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#1 Trick 1089

Tell to the spectator to write down a three-digit number, where the first and last digits are different.
Reverse the order of the digits. Subtract the smaller number from the larger. Remember the result as
“number A”. For example 572-275=297 Reverse the order of the digits of “number A”. Sum both
numbers (number A + the reversed number): 297+792=1089

The end result will be always “1089” (the number of your pocket calendar)!

Bonus trick

The spectator should multiply the result (”number A” from the trick above) by any number that he
wish and to strike out any one of the digits in the answer (except a zero). Now he have to add the
remaining digits and tell you the sum. You will now tell the spectator the digit that he or she struck
out. Just do this:

1) If the sum is 9, then your friend struck out a 9.

2) If the sum is less than 9, subtract the sum from 9 and that is the digit struck.

3) If the sum is more than 9, then add the digits of the sum together. If the sum is still greater than 9,
keep adding the digits together, until you get a single digit. Then subtract from 9 to get the digit struck

#2 “Circle & Triangle” force

Get your spectator to think of a simple geometric figure. Casually note that the trick is rather boring if
he picks a square, because "Everyone picks a square!". Then ask him to imagine another figure
surrounding the first one, while gesturing in a circular motion using both hands (stress the word
around). Explain that they picked those figures under your influence. To prove it turn the Mystery
Calendar over – in the symbol of Sun on the upper right corner is a triangle surrounded by a circle! If
the spectator notes that his figure was something else, answer "Interesting. And now I do know how
your mind works!" and continue with one of the sure-fire effects on the Mystery Calendar.

#3 Birthday card force

Explain to the audience that each person has a lucky card which depends on their date of birth. They
can check which their lucky card in life is on this pocket calendar. It is pictured on the pocket calendar,
next to their date of birth. Tell them to look at the date in the corresponding month – for January,
March, May….. on the month presented with dates in the upper part of the pocket calendar, and for
February, April, June… check the date in the month at the bottom of the pocket calendar.

Do bear in mind something important – you have to know in advance if the date is an even or an odd
number. You can find it out while guessing their date of birth (see how in #10) or just ask them if they
were born on even or odd numbers because the destiny of these people is different and respectively
their card of life is different too. If a person was born on an even number allow them to find their card

on the side of the pocket calendar on which there is the symbol of the Sun in the right upper part but
if they were born on an odd number – they have to check the side with of symbols of the star signs.

Thus no matter on which date the spectator was born the possible cards of life to be chosen are only
three – eight of diamonds, Jack of clubs or Queen of hearts!

It would be good before you allow the spectator to see their card of life, you to be the first one to have
found it discovering the date of birth in advance (see how in #10). Thus you would be able to force
them the same card (see how in #8) and then they will be surprised to find out that exactly the card
they have chosen happens to be their card of life!

After you have found out which is the card of life of the spectator before them, you can surprise them
in other ways:

- If you find out that it is Queen of hearts – tell the person that you keep your favourite card in
your wallet (put in the wallet Queen of hearts in advance) and place it on the table but still do
not show it. Give the pocket calendar to the spectator to find out which their card of life is and
ask them which it is. After the spectator answers that it is Queen of hearts you tell the person:
“Well, strange… there are too many options and your card of life exactly coincides with my
favourite card!” and turn up the card you have taken out of your wallet!
- If you find out that the favourite card of the spectator is Jack of clubs – tell them to check up
in the pocket calendar which their personal card of life is and to see which of the five cards at
the bottom of the pocket calendar is the only one pointed out by an arrow above it! Coincidence
or Fate!?
- If you find out that the card is eight of diamonds – tell the spectator to check which their card
of life is and then to have a look at the logo of your “Mystery Card”, if you have one, because
you feel a strange attraction. Take out your “Mystery Card” and the spectator will see that the
logo resembles eight of diamonds! If you do not have a “Mystery Card” then you can force
eight of diamonds as described in #8 before giving the pocket calendar to the spectator to find
out which their personal card of life is and then the spectator will be surprised that they

#4 Card calendar trick 1: Centrifugal diary (Peter Duffie)

Before the beginning of the trick you have to get ready a deck of playing cards in the following way.
Take out all cards – pictures (Jacks, Queens and Kings – 12 in number). Divide the rest of the cards in
two piles of 20 cards, each of the piles consisting of 10 red and 10 black cards. Mix the cards in piles
and then arrange them back into the deck first placing the pile of 10 red and 10 black cards then place
the 12 picture-card pile on them and the rest 20 cards on top. You are ready for the trick which is like

Take out the cards of the box and if you like make a fake shuffle or a false cut but do not change the
order of the cards. Place the deck on the table face down and tell the spectator to cut approximately
down the middle. After the spectator cuts and splits the deck into approximately two equal halves tell
them to choose one of them. Take the chosen half shuffle the cards and give them back to the spectator.
Tell the person to set aside and count out the picture cards and explain that the number of the picture

cards will represent a certain month. If, for example, the cards are 4, the month is April, if they are 5
– May and so on.

Then tell the spectator to choose from the rest of the cards in their hand the red ones or the black ones,
to set aside and count them. Whatever colour they choose, the cards will be 10 (since you have arranged
them in advance). Explain to the spectator that the number of the cards represents the date of the month.
It will be the 10th. Thus we get a special date – for example, the 10th of April (the day is always the
10th and the month does not really matter, because of the so adapted calendar).

When you find out the date, tell the spectator to see which card stands on it in the pocket calendar (on
the side where there are 5 bigger cards below). The spectator will find out that it is Jack of clubs. Then
tell the person to see which the only card of the five below is, the card pointed out by an arrow. And
namely it is Jack of clubs!

#5 Card calendar trick 2: The flexible diary (Robin Robertson & Peter Duffie)

You can use this trick to predict the card Queen of hearts which is placed in your wallet in advance
(and could be used also in #3 and #6).

Before the beginning of the trick you have to take a deck of cards and prepare it in the following way.
Place the following eight cards face up (the colour does not matter) one on top of the other – two, on
top of it four, then seven, nine, three, five, eight and ten. Then turn the whole pile face down and place
it on the deck lying on the table with the rest of the cards (face down).

When you begin playing the trick, you can show that the cards are mixed and even shuffled them again
but be careful not to mix the eight cards on the top – they have to remain there in the same order. Place
the deck on the table (face down) and tell the spectator to split approximately one third of it, to turn
the split cards face up and put them back on the deck. Now the spectator should split the cards again
but this time approximately the half of the deck, to turn again the split cards turn upside down and put
them back on the deck. Thus now on the top of the deck there is a certain number of cards face up.
Start spreading the deck gently in your hands to see together with the spectator where the face up cards
reach to, put them aside and explain that from the rest of the cards which are already face down, you
will count eight cards on the table (it was a way to force the top cards prepared in advance). Place the
eight cards on the table in the following way – one face down, the second face up on it and continue
till there are four piles with two cards on the table – one face down and the other face up.

Explain to the spectator that you are going to sum up the values of the face up cards but to be much
more interesting and intricate for you, ask the spectator to point out which two piles of cards to turn
upside down and this way you will see and sum up currently their lower cards. After the spectator
chooses which two-card piles to turn upside down sum up the value of all the face up cards. The sum
will always be 24! Explain to the spectator that this number represents a day of the month and the sum
of its two digits (2+4=6) tells which the month is – 6th month, that is June, i.e. the chosen date is the
24th of June (it will always be like that!).

Once you have defined the date, give the pocket calendar to the spectator (the side with the five big
cards below face up) and ask the person to see which card corresponds to this date. It is Queen of hearts

– the card you keep in your wallet (or if you do not want to keep it in the wallet, before the trick force
it to the person by the method described in #8)!

#6 Card calendar trick 3: Freedom diary (Peter Duffie& Also Colombini)

Prepare the deck in the following way. Place the following card face up on the table – Ace, on top of
it two, three and four. Put other four cards on them which value is +2, t.e. – three, four, five and six.
Continue in the same way and now put on them five, six, seven and eight. Continue with seven, eight,
nine, and ten and in the end nine, ten, Jack, Queen. Now turn this pile of the arranged cards and place
them on top of the rest in the deck which is on the table face down.

Take out the cards of the box and make a false shuffle or a false cut but do not change the order of the
cards. Count out or allow the spectator to count out four (of the upper) cards in the deck on the table
and arrange them next to one another. To count out one more card on top of them and one more and
one more till there are four piles of five cards on the table.

Explain to the spectator that you are going to move the upper card from one of the piles placing it at
the bottom. From another pile you are going to move one by one two of the upper cards at the bottom.
From the next you will move three of the cards putting them at the bottom and from the fourth you
will move four cards. Ask the spectator which the first of the four piles should be the one from which
to move one card from top to bottom and do it. Then ask the person from which of the rest three piles
you have to move two cards one by one from top to bottom and do it. Then ask the person to choose
the next pile from which to move three cards from top to bottom one by one from top to bottom and
in the end from the fourth pile move one by one four cards from top to bottom.

Turn up the top cards of the four piles and explain that you are going to sum up their sum total
(according to their face value – the number cards correspond to their value, the Jack is 11 and the
Queen is 12). To be even more intricate for you let the spectator decide which two piles they will turn
upside down for you to sum up the bottom card instead of the top one. After the spectator points out
the piles, turn them. Now together with the spectator sum up the total sum of all face up cards. It will
always be 26! Explain to the spectator that this number represents a day of the month and the sum of
its two digits (2+6=8) tells which the month is – 8th month, which is August, i.e. the chosen date is the
26th of August (it will always be like that!).

Once you have defined the date, give the pocket calendar to the spectator (the side with the five big
cards below face up) and ask the person to see which card corresponds to this date. It is Queen of hearts
– the card you keep in your wallet (or if you do not want to keep it in the wallet, before the trick force
it to the person by the method described in #8)!

#7 “JC force” prediction symbol

With this symbol you can force the Jack of Clubs. See how in #8.

#8 Card force – 8D, JC, QH

You can use the five cards printed on the back of the Mystery Calendar to force any one of the 3 cards
in the middle.

Forcing the Jack of Clubs: Just ask the spectator to check which one of the cards on the back has a
arrow pointing towards it.

Forcing the 8 of Diamonds or the Queen of Hearts: Ask the spectator to put his finger on any of the
five cards on the back of the card. People will generally tend to pick the 8 or the Queen. If the card
doesn't match, continue with further randomising the selection.

Further randomising the selection:

For this method you will insturct the spectator to do a few freely chosen movements until he lands on
the needed card. This works every time.

1. You will need the index of every card - AS is One, 8D is Two, JS is Three, QH is Four and 10H is
Five. You will only care whether or not the index is an odd or an even number.

2. You will need to insturct the spectator on how the movements work:

- Four movements to the leflt for example would mean the spectator will have to move his finger four
times to the left

* If the spectator needs to move four times to the right, but there are not more cards left to the right of
the current one - he is to reverse the direction for the rest of the movements. e.g. if the spectator starts
at the queen of diamonds and needs to move four times to the right the movement will end at 8 of

- Two movements to the right would mean he would need to move two times to the right
- Any four movements means that the spectator could move his finger in any direction four times in a

To force the card first note the position of the spectator's finger in the beginning.
If the card is odd - instruct the spectator to freely move his finger an odd number of times in any
direction (1, 3 or even 5 depending on the situation). This will leave the spectator on an even card
(which is your final goal).

When the spectator has his finger on any even card - tell the spectator to move an even number of
moves (2, 4 or 6) in any direction. That will leave the spectator on an even card every time. You may
repeat this step.

To force the 8D tell the spectator (when his finger is on an even card!!) to move two times to the left.

To force the QH tell the spectator (when his finger is on an even card!!) to move two times to the right.

This process seem hard & convoluted and strange on paper, but try it out a few times and you will see
for yourself how easy and fooling the whole thing is!

#9 Zodiac hint

After you have found out the date of birth of the spectator (see how in #10) then before you reveal the
date to them it will be very nice first to “guess” their Zodiac sign. It can be easy and according to the

arrangement of the zodiac symbols you can easily check the sign of the spectator. Each symbol of a
zodiac sign is placed above the name of the month in which it begins and the number in front of the
symbol shows the date on which the period of the respective zodiac sign begins.

Look at the presented scheme: Aquarius begins on 21.01 and continues to the beginning of the next
zodiac sign which is Pisces and starts on 20.02. Then Pisces continues to the beginning of Aries which
starts on 21.03 and so on. Try a couple of times with different dates and you will see how easily and
quickly you can find a Zodiac sign. For example: for 17.04 we can see that the symbol of Taurus is
above April but from the number in front of the symbol we find out that Taurus begins on 21st so the
date 17.04 is in the previous zodiac sign which is Aries.

Have in mind that according to different sources the periods of some of the zodiac signs can vary in 1-
2 days so with dates at the borders if the spectator tell you that they are the other zodiac sign you can
explain that according to various ancient interpretations they can be in this sign and varying of a day
or two can be possible and the character of the spectator has characteristic features of the two zodiac

#10 Birthday revelation

By this zone of the pocket calendar you can reveal the birth date of the spectator. Here you can find
four groups of numbers and a symbol of an element above them. The numbers are important to you
and the elements are to disguise the method.

Tell the spectator that human destiny is to a large extent determined by their date of birth and depends
on the four basic elements in nature – water, fire, air and earth. Suggest to the spectator to reveal some
qualities in their character and fate predestined by their date of birth. For the purpose you have to see
which element influence their aura and fate.

Tell the spectator than besides the number of the date on which they were born also the number of the
month will be necessary – i.e. January is 1, February – 2, March – 3 and so on. Let the spectator look
at the group of numbers under the first element – Water and tell you if the number of the date of birth
and the number of the month are there. For example, if the spectator was born on 25th of November
they will tell you that they can see only the month (the number 11). Answer them that the nature
element Water only partly presents in their fate which means that the changes in their life are
comparatively moderate but being constant is not enough (exemplary remarks for the explanation of
the elements you can find below). In this case these interpretations of the nature elements are not
important to you they are only to disguise the method which will help you to discover the date of birth.
For you only the upper left digit (the first digit) in each group is important. Each time when the
spectator tells you that their day or the month are present in a given group you have to remember its
first digit and add it up to the rest of the groups about which the spectator tells you that they contain
the day or the month and you have to sum them up separately for day and month.

In the example for the date 25.11, in which the spectator has told you that the group of number under
the element of Water contains only the month in which the spectator was born you have to remember
for the Month sum the digit 1 and since the date of birth is not present in the numbers of this group,
then the Day sum stays 0.

Then go to the next element and tell them to look at the group of numbers for the element Fire. Here
the spectator answers you that neither the day nor the month is present. For you this means that the
Day sum continues to be 0 and for the Month sum is 1. Tell the spectator that if the date is not present
in the element of Fire, the person is calm and strong emotions and twists of fate are not expected.

Go to the next element – Air. Here for the example we use the spectator will answer you that it contains
both the day and the month. That leads to sum of 2 for the day and sum of 3 for the month. Say some
of the exemplary remarks below what the presence of the day and the month in this element means.

The last element – Earth is to be view. Here the spectator tells you that it contains both the day and the
month. Say some exemplary remarks about the meaning and the sums are respectively 10 for the day
and 11 for the month.

Remember – in the final sum the month always corresponds to the resulting number and for the day it
is either the resulting sum or the sum plus 15. In the discussed example the resulting sum 11 for the
month means that it is November, and sum 10 for the day means that the spectator was born either on
10th or on the 25th. You can easily find out which the exact date is by explaining to the spectator that
people born on even and on odd dates are different. For example - those born on even numbers are
more even-tempered and calm and those born on on odd dates are more decisive and outgoing. Ask
the person if they were born on even or odd date!? In the example, we are discussing, the spectator
will answer that their birth date is an odd number. That immediately shows you that the spectator was
born on the 25th of November!

If you get the sum 0 for Day (i.e. the spectator cannot find the number of the date of birth in either of
the groups), then it means that the person was born on 31st .

Exemplary remarks with the meanings of the nature elements which are or are not present in the date
of birth:

- Water: the presence of water can mean changes, development and consistency in the actions;
- Fire: the presence of fire can be interpreted as great emotions, twists and dynamics;
- Air: the presence may show travelling and turbulent life;
- Earth: the presence may be interpreted as sedentary way of life, less dynamics and a person
who does not like changes and looks for persistence.

On the basis of these possible meanings (which seem logical with respect of the symbolics of the
elements), you can give short interpretations depending on the presence both of the date and month in
the group (i.e. the element has a strong influence), only the date or the month (the influence of the
element is weaker) or neither the date nor the month is present in the group (the element does not have
any influence and we say just the opposite meanings of the element in our interpretation).


With the Mystery Calendar you can do three of the tricks from the DVD Perpetual Calendar by Aldo
Colombini: Centrifugal diary (Peter Duffie), The flexible diary (Robin Robertson & Peter Duffie) and
Freedom diary (Peter Duffie & Also Colombini). Many thanks to Peter Duffie for his permission to
include these tricks in the Mystery Calendar!

Thanks to Plamen Dimitrov and Gogo Requiem for their help.

Thank you for purchasing the Mystery Calendar!

You can check out also for the Mystery Card and other products of the Mystery Wallet series.

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