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American Journal of Medical Genetics (Neuropsychiatric Genetics) 96:678–683 (2000)

Rapid Publication
Long Forms of the Dopamine Receptor (DRD4)
Gene VNTR Are More Prevalent in Substance
Abusers: No Interaction With Functional Alleles of the
Catechol-O-Methyltransferase (COMT) Gene
David J. Vandenbergh,1,4 Lawrence A. Rodriguez,1,5 Elisabeth Hivert,1 Jocelyn H. Schiller,1
Greg Villareal,1 Elisabeth W. Pugh,2 Herbert Lachman,3 and George R. Uhl1*
Molecular Neurobiology Branch, Intramural Research Program, National Institute on Drug Abuse,
Baltimore, Maryland
Center for Inherited Disease Research, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland
Department of Psychiatry, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, New York
Current address: Department of Biobehavioral Health and Center for Developmental and Health Genetics,
Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania
Current address: Phenogenex, L.L.C., La Jolla, California

Substance abuse is a complex behavior that Keywords: association; drug abuse;

is caused by both environmental and ge- DRD3; functional allele; be-
netic factors. Work to understand the ge- havior genetics
netic factors has focused on genes related to
dopamine activity because of its critical role
in rewarding and reinforcing behaviors.
The DRD3 and other dopamine receptor INTRODUCTION
subtypes are expressed in many areas of the
limbic system, and have been the objects of Family, twin, and adoption studies suggest that vul-
study for their possible roles in several neu- nerability to drug abuse and dependence is based in
ropsychiatric disorders. Interest in variants part on genetic factors [reviewed in Uhl et al., 1995].
of the D4 gene was heightened by reports The complex nature of drug use and abuse also sug-
that some alleles were more frequent in in- gests that this disorder is likely to display genetic ar-
dividuals who score high on Novelty Seek- chitectures similar to those of other complex disorders
ing, an aspect of personality that may be re- heterogeneously influenced by variants at several gene
lated to drug seeking behavior. We now loci, some acting largely independently and some act-
show that the long form of the DRD4 gene is ing chiefly in concert with other genes. Understanding
more frequent in individuals with high the genetic contributions to substance abuse and the
quantity/frequency of drug use compared to interactions between genetic and environmental fac-
controls (␹2 = 5.7, df = 1, P = 0.017, odds ratio tors that lead to the disorder may aid in our ability to
= 1.89, CI = 1.1–3.2). There is no difference in more appropriately target prevention and treatment
DRD3 allele frequencies in these samples, strategies to individuals who have specific genetic risks
and there is no interaction of DRD4 alleles for abusing addictive substances.
with those of the catecholamine-o-methyl- Dopaminergic brain systems, especially mesocortico-
transferase gene (COMT) that we previ- limbic systems, can play prominent roles in drug re-
ously identified to be more frequent in sub- ward [Gardner, 1992]. Polymorphisms in genes that
stance abusers than controls [Vandenbergh, regulate dopaminergic transmission are thus candi-
et al.: 1997: Am. J. Med. Gen. 74:439–442]. Am. dates to contribute to interindividual differences in
J. Med. Genet. (Neuropsychiatr. Genet.) 96: vulnerability for abusing addicting drugs [Koob and
678–683, 2000. Published 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc.† Boom, 1988]. The genes encoding the five subtypes of
dopamine receptors (DRD1–5) are especially attractive
candidates to contribute to heritable variation seen in
these behaviors.
Contract grant sponsor: NIDA, NIH The D4 subtype is of special interest. D4 is a member
*Correspondence to: George R. Uhl, NIDA, National Institute of the D2-like family of Gi/Go protein coupled receptors
of Health, Intramural Research Program, P.O. Box 5180, Balti- that inhibit cyclic AMP formation when activated by
more, MD 21224. E-mail: dopamine. Some of the most interesting DRD4 allelic
Received 9 September 1999; Accepted 16 June 2000 variants change the length of the protein’s third intra-
Published 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc. †
This article is a US
Government work and, as such, is in the public domain in the
United States of America.
DRD4 Alleles in Substance Abusers 679

cellular loop due to the presence of a variable number syndrome [Comings et al., 1993], and schizophrenia
of tandem repeat polymorphism (VNTR) in the third [Ebstein et al., 1997 and references therein], although
exon of the D4 gene. D4 receptors with longer loops can other reports fail to show such associations [Inada et
couple more poorly to G-proteins than those with al., 1995 and references therein]. An increase in brain
shorter loops [Ashgari et al., 1995]. D4 receptors en- D3 receptor concentrations has been found in sub-
coded by the gene’s various alleles could thus relay sig- stance abusers who died from cocaine overdoses [Staley
nals initiated by dopamine in different fashions and and Mash, 1996]. D3 KO mice show hyperactivity [Ac-
provide one avenue for relationships between D4 recep- cili et al., 1996] and also enhanced sensitivity to co-
tor alleles and complex behaviors. The DRD4 subtype caine and amphetamine effects on locomotion [Xu et
also has been of particular interest for other reasons. al., 1997].
Its expression is highest in limbic areas of the brain Because of each of these features, we have studied
that are largely innervated by mesolimbic/mesocortical the frequency of polymorphisms at the DRD4 and D3
dopaminergic neurons, such as the frontal cortex, gene loci in association samples of unrelated polysub-
amygdala, midbrain, and medulla [Van Tol et al., stance abusers and ethnically matched control indi-
1991]. These areas are thought to contribute promi- viduals free from substantial lifetime use of any addic-
nently to several aspects of behavior, temperament, tive substance. These data add to the emerging body of
and personality. DRD4 binds with higher affinity to the information that tentatively identifies roles of dopami-
atypical neuroleptic clozapine. Evidence for D4’s role in nergic variations in vulnerabilities to substance abuse
drug responsiveness also comes from D4 knockout (KO) and related phenotypes.
mice in which the D4 gene has been deleted. These
mice show enhanced locomotor responses to ethanol, METHODS
cocaine, and methamphetamine in comparison with Research Volunteers
their wild-type littermates [Rubenstein et al., 1997].
The DRD3 receptor is another distinct member of the Caucasian research volunteers, 184 substance abus-
D2 dopamine receptor subfamily [Sokoloff et al., 1992]. ers and 122 controls, were recruited from the National
This receptor is expressed in limbic areas such as the Institute on Drug Abuse, Addiction Research Center
ventral striatal, substantia nigra-ventral tegmental Clinic (n ⳱ 260), an adjacent hemodialysis unit (n ⳱
area, and the Islands of Calleja [Diaz, 1995], although 4), and a public health facility studying HIV infection
in a pattern different from the DRD4 gene. A common in Baltimore (n ⳱ 42). Most of these subjects’ DNA had
polymorphism in the DRD3 gene leads a serine for gly- been previously genotyped for COMT (Catechol-o-
cine substitution at its ninth amino acid [Lannfelt et methyltransferase) alleles [Vandenbergh et al., 1997a].
al., 1992], although the ways in this polymorphism al- Subjects gave informed consent, and lifetime histories
ters DRD3 receptor function are currently unknown. of substance use were assessed using the Drug Use
Markers at both of these dopamine receptor genes’ Survey (DUS) [Smith et al., 1992]. A subset of the vol-
loci have been tentatively associated with neuropsychi- unteers also were administered the Diagnostic Inter-
atric disorders and personality traits in which dopa- view Schedule-IIIR (DIS) of the Diagnostic and Statis-
mine has been implicated. Alleles at the D4 locus have tical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM III-R)
been tentatively associated with chronic alcoholism in (American Psychiatric Association, 1987). The DUS as-
some [George et al., 1993], but not all populations sessment consisted of a questionnaire measuring peak
[Chang et al., 1997], with Tourette’s syndrome [Grice et lifetime use on a scale of 0 to 3 for each of 15 classes of
al., 1996], but not with schizophrenia [Daniels et al., addictive substances. No use of a drug was scored as 0,
1994; Sommer et al., 1993]. Long forms of the D4 VNTR experimental or infrequency use as 1, regular or inter-
have been associated with novelty seeking in some mediate use as 2, and heavy frequent use as 3. As an
[Benjamin et al., 1996; Ebstein et al., 1996], but not in example, use patterns for heroin include a score of 1 for
other studies [Vandenbergh et al., 1997b; Malhotra et using ⱕ1 time/week or spending <$30/week; a score of
al., 1996]. A population of Israeli methadone clinic pa- 2 for 2–6 times/week or spending $30–100/week; and a
tients with heroin dependence displays an increased score of 3 for daily use, typically spending >$100/day. A
frequency of the long forms of the DRD4 gene [Kotler et composite score of total use of addictive substances was
al., 1997], but this result has not extended to all studies generated for determining the phenotype used in this
[Gelernter et al., 1997]. The D11S1984 genomic poly- study as described by Smith et al. [1992], which con-
morphism located near the DRD4 gene on distal chro- tains a full description of the DUS. The composite score
mosome 11 was linked to alcohol abuse and dependence of 0 indicated no illicit drug use and minimal use of
in Southwest Indians [Long et al., 1998] but not in alcohol, nicotine, or marijuana, whereas a composite
another COGA sample [Reich et al., 1998]. More recent score of 1 allowed moderate use of alcohol, nicotine, or
data shows that the Indians display significant linkage marijuana and minimal use of other drugs. Volunteers
disequilibrium between D11S1984 and this DRD4 with a composite score of 0 or 1, and no DSMIII-R di-
marker, suggesting to these authors that the DRD4 agnosis of abuse or dependence served as controls for
locus contributes much of the effect [D. Goldman, per- comparison to abusers that received composite scores
sonal communication]. of 3, indicating heavy use of at least one illicit drug,
The D3 gene polymorphism has also shown associa- often with heavy use of alcohol and nicotine. For fur-
tions with alcohol dependence. DSMIII-R (Diagnostic ther description of the DUS and phenotype see Smith
and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) defined et al. [1992]. The controls also were compared with a
cocaine dependence [Freimer et al., 1996], Tourette’s subset of the abusers who had been administered the
680 Vandenbergh et al.

DISIII-R and received a diagnosis of abuse or depen- tic regression was used to test whether DRD4 and
dence. Not all individuals from the initial stages of the COMT were independent predictors of level of drug
study received the DIS due to participation in other use, and whether the DRD4 and COMT alleles dis-
studies at NIDA that did not include the DSM inter- played significant interactions. Sample numbers differ
view. in each analysis because some individuals did not pro-
Substance abuser and control groups were similar in duce genotypes for all three markers tested. Multiple
self-reported ethnicity, but differed modestly in age attempts to successfully amplify each marker were
(33.7 ± 0.6 vs. 28.6 ± 0.8 years old, respectively). In made without success. Two possible reasons for the
secondary analyses, we therefore compare results from lack of success are: the difficulty of amplifying the
drug abuse groups to only those controls ⱖ25 years old DRD4 allele which is approximately 70% G+C content
(n ⳱ 70) rendering the difference in mean age insig- and requires atypical reaction conditions (7-deaza-
nificant (32.7 ± 1.0 years old for older controls, t-test P dGTP in place of part of the standard dGTP), and deg-
⳱ 0.381). radation of the sample DNA (new DNA could not be
collected from these anonymous samples).
D4 Genotyping Genotyping the individuals studied revealed the al-
lele and genotype frequencies for controls shown in
D4 genotypes were determined from DNA extracted
Table I, which are similar to those previously reported
from 306 of the volunteers’ peripheral blood by PCR
in other Caucasian samples [Benjamin et al., 1996; Eb-
amplification as described by Lichter et al. [1993].
stein et al., 1996].
Forty nanograms of genomic DNA served as a template
in a 20 ␮L reaction containing 20 ␮M forward (5⬘-
AGGACCCTCATGGCCTTG-3⬘) primers, 2 mM each
of dATP, dCTP and dTTP, one mM each of dGTP There was a significant excess in the frequency of the
and 7 deaza-dGTP, 10% DMSO, and 1× PCR buffer long alleles (ⱖ6 copies) of DRD4 in individuals with
(Perkin-Elmer). One unit of Taq polymerase (Ampli- high life time use of illegal addictive substance (n ⳱
Taq, Perkin-Elmer) in 1× PCR biffer was added during 184) compared with controls who display no significant
a “hot start” phase at 82°C and the DNA was amplified use (n ⳱ 122) [␹2 ⳱ 6.50, df ⳱ 1, P ⳱ 0.007, Fisher’s
for 40 cycles at 95°C for 20 sec, 54°C for 20 sec, and exact (one-tail), odds ratio ⳱ 1.9, 95% confidence inter-
72°C for 40 sec. The PCR products were separated by val 1.2–3.2] (see Table II). A dichotomous variable ex-
electrophoresis through 4% nondenaturing polyacryl- amining only those individuals with a DUS score of 3
amide gels, and sizes were estimated by comparison (heavy users) to those with a score of 0 or 1 (not/low
with 123 bp marker ladder standards (Gibco-BRL). All users) limited the comparison to the extremes of the
allele sizes were determined independently by two in- population and minimized the chance of misclassifica-
vestigators. In some cases the presence of a heterozy- tion of individuals reporting intermediate drug use
gote band was used to find the presence of an allele of when in fact their use might fall into experimental or
greater than five repeats, since these alleles can am- heavy drug use. The increased frequency of long alleles
plify poorly in the presence of shorter alleles. Long al- in abusers is still significant when compared with the
leles were defined as those with six or more copies of older control (>25 years old) subsample (␹2 ⳱ 7.53, P ⳱
the tandem repeat, and short as those with five or 0.004). The differences seen in allele frequencies in the
fewer copies as described by Benjamin et al. [1996] and complete sample are carried completely by the males (n
Ebstein et al. [1996]. ⳱ 248, ␹2 ⳱ 7.00, P ⳱ 0.006). Female polysubstance
abusers reveal DRD4 genotypes no different from con-
D3 Genotyping trols (␹2 ⳱ 0.00, P ⳱ 1.0). We also compared allelic
frequencies in controls with a subset of drug abusers
D3 genotypes were determined from 280 of the vol- who completed the DIS and achieved a psychiatric di-
unteers by the method of Lannfelt et al. [1992]. Forty agnosis of drug abuse/dependence. A significantly
nanograms of genomic DNA was amplified with for- higher frequency of the long alleles is found in sub-
ward (5⬘-GCTCTATCTCCACATCTCACA-3⬘) and re- stance abusers meeting DSMIII-R criteria for sub-
verse (5⬘-AAGTCTACTCACCTCCAGGTA-3⬘) primers stance abuse or dependence (n ⳱ 38) compared with
in the recommended conditions for AmpliTaq polymer- the controls, who lack any significant drug use (␹2 ⳱
ase (Perkin-Elmer). Polymerase was added after the
reactions reached 94°C and was followed by 35 cycles of
94°C, 40 sec/55°C, 40 sec/72°C, 40 sec. One-half of the TABLE I. DRD4 Allele and Genotype Frequencies in Controls
volume (10 ␮L) was digested with 1 unit of MscI for 3 Alleles Frequency
hours at 37°C in the appropriate buffer (Gibco-BRL). (No. of repeats) n (%) Genotypesa Frequency n (%)
The digested DNA was electrophoresed on a 5% poly- 1 25 (10.2) 4,4 65 (53.3)
acrylamide gels. The Al allele generated a 304 bp band 3 7 (2.9) 4,7 18 (14.7)
and the A2 206 and 98 bp bands. 4 172 (70.5) 4,R 24 (19.7)
Statistical analyses used SPSS and BMDP software 5 4 (1.6) 7,7 5 (4.1)
packages. Bivariate analysis was performed to assess 6 2 (0.8) 7,R 4 (3.3)
whether DRD4, DRD3, or COMT genotypes in these 7 32 (13.1) R,R 6 (4.9)
10 2 (0.8)
same individuals were associated with level of drug use
in males, females, and the combined population. Logis- a
Rare alleles (not 4 or 7) were combined and are listed as R in the table.
DRD4 Alleles in Substance Abusers 681

TABLE II. DRD4 Allele Frequencies in Controls and TABLE IV. Logistic Regression Terms for D4 and COMT
Drug Users
Variable Coeff Std Err Odds ratio 95% conf. int.
Total groupsa Controls Older Controls Users
DRD4 0.61 0.26 1.84 1.10–3.09
Short rep homozygotes 92 (75%) 55 (80%) 113 (61%) COMT 0.67 0.29 1.95 1.11–3.42
Long rep presence 30 (25%) 14 (20%) 71 (39%) constant 0.06 0.15 1.06 0.78–1.44
Short rep homozygotes 70 (75%) 39 (81%) 91 (59%)
Long rep presence 23 (25%) 19 (19%) 64 (41%)
that encode D2-family dopamine receptors and drug
abuse behaviors. The finding that alleles of the D4 gene
Females are associated with drug abuse vulnerability is of in-
Short rep homozygotes 22 (76%) 16 (76%) 22 (76%)
Long rep presence 7 (24%) 5 (24%) 7 (24%)
terest for two reasons. First, these alleles may alter the
ability of the receptor to couple dopamine binding to
␹ ⳱ 6.5, DF ⳱ 1, P ⳱ 0.012.
a 2
intracellular second messenger systems. This relation-
␹ ⳱ 7.0, DF ⳱ 1, P ⳱ 0.007.
b 2

␹ ⳱ 0, DF ⳱ 1, P ⳱ 1.
c 2 ships suggests one path for further studies to examine
the effects at a biochemical level. Second, these alleles
are not rare. One might expect that for a complex dis-
5.67, df ⳱ 1, P ⳱ 0.02). Most, but not all, individuals order with multiple genes exerting small effects, many
were genotyped at this locus owing to the difficulty of of the “disease” alleles at each gene might be relatively
PCR amplification of the DRD4 VNTR, which is G+C common. A significant proportion of the control popu-
rich. The DRD3 allele and genotype frequencies did not lation carries long alleles but does not express sub-
differ between controls and users. These data are stance abuse. These individuals may be protected from
shown in Table III. drug abuse for many reasons, both genetic and envi-
We previously reported that subjects with increased ronmental.
illicit drug use had an increased frequency of an allele Although the difference in D4 allele frequencies in
of COMT gene that encodes as enzyme with relatively this study was limited to males, the female sample size
high activity [Vandenbergh et al., 1997a]. We sought (n ⳱ 58) was too small to draw any definitive conclu-
possible interactive effects of the DRD4 and COMT loci sions. We are unaware of data suggesting a sex-linked
by logistic regression. Both loci have significant main difference in expression or function of DRD4. It is in-
effects in the model suggesting independent effects for teresting to note, however, that recent reports of an
the loci (shown in Table IV). However, we were not able excess of the seven-repeat allele in Israeli opiate abus-
to find evidence of an interaction between DRD4 and ers studied a male population [Kotler et al., 1997].
COMT in these data. When the interaction term was There were no differences in D3 receptor alleles in
forced into the model it was not significant (P ⳱ 0.48). our two groups, which suggests that there is no large
The model with the interaction term included did not effect of the serine to glycine variation encoded by
fit significantly better than the term with only the two these alleles on substance abuse vulnerability. We can-
loci (Chi-square ⳱ 0.67, P ⳱ 0.41). The interaction not exclude the possibility that additional variants
term was not significant when using either all controls within the D3 gene, or nearby genes, that are not in
or only the older controls. DRD4 and COMT alleles linkage disequilibrium with the alleles used herein
were thus largely independent predictors of polysub- may contribute to substance abuse vulnerability.
stance use. The results of this analysis are shown in In a recent report [Vandenbergh et al., 1997a], we
Table IV. Logistic regression for DRD3 with DRD4 and demonstrated that many of the same volunteers de-
COMT also showed no significant effect for DRD3 and scribed here possessed higher frequencies of the COMT
no significant interactions (not shown). variant that encodes a high activity form of this dopa-
mine degrading enzyme. Tests for the genetic interac-
tion between the D4 and COMT loci, however, provide
DISCUSSION no evidence that DRD4 and COMT are not indepen-
dent predictors of level of drug use. Conceivably, vari-
Virtually all addicting drugs stimulate dopamine re- ants at these gene loci could function in different neu-
lease in mesolimbic-mesocortical brain pathways, pro- roanatomical regions, or alter different aspects of the
viding a convergent pathway for the action of abused phenotype that are not revealed by our methods of
drug classes that initially work at quite different re- characterizing the drug abuse phenotypes of the indi-
ceptor or transporter sites. The current work asks viduals studied here.
whether associations exist between alleles of two genes The positive results described here must be consid-
ered in light of issues raised in any genetic association
study of unrelated individuals and issues relevant spe-
TABLE III. DRD3 MscI Allele and Genotype Frequencies in
Controls and Drug Users cifically to substance abuse. Our primary phenotypic
characterization is likely to suffer from the limitations
Allelea Cont User Genotypeb Cont User of self-report accuracy in this population, although we
A1 absent 18 11 A1/A1 63 61 have achieved good concordance between quantity fre-
A1 present 130 121 A1/A2 67 60 quency and DSMIII-R diagnosis of abuse or depen-
A2/A2 18 11 dence (␬ ⳱ 0.68, 91% agreement) [Smith et al., 1992].
␹ ⳱ 1.1, DF ⳱ 1, P ⳱ 0.29
a 2 Our sample was selected based on research volunteer
␹ ⳱ 1.2, DF ⳱ 2, P ⳱ 0.55
b 2
self-reports of Caucasian ancestry. Both abuser and
682 Vandenbergh et al.

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