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Giovanni History

 A holy man/priest of unknown faith arrives at Enoch and after a time is sired by a
member of the 2nd generation, his true name is lost to the winds of history but when
questioned on his origins he answered "from Cappadocia" giving rise to his name of
Cappadocius. Also it is widely believed by knowledgeable people such as Aristotle De
Laurent and Aisling Sturbridge that this man was also Ashur and Lucian.
 Cappadocius Searches for the secrets of death, he is mainly solitary in this time by does speak to Ventrue
and Saulot. He sires no childer as the Search takes up all of his thoughts.
 The Great flood descends on the earth and Enoch falls. The Second City is built.
 The second city falls and Cappadocius flees the wreckage of the city to Cappadocia (held today by the
Seljuk Turks) and embraces his first progeny, a traveler named Caias Koine. It is at this time that
Cappadocius experiences his first precognitive vision.
 Cappadocius and Caias sire progeny to aid in the quest for knowledge and the answers to the vision. It is in
this time that Japheth and Lazarus are embraced and the clan Cappadocian is created.
 Cappadocius and his brood travel though out the world speaking to many historic people and seeing the
rise and fall of many civilizations. He spoke with Zoroaster and Buddha, gleaning much knowledge from
these prophets, He walked the lands of Babylonia with the great Nebuchadnezzar and saw the hanging
gardens. He queried Alexander the barbarian and quizzed Ptolemy. Cappadocius spoke at length with
Antiochus of Seleucus and with a host of Greek thinkers. But sadly the true secrets of death remain hidden
to him.
 In 2500BC Ashur settles in the area of the upper Tigris and forms the warlike people the Assyrians and will
later create the Baali Clan.
 Lazarus embraces Lamia and gives birth to a new bloodline of the clan.
 In 798AD Cappadocius gains his first revelation in the Hebrew lands around Jerusalem and calls a meeting
at the city of Goreme in the temple at Erciyes (Argaeus). Cappadocius kills the owner of the temple a
Malkavian known as Algol and claims it for himself and his clan.
 Christianity spreads throughout the western world and Cappadocius begins to follow the teachings of the
religion. It is also at this time that he gets the vision of an angel feeding him blood and telling him that
God wills him to succeed.
 Relations between the Cappadocius and the Followers of Set break down due to opposing religious beliefs.
 Cappadocius realizes that to many Kindred have been embraced and he re reads the book of Nod making
note of its guidance on progeny. He calls a meeting at the city of Kaymakli where he reduces the clan's
numbers by selecting a number of kindred and having them locked forever in the deepest part of the city’s
catacombs. He lays a ward on the portal preventing any kindred to leave or any Kine to enter and to this
day the ward remains unbroken. Lazarus was not present at this due to his dealings in Egypt.
 Caias travels to Egypt and speaks with Lazarus trying to find out why he did not heed the leaders call.
When Lazarus reveals that it was due to the fact he thought Cappadocius was wrong Caias attacks him and
an epic follows. Lazarus kills Caias with the use of Sets power of Serpentis but it’s wounded and forced into
 Cappadocius receives his second revelation, in this he sees the Crucifixion of Christ, and his entombed
children in Kaymakli he saw a link to his clan and Christ, sacrificing them selves so others could continue.
He also saw himself on the cross and took it as a mandate that he needed to be sacrificed so that humanity
could be sustained amid the sea of vampire kind.
 Cappadocius forms the idea of attaining Golconda and diaberizing God and by bringing Heaven to earth.
Life and death would become one, infinite and unending.
 The clan of death start to gain a large amount of influence within the Church.
 In the twelfth century members of the clan come across a cabal of mortal necromancers in the city of
 Cappadocius orders that this family and cabal are fed his blood and embraced. But due to his torpid state a
sample of Cappadocius' blood was drained and use to embrace the head of this cabal, his name was
Augustus Giovanni. Japheth and Constancia stole some of the blood before it was given to Augustus and
sealed it in a jar with beeswax. They hid this Jar and spoke a curse over it, this Jar would become know at
the True Vessel. They also put a curse on the blood that Augustus would drink: "he who partakes of this
blood shall forever be judged by this blood and by the will of God. Color this vitae with the deeds of the
drinker. Let him sup with his soul every time he feeds. Deliver this blight unto him as the founder delivers
this stigma to us" (Note: this is where the Giovanni feeding flaw really comes from).
 Cappadocius receives his third revelation, in this vision he saw himself and the clan consumed by a bloody
fire as a shadowy figure laughed at their fate. As he burned away a single spark rose from the ashes and
ascended to Heaven. It was at this point Cappadocius knew his clan was doomed and flees to Rome to try
and complete his quest to become God.
 The Giovanni Cappadocian grow in number till they almost equal half the clans number and due to success
in the Crusades and there huge gain in wealth they start to inbreed to keep the blood pure and take up all
sorts of ill behaviors.
 At the end of the 17th century Claudius Giovanni discovers about the Khazar's Diary but does not manage
to find it though some say he did and hid it from Augustus. He burns the Erciyes temple to the ground.
 Augustus forms a deal with a Cappadocian named Capuchin and teaches him necromancy for access to
church assets. Augustus agrees and is allowed to search through the Vatican's vault of confiscated book,
here he finds a piece of Japheth journal. This journal had a ghost bound to it and using his mastery of
necromancy Augustus gets the ghost to reveal the location of anything important that Japheth may of
hidden. The ghost revels that the True Vessel was in the Erciyes temple and that Claudius missed it.
Claudius met his final death one night later.
 Augustus Giovanni diablerizes Cappadocius and becomes 3rd generation. This starts the civil war within the
clan, in a few short decades the Cappadocian clan becomes the Giovanni clan.
 The Anarch war starts.
 The newly formed clan Giovanni forms the promise of 1528 with the newly formed sect of the Camarilla,
promising to forever stay out of the games of the Jyhad.
 The Giovanni hunt the remaining Cappadocian, this ends up with almost all main clan Cappadocian being
killed and the Lamia wiped out to the last. Some Cappadocian manages to flee to the shadow lands but are
trapped by the Giovanni while a few run to distant lands and disappear from the modern world. These will
later become the Harbingers of skulls, the Samedi and the Mla Watu.
 The Giovanni clan grows and takes in other families into the clan, this includes the Dunsirn, Pisanob and
Milliner. These other families are kept in check with the main family of the Giovanni not letting hold of their
grip on the clan.
 Rumours about Lazerus rising start to circulate within the clan.
 The Samedi return from their hiding and due to their total change are not recognized as Cappadocian by
the Giovanni this saves them from another purge.
 Western Kindred travel to Africa and come into contact with the Kindred of the Ebony kingdom of which the
Mla Watu clan belong to.
 Weak blooded kindred increase in number, some point to this as the time of thin blood from the book of
 Some Giovanni embraces begin to create childe with the old Cappadocian flaw rather than the curse of the
Lamia, this leads some elders to fear the return of the old clan’s power.
 The trapped Cappadocian in the shadowlands are released with the aid of Japheth and the Capuchin. They
walk from their prison as the Harbingers of skulls and join the Sabbat sect.
 In 1999 a massive explosion ends the week of nightmares and causes the great maelstrom in the
shadowlands, this totally disrupts the wraith world and blasts many of them across the shroud. This event
has a profound effect on the use of necromancy.
 The signs of the end of times prophesized in the book of Nod start to become visible and many kindred
start to believe that the old stories of Gehanna might be true and that the end of the world will come soon.

Written by Lee Dedden

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