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El Ayuno Intermitente (AI) puede ser tu plan dietético si:

a) Eres de l@s que normalmente no tienes hambre por la mañana y

prácticamente te “obligas” a desayunar.

b) Quieres perder peso graso pero te resulta difícil hacer pequeñas y

frecuentes tomas de comida.

as for my diet, i admit that i'm not too strict with counting calories/macros but I try to
give myself a range of 2-300 variance. On lifting days, I'm usually at about 50p/30f/20c
and non lifting days 50p/20f/30c. I know I keep the protein higher than most, but i just
enjoy eating that way. my typical diet would be my large post work out dinner (at least
13-1400 calories, a huge portion of meat, some veggies and usually a tiny bit of carbs
and then a second "dinner" that is about half the calories and lighter so I don't go to bed
feeling like crap. I typically drink a large protein shake at this time.

I guess you can say that I cycle carbs this way, but it's not significant enough of a
difference to warrant it being a real cycle. I do however have cheat meals (1xweek,
usually sundays) and I'll eat about 3-4,000 calories (way above maintenance) but I've
still lost weight this way. I guess I can cut those out for better results.

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