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In/. J. Rock M~t"h. Min. Sci. cI G~. Ab.t/r. Vol. 22, No. 2. pp. 51-60. 1~5 0148.9062/8' 53.

8.9062/8' 53.00 + 0.00

Printed in Greal Britain
PerpmoD rr- Lid



Working Group on Revisionof the Point Load Test Method



(to replace original document published in 1972)



The ISRM Commission on Testing Methods. fonnerly the Commission on Standardization of Laboratory and Field
Tests. was establishedin 1967. Its main task is the drafting of "Suggested Methods" for rock testing. Its aim is
to achieve some measureof standardization without inhibiting the development and improvement of techniques.
The Point Load Strength Test was one of the first to be published (in 1972)by this Commission. and is one of
the first to be revised. The outcome of earlier "indirect tensile tests" such as those by Protodyakanov in Russia
and by Hobbs in England. it was first described in its present fonn as a rock strength index test by Franklin el
al.. and by Broch and Franklin (seeBibliography). Referencesto the early history of the test may be found in the
latter publication.
Subsequentresearchas detailed in the accompanying bibliography has added greatly to our understanding of
the test and has led. for example. to much simpler, more direct and reliable size and shapecorrection procedures
than those first published. The authors of this researchwere invited to form a working group for revision of the
SuggestedMethod. The revised version is a concensusof their comments and opinions.
The test is primarily intended as an index for rock classification and characterization. As an index test it needs
to be simple. and we have tried to retain its essentialsimplicity in this revised version.

Acknowiedg_ts- The following persons made major contributions to the editing and ~vision of this Suuested Method: J. A. Franklin
(Working Group Co-ordinator. Canada); P. Pells (Australia); D. McLachlin (Canada); N. Brook and P. J. Robins (Ellg/and); M. Greminger
and H. Kutter (F.R. ~rman..'): E. Broch(Norway);W. L. van Hcerdenand U. W. Vogler(SoUlhAfrica) and G. Wijk.(Sweden).

l.(a) The Point Load Strength test is intended as an
index test for the strength classification of rock materi-
als. It may also be used to predict other strength
parameters with which it is correlated. for example
uniaxial tensile and compressivestrength.'.
(b) The test measuresthe Point Load Strength Index
( of rock specimens.and their Strength Anisotropy
Index (I.(sot>which is the ratio of Point Load Strengths
in directions which give the greatest and least values.
Fig. I. Photograph
of ponablepointloadtestmachine.
(c) Rock specimensin the form of either core (the
diametra/ and axial tests). cut blocks (the block test). or
irregular lumps (the irregular lump test) are broken by
cone and 5 mm radius spherical platen tip should meet
application of concentrated load through a pair of
tangentially.4 The platens should be of hard material
spherically truncated. conical platens} Little or no speci-
such as tungsten carbide or hardened steel so that they
men preparation is needed.
remain undamagedduring testing.
(d) The test can be performed with portable equip-
ment or using a laboratory testing machine.and so may
be conducted either in the field or the laboratory. Load measuringsystem
4.(a) The load measuring system. for example a load
cell or a hydraulic pressure gauge or transducer con-
nected to the ram. should permit determination of the
2. The testing machine (Fig. I) consists of a loading failure load P required to break the specimenand should
system (for the portable version typically comprising a conform to the requirements (b) through (d) below.
loading frame. pump. ram and platens). a system for (b) Measuremcnts of P should be to an accuracy
measuring the load P required to break the specimen. of::t: S%Por better. irrespectiveof the size and strength
and a system for measuring the distance D betweenthe of specimenthat is tested}'s
two platen contact points (but see 5(e) below). (c) The systemis to be resistant to hydraulic shock and
vibration so that the accuracy of readings is not ad-
Loading system versely affected by repeated testing.
3.(a) The loading system should have a platen-to- (d) Failure is often sudden and a maximum load
platen clearancethat allows testing of rock specimensin indicating device is essential so that the failure load is
the required size range. Typically this range is retained and can be recorded after each test.
15-IOOmm so that an adjustable clearanceis neededto
accommodateboth small and large specimens.
(b) The loading capacity should be sufficient to break
the largest and strongest specimensto be tested.)
(c) The test machine should be designedand construc-
ted so that it does not permanently distort during
repeatedapplications of the maximum test load, and so
that the platens remain co-axial within::t 0.2 mm
throughout the testing. No spherical seat or other non-
rigid component is permitted in the loading system.
Loading systemrigidity is essentialto avoid problems of
slippage when specimens of irregular geometry are
(d) Spherically-truncated,conical platens of the stan-
dard geometry shown in Fia. 2 are to be used. The 600 I
.Superscript numbers refer to Notes at the end of the text
Fig. 2. Platen shape and tip radius.


Distance measuringsystem and shape requirements for diametral, axial. block or

5.(a) The distance measuring system. for example a irregular lump testing as specified below:
direct reading scale or displacement transducer. is to (c) For routine testing and classification. specimens
permit measurement of the distance D between should be tested either fully water-saturated or at their
specimen-platencontact points and should conform with natural water content.'
requirements (b) through (d) below.6
(b) Measurementsof D should be to an accuracy of
:t 20;0» or better irrespective of the size of specimen 7. The test equipment should be periodically cali-
tested. brated using an independently certified load ceOand set
(c) The systemis to be resistant to hydraulic shock and of displacementblocks, checking the P and D readings
vibration so that the accuracy of readings is not ad- over the full range of loads and displacementspertinent
versely affected by repeated testing. to testing.
,'" Th. e",,;""
,..~ "'-'-"""6 evet
".lv-,,' oh",.11i
~..~ gll"",
~.,- .. ,.h_L-
.. ~ "r
.,. th.
The diametra/ test2
"zero displacement" value when the two platens are in
contact. and should preferably include a zero adjust- 8.(a) Core specimens with length/diameter ratio
ment. greater than I.Q are suitable for diametral testing.
(e) An instrument such as calipers or a steel rule is (b) There should preferably be at least 10 tests per
required, to measure the width W of specimens for all sample, more if the sample is heterogeneousor aniso-
but the diametral test. tropic.1
(c) The specimen is inserted in the test machine and
PROCEDURE the platens closed to make contact along a core di-
ameter,ensuring that the distance L betweenthe contact
Specimen selection and preparation points and the nearest free end is at least 0.5 times the
6.(a) A test sample is defined as a set of rock specimens core diameter (Fig. 3a).
of similar strength for which a single Point Load (d) The distance D is recorded .t. 2%.6
Strengthvalueis to be determined. (e) The load is steadily increased such that failure
(b) The test sampleof rock core or fragmentsis to occurs within 10-60 sec, and the failure load P is
contain sufficientspecimensconformingwith the size recorded. The test should be rejected as invalid if the


L>O.5D t :::=>j~~~~~. !=--

- ~~~ -:..!- EQuivd" co,.

-r- "4 J ---- -

1- O.3W< D< W


L~'D I - -r-
c:.~~: ~
\, ~~,---
. ~ - l.s.ctir.n t~h
~ 03W<D<W
loading PoWlts
w' w.
... +w.
Fig. 3. SpecimenshaperequirementsfOf (a) the diamctral test, (b) the axial test, (c) the block test, and (d) the incgulaf lump


\LU ~


c~~~ CI~:I


dicular to the core end faces (in the case of isotropic
fracture surface passesthrough only one loading point rock, the core axis, but see paragraph 11 and Fig. 5).
(Fig. 4d). (d) The distance D between platen contact points is
(t) The procedure (c) through (e) above is repeatedfor recorded:f: 2%.6The specimenwidth W perpendicularto
the remaining specimensin the sample.
the loading direction is recorded:f: 5%.9
(e) The load is steadily increased such that failure
The axial test2 occurs Within 10-60 sec, and the failure load P is
9.(a) Core specimenswith length/diameter ratio of
recorded. The test should be rejected as invalid if the
0.3-1.0 are suitable for axial testing (Fig. 3b). Long
fracture surface passesthrough only one loading point
pieces of core can be tested diametrally to produce
suitable lengths for subsequentaxial testing (provided (Fig. 4e).
(t) The procedures(c) through (e) above are repeated
that they are not weakendby this initial testing); alterna-
tively, suitable specimenscan be obtained by saw-cutting for the remaining tests in the sample.
or chisel-splitting. The block and irregular lump tests
(b) There should preferably be at least 10 tests per 10.(a) Rock blocks or lumps of size SO:f:35 rom and
sample, more if the sample is heterogeneousor aniso-
of the shapeshown in Fig. 3(c) and (d) are suitable for
tropic.7 the block and the irregular lump tests. The ratio D / W
(c) The specimenis inserted in the test machine and
should be between0.3 and 1.0, preferably close to 1.0.
the platens closed to make contact along a line perpen-

(0) (bt

Fig. S. Loading directions for tests on anisotropic rock..


The distance L (Fig. 3c and d) should be at least 0.5W. is given by:

Specimensof this size and shape may be selected if D; = D2 for diametraltests;
available or may be prepared by trimming larger pieces
by saw-or chisel-cutting. = 414.Ix for axial, block and lump tests;
(b) There should preferably be at least 10 tests per and
sample, more if the rock is heterogeneousor aniso-
A = WD = minimum cross sectional area of a
(c) The specimenis insertedin the testing machineand planethrough the platencontactpoints.6
the platens closed to make contact with the smallest
dimension of the lump or block, away from edgesand Size correction
comers (Fig. 3c and d). 13.(a)Is varies as a function of D in the diametral test,
(d) The distance D between platen contact points is and as a function of Dein axial, block and irregular lump
recorded:!: rio. The smallestspecimenwidth W perpen- tests, so that a size correction must be applied to obtain
dicular to the loading direction is recorded :!: 5%. If the a unique Point Load Strength value for the rock sample,
sides are not parallel, then W is calculated as and one that can be used for purposesof rock strength
(WI + W2)/2 as shown in Fig. 3d.' This smallest width classification.
W is usedirrespectiveof the actual mode of failure (Figs (b) The size-correctedPoint Load Strength Index 11('0)
3 and 4) of a rock specimenor sample is defined as the value of
(e) The load is steadily increased such that failure I. that would have been measured by a diametral test
occurs within 10-60 sec, and the failure load P is with D = 50mm.
recorded. The test should be rejected as invalid if the (c) The most reliable method of obtaining "~)' pre-
fracture surface passesthrough only one loading point ferred when a preciserock classification is essential,is to
(seeexamples for other shapesin Fig. 4d or e). conduct diametral tests at or close to D = 50 rom. Size
(t) The procedure(c) through (e) above is repeatedfor correction is then either unnecessary(D = 50mm) or
the remaining tests in the sample. introduces a minimum of error. The latter is the case,for
example, for diametral tests on NX core, D = 54 mm.
Anisotropic rock This procedure is not mandatory. Most point load
II. (a) When a rock sampleis shaly, bedded,schistose strength testing is in fact done using other sizesor shapes
or otherwise observably anisotropic it should be tested of specimen.In such cases,the size correction (d) or (e)
in directions which give the greatest and least strength below must be applied.
values, which are in general parallel and normal to the (d) The most reliable method of size correction is to
planes of anisotropy. test the sampleover a rangeof D or Devaluesand to plot
(b) If the sample consists of core drilled through the graphically the relation betweenP and D;. If a log-log
weaknessplanes, a set of diametral tests may be com- plot is used the relation is generally a straight line (Fig.
pleted first. spaced at intervals which will yield pieces 6). Points that deviate substantially from the straight line
which can then be tested axially. may be disregarded (although they should not be de-
(c) Best results are obtained when the core axis is leted). The value of P~ correspondingto D; = 2500mm2
perpendicular to the planes of weakness,so that when (De- 50 rom) can then be obtained by interpolation, if
possible the core should be drilled in this direction. The
angle between the core axis and the normal to the
weaknessplanes should preferably not exceed30°.
(d) For measurementof the II value in the directions
of leaststrength, care should be taken to ensurethat load
is applied along a single weaknessplane. Similarly when
testing for the I. value in the direction of greatest
strength, care should be taken to ensure that the load is
applied perpendicularly to the weaknessplanes (Fig. 5).
(e) If the sampleconsistsof blocks or irregular lumps,
it should be testedas two sub-samples,with load applied
firstly perpendicular to, then along the observableplanes
of weakness.toAgain, the required minimum strength
value is obtained when the platens make contact along
a single plane of weakness.

CALCULAnONS '100 200 500 1<m 2500 5000

Uncorrectedpoint load strength D: (mm Z )

12. The Uncorrected Point Load Strength I. is calcu- Fi.. 6. Procedure

for pphicaI detemlination
of ~~ froma - of
lated as P/D: where De, the "equivalent core diameter", multI at D. valuesother than SOmID.

to least Point Load Strength Indices. 18(501

assumes values
1. closeto 1.0for quasi-isotropicrocksand highervalues
whenthe rock is anisotropic.
I. [ ",/
16. Results for diametral tests, axial tests, block tests
and irregular lump tests,and for testsperpendicularand
parallel to planes of weakness should be tabulated
separately (see typical results form, Fig. 8). The report
should contain calibration data for the test machineand
at least the following information for eachsampletested:
(a) The samplenumber, sourcelocation and rock type,
and the nature and in situ orientation of any planes of
anistropy or weakness.
(b) Information on the water content of the rock at the
time of testing.
(c) Information on which specimens were loaded
parallel (/), perpendicular (1.), or at unknown or
Fig. 7. Sia co~on factor chart random directions with respect to planes of weakness.
(d) A tabulation of the valuesofP, D, (W, D; and D.
ifrequircd), I., (Fifrcquired) and II(~)for eachspecimen
necessaryby extrapolation, and the size-correctedPoint
in the sample.
Load Strength Index cakulated as P~/SQ2. (e) For all isotropic samples,a summary tabulation of
(e) When neither (c) nor (d) is practical, for example
mean I.~) values.
when testing single sized core at a diameter other than
(f) For all anisotropic samples,a summary tabulation
50 mm or if only a few small piecesare available, size
of mean II(~)valuesfor sub-samplestestedperpendicular
correction may be accomplishedby using the formula:
and parallel to the planes of weakness, and of the
[.~) = F x I. corresponding II(~) values.
The "Size Correction Factor F" can be obtained from
the chart in Fig. 7,11or from the expression: NOTFS
F = (0./50)°.45
I. When first introduced, the point load strength test
For tests near the standard 50 mm size, very little error was usedmainly to predict uniaxial compressivestrength
is introduced by using the approximate expression: which was then the establishedtest for general-purpose
F = J<D:7'SO) rock strength classification. Point load strength now
often replacesuniaxial compressivestrength in this role
(f) The size correction procedures specified in this sincewhen properly conducted it is as reliable and much
paragraph have been found to be applicable irrespective quicker to measure.II(~)should be useddirectly for rock
of the degree of anisotropy I. and the direction of classification, since correlations with uniaxial com-
loading with respectto planesof weakness,a result that pressive strength are only approximate. On average,
greatly enhancesthe usefulnessof this test. uniaxial compressivestrength is 20-25 times point load
strength, as shown in Fig. 9. However, in testson many
Mean value calculation different rock types the ratio can vary between IS and
14.(a)Mean values of 1.501as defined in (b) below are SOespecially for anisotropic rocks, so that errors of up
to be usedwhen classifying sampleswith regard to their to 1000/0 arc possiblein using an arbitrary ratio value to
Point Load Strength and Point Load Strength Aniso- predict compressivestrength from point load strength.
tropy Indices. The point load strength test is a form of "indirect
(b) The mean value of I.~) is to be calculated by tensile" test, but this is largely irrelevant to its primary
deleting the two highest and lowest values from the 10 role in rock classification and strength characterization.
or more valid tests, and calculating the mean of the ~~) is approximately 0.80 times the uniaxial tensile or
remaining values. If significantly fewer specimensare Brazilian tensile strength.
tested, only the highest and lowest values are to be 2. Of the four alternative forms of this test, the
deleted and the mean calculated from those remaining.12 diametral test and the axial test with saw-cut faces arc
the most accurateif performed near the standard SOrom
Point load strength anisotropy index size, and are preferred for strength classification when
15.The Strength Anistropy Index II(~) is definedas the core is available. Axial test specimenswith saw-cut faces
ratio of mean I.~) values measuredperpendicular and can easily be obtained from large block samples by
parallel to planes of weakness,i.e. the ratio of greatest coring in the laboratory. Specimensin this form arc


Sample Details Point Load Test Date 17/11/83

1 block s.-ple fr08 Gambletborpe Opencast lite.

Fine srained pale srey Coal Measures saztdltone

with n~OUI coaly streaks alonc horizontal
beddina planes.
Sp~ 1-6 chi8e1 cut. blocks, air-dr1ed 2 ~J
7-10 laNn blocks, air-dried 2 weeksJ
11-15 0«:_, air-dr181 2 YeekaJ

- 16-20 corea, air-dri81

tested in laboratory.
2 -uJ

"°. ~ w (-> D <-} P Cd) ~. <-2) D

(-) I F
I. (50:
1 i .1 ~.4 17 .2 2.687 666 25.8 4.03 0.75 ~
2 i .1 16 8 0.977 163 U.8 5.99 0.54 3.24
3 i 1. 19.7 15 .6 1.962 :)91 19.8 5.02 0.66 3.31
4 L .1 35.8 18 .1 3.641 825 28.7 4.41 0.765 3.46
5 i .1 42.5 29 6.U' 1569 39.6 3.90 0.875 3.49
fi i .1 42 35 7.391 1872 43.3 3.95 0.935 ~

7 b.L 44 2l 4.600 1176 :'.3 3.91 0.84 3.29

. b.L 40 ~ 5.940 1528 5.1 3.88 0.89 3.46
, bJ. 19.5 15 2.040 372 19.3 5.48 0.655 ~
10 b.L 33 16 2.87 672 25.9 4.27 0.75 ~

11 d II - 5.107 2.0S

12 d II - 4.615 1.8S

11 d II - 5.682 '"b29..

14 d II - 4.139 ~
15 d /1 - 4.546 1.83

16 4 II & 1.837 2.89 0.74 2.14

17 4 II - 1.891 3.02 0.735 2.22
l' 4 II - 2.118 3.37 O.735 ""2'844..
19 411 - 1.454 2.32 o. 735 ~
20 411 & 1.54C 2.46 0.735 1.81

4 .
a . axial;
4i~al; Mean Is (50) .L 3.38

i ..
b . block;
1rrecular l~
J. perp8¥1icularJ
II. parallel to plan- of weakness. Ia (50) J..n

Fil. 8. Typicalra\lJu form.

particularly suitable when the rock is anisotropic and the sensitivity of the equipment are adequate. It may be
direction of weaknessplanes must be noted. necessaryto change the load measuring gauge or load
3. Loads of up to SOkN are commonly required for cell, or to test smaller or larger specimensto conform
the larger hard rock specimens.The maximum specimen with the capacity of available equipment or with the
size that can be tested by a given machine is determined accuracy specificationsfor this test.
by the machine's load capacity, and the smallest by the 4. The conical platen design is intended to give
machine's load and distance measuringsensitivity. Tests standardized penetration of softer specimens. When
on specimens smallerthanD - 2Smm require particular testing is confined to hard rocks and small (less than
precautionsto ensurethat the measuringsensitivityis 2 mm) penetrationsthe conical designis unimportant
sufficient.The rangeof required test loads should be provided that the tip radius remainsat the standard
estimatedbefore testing, from approximateassumed Smm. For suchtestingthe platencan be manufactured
strengthvalues,to ensurethat the load capacityand by embeddinga bard steelor tungstencarbideball in a

It is often better to obtain strength values of limited

" D reliability than none at all. For example, rock is often
too broken or slabby to provide specimensof the ideal
sizesand shapes,or may be available in limited quan-
tities such as when the test is used to log the strength of
ii tSO . drill core. In core logging applications, the concept of it
"sample" has little meaning and testsare often conduc-
I ted at an arbitrary depth interval, say one test every 1m
i tOO or 3 m depending on the apparent variability or uni-
formity of strength in the core and on the total length
ui SO c. . 22 I
of core to be strength-logged.
8. As for all strength tests on rocks, point load
strength varies with the water content of the specimens.
0 2 4 . . to t2 t4 The variations are particularly pronounced for water
saturations below 25%. Oven dried specimens,for exam-
I"IOI(~I ple, are usually very much stronger than moist ones.At
FiS. 9. Exampleof correlation betweenpoint load and uniaxial water saturations above 50010the strength is less
compressive strength results. influenced by small changes in water content, so that
testsin this water content rangeare recommendedunless
tests on dry rock are specifically required.
softer metal base of any geometry that will ensure that All specimensin a sampleshould be testedat a similar
only the platen tip is in contact with the rock. and well-defined water content, and one that is appropri-
5. If a quick-retracting ram is usedto reducethe delay ate to the project for which the test data are required.
betweentests,either the ram return spring force and ram Field testing of chisel-<:utsamples,not affected by dril-
friction should together be less than about 5% of the ling fluids, offers a method for testing at the in situ water
smallest load to be measured during testing, or an content. If possible,numerical valuesshould be given for
independent load cell rather than an oil pressuregauge both water content and degreeof saturation at the time
should be used for load determination. Theseforcescan of testing. The ISRM SuggestedMethod for Water
be significant when testing weaker and smaller speci- Content Determination should be employed.Whether or
mens. not water content measurementscan be made, the
6. If significant platen penetration occurs, the dimen- sample storage conditions and delay betweensampling
sion D to be used in calculating point load strength and testing should be reported.
should be the value D' measuredat the instant of failure, 9. Some researchersargue in favour of measuring W
which will be smaller than the initial value suggestedin as the minimum dimension of the failure surface after
paragraphs 8(d), 9(d) and IO(d). The error in assuming testing rather than of the specimenbefore failure (the
D to be its initial value is negligible when the specimen German standard for this test is an example).Point load
is large or strong. The failure value may always be used strengths computed using the two alternative W
as an alternative to the initial value and is preferred if definitions may differ slightly. The minimum specimen
the equipment allows it to be measured(for exampleby dimension alternative has beenadopted in this Suggested
electrical maximum-indicating load and displacement Method mainly because it is quicker and easier to
measurement).When testing specimensthat are smaller measure, particularly in the field when fragments of
than 25 mID, such as rock aggregateparticles,equipment broken specimensare easily lost.
with electrical readout is usually necessaryto obtain the 10. Commonly the shortest dimension of naturalJy
required measuringaccuracy,and should be designedto occurring anisotropic rock lumps is perpendicular to the
record D' at failure. Measurements of Wor D made weaknessplanes.
perpendicular to the line joining the platens are not II. The size correction factor chart (Fig. 7) is derived
affected and are retained at their original values. The from data on cores tested diametrally and axially and
value of De for strength calculation can then be found from tests on blocks and irregular lumps, for rocks of
from: various strengths, and gives an averaged factor. Some
D; D x D' for cores rocks do not conform to this behaviour, and size cor-
rection should therefore be consideredan approximate
2 4 method, although sufficient for most practical rock
D. - -(W x D') for other shapes classification applications. When a large number of tests
are to be run on the same type of rock it may be
7. Becausethis test is intended primarily as a simple advantageousto first perform a seriesof testsat different
and practical one for field classification of rock materi- sizesto obtain a graph of load vs D; as in Fig. 6. If the
als. the requirements relating to sample size, shape, slope of such a log-log graph is determined as "n ", the
numbers of tests etc, can when necessarybe relaxed to size correction factor is then (D./SO)~ where
overcome practical limitations. Such modifications to m - 2(].- n). This can either be calculated directly or a
orocedureshould however be clearly stated in the report. chart constructed.

12.Mean resultsfor small populationsare generally Technical Note. Int. J. Rock Mec/r. Min. Sci. cI G~~ch. Absl'.
19, 241-246 (1982).
better measureswhen the extremevaluesare not in- 12. Guidicini G.. Nieble C. M. and Cornidcs A. T. Analysis of point
cludedin the calculation. load test as a method for preliminary geotechnical classillcation of
rocks. BIIlI. Int. Ass. £JrgrIg~. 7, 37-52 (1973).
13. Haramy K. Y., Morgan T. A. and DeWaele R. E. A method for
estimating coal stmtgths from point load tcsU on irrqular lumps.
USBM, Denver Research Center, Progress Rept 10028, 31pp
14. Hassani F. P., ScobIe M. J. and Whittaker B. N., Application of
I. FrankJinJ. A.. BrochE. and WaltonG. Loaina the mechanical the point load index test to stmtgth of rock:, and proposals for a
character rock. Trans. Instn Min. Metall. .. AI-A9 (1971); and new sizecorrection chart. hoc. 21s1U.S. Symp. on Rock M~chan.
Discussion 81. A43-A.51 (1972). ics, pp. 543-5S6. Rolla, Missouri (1980).
2. BrachE. and FranklinJ. A. The point-loadstrcnatbtest.Int. J. 15. International Society for Rock Mechanics. Suggestedmethod for
RockMec~.Min. Sci. t. 669-697(1972). determininl the point load strength index. ISRM (Lisbon. Por-
3. Bieniawsk.i z. T. The point-1oad test in acotcchnical practice. tUaal), Committee on Field Tests. Document No. I. pp. 8-12
£nrng ~/. t. I-II (197.5). (1972).
4. BoisenB. P. A band portablepoint load testerfor fteld mea- 16. Lajtai E. Z. Tensile stmtath measurement and its anisotropy
surements.Proc. lti u.s. Symp.m Rock Alec}lQ"ks,pp. 1-4. measwai by point-and line-loadinl of sandstone.En",,~. 15,
Keystone, Colorado (1977). 163-171 (1980).
.5. Broch E. Estimation of stragtb anisotropy usina the point load 17. Pe1JsP. J. N. The ux of the point load test in predictina the
test. In/. J. Rock Mec~. Min. Sci. d:.G_ch. ANtr. 10. 181-187 compressive strength of rock materials. AILSI.G_c/r. J. G5,
(1983). 54-56 (1975).
6. Brook N. A method of overcoming both shapeand sizeeffectsin 18. PengS. S. Stressanalysisof cylindrical rock diKS subjectedto axial
point load testing. hoc. COlI[ c.e Rock EIIg~, pp. .53-70. double point-load. Int. J. Rock Mec/r. Min. Sci. cI G_ch. Absl'.
Univ. of Newcastle, England (1977). 13, 97-101 (1976).
7. Brook N. Sia oorrec:tionfor point load testing. TccbnicaJNote. 19. Read J. R. L.. Thornton P. N. and Regan W. M. A rational
In/. J. Rock Mech. Sci. d:. Geomech.ANtr. 17. 231-23.5(1980). approach to the point load test. hoc. xd AILSI.N.Z. Coni on
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