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Mataram, 27 October 2017

Attention to : Mrs, Indah kharisma

Dear madam

In connection with the will be celebrated the day of Youth Pledge will be held the

seminar with the themes ‘’SOUL OF YOUTH’’ which aims to increase interes in learning student.

Throgh this letter I mean to invite the mother,to be able to attend as well as the speaker to

avoke the spirit of learning studend or as a motivator in the seminar activities,that will be held

on :

Day / Date : Saturday, 28 October 2017

Time : 09.00 – finished

Place : Faculty of Civil Engineering

It is my fervent hope that the mother can be attended and give a speech at the seminar

activities.Thus the invitation this I mentioned above the attention of the we say thank you.

Sincerely yours,

Sugeng Zatniko Aedianto

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