
for the students to use the language in
LITERATURE REVIEW learning process. The teacher should make
According to Meyers (2003, p2.), communicative classroom activities to
speaking is all about: sharing idea, giving engage the students in language. The material
information, expressing a greeting, stating an of teaching and learning should be based on
opinion, or sending a warning. Another students‟ daily live. It is effective in order to
definition also stated by different expert. build social-interaction in students.
Speaking is the ability to speak in a foreign
language is at the very heart of what it means Speaking is the second skill that
to be able to use a foreign language (Luoma, people got after listening. People imitate to
2004). It can be concluded that Speaking is speaking after they listen the other speaks. It
an interactive activity that is delivered by the is not easy to learn speaking skill. As other
people as a speaker, and should be skills, there are some characteristics can
understood and being listened unconsciously make speaking difficult. As Brown (2001)
by the other as a listener. It is also called demonstrates some characteristics of spoken
communication. It involves two people; the language can make oral performance easy as
speaker or the sender and the listener or the well as, in some cases difficult: Clustering,
receiver. People can exchange the redundancy, reduce forms, colloquial

language, rate of delivery, stress, rhythm, pre-test and post-test through interview and
intonation, and interaction. monologue test. The only difference was on
the treatment, where the experimental class
To solve those problems, there is a taught by using board games and the
way to reduce it called board games. A board controlled class had the traditional class
game is a game that when you play it you activities. The result of pre-test and post-test
throw the dice in the counters and you can of both groups compared in order to examine
step forward based to dice. A board game is whether the treatment given in experimental
a game that involves counters or pieces group gave more significant effect on
moved or placed on a pre-marked surface or students’ speaking achievement. As it drew
"board", according to a set of rules. Games below:
can be based on pure strategy, chance (e.g.
rolling dice) or a mixture of the two, and
usually have a goal that a player aims to
In using games to teach, the students
are able to get other function of games
besides mastering speaking skill. Mayer and
Harris (2010) said by using games they can
get many life skills as follow: authentic
experience, student engagement, social and
life skills, and higher- order thinking as some
goals in board games. The population of this research was
the students of tenth grade of SMAN 1
There are some studies dealing with Parung. There are 8 classes in this grade. The
this study. The first one came from writer used purposive sampling to choose the
Rahmawati (2012). It was effective to teach classes who almost have the same score.
English by using a board game. She
concluded that the students‟ speaking skills The researcher chose class X MIA 2
was improved. The result of the research with 40 students as the sample of
showed that the use of board games in experimental group and class X MIA 3 with
combination with applying various media in 40 students as control group. The pre-test was
the presentation, using songs, using given before the treatment. Moreover, the
classroom English, and conducting listening post test was given after the writer gave the
activities was able to improve students’ treatment to each class.
speaking skills. Susanti (2005) also To know the effectiveness of teaching
conducted the study for vocabulary learning speaking by using boardgames, the writer
of grade 8 students while the researcher gave oral test to the students. The oral test
conducted the research for speaking activities was divided into two parts; the pre-test and
of tenth grade students. the post-test. The form of oral test was
interview and monologue test. Because it is
METHODOLOGY oral test, the writer divided the score into five
This research applied quasi- criteria, which are the scores of
experimental method using two groups’ pre-
test post-test design. There were two groups
on this study: Experimental group and
controlled group. Each group did the same

pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency
and comprehension. Here was the technique The Diagram of Mean Score
of data analysis that used by the researcher: 75

Pre-Test Post-Test

From the diagram above, it is clearly

stated that there are significant results in
experimental class where the bar is getting
higher rather than in the controlled class. It
There were two hypotheses that can meant that the board game had positive
be formulated on this study: impact towards students’ speaking skills.
1.Alternative Hypothesis (Ha): There is a
significant difference between students’ DISCUSSION
speaking scores taught by using board games
and without by using board games for the 10th In order to find out the empirical
grade students of SMAN 1 Parung. evidence about the effectiveness of board
2.Null Hypothesis (Ho): There is no games in speaking class, the researcher
significant difference between students’ compared 10th grade students’ score of
speaking scores taught by using board games SMAN 1 Parung before and after the
and without by using board games for the 10th treatment by using board games. The
grade students of SMAN 1 Parung. previous study suggested that there are some
positive impacts on applying board games in
The result of t-test can be seen with speaking class like vocabulary mastery at 8th
the criteria: grade students (Susanti, 2005, p.2). Other
 If t-test (to) > t-table (tt) in significant study also clearly stated that board game also
degree of 0.01, Ho (null hypothesis) is motivates students in speaking class while
rejected. they can practice effectively (Jayanti, 2012,
 If t-test (to) < t-table (tt) in significant p.2). The only difference on this study from
degree of 0.01, Ho (the null hypothesis) is the earlier studies was the research subject
accepted. where the researcher chooses 10th grade
students on testing the effectiveness of this
FINDING method.
The experiment class and the For the experimental class itself, they
controlled class were taught speaking with were taught by using board games and the
different technique. The experimental class regular teaching activity for the control class.
was taught by using board games, whereas The experimental one achieved the best while
the controlled class did not use board games practicing their speaking and they enjoyed
activity. The data were collected from the class during the treatment. They engaged
students’ score in pre-test and post-test of with their friends a lot because this game
both experiment class and controlled class. needed bigger contribution in team works
that absolutely let students to express their
ideas. It is true alongside with the previous

study that teaching English through game- Although this study had a consistent
like activities can cheer up the class and make result with the previous studies, this could be
language learning more pleasurable and something controversial since it is in form of
easier to learn (Wang, 2010, p.133). Board games. Most of teachers might think that
games also helped students to reduce their students will not be serious on learning and
problem in speaking, like redundancy and rather to waste their time. Remember that, the
hesitation. Wang (2010) found that games are teacher has to think about how to motivate
self-motivating to stimulate learners’ interest their students to learn something. There are
and curiosity, which benefited learners best so many methods and techniques on
to play with the language in their first stages engaging students to the learning process.
of language learning. It was noted that board With the improved and better design later on,
games motivate students to forget about their this kind of study will assist teachers to make
problems. the speaking learning more fun and attractive
in the future.
Since it was a quasi-experimental
research, the data is mostly served in the form CONCLUSION
of tables and numbers. As stated by Creswell
(2012, p.21) that the data is collected on Based on the research discussion, the
predetermined instrument that yield statistics researcher concluded that board games
technique is effective towards students’
data. The result revealed that there was a
speaking skills. The result of the students’
significant progress of student’s pre-test and
mean score is increased significantly
post test score between the experimental
comparing from the pre-test and the post-test
class and the controlled class. There was a
result. Based on the hypothesis testing result,
significant growing on experimental class
the increasing level of score is categorized as
from the mean of pre-test score to the post-
high. It can be interpreted that students’ score
test one. It was totally different on the
of speaking is better after they taught by
controlled class since there was no treatment
using board games.
for them which made a little progress of the
pre-test score mean to the post-test one. The researcher recommends some
However, this method should be considered suggestions according to the research
that it consumes long enough time to show findings. The first one is the teacher can use
the effective of the study is. this technique in order to have better result on
students’ speaking skill. The other suggestion
On the other hand, some students still
is the researchers can use this research as a
did not have any progress of their speaking
reference in case of conducting the relevant
even they belong to the experimental class.
Luckily, most of them had better progress to
reach their best on speaking. It means that REFERENCES
this kind of method is truly helpful to them in
Meyers, A. (2003). Gateways to Academic Writing.
case of performing better on speaking. It was New York: Addison Wesley Longman)
critically achieved after the treatment where
the researcher conducts the post-test in form Luoma, S. (2004). Assesing Speaking. Cambridge:
of interview. There were ten questions that Cambridge University Press
asked to them and they can answer it all Hughes, A. (2003) Testing for Language Teachers,
without any doubt. It was absolutely different Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
when they have pre-test activity, even the
level of question was easier than post-test.

Littlewood, W. (2002) Communicative Language
Teaching: An Introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
Creswell, J. (2012). Educational Research
(4thedition). United Kingdom: Pearson
Wang, Y. (2010) Using Communicative Language
Games in Teaching and Learning English in
Taiwanese Primary Schools. Journal of Engineering
Technology and Education, 7(1)
Mayer, B. Harris, C. (2010) Libraries Got Games.
(Chicago: American Library Association.

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