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4) SUBJECT: The subject or the heading for todays meditation is (BAD COMPANY CORRUPTS GOOD


5) According to (ECC 4:9-12)

 Everybody needs a friend. Eak se bhale do. 2 is better than 1.

 Every needs to love or to be loved.
 We all need someone who will double our joy and divide our sorrows.
 We all need someone who will understand or silence.
 We all need someone who will come in when the whole world moves out.
(Basically) We all need a friend.
 (Saying) There is a very old saying “No man is an island”
Man is a social animal and he cannot live a lonely separate isolated life. He needs a friend or
a companion.
 (BUT) The friend or the companion should be the right kind of a person. We cannot any
Tom and Harry as friend and company because (1Cor 15:33) says “Do not be misled. Bad
company corrupts good character.”

6) Today I will quickly run through 3 things that will happen if we associate ourselves with bad
1. We will suffer/harm ourselves: (Story of parrot Polly)
 There was a farmer who sowed the seeds in his field and was eagerly waiting for it to grow.
 One fine day when he got up in the morning he peeped through the window. He saw a
bunch of crows eating the seeds, destroying it and having nice time in the fields.
 The farmer was furious.
 In a of range he took his air gun and fired few shots towards the crow.
 Hearing the gun shots all the crows flew away except one bird which got hit by the rubber
 The farmer went near and was surprised to see that it was his pet parrot Polly.
When the parrot saw the bunch of crows having nice time in the field enjoying, she
could not resist herself so she open the cage and flew out of the house to join them and
now its wings were
 The farmer picked up the wounded bird and said this is what it happens when u have bad
 You have to suffer.
 I have seen many young friends crying Anna I have not done anything wrong.
 It is not my mistake.
 I was only with them because of which I am suffering today.
 There is no way out.
(Prov 13:20) give a similar statement “He who walks with the wise grows wise but a
companion of fools suffers harm”
 If nothing else bad friends will get you in trouble.
 If you don’t want to get into trouble don’t run with trouble makers.
2. Our Reputation will be at :
 If we associate ourselves with bad friends or companions our reputation will get spoiled or it
will be at .
 (Gorge Washington) says that “If you care for your reputation, associate with good quality
men for it is better to be alone than to be in bad company.
 It is very meaningful statement at least I have realised this in my life.

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