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Developing a

Strategy 101
What is a strategy?

1. When creating a strategy for frc, you are creating a “master plan” that will guide you
through both the build and competition season
2. You are creating the framework
3. Analyse the game
4. Determine scoring possib;ities
5. Create a strategy that suits team
6. Prioritize potential robot functions
What is the objective of the season

1. Focus primarily on your main objective dont get caught up in the team cool factor
2. As you develop your goals for the season make sure they are attainable
3. Building a championship winning robot
4. Read the rules
5. Reading the rules will prevent future surprises
6. Don't make assumptions
Analyse the ranking system

1. Scoring
2. Ranking points
3. Penalty rules
4. Autonomous and teli op

Golden rule
Always build within limits
Determine scoring possibilities

1. Make sure you evaluate the end game usually has the potential to change the outcome of
a match in a short period of time

Determine defense possibilities

-Evaluate every possible way to stop your opponent

-Don't forget about penalty/foul

Find the most optimal strategy
-How long does an frc match last?

-2:30 minutes

- Analyse scoring percentages

Finalize your strategy

1. Match strategy based on potential alliance partners
2. Scouting team and prep team have important roles for a match

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