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Conference Call on August 12, 2010

Call of Order: Dennis Sandquist called the meeting of the Governing Board of the National Association
of County Planners to order at approximately 3:15 p.m. EST.

Roll Call: The roll call verified the following members in attendance:

Board Members Present: Dennis Sandquist, Robert Hill, Charlie Compton, James Davenport, Judy
Francis, Tim Brown, Keith Cubic, and Joe Scorcio.

Board Members Absent: Royce Manico, Frank Miles, Mike Kays, and Mike Harper

Minutes: Charlie Compton requested that the Report from the NACo Board section of the minutes be
corrected by replacing the word “regions” with “board meetings”. Dennis indicated that Mike Harper’s
last name is also misspelled. Robert moved to approve the minutes as corrected. Charlie seconded the
motion, which passed unanimously.

Finance Report: Dennis Sandquist reported that Mike Harper was not available to attend the meeting
and no report was available. Mike assured Dennis that the NACP Committee finances were in good

Report from NACo Board Representative:

Charlie Compton provided the Governing Board a written and verbal report of the NACO Board of
Directors meeting which was held in Washoe County, Nevada. Charlie indicated that NACO conference
revenues are down; however, the declines are partially off-set by other revenue including memberships
which are $56,000 over budget. However, membership revenue is decrease from past years due
primarily to several large counties either dropping out of NACO or being delinquent in their payment to
NACO. Charlie indicated that he is very impressed with the dedication and thoroughness of NACO’s
Audit Committee. He also reported that Judge Glen Whitley of Tarrant County, Texas, began his year as
NACO President. Charlie indicated that the Affiliates Council Meeting was well attended, particularly by
those within driving distance. Joe Scorcio indicated that NACP board members enjoyed a nice get
together dinner. Joe requested that the minutes thank Mike Harper for organizing the event.

NACO Research Options:

The Governing Board briefly discussed topic that NACO staff could research to help Counties. The two
topics considered included the development of a model wind turbine ordinance for Counties. The
second topic was development of demographic data/information that Counties could use in the
development of population projections. Counties often want to have an aspirational element to
projections and defensible assumptions and findings are always needed in developing and defending
population projections. Board members requested that James investigate what NACo can do to assist
county planners in getting a handle on those trends and how they affect their county and communities.
James offered to draft a two to three paragraph proposal laying out this research idea in more detail.
Website Update:

The Governing Board discussed the NACP website/Facebook with Eric Sopp at the beginning of the
County Planning Division meeting. That discussion concluded with Charlie volunteering to start the
dialog on Facebook in September and Dennis asking that everyone send one item to be posted to the
website during the next quarter. Judy will supply Eric’s email to all members.

Other Business:


Next Meeting Dates and Time:

The Committee agreed to set the next meeting for 1:00 PM EST, Thursday, October 7, 2010. This is one
hour earlier than the normal meeting time.


The meeting was adjourned at approximately 4:00 PM EST.

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