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(a) Also Dermatitis.

(b) It is a group of Skin diseases that results in inflammation of Skin & Atopic
Dermatitis, Allergic Contact Dermatitis, irritant contact dermatitis and Stasis

(c) It is Characterized by Itchiness, Red skin & Rash.

(d) In cases of short duration, there may be small blisters, while in long-term
cases skin may become thickened.

(e) Area of skin involved can vary from small to Entire body.

(e) Exact cause of dermatitis is often unclear & Cases may involve a combination
of irritation, allergy and poor venous return.

(f) Type of dermatitis is generally determined by the person's history and

location of rash example, Irritant dermatitis occurs on hands of people who
frequently get them wet & Allergic contact dermatitis occurs upon exposure to
an allergen, causing a hypersensitivity reaction in the skin.

(g) Contact dermatitis is typically treated by avoiding the allergen or irritant.

Antihistamines may help with sleep and to decrease nighttime scratching.

(h) Contact dermatitis is twice as common in females than males.

Allergic contact dermatitis (ACD)

(a) It is manifestation of an allergic Type 4 Hypersensitivity Reaction caused by
contact with Allergens.

(b) rash usually develops within minutes to hours of exposure and can last two
to four weeks.

(b) It is Un-Contagious.
(a) Like

(ii) Plants

(ii) Perfume

(i) Bacitracin – Topical antibiotic.

(ii) Chromium – used in tanning of leather/cement/cosmetic.

(iii) Cobalt Chloride – in medical Products; hair dye; antiperspirant;

(iv) Formaldehyde – in paper products, paints, medications,cosmetic products.

(v) Gold (gold sodium thiosulfate) –

(vi) Neomycin

(b) Less common than ICD.




Dry, Cracked, Scaly Skin

Bumps and Blisters, sometimes with oozing and crusting

Swelling, burning or tenderness

(1) First sign Rash/Skin Lesion at site of Exposure.

(2) Itching, Inflammation.

If left untreated, the skin may darken and become leathery and cracked.

(3) Symptoms may persist for as long as one month b4 resolving completely.
Once developed skin reaction to certain substance it is most likely that they will
have it for rest of their life & symptoms will reappear when in contact with
(b) Depending on Type of Allergen causing it, Rash can ooze, drain or crust and it
can become raw, scaled or thickened.

(c) Also, it is possible that Skin lesion does not take form of rash but it may
include papules, blisters, vesicles or even simple red area.

(d) Allergic dermatitis rash is more likely to be more widespread on skin &
usually appears after a day or two after exposure to allergen.


(a) Based on History, Physcial Examination & Most accurately "Patch Test".


(a) Prevention from causitive Allergen Exposer, wash hand , wear glove/Mask,
use moistirisure.

(b) Corticosteroid Creams carefully according to prescribed directions b/c

overused over longer time cause thinning of skin.

(c) Severe cases treated with systemic Corticosteroid OR Tacrolimus

ointment+Corticosteroid Creams.

(d) Oral Antihistamines like Diphenhydramine or Hydroxyzine may be used in

more severe cases to relieve intense itching.

(e) Topical antihistamines are not advised as there might be a second skin
reaction (treatment associated contact dermatitis) from the lotion itself.

(e) Cool Compresses to skin.

(d) Discomfort may be relieved by wearing smooth-textured cotton clothing to

avoid frictional skin irritation or by avoiding soaps with perfumes and dyes.
(thrush, moniliasis) is a local white, membranous lesion caused by
Candida albicans. It occurs most commonly in debilitated infants and children, immunocompromised patients, and individuals
with diabetes.

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