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Here are four essential factors to remember when a chess player is

already in a competition by Coach Elo Mariano

1. Time Management: Effective time management is crucial in

chess tournaments. Players must allocate their time wisely for
each move, considering the complexity of the position and the
remaining time on their clock. Avoid spending excessive time
on early moves and ensure enough time is reserved for critical
2. Calculation and Analysis: Accurate calculation and analysis
are vital in chess. Players should carefully evaluate different
move options, anticipate potential consequences, and calculate
variations to make informed decisions. Focus on calculating
accurately and efficiently to avoid blunders and find the best
3. Positional Understanding: Develop a strong positional
understanding of the game. Consider factors like pawn
structure, piece activity, king safety, and control of key
squares. Make strategic plans based on the position's demands,
aiming for favorable piece coordination and long-term
4. Psychological Resilience: Chess tournaments can be mentally
challenging. Players must maintain composure, stay focused,
and handle pressure effectively. Develop psychological
resilience by managing emotions, maintaining confidence, and
adapting to different opponents and game situations.

Remember, these factors are just a starting point, and there are
many more aspects to consider in chess. Continuously improving
and learning from each game and tournament experience will help
players develop their skills and perform better in future

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