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No=12 Ahmad hasbi as Tgl=wed 31 oct


Kalimat willing

I’m not willing to help you.

He is willing to come back

Kalimat like/likes
1. I like to eat fried chicken
2. She likes to drink orange juice.
3. We like to play football.
4. My father likes to read magazine
5. The students like to study in the library.

Kalimat can not

1. I can not only play the football but also I can play volleyball (aku tidak dapat bermain
sepakbole tetapi juga aku dapat bermain bola voli)
2. you can eat this food or you can not eat this food (kamu bisa makan makanan ini atau
kamu tidak dapat makan makanan ini)
3. Dea can not dance and sing (dea tidak dapat menari dan menyanyi)
4. his father can buy this cloth or can not buy this food (ayahnya dapat membeli baju ini
atau tidak dapat membeli baju ini)
5. She can not wear this loose dress atau she can (dia tidak dapat menggunakan baju longgar
ini atau dia juga dapat memakai)

Kalimat larangan/ prohibition

No Left Turning (dilarang belok kiri)

No Right Turning (dilarang belok kanan)

Don't pick the flower (jangan memetik bunga)

Don't come late (jangan terlambat)

Don't make a noise (jangan membuat kegaduhan)

Kalimat perintah

Clean your bathroom now!

• Please pick me up at 7 am tomorrow.
• Take care of my children when I am away.
• Walk about 100 meters and then turn right. You will find the mosque on your left.
• See the direction carefully, please.

Mohammad kholid a k Tgl=wed 31 oct 2018

Kalimat willing

I’m not willing to help you.

He is willing to come back

Kalimat like/likes
1. I like to eat fried chicken
2. She likes to drink orange juice.
3. We like to play football.
4. My father likes to read magazine
5. The students like to study in the library.

Kalimat can not

1. I can not only play the football but also I can play volleyball (aku tidak dapat bermain
sepakbole tetapi juga aku dapat bermain bola voli)
2. you can eat this food or you can not eat this food (kamu bisa makan makanan ini atau
kamu tidak dapat makan makanan ini)
3. Dea can not dance and sing (dea tidak dapat menari dan menyanyi)
4. his father can buy this cloth or can not buy this food (ayahnya dapat membeli baju ini
atau tidak dapat membeli baju ini)
5. She can not wear this loose dress atau she can (dia tidak dapat menggunakan baju longgar
ini atau dia juga dapat memakai)

Kalimat larangan/ prohibition

No Left Turning (dilarang belok kiri)

No Right Turning (dilarang belok kanan)

Don't pick the flower (jangan memetik bunga)

Don't come late (jangan terlambat)

Don't make a noise (jangan membuat kegaduhan)

Kalimat perintah

Clean your bathroom now!

• Please pick me up at 7 am tomorrow.
• Take care of my children when I am away.
• Walk about 100 meters and then turn right. You will find the mosque on your left.
• See the direction carefully, please.

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